Asus merlin swap file. Somewhere in this forum is my write up to do swap file.
Asus merlin swap file Featured on I noticed that Merlin supports these RT-AX series routers but the RT-AX82U gaming router is noticeably absent. Even if only required once every 24 hrs when an update is performed on some (big) lists, for example. Also, a swap file is required and not a swap partition, for amtm to work properly. 15, amtm is included in the As a result, the script file it creates could be used for different firmware releases. ColinTaylor Part of the Furniture. An Asuswrt-Merlin Compatible Router (i. This allows Merlin Swap to facilitate transactions directly from your This uses known script_usbmount NVRAM variable to run "startup" script on USB mount event t Obviously this requires some kind of USB storage plugged into the router for this to work, you don't need it on Asuswrt-Merlin though - just start the scripts from services-start script. Starting with Asuswrt-Merlin 384. 15, amtm is included in the Skynet, an 'essential' amtm script, requires a 2GB swap file. ng github. # Of course use your volume label in the following commands. Media Server: I'm using Kodi on Android TV box for my media via TV. D. - lolostt/coSwapperd_Asus Sadly, Asuswrt-Merlin is not available for every Asus router (for very good reasons). x. AX86UPro: 388. Enhanced version of Asus's router firmware (Asuswrt) (legacy code base) - Custom config files · RMerl/asuswrt-merlin Wiki Diversion, Skynet, YazFi, scribe, connmon, ntpMerlin, scMerlin, uiDivStats, uiScribe, Unbound, FlexQoS, disk checker, on Ext4 w/J + 10GB swap file RT-AX86U in wired backhaul (2. Open the zip file. YazFi, scribe, connmon, ntpMerlin, scMerlin, uiDivStats, uiScribe, Unbound, FlexQoS, disk checker, on Ext4 w/J + 10GB swap file RT-AX86U in wired Welcome, this is amtm, the Asuswrt-Merlin Terminal Menu amtm is a front end that manages popular scripts for wireless routers running Asuswrt-Merlin firmware. Only tested Enhanced version of Asus's router firmware (Asuswrt) (legacy code base) - RMerl/asuswrt-merlin A compatible ASUS router (with Asuswrt-Merlin custom firmware installed) USB Drive with atleast 512MB of space to run Diversion Ad-Blocker on. Diversion, Skynet, YazFi, scribe, connmon, ntpMerlin, scMerlin, uiDivStats, uiScribe, Unbound, FlexQoS, disk checker, on Ext4 w/J + 10GB swap file RT-AX86U in wired backhaul (2. Be sure to setup a swap file, this was the first time I have ever seen the AC88u use swap. Is this planned in a future release? I'd hate to go back to the stock Asus firmware, love Merlin. Has anyone tried running any of the versions below on their RT-AX82U? RT-AX56U 386. Run this command (adjusting if you use a different f/w file) mtd-write2 RT-AC68U_384. 5TB 5400rpm usb3 seagate portable expansion drive when it went on sale a couple years ago for <$100 iirc. IS it as simple as downloading the firmware and doing a manual firmware update through the ASUS GUI? I also have an ASUS RT-ACRH18 just sitting herei could use it as a test for updating. ch/ for more info. Capable of Editing the following User Scripts: Hi, I've ac86u, I'm using some addon with Merlin and i see I'm using more and 90% of ram I've to create a swap file? If yes, is better an harddisk Log in Register System USB Drive Size, File System Recommendations, and Time Machine on Asus Merlin Routers: Asuswrt-Merlin: 8: Yesterday at 10:27 AM: S: No file transfer to USB drive May I recommend using a swap partition vs. ntpMerlin. This means Asuswrt-Merlin retains full support for NAT acceleration (sometimes referred to as "hardware acceleration"), enhanced NTFS performance (through the proprietary drivers used by Asus from either Paragon or Tuxera), and the Asus exclusive features such as AiCloud or the Trend Micro-powered AiProtection. the trick is to use a USB drive, which mounts on router boot, and add the appropriate NVRAM command to trigger the script on USB detect. It's that latter component the prevents minidlna from John's script creates a human readable backup file that has the variables nicely grouped together by function. in fact it even attempted to allow you to move settings from one type of Asus router to another. 15, amtm is included in the firmware. I also installed Entware using the ep command. JFFS support and enabled. 1_0_cferom_ubi. trx) I can't load the Automatically with the AMTM - Asus Merlin Terminal Menu script. A few command options: -t: set file system type -L: set a new volume label -O: specify a feature to use. Perhaps you meant to say that RC3 "is not a stable release. 7 Beta1 RT-AX88U This new file have an extention - "tls-crypt", but it seems not to be Log in Register. 2GHz/666MHz. - CHANGED: Enabled Netfilter queue support for SDK6/SDK7 devices (patch by HiHat) - FIXED: Security issues in AiCloud (backports from Asus) - FIXED: CVE-2024-2511, CVE-2024-4741, CVE-2024-5535 & Implicit rejection for RSA PKCS#1 in openssl (backport from Ubuntu by I have an ASUS RT-AX 3000 That i would like to Flash with Merlin. x thumb drive with a swap file (and then It is interesting, because following the detailed instructions from here I obtained swap file and everything seems working, but fdisk -l shows FAT16 system at my USB stick But Getting started with Merlin Swap is simple: Connect Your Wallet: Connect your cryptocurrency wallet to Merlin Swap. Manage/Install WireGuard® on applicable ASUS routers. H. , Asus RT-AC66U) 2. 8_4 ASUS RT-AC86U: Asuswrt-Merlin v386. Is there any benefit from using a swap partition rather than just creating a swap file on the stick. i disagree, the firewall will For support requests and questions please use the Github Issue Tracker where this script is actively maintained Skynet - Router Firewall & Security Enhancements Elevate your home network security with Skynet, a Asuswrt-Merlin Changelog ===== 386. trx linux 8. 7_2 on my RT-AX86S (so only with 500MB ram). It's a brand new 32gb USB 3. Be patient. Main Router: Asus RT-AX88U Pro with Merlin v3004. Creating Swap File for AsusWrt. ASUS RT-AX88U ASUSWRT-Merlin 388. Enhanced version of Asus's router firmware (Asuswrt) (legacy code base) - RMerl/asuswrt-merlin. ASUS Merlin on RT-AC86U OpenVPN Server not blocking IP when a client connects: Asuswrt-Merlin: 2: Jan 8, 2025: G: How to start Wireguard Server in ssh ? Asuswrt-Merlin: 2: Jan 7, 2025: Similar threads. 19) 3. M. 5_2 386. amtm is intended to be a helper script, a convenient shortcut manager to install and manage scripts on your router. Juli 10 2022 Diversion 4. 1 drive. and Time Machine on Asus Merlin Routers KCi_MK; Feb 21, 2025; Asuswrt-Merlin; Replies 16 Views 843. Will need to see where this goes, but I see a potential for something neat here. I found a script on github, forked it, modified it, tested it and bingo it works. 8_4 /\ Internet Speed Test: 529 down / 54 up Mbps! ARM based ASUS routers that use Asuswrt-Merlin Firmware, and Entware Repository. Is running an old ASUS Merlin Router as and AP a security risk? Asuswrt-Merlin: 4: Jan 19, 2025: B: Tutorial Automatically Reboot Asus Router on Network Failures: Asuswrt-Merlin: 25: Jan 7, 2025: A: Duckdns on Asus merlin router: Asuswrt-Merlin: 1: Nov 7, 2024: P: Accessing remotly Server While Using VPN on Asus Router with Merlin Firmware Download the file from the merlin website. 4 <-- Google Nest Wifi PRO + 4 Mesh Nodes / Asus RT-AX88U (388. It appears the default firmware from Asus on the RT-AC86U support WAN Aggregation (WAN Port and LAN 4). Make a swap partition on the USB drive and in the post-mount script mount it with swapon /dev/sda1 Google is your friend if you need to learn how to create a swap file and mount it on an Asus router. Reactions: SomeWhereOverTheRainBow. 18 Synology 218+ NAS: DiskStation Manager DSM 7. This is the configuration from my AsusWRT routers, with AsusWRT-Merlin firmware installed. allows me to see where can be optimised especially if im helping my other relatives to setup similar spec routers with asus merlin capabilities 3) just all around adblock for my mobile devices MerlinAU is a sophisticated and comprehensive script designed for Asus routers running Asuswrt-Merlin firmware. Manually by following this guide. 0 Interface Device via Asuswrt-Merlin Terminal Menu (AMTM) with Swap File created 5. I have created a new / clean install of merlin 384. rgnldo Very Senior Member. Thanks. Tried it multiple times. com For the latest stable 3004. 0. Log in to the router Go to Administration > Firmware Upgrade > Select Manual Firmware upgrade. swp file in usb STORAGE_NAME volume for enable swap memory, running every UPDATE_INTERVAL minutes, in Asus routers with stock firmware. Even if you didn't have "free" RAM it doesn't necessarily mean swap space needs to be used. Ripshod Enhanced version of Asus's router firmware (Asuswrt) (legacy code base) - Entware · RMerl/asuswrt-merlin Wiki. g /dev/sdXX ). Diversion is free to use under the GNU General Public License version 3 OK with me when transferring files between PC and ext. Asuswrt-Merlin 3004. Suricata script installer OPNsense | Asus Merlin AC86U - mode AP | https://git. https Main Router: Asus RT-AX88U Pro with Merlin v3004. AX88U/A1. 1 is now available See this post for what's new. ASUS RT-AX86U PRO Asuswrt-Merlin 3004. spdMerlin uses SpeedTest CLI If the This script will create swap. , 384. This is a step-by-step guide that will show how to optimally set up a USB drive for Asus’ RMerlin powered routers that will at the very minimum allow for use of a swap file for The swap file is used to increase the available physical memory (RAM) with a virtual memory (SWAP) in order to have more resources and to let services have more available memory to spdMerlin is an internet speedtest and monitoring tool for AsusWRT Merlin with charts for daily, weekly and monthly summaries. My setup manages 6. If you dont want to share that knowledege to public just write it on private message. I log into the router and I notice that the CPU 1&2 are close to 100%, and if I go to firewall there is no chart data available for Create Swap file We will need the Entware-NG repository. 12 Overclocked to 1. a swap file. Just updated from DD-WRT to AsusWRT-Merlin on my Asus AC3100 and needed a way to setup Multi-SSID with VLANs. Click to expand I'm more inclined to ask what router I'm on latest merlin 386. x Yes, it is possible to run scripts on Asus firmware. 8_4 Diversion, Skynet, YazFi, scribe, connmon, ntpMerlin, scMerlin, uiDivStats, uiScribe, Unbound, FlexQoS, disk checker, on Ext4 w/J + 10GB swap file RT-AX86U in wired backhaul (2. Apr 12, 2020 #5 juched said: Ok, interesting. 1: 388. If you give options to people using asus-wrt merlin like "format jffs at next boot" i want to do it myself on stock asus-wrt over ssh for example . GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Enhanced version of Asus's router firmware (Asuswrt) (legacy code base) - RMerl/asuswrt-merlin Is there a reason why the swap file is not in use? Click to expand Because you have free RAM. - amtm is a shortcut manager for popular scripts for wireless routers running on Asuswrt-Merlin firmware. The issue I encounter is that now I am not able to create a new swap file in the new USB stick with AMTM. 5GbE) AiMesh mode main router with GT-AX6000 AiMesh node. Browse to the Desktop (or wherever you extracted all the files) and select either the pureubi. ext3, ext4 filesystem, usually in a disk partition, where device is the special file corresponding to the device (e. the same drive After that I reconfigured the router and formatted 8GB Sandisk Cruiser drive as ext4 in amtm. I usually configure a good quality USB 3. 3. I am running 384. Reboot and wait 5 minutes, then erase NVRAM (or factory reset) and log-in thru gui to verify all is good. 13 on Asus AC68u: Asuswrt-Merlin: 14: Mar 4, 2025: robocfg Not Available on Asus GT Diversion, Skynet, YazFi, scribe, connmon, ntpMerlin, scMerlin, uiDivStats, uiScribe, Unbound, FlexQoS, disk checker, on Ext4 w/J + 10GB swap file RT-AX86U in wired backhaul (2. BACKUPMON. trx 7. 8. Formated JFFS Partition and Enabled JFFS Custom Scripts and Configs 4. So it’s happened twice now with two different USB thumb drives. " In Software Engineering terminology, RCx means "Release Candidate x" which is a Beta version of the software often released out into the field in order to test the software among a wider user base; the targeted ASUS AC88U Traffic Analyzer statistics doesn't save after 1 day: Asuswrt-Merlin: 5: Feb 26, 2025: Mom' made the house go wireless, so got rid of AX86u Pro and AC86, bought a ASUS RT-BE92U: Asuswrt-Merlin: 21: Feb 26, 2025: K: USB Drive Size, File System Recommendations, and Time Machine on Asus Merlin Routers: Asuswrt-Merlin: 16: Feb 21, 2025 Tried finding a solution but not much luck. 22525 to be precise), there is no guarantee that everything will work on non-AX routers and on lower firmware ones. ASUS Merlin on RT-AC86U OpenVPN Server not blocking IP when a client connects. The 8Gb flash drive is formatted within 5 minutes, but then everything hangs on SWAP file At the moment I have ASUS RT-AC86U with Merlin, and in the future when I will need to buy new router for sure I will get one that supports OpenWRT because I like it's features, but at the moment I am trying to achieve something like this below. 17 on my RT-AC86U and it has been working perfect for one week. 8_4 /\ Internet Speed Test: 529 down / 54 up Mbps! Does a tutorial on scripting exist for Asus/Merlin. 7 with addons. w or rog_pureubi. ASUS AC88U Traffic Analyzer statistics doesn't save after 1 day: Asuswrt-Merlin: 5: Feb 26, 2025: M: Problem with bootloop on ASUS RT-AC87U – TFTP and UART not working: Asuswrt-Merlin: 1: Wednesday at 7:12 PM: R: WAN DNS setting ignored due to pppd - 386. Now I have tried to use amtm to add a USB thumb drive and swap file. Installing a swap file is also highly recommended, and can also be achieved using amtm. HDD connected to USB-3 port on AC68U. The recommended size is 2GB size. r/Asus_Merlin. 19. This script is intended for that unsupported devices. # Create the script file in /jffs (The following is This script will create swap. As of spdMerlin v4. 0 the Asus built-in Ookla speedtest binary is used to run the speedtests. trx (FW_RT_AC68U_300438218881. Skip to content. Mar 6, 2025. I need a tutorial for creating a SWAP file (I am a beginner so as detailed as possible will be highly appreciated). The idea for such a helper was suggested by a My RT-AX88U runs Asuswrt-Merlin 3004. Create a swap file (2GB recommended). it is formatted with a small partition for entware/diversion/swap and the rest split between an smb media drive and a network file repo for users - works nicely for this home (latter 2 partitions don't see much use by the less techie Ability to setup a swap file; Ability to setup timezone file (/etc/localtime) used by dnscrypt-proxy and other apps; Ability to reconfigure dnscrypt-proxy without reinstalling unlike previous installer for dnscrypt-proxy version 1. After formatting, the process of creating a 2GB Swap file in amtm lasts indefinitely, I waited more than an hour before closing Putty. db' file isn't particular about the filesystem type (it's just a simple file), the art_cache structure uses file links that are specific to a Linux file system. 0). C. 8_2-gnuton1 file download: Welcome This is Diversion - the Router Ad-Blocker for Asuswrt-Merlin All install and update info's are on the Diversion website. K. But I have had far fewer issues with a swap partition than swap file on Linux. 7 amtm. I receive the following message: ASUS RT-AX86U: Asuswrt-Merlin 3004. Asuswrt-Merlin Compatible Firmware (i. 7_2 Merlin Firmware Operation Mode: Wireless Router Addons Installed: Diversion Standard, Skynet, Unbound, Scribe, uiScribe, uiDivStats, scMerlin, connmon, ntpMerlin, spdMerlin, Disc Checker on EXT4 with journal + 2G swap file | Elevate your home network security with Skynet, a robust firewall and security tool meticulously crafted for ASUS routers running the AsusWRT-Merlin firmware, ensuring POSIX compliance for seamless integration. RT-AX86U Asuswrt-Merlin Reactions: Pila and L&LD Enhanced version of Asus's router firmware (Asuswrt) (legacy code base) - RMerl/asuswrt-merlin Diversion, Skynet, YazFi, scribe, connmon, ntpMerlin, scMerlin, uiDivStats, uiScribe, Unbound, FlexQoS, disk checker, on Ext4 w/J + 10GB swap file RT-AX86U in wired backhaul (2. 7 Beta1 RT-AX86U 386. REQUIRES ENTWARE(!) for package management, and a separate USB drive for storage -i. 102_34336 | Pi-Hole(s) + Unbound GNUton's Asus Merlin changelog Date: January 11, 2025 Release: 3004. Skynet. 1 Updated 2020-05-25 Run automated speedtests for your Internet on your router with graphs available on the Addons page of the WebUI. AC86U: 386. 14 as mesh node. Swap file management sw now has option to change size instead of only deleting it. Aug 25, 2017 #17 Swap File AX88 Pro: Asuswrt-Merlin: 5: Jan 5, 2025: Similar threads. I plugged in a SanDisk 128 GB USB flash drive into my router, enabled JFFS, ran amtm, and formatted it using the fd command (1 partition, ext4, journaling on, and labeled). 2 firmware (3. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters Creating Swap File for AsusWrt(RT-AC86U). The router works, the USB drive I have three fallbacks (one of which is also behind an Asus Merlin router) just in case. Note: A 4GB USB Drive is recommended to fit entire 2GB swap file used for memory While the 'files. 1. 8_2 with addons, joined site to site with AX88. I am wanting to use a swap file on my AC86U (latest merlin) with a 32gb Samsung fit plus USB stick. AiMesh firmware restore (from backup) best practices. Members Online • qwerty-po. Basic stuff like: how to load a script to the router, how to run a script, how to do basic debugging of script, what to backup scripts, etc for an Asus router running Merlin? YazFi, scribe, connmon, ntpMerlin, scMerlin, uiDivStats, uiScribe, Unbound, FlexQoS, disk checker, on Ext4 w/J RT-AX86U - 386. Somewhere in this forum is my write up to do swap file. Welcome, this is amtm, the Asuswrt-Merlin Terminal Menu amtm is a front end that manages popular scripts for wireless routers running Asuswrt-Merlin firmware. A swap file on a router is essentially a stopgap measure, a crutch, for the system to handle sporadic out Welcome to the Asuswrt-Merlin project website. If your router is not executing commands from script_usbmount NVRAM variable on USB moun Everything here was tested on RT-AX58U v2 on official 388. 7 Beta1 RT-AX58U 386. io/JvClg . 14_2 (17-Nov-2024) - UPDATED: OpenVPN to 2. 6 ASUS RT-AC68U/A2 Asuswrt-Merlin 386. YazDHCP. System Light Dark Swap File AX88 Pro: Asuswrt-Merlin: 5: Jan 5, 2025: S: No file transfer to USB drive: Asuswrt-Merlin: File System Recommendations, and Time Machine on Asus Merlin Routers. CHANGED: The The "mkswap" instruction is used to make the file a swap file, in this way the operative system knows that this file is to be used as swap file. 8_4 & Entware 64-bit, OpenVPN, Samba and some Scripts - using USB drive for data and swap \/ Access Point: Asus RT-AX88U to extend WLAN coverage in a challenging building with Merlin v3004. Process I followed is: format USB as ntfs on pc Tutorial Automatically Reboot Asus Router on Network Failures Diversion, Skynet, YazFi, scribe, connmon, ntpMerlin, scMerlin, uiDivStats, uiScribe, Unbound, FlexQoS, disk checker, on Ext4 w/J + 10GB swap file RT-AX86U in wired backhaul (2. Now run ls and you should see the file containing the new firmware RT-AC68U_384. I have tested different Asus router models, and I have experience developing some AsusWRT-Merlin Addons. I bought a 1. 14_2 | WireGuard Manager 4. Even with my RT-AX88U with 1GB ram and a few scripts running, swap file usage could hit almost 500MB and 'free ram' be as low as 12MB. I have never experienced a problem, however I don't transfer a lot of data. The last instruction "swapon" just enables the swap file. amtm is intended to be a helper script, a convenient shortcut # Run the command `df` to see where your USB drive is mounted. e. 388_22525-gd35b8fe0 AiMesh Node amtm 4 , Skynet, Pi-Hole SanDisk 64GB - 5GB Swap file Enhanced version of Asus's router firmware (Asuswrt) (legacy code base) - Custom config files · RMerl/asuswrt-merlin Wiki I've just bought a RT-AC68U and I'm trying to install the Merlin FW to get the most out of my router. . This script began as a user-friendly installer for a personal project developed by @JGrana spdMerlin is free to use under the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL 3. 12. Entware installed on USB 3. 1-42962 Update 6. I wish to make VLANs, but I am not sure how to do it. w, which seems odd to me since the FW from Asus ends with . I need commands that will work . NEW: amtm can now also manage email settings, SSH UI only. Started by HouseMusicRules; Feb 20, 2025; Replies: 5; Use 'sudo nautilus' in terminal to open a file manager with root priviledge; I also had a swap file on my old USB drive - do not copy; Plugged new USB drive into router and turn on router; SSH to router, enter amtm and create a swap file using amtm's 'sw' command. w file, same Extends the support of Merlin firmware to more ASUS routers - gnuton/asuswrt-merlin. An alternate script to create the swap file is the following one: ASUS RT-AX88U ASUSWRT-Merlin 388. 6. Last edited: Oct 3, 2022. Over time though, as Asus (and @RMerlin) added features that created new nvram variables, it become thougher and tougher to maintiain and keep up to date. 6 Beta ASUS TUF-AX3000 Firmware 3. Asuswrt-Merlin is a third party alternative firmware for Asus routers, with a special emphasis on tweaks and fixes rather than radical changes or collecting as many features as Routers do not have enough ram, that is why a swap file is needed. I have run swap files and even Entware and Stubby on Asus firmware. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. AX88U (Router) 3004. ADMIN MOD Swap file getting corrupted with Skynet causing high CPU . I am reading online it should be supported. 4. When unzipping the download I get a file called RT-AC86U_382. Diversion. Marko Polo Senior Member. - Diversion is a shell script application to manage ad-blocking, Dnsmasq logging, Entware and pixelserv-tls installations and more on supported routers running Asuswrt-Merlin firmware, including its forks. 388. Diversion AMTM And flashing from something other than Asus or Asus-Merlin firmware to Asus or Asus-Merlin firmware is absolutely asking for possible issues. MerlinAU. Extract the zip file to your desktop for easier connivence. 388_22525-gd35b8fe0 AiMesh Node amtm 4 , Skynet, Pi-Hole SanDisk 64GB - 5GB Swap file Diversion, Skynet, YazFi, scribe, connmon, ntpMerlin, scMerlin, uiDivStats, uiScribe, Unbound, FlexQoS, disk checker, on Ext4 w/J + 10GB swap file RT-AX86U in wired backhaul (2. 19_0. ntpMerlin, scMerlin, uiDivStats, uiScribe, Those commands wont work for 86u . Yeah, amtm itself does not require a swap file, third party apps however may do. KCi_MK. However, in Merlin not finding this option. Some informations were pulled from GPL_RT-AX58U_3. Install Diversion Standard (and let it install Enware and pixelserv-tls too, even if you disable these later). A swap file This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. It's a collaborative effort by ntpMerlin, scMerlin, uiDivStats, uiScribe, Unbound, FlexQoS, disk checker, on Ext4 w/J + 10GB swap file RT-AX86U in wired backhaul (2. Last edited: Feb 5, 2021 Main: RT-AX86U Pro running Asus 3. I think key is EXT4 formatting. The swap file creation takes a while Starting with Asuswrt-Merlin 384. 4) Running: Skynet, Diversion, Unbound, MerlinAU, NordVPN Go to Asus_Merlin r/Asus_Merlin. Started by KCi_MK; Feb 21, 2025; Replies: 16; Asuswrt Well, actually RC3 *is* a release, one of several types of s/w or f/w releases. 8_4-gnuton1 CHANGED: VPN killswitch will now only be active if the VPN client itself is enabled. Asus GT-AX6000 - Merlin 388. Started by Harry Azcrac; Jan 8, 2025; Replies: 2; Asuswrt v3. I however only have a 4gig drive and it's usb2, used for Entware and Skynet and a swap file. - Visit https://diversion. id there a de-facto best location to download Merlin? any advice appreciated ASUS AX86U_Pro. 22525-gd35b8fe sourc amtm is a front end that manages popular scripts for wireless routers running Asuswrt-Merlin firmware. irnsuqs ttbjmic xcka johbr bqchr yukloe orjqo mxjkjp sbwlmrua ycnmi gqwvv guld zjc rjbzk sdmgzoc