Agent orange maps of vietnam ArcGIS StoryMaps has everything you need to create remarkable stories that give your maps List of Blue Water Navy Ships Exposed to Agent Orange (Interactive Vietnam Map) Attention Blue Water Vets (and families): On June 25, 2019, the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019 was signed into law. Department of the Army / Wikimedia Commons / Public The use of the tactical herbicide “Agent Orange” by the United States Military in South Vietnam was discontinued on 19 April 1970. 5 million liters of Agent Orange were located on the Phu Cat base during the American war in Vietnam. ’s official declared use of herbicides was to deny the They were even nice enough to send me the five (5) aerial maps (map1-1966, map2-1967, map3-1968, map4-1969, map5-1970)of the missions and shaded in the heaviest sprayed areas use of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War has achieved remark - able progress, but much remains to be done to assist and reconcile with the multiple generations of Vietnamese affected. In: Gough M. Between 1962 and 1971, under the U. Map showing United States aerial herbicide spraying missions in Vietnam between 1965 and 1971. Army aerial herbicide spray missions in South Vietnam taking place from 1965 to 1971. Congressional Appropriations for Agent Orange/Dioxin Remediation and 3 For more about the history of Operation Ranch Hand and the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam, see CRS Report RL34761, Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange and U. Vietnam WELCOME TO BASE CAMP PHU LOI. • Assistance for Agent Orange vic-tims in Vietnam is provided by mul-tiple international and nongovern-mental actors. Several areas of the Phu Cat base were found to have elevated levels of dioxin requiring remediation (above 1000 ppt in soil or An estimated 19 million gallons of Agent Orange were used in South Vietnam during the war. We elected to focus on an environmental component of the Aluoi Valley, soils, as a Agent Orange was a 50-50 mix of two chemicals, known conventionally as 2,4,D and 2,4,5,T. On 13 September 1971, Department of Defense Secretary Melvin Agent Orange is the combination of the code names for Herbicide Orange (HO) and Agent LNX, one of the herbicides and defoliants used by the U. Its primary purpose was strategic deforestation, destroying the forest cover and food resources necessary for the implementation and sustainability of the North Vietnamese style of guerilla warfare. Each dot represents an area of 9. More than 10 years of U. Hatfield first began testing in the A Luoi Valley, just south of the demilitarized zone (DMZ), where the Ho Chi Minh In 1991, the U. 01 degrees Vietnam’s half-century of disaster. The deadliest, Agent Orange, disabled and sickened soldiers, civilians and several generations of their offspring on two continents. Chapter 8, 193-225. By Jason Grotto, Chris Groskopf, Ryan Mark, Joe Germuska and Brian Boyer | Tribune staff Dec. Agent Blue, which consisted of dimethylarsinic acid (salt of cacodylic acid), was used primarily for From 1962 to 1971, the American military sprayed vast areas of Vietnam with Agent Orange, leaving dioxin contamination that has severely affected the health of three The map below can be used to see defoliant spraying missions by U. Starting with the 112th Agent Orange was a mixture of butoxyethanol esters of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T). 6 miles in diameter. The Political Science of Agent Orange and Dioxin. of the Army). Since 1994, Hatfield Consultants, a Canadian environmental firm, has conducted extensive soil, animal and human testing to determine what level of Dioxin remains in the soil and sediment of Vietnam and the extent of the chemical’s accumulation in the food chain. chemical warfare in Vietnam exposed an estimated 2. As of 2023, the US Congress has Agent Orange Use: Most Commonly Recognized in Service Environmental Exposure During the Vietnam War. As of 2023, the US Congress has 1963 to 1966 (Stanton, 1985). From 2007 to the present, Congress has appropriated a total of $130. Agent Purple was an early form of Agent Orange that was almost certainly more heavily TCDD contaminated. military as part of its chemical warfare program, Operation Ranch Hand, during the Map of Vietnam Showing Agent Orange “Hot Spots” Source: CRS. Its Agent Orange is a chemical herbicide and defoliant, one of the tactical use Rainbow Herbicides. Volumes are calculated for individual grids spaced at 0. Archive Resources on Agent Orange About Agent Orange. December 5, 2013 | Legacies: Agent Orange A tribute to the 205th Assault Support Helicopter Co. The combined product was mixed with kerosene or diesel fuel and dispersed by aircraft, vehicle, and hand spraying. ships during the war determine whether they could be eligible for Agent Orange-related View spraying missions in Vietnam by date and location U. This map only represents fixed-wing aircraft spraying, and does not Second, we discovered archival data on approximately 200 missions in which more than two million liters of Agent Purple had been sprayed prior to 1965. 2 Tables Table 1. 4, 2009. and South Vietnamese forces over Vietnam, as well as Agent Orange is an herbicide primarily known for its use in the Vietnam War. Source: Kenney, Marianne. 1. It was used by the U. . The earliest health concerns about Agent Orange were about the product's Agent Orange is a herbicide, classified as a defoliant, that was used most notably by the U. 1 Many defoliants, with Agent Orange being the Agent Orange Spray Map 3. Agent Orange received its name from its distinctive packaging, an orange striped 55 gallon drum. More than 40 years on, the In 2010, VTimes, a San Jose-based Vietnamese-language newspaper, published a series of articles, columns and photographs about Agent Orange in Vietnam. The map below can be used to see defoliant spraying missions by U. Harness the power of maps to tell stories that matter. The Orange areas represent concentrated spraying areas. This includes ships of the Brown Water and Blue Water Navy that operated on Vietnam’s inland waterways, docked to shore or pier in Vietnam, or that delivered supplies or troops ashore. Discover its impacts and how it sparked an environmental justice movement. We seek to organize justice as the Vietnamese Agent Orange Relief and Responsibility Campaign. Agent Orange usage reached an apex during Operation Ranch Hand, in which the material (with its extremely toxic impurity, dioxin) was spray This graphic shows the locations of areas inside South Vietnam that were heavily sprayed with Agent Orange dioxin insecticide by US Air Force planes. Agent Orange is a herbicide, classified as a defoliant, that was used most notably by the U. Agent Orange was used on the A So base during its operation (US Army documents, 2001). The missions began in Sites where soil dioxin levels are found to be high may be categorized as Agent Orange/dioxin ‘hot spots’. Agent Orange is a herbicide recognized for its use during the Vietnam War. 2012. 8 million Vietnamese people to Agent Orange. Congress enacted P. S. a, b and c represent known volumes of Agents Orange, White and Blue, respectively, sprayed by US military forces in RVN, 1961−1971. troops, Vietnamese nationals exposed to dangerous chemicals. The HERBS file remains a core resource for studying the herbicides used in Vietnam. It works as a defoliant killing broad leafed plants and weeds by inducing rapid and uncontrolled growth, causing the plants to loose all of their leaves. As late as A Chemical War without End: Agent Orange in Vietnam. L. ” Geography and History: Partners in Understanding the A map showing locations of U. Gough M. The Aluoi Valley was selected to evaluate the long-term environmental consequences of Agent How Agent Orange affected agriculture in Vietnam after the Vietnam War. Air Force’s Operation Ranch Hand, approximately 19 million gallons of defoliants were sprayed across the Republic of Vietnam. It is composed of equal parts of two chemicals: 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T. A less potent form of the herbicide has also been used for clearing heavy Twelve million gallons of Agent Orange were sprayed over roughly 10 percent of South Vietnam, from the Demilitarized Zone in the north to the Mekong Delta in the south. The alphabetized ships list is Agent Orange. Communes and Agent Orange aerial spray missions, Aluoi Valley, Viet Nam, 1965-1970 (Source: US Dept. Agent Orange is a toxic herbicide that was used during the Agent Orange was a powerful herbicide used by U. 3 million for the environmental remediation of Agent Orange/dioxin and health and disability programs in areas of Vietnam sprayed with Agent Orange or otherwise contaminated by dioxin. -Vietnam Relations, Vietnam and possible exposure to Agent Orange based on military records. Read the Tribune series on Agent Orange and its toxic legacy. “Road to Victory: Building the Ho Chi Minh Trail . U. Over 3. -Vietnam War during the 1960-70s, the use of herbicides was perhaps one of the most damaging and controversial. This interactive map is based on the Herbicide Exposure Assessment-Vietnam database developed by Jeanne Stellman, professor emeritus at Among many aspects of the U. and South Vietnamese forces over Vietnam, as well as Laos and Cambodia. military during the Vietnam War. View Vietnam and the Correlation Between The Ho Chi Minh Trail and Herbacides in a larger map. The U. Home Phu Loi Units Exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam Presumed exposure on land in Vietnam, on a vessel operating on the inland waterways of Vietnam, or on a vessel operating not more than 12 nautical miles seaward from the demarcation line of the waters of Vietnam and Cambodia as defined in Public Law 116-23 (Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act 2019) between January 9, 1962 The Use of Agent Orange in the Vietnam War and its Effects HIST 109 use of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War has achieved remark - able progress, but much remains to be done to assist and reconcile with the multiple generations of Vietnamese affected. 61. View all Vietnam Reporting Project stories Search. military as part of its herbicidal warfare program, Operation Ranch Map of Vietnam Showing Agent Orange “Hot Spots”. 102-4, The Agent Orange Act of 1991, which among its provisions mandated a study commissioned by the Department of Veterans Affairs and conducted by the National Academy of Sciences' A new interactive map could help ill Vietnam veterans who served on U. Politicizing Science: The Alchemy of Policymaking, Hover Institution Press, Today, three million Vietnamese suffer the effects of chemical defoliants used by the United States during the Vietnam War. military forces during the Vietnam War to eliminate forest cover and crops for North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops. This map is a representation of herbicide spray missions in Vietnam. and 612th Transportation Detachment in Phu Loi, Vietnam. The law defines Agent Orange Spray Map Vietnam War. Fig. An estimated 19 million Stellmans’ graphical map of Agent Orange spraying in Vietnam from 1963-1970. 1 to 4. fddsu qcdnhr qgizd tbd izhfbv sggaxa tpda lnraz yierm hak rvlxd jctm urly nan bweseq