Thrush poetry journal submissions. He lives in Detroit and can be found at schadenfreudeanslip.
Thrush poetry journal submissions His work has appeared in The Rumpus, Frontier Poetry, RHINO, Cosmonauts Avenue, The Indianapolis Review, Dreginald, and elsewhere. She writes and teach in my hometown of Atlanta. You can find their work at poets. Our passion is poetry. He teaches philosophy at Lafayette Matthew Gellman's poems are featured in Word Riot, DIALOGIST, H. His poems appear most recently in $ Poetry is Currency, Alaska Quarterly Review, Copper Nickel, Smartish Pace, The Southern Review, and elsewhere. So I just heard back from a journal (Thrush) after my first attempt at submitting poetry. He is the author of two novels, On Coventry and We, The Wanted. Shake it. Recently, she was a finalist for the 2014 Better Prize in Poetry from Better Magazine. (preferred methods) Email attachment submissions can be sent as: . loisroma-deeley. She speaks three languages, and lives in Boston. Thrush Poetry Journal is a bimonthly publication of THRUSH Press is a component of THRUSH Poetry Journal. Return to September 2022 Edition THRUSH responds to ALL submissions within two to three days—and we never have and never will charge a reading fee. The day obscures meteorites. Her poetry collection ATRIUM was awarded the 2013 Arab American Book Award in Poetry, while her latest collection, HIJRA, was selected as a winner of the 2015 Crab Orchard Series in Poetry and published by May 2017 ISSN 2164-7933 Sonnet after Analytical Drawings after Photographs of Gret Palucca Jake Bauer Poetry Journal is presently accepting submissions of original, previously unpublished poetry. com July 2024 ISSN 2164-7933 Intaglio Mike Bagwell Then Gone Clara Carl Action Adam Deutsch The Heron Anna Girgenti Blessedness is Ours —after Mahmoud Darwish Up from bed and into news of last night’s chaos arriving through the loop of rootless Owen McLeod is author of the poetry collections Before After, forthcoming from Saturnalia Books, and Dream Kitchen, winner of the Vassar Miller Prize in Poetry. Radon welcomes short story and poetry submissions containing elements of anarchism, transhumanism, dystopia, and/or science fiction. Return to July 2021 Edition SWIMM is open for submissions year-round. Her poems have appeared in Barn Owl Review, Salamander, Yemassee, The Greensboro Review, Zone 3, and Harpur Palate, among others. Thistle So many people visit the abandoned city. Find her work in RHINO, Whale Road Review, Thrush, Comstock Review and elsewhere. Please support us during our THRUSH POETRY JOURNAL 2021 ANNUAL FUNDRAISE THRUSH responds to ALL submissions All submissions (art, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, translation and cross-genre) should be submitted via SUBMITTABLE. Thrush is an online lit mag that publishes six issues a year. She has work forthcoming from Nimrod, Fugue, and Arkansas International. Her English poetry has received a Pushcart Prize and has appeared in Black Warrior Review, The Cincinnati Review, Prairie Schooner, Rattle, and other journals and anthologies. We will present a select Tier 1 from Duotrope with most submissions reported: Using Duotrope's statistics, these journals have the most submissions reported to them within a twelve month period. com ) and when not busy chasing her 3-year-old around Philly, she writes a blog about motherhood ( https SUBMISSIONS MASTHEAD May 2023 ISSN 2164-7933. Adam D. Return to November 2022 Edition SUBMISSIONS MASTHEAD Jeff Whitney A His poems can be found or found soon in Adroit, Bennington Review, Kenyon Review, Missouri Review, Pleiades, Poetry Northwest, and Sixth Finch. She’s Associate Editor of the poetry journal Presence. 2024. A Kundiman fellow, her poems appear in Guernica, Lit Hub, The Adroit Journal, and elsewhere. She holds an MFA from Bennington College. Keep up the submissions! A: THRUSH Poetry Journal is solely focused on the poets and the poems we present in each issue. Triin Paja is the author of three collections of poetry in Estonian. Note: wait 6 months between submissions Our taste is eclectic. Acceptance Rate (Chill Subs): 0. If the mist can settle why can’t I. He is the recipient of an Academy of American Poets prize and a scholarship from the New York State Summer Writer's Institute. We are publishers of select poetry chapbooks, handcrafted Broadsides, THRUSH Poetry Journal’s annual ‘best of’ anthology and other poetry ephemera that may interest us. Weeks is an undergraduate student at Salisbury University, the social media manager for The Shore and a poetry reader for Quarterly West. The November 2024 Issue of Thrush Poetry Journal will be our last. Established and new poets are encouraged to submit. O. Song The Gods Her poetry and fiction have been published or are forthcoming in SmokeLong Quarterly, PANK, The Journal, The Offing, The Cincinnati Review, and elsewhere. Sweeney Michael Marberry's poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Believer, The New Republic, DIAGRAM, Waxwing, and elsewhere and in anthologies like The Pushcart Prize Anthology and Best of the Net. March 2024 ISSN 2164-7933 [a woman who is part-mother tells me, if you had gotten pregnant] Mackenzie Kozak Marcescence Natalie Martell Genevieve Kaplan is the author of In the ice house (Red Hen Press), winner of the A Room of Her Own Foundation's poetry publication prize, and three chapbooks: Travelogue (Dancing Girl Press), In an aviary (Grey Book Press), and settings for these scenes (Convulsive Editions). Some of the themed calls are: paranoia; short (b)reads; seaside gothic; fairy tales; sleeping beauty; food; underappreciated or overlooked writers; Queer tales of untold adventure; witch craft; speculative mysteries; carnival of horror; SUBMISSIONS AWARDS MASTHEAD Grace Q. The literary journal accepts submissions year-round. We will present a select number of poems per edition. A. We are interested in chaps, books, literary awards, etc. com Return to July 2018 Edition Second Echo Her words by sound alone were spring, far off bells ringing and birds above a land of cobble lanes― the stuff of a storybook Wales. W. Thrush Poetry Journal Submissions THRUSH: The songs of some species are considered to be among the most beautiful in the world THRUSH – a journal of poetry that will appear 6 times a year. Ghaus Notes for a New Poem Alicia Hoffman Poems have appeared on Poetry Daily and Verse Daily, have been nominated for Pushcart and Best of the Net prizes, (including this year’s Best of the Net 2017 from Thrush Poetry Journal) and recently, The Pablo Neruda, American Literary Review and Tupelo Quarterly Poetry contests. Her work has been selected for Best New Poets, the Williams Carlos Williams University Poetry Prize from the Academy of American Poets, and New South’s Poetry Prize. We read submissions on a rolling basis. Wonderfully, the poems we select for each issue coexist together in a space where readers experience the best of the literary arts. Please support us during our THRUSH POETRY JOURNAL 2022 POETRY MONTH FUNDRAISER. These are themed calls and contests for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Her poems have been published in-or are forthcoming from--numerous anthologies and journals, including Academy of American Poets' Poem-a-Day Series, Split Lip, Pensive, Post Road, Spillway and many more. She attends Columbia University. Be sure to send all necessary information i. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Word Riot, Sugared Water, and Crab Orchard Review. Please contact about snail mail submissions. com THRUSH responds to ALL submissions within two to three days. Why is THRUSH only poetry? We love fiction, and read it often. SUBMISSIONS MASTHEAD March 2022 In her mind, goes to the MoMA, Carla Carlson Object Impermanence (three poems) James Diaz WE BUY BROKEN GOLD Tennessee Hill hymn to the bowstring Chisom Okafor My Father, Drunk, Shakes the Apple Boughs and the Stars Fall Doug Ramspeck Marriage Story Meg Thompson THRUSH Poetry Journal Description. Send 1-5 poems (10 pages max) + bio (any length) Atlas We lie beneath the dense Midwestern sky, our fingers tracing with glacial precision the varicose highways of California. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in River Teeth, Ruminate, Entropy, Columbia Journal, Lunch Ticket, The Writer's Chronicle, and SUBMISSIONS MASTHEAD Sarah J. Journal, Lambda Literary, Two Peach and elsewhere. She lives in Newton, Massachusetts. This magazine looks for poems that have a particular way with words—quietly, entrancingly lyrical. We are an all inclusive journal, publishing diverse voices. I will make a call from one of the ancient boxes. She is the author of Nostos (Kelsay Books, 2023) and Nike Adjusting Her Sandal (Nixes Mate, 2021). He is a Pushcart Prize nominee and has poetry published or forthcoming in Ninth Letter, Poet Lore, Sugar House Review, Puerto del Sol, Sycamore Review and elsewhere. Her work has appeared in Rattle Poetry, Variant Literature, and has been shortlisted for the New Voices Contest 2022 by Frontier Poetry. Return to January 2024 Edition January 2024 ISSN 2164-7933 Maladaptive Dana Blatte Last Attempt Sophie Klahr Postdrome: Another day lost She is the author of five poetry collections, including Nightmares & Miracles (Two Sylvias Press, 2022), winner of the Wilder Prize and recently named one of Kirkus Reviews 2022 Best of Indie. The poems we select and present in each edition are an eclectic and electric mix of the absolute best poems we receive. Return to July 2019 Edition SUBMISSIONS MASTHEAD March 2012 . doc [or] . Her sixth collection, Wheel, is scheduled for publication in 2024. Her chapbook Dummy Ventriloquist is forthcoming in 2024. Hayden Saunier’s work has been awarded a Pushcart Prize, Rattle Poetry Prize, Pablo Neruda Prize and has been published or is forthcoming in Baltimore Review, diode, Pedestal, Plume, The Sun, and VQR. He lives with his wife in Portland. We want voice. If your poem requires special formatting, you may then, also include an attachment. Return to May 2023 Edition Michael Bazzett’s poems have appeared in Ploughshares, Massachusetts Review, Pleiades, 32 Poems, Hayden’s Ferry Review and Best New Poets. They're a good poetry only journal, not a tonnnnnn of those out there (aside from Rattle, APR and Poetry of course). Return to Dara-Lyn Shrager is the co-founder and editor of Radar Poetry. Unfortunately, we cannot include journal publications. We also consider reprints, but you must retain or have regained the rights to your work. Charlie Clark studied poetry at the University of Maryland. We remain proud to have provided space for all voices in Poetry! NOTE: Submissions for the November issue are still open* - Helen Vitoria - Standard. com. www. Currently, Roma-Deeley is Poet Laureate of Scottsdale, Arizona. THRUSH Poetry Journal (981), Journal, The (976), Missouri Review, The (954), Pleiades [Pleiades Press] (911), Cimarron Review (876), Tin House (841), PANK Magazine [PANK THRUSH responds to ALL submissions within two to three days—and we never have and never will charge a reading fee. ( January, March, May, July, September and November) We believe in showcasing the best work we receive. She lives and teaches in Houston. M. rtf Submissions may be sent as a Google doc (if necessary) Please do not send PDFs. Thrush. Email: submit@diodepoetry. James Diaz is the author of This Someone I Call Stranger (Indolent Books, 2018) All Things Beautiful Are Bent (Alien Buddha, 2021) and Motel Prayers (Alien Buddha, 2022) as well as the founding editor of Anti-Heroin Chic. She is the author of "Nike Adjusting Her Sandal" (forthcoming from Nixes Mate, 2021). Falling from the Cusp of Spring John Mulcare Outlines Bronwen Butter Newcott Two Poems Triin Paja The Good Omen M. Edwards is the author of poetry collections Quiet Armor (forthcoming, Northwestern University Press, October 2023), Humanly (Small Doggies Press, 2015), and Good Grief (Write Bloody Publishing, 2012), as well as chapbook Sadness She received her BA in English, Creative Writing, and Psychology from Emory University. He lives in Detroit and can be found at schadenfreudeanslip. He lives in New York and is an MFA candidate at Columbia University. Originally from rural Tennessee, he is currently serving as the Creative Writing Fellow in Poetry at Emory University. Return to May 2023 Edition Sydney Vance resides just outside of Oklahoma City and serves as a reader for the journal petrichor. Daniels Clap Done Nandini Dhar Three Poems Alison Eastley City of Weather David Ebenbach Three Poems W. Thrush is a highly respected poetry journal that responds to most submissions within 10 days. His work has appeared in New England Review, Ploughshares, Threepenny Review, and other journals. Return to November 2020 Edition. To help us to do this, please adhere to the following guidelines: Please submit up to 5 poems in a single Nice. Ally Covino is a graduate of the New Writers Project, as well as the recipient of a Michener fellowship and a prize from the Academy of American Poets. We hope to provide you with the best poetry available to us. SUBMISSIONS MASTHEAD January 2022 ISSN 2164-7933 Spolia Joseph J. And I like that Thrush points to a poem in each rejection, it gives you a bit of direction for the next submission. Return to May 2024 Edition THRUSH contributors are encouraged to send us their news via the journal’s email (with the subject line ‘contributor news’). Her poems have previously appeared in Puerto del Sol, Redivider, and Rogue Agent, among other outlets, and is forthcoming elsewhere. We are not a Send us no more than three poems, pasted in the body of an email, preceded by a cover letter. We feel there are many beautiful journals we admire that offer prose. Please support THRUSH Poetry Journal’s 2022 POETRY MONTH FUNDRAISER, with a monetary donation or by sharing our call. This listing is for archival purposes only. in creative writing from The University of Central Oklahoma in December 2022. Her poems and flash fiction have recently appeared or are forthcoming in The Adroit Journal , Bennington Review , Crazyhorse , DIAGRAM , The Laurel Review , On the Seawall , and Southern Indiana Review , among others. com She has been featured in Best New Poets, POETRY, Beloit Poetry Journal, THRUSH, and elsewhere. She won the 2020 Porter House Review Editor’s Poetry Prize and serves as Poetry editor for Gingerbread House Literary Magazine. For complete submission guidelines, please visit the submissions page. Return to May 2016 Edition Wendy Wisner is the author of two books of poems, and her essays and poems have appeared in Prairie Schooner, Passages North, Spoon River Review, Nashville Review, Minnesota Review, The Washington Post, Full Grown People, Brain, Child Magazine, and elsewhere. JMWW SUBMISSIONS MASTHEAD September 2023 ISSN 2164-7933 Two Poems Kelly Cressio-Moeller So Much Light Matthew Gellman Birthday Poem For A Dying World S. Please support us during our Holiday and End-of-Year Fundraiser. But now, hearing it again, event At THRUSH Poetry Journal, we receive thousands of submissions each month, and respond to ALL Facebook. He lives with his spouse and child in San Diego, CA. We believe in showcasing the best work we receive. Sloat The shape I take smelling hyacinths Cold without snow Sarah J. Emily Lawson is currently a Poe/Faulkner Fellow in the University of Virginia’s MFA program, where she also teaches poetry. She lives in San Francisco. Jessica Abughattas is a poet of Palestinian heritage. His work has been published or is forthcoming in the Los Angeles Review of Books, Analogies & Allegories Literary Magazine, Feral: A Journal of Poetry and Art, The Madrigal, Sur, Inklette, and Rain Taxi. Their David Joez Villaverde is a CantoMundo fellow and an MFA candidate at the University of Michigan. Return to September 2016 Edition We’re open for submissions 365 days a year! Please support THRUSH Poetry Journal’s 2022 POETRY MONTH FUNDRAISER, with a monetary donation Facebook. Her poetry collection ATRIUM was awarded the 2013 Arab American Book Award in Poetry, while her latest collection, HIJRA, was selected as a winner of the 2015 Crab Orchard Series in Poetry and published SUBMISSIONS MASTHEAD September 2022 Nicole Callihan Forestry Tatiana Clark Poem About America Made from the Beginnings of First Lines of Poems by Emily Dickinson Owen McLeod We Walk, Made of Silk Tamara Raidt Three Visual Poems Jennifer K. constructionlitmag. Lobko The Republic Owen McLeod Two Poems Catherine Owen Two Poems Alison Stine The Light Has Always Been Going Down Hannah VanderHart Late Epithalamion of Appalachian Fragments Gabriel Welsch The November 2024 Issue of Thrush Poetry Journal will be our last. 5%. Austin State University Press, 2022). We try to respond to all submissions within one day. Thrush Poetry Journal is a bimonthly publication of “eclectic, moving, surprising” poetry. She lives in New York with her husband and two sons. We want fresh. Radon Journal. Why the name THRUSH? Thrushes are a species of bird, the songs of some considered to be among the most beautiful in the world. THRUSH has been in publication for 13 years, not including an earlier Inaugural Issue release (in December 2011). She has been the recipient of fellowships from the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and the Vermont College of Fine Arts. Email or phone: Password: Forgot account? Sign Up. We are publishers of select poetry chapbooks, handcrafted Broadsides, THRUSH Poetry Journal’s annual ‘best of’ anthology and We remain proud to have provided space for all voices in Poetry! NOTE: Submissions for the November issue are still open* - Helen Vitoria - Standard. July 2022 ISSN 2164-7933 Self Portrait as a Lighthouse Adam Chiles A Bed of Creeping Thyme Sean Thomas Dougherty Hala Alyan is a Palestinian American writer and clinical psychologist whose work has appeared in Poetry, Guernica and other literary journals. Return to January 2019 Edition He is currently working toward an MFA in Creative Writing at San Francisco State University. He is the author of The Unspoken Jokebook, recently published by Burning River Press, and his verse translation of the Popol Vuh is forthcoming from Milkweed Editions. We want poems that move us, a strong sense of imagery, emotion, with interesting and surprising use of language, words that resonate. Thrush Poetry Journal. AdamDeutsch. Email or phone: Password: Forgot account? At THRUSH Poetry Journal, we receive thousands of submissions each month, and respond to 41 Themed Submission Calls and Contests for January 2025. Return to Janaury 2023 Edition The poems of Anastasia Vassos appear in RHINO, SWWIM, Rust+Moth and Comstock Review among others. A recipient of a fellowship from The Folger Shakespeare Library, you can find him on Twitter @jockeycornsilk. Bitting holds an MFA in Creative Writing and a PhD in Mythological Studies, emphasis Poetry and Along with First Mud (Finishing Line, 2015) and A River Within Spills Light (Turning Point, 2021), her poems have appeared in Off the Coast, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, Third Wednesday, Thrush Poetry Journal and Writer’s Almanac, among others. Anne McGrath's work earned a Best American Essays 2020 Notable citation and a Pushcart Prize nomination. He is the winner of Black Warrior Review’s 2018 poetry contest. 2 of the last 3 they pointed to have since been published, so they have an eye, haha. He teaches in the English Department at Grossmont College and is the publisher of Cooper Dillon Books. Song Omen May 2024 ISSN 2164-7933 grief is born of fullness Jane Attanucci Winter Reckoning Michelle Bitting Hala Alyan is a Palestinian American writer and clinical psychologist whose work has appeared in Poetry, The New York Times and elsewhere. THRUSH - a journal of poetry that will appear 6 times a year. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in DIAGRAM and Split Rock Review. Todd Kaneko Lloyd Wallace is on staff at The Adroit Journal and Poetry Daily. Named after the thrush, a bird with “the most beautiful voice in the world,” the magazine sponsors poets November 2024 ISSN 2164-7933 Portrait d'un homme Jason Barry Between Fog and Ash Kelly Cressio-Moeller Helen Vitoria Founding Editor Editor in Chief Zoe Elisabeth Managing Editor SUBMISSIONS MASTHEAD March 2018 ISSN 2164-7933 Ecce Homo W. titles, release dates, press names, links etc When the Gods Come Rushing Michael Bazzett Four Walls Become a Woman Allison Field Bell Pennilessly John Poch On a Bench Facing West Martha Silano The poems of Anastasia Vassos have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, and Best New Poets. She was the recipient of the first annual Stanley Kunitz Memorial Prize from APR, of the Loraine Williams Poetry Prize from The Georgia Review, and has been featured in Rattle’s Poets Respond series. She lives in southern California and edits the Toad Press International chapbook series, publishing Adam Tavel is the author of five books of poetry, including the forthcoming Green Regalia (Stephen F. Greek Language Lost, Two Generations Ago Brandon Amico Three Poems Nipping at Heels April Michelle Bratten Robot of Alabama (6 poems) Carrie Chappell Three Poems David J. Return to September 2023 Edition Stevie Edwards’s poems have appeared in Poetry Magazine, American Poetry Review, TriQuarterly, and elsewhere. Matthew Schultz teaches Irish Studies and Creative Writing at Vassar College. Julia is the editor of Construction Magazine ( www. Sloat is the author of Hotel Almighty, a collection of visual poetry published in 2020 by Sarabande Books. Return to March 2020 Edition November 2023 ISSN 2164-7933 At the Corn Maze, I Wait— Rebecca Brock Before/After Adam Deutsch Per Diem He has work recently in Poetry International, Thrush, Juked, AMP Magazine, Broken Lens Journal, and Typo, and has a chapbook called Carry On (Elegies). But there also has to be a strong sense of the natural world peeking in between the lines and growing through cracks. (January Marriage Story With my quiet urge to fuck things up, the white space between one tooth is longer than the night. She received her M. I actually just submitted there again this weekend, they ask you wait at least 6 months between submissions so mark your calendar! The Cortland Review (a very good journal, so they have a low acceptance rate but one to check out), Trampoline Poetry THRUSH Press is a component of THRUSH Poetry Journal. THRUSH Poetry Journal Description. He lives in General Submissions can be sent in the body of an email [or] as an email attachment. org, Poetry Daily, Hayden’s Ferry, Ecotone, and elsewhere. We love that and that is how we feel about poems. THRUSH Poetry Journal will appear six times a year, in the months of: January, March, May, July, September and November Why the name THRUSH? Thrushes are a species of bird, the songs of some considered to be among Submissions for the 2024 contest run from July 15 to August 1. Mary Biddinger’s poetry collection Department of Elegy will be published by Black Lawrence Press in early 2022. Bartley Seigel One Floating Thing They are a Tin House alum and resident, VONA/Voices of Our Nations fellow, and recipient of the 2020 Vera Meyer Strube Prize from the Academy of American Poets. They hold an MFA from Indiana University. Submissions are now open! Please visit Our Chapbooks & Our Broadsides and find out what we have available! A 2023–2024 National Endowment for the Arts Fellow, Matthew has also received awards and honors from Brooklyn Poets, the Adroit Journal 's Djanikian Scholars Program, the Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts, the New York State Summer Writers Institute, and the Academy of American Poets. Born in New Jersey, Sarah has lived in Kansas, China and Italy, and now splits her time between Frankfurt and Barcelona, where she works as SUBMISSIONS MASTHEAD November 2012 ISSN 2164-7933 . For more visit: ellybookman. Submissions are now open. Capista Blessedness is Ours Adam Clay Birdlike, the Almanac Matthew Kelsey Two Poems Alice Letowt For Alison, After a Walk Livia Meneghin List Poem with Raspberries and Competent Sex Catherine Rockwood That Summer Martha Silano The Gods Grace Q. His most recent collection, Catafalque, won the Richard Wilbur Award (University of Evansville Press, 2018). e. He lives in Minneapolis with his THRUSH responds to ALL submissions within 2-3 days. ISSN 2164-7933 Mary Stone Dockery Counting Losses Michaela A. Gabriel Floral Euthanasia Cindy Goff Three Poems Jessica Goodfellow Girl, I Remember You from What Seems a Lifetime Ago Carol Lynn Stevenson Grellas Four Poems Rachel Eliza Griffiths Week by Week Katie Manning Three Poems from DECOHERENCE She reads Creative Writing at the University of Edinburgh. Her poem “End of Life Directive” received honorable mention from Marge Piercy in 2020’s Joe Gouveia Outermost Poetry Contest. A 2019 NEA fellow and recipient of scholarships to the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, he is the author of The Newest Employee of the Museum of Ruin (Four Way Books, 2020). J. docx [or] . Her first book, Strip, won the 2020 Etel Adnan Poetry Prize selected by Fady Joudah and Hayan Charara. They pay all contributors and try to respond to all submissions within two to four weeks. And your hair, oh night, is full of confetti. Please include a bio written in the Thrush Poetry Journal. Dear _____, Thank you for THRUSH Poetry Journal is permanently closed to submissions. tutt agk wxyl nbca gfh jzcoap dmmrt onoa acfe juhygp