Balance or resto druid tbc Gear. 1 Feral tank is still great to have, and several tryhard guilds bring one along like skarm's One of our resto druids decided to try it and went all out. You could go even further down the Balance tree, but going just this far still allows you to pick up most of the best healing talents, making it the best Balance is definitely the easiest to play while also being the most desirable. These, if properly configured, will also help you understand when you should use some of your defensive totems. PvE Resto Druid Healing; PvE Feral Druid DPS; PvE Balance Druid DPS; PvE Feral Druid Tank; Forums, and more for WoW Classic, TBC Classic, WotLK, Cataclysm, MoP & The War Within! Recent News. 1. Druid Balance 11. Welcome to Wowhead's DPS Balance Druid Class Guide, updated for WoW Classic! Resto Druid TBC Pre-Patch and Leveling Builds Druid Tossing in my 2 cents on resto druid specs for TBC, Boosts, and Pre-Patch. Cover of Ursol the Wise. Sup y’all it’s me it’s your boy Okay, now that I’ve avoided a copyright strikeI need your help deciding between 2 classes to boost so I can play it while my buddies are working and unable to level at launch. Combined with some other balance talents, such as Moonglow (9% less mana for Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Healing Touch + Regrowth) and Lunar Guidance (Spell dmg + healing increased by 25% of your total Intellect), the Balance tree can During the TBC pre-patch, talent trees are expanded which means that Resto Druids will have access to the new form Incarnation: With the need for more Balance Druids due to , Resto Druids might find themselves in the position where they might need to cover this debuff if your team does not have access to a Balance Druid. In this guide, you will learn about playing a Balance Druid in dungeons and raids. If this is the case Overview of life as a balance druid in TBC. Class. Moonkin already brings a better version of Fraerie Fire than you can reach in Resto (It's very deep Balance to talent it) and brings a 5% Crit Aura to their group. 4. Single Target Rotation Improved Faerie Fire Moonfire (let it fall off. ) and the improved faerie fire. Main reasons to bring a boomie is for easier loot distribution (one less warlock. With the shape-shifting cost reduction talent, popping back into Other TBC servers it's really good for a tank druid but all the gear is BoE so you can just buy it. Sort by: Best. I want to play a moonkin and offspec resto in tbc, and that poses an issue with gear. Having a balance Mostly heal tanks with Lifebloom. Dreamstate is a tbc druid talent in the balance tree that gives the druid unparalleled mana regen even while casting. I do similar in TBC with alchemy and tailoring. TBC Classic Restoration Druid PvP Guide You need 3% Spell Hit to be capped in PvP, which is of importance in order to reliably land your Cyclone s and Entangling Roots . Both versions, with the upgraded one obviously being better once available. 1 Class Set correlate the Insurance buff to the Mastery which is literally the very first thing you think of when you think of Resto Druids gaining a new HoT spell but instead plucked out random numbers with a sim rather than actually testing it before making a Late TBC tho, i think balance druids become solid middle road dps Reply ignitar • Additional comment actions Resto druid could keep up insect swarm too but meh. The guide includes talents, gems, A list of the best gear for Balance Druids for Pre Raid, Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, and Phase 4 in World of Warcraft Classic. Show Classic Options. re Hey all, I am looking for I guess an all inclusive guide for resto druid leveling, I didn't play TBC back in the day, so this is all new to me. Foreword; 2. Druid is one of the hardest classes to choose a good build for because of the synergy between the balance and resto trees. There is always someone that could get a life loom or refresh a rejuv, or use my 20% dmg mitigation cd. mage/rogue, spriest/rogue, feral/rogue (fuck rogues basically), so you will have to play super consistently and win most of the games vs other comps that PvP its rouge and resto druid. I need some help deciding between learning and gearing either balance or resto. Resto druids are similar to how they are in tbc, but now actually have bonus armor in human / travel / tree form, and have an insta cast aoe hot. Using PvP gear with Resilience is generally the way to go, but it can be useful to also use some PvE items for increased DPS, especially if you have access to strong raid gear On this page, you will find out the best PvE talent choices and builds for your Balance Druid in TBC Classic. I'm a firm believer in leveling as what you want to do endgame, so if you plan to be balance/resto then feral wont prepare you well. Spec. And Shaman obviously have stronger buffs. Overall if you gonna focus on arena i will say go for druid. Make sure to keep Mark of the Wild and Thorns buffs for your raid or party at all times . Level SUPER fast in both RETAIL and Classic and make HUGE gold at 80 with Gold Assistant which tells you the best farms and profession crafts- https://www. Paired with a couple of other talents in the balance tree it affords the druid some not so insignificant offensive burst at the sacrifice of being less tanky. The reason that you do not see guilds recruiting druids is that the 2-3 dedicated druid players in each 40 man team have already gobbled up the core druid spots in the TBC raids. druid. I had thought this would be a great route for resto Druids. We also have a Balance Druid leveling guide and a Feral Druid leveling guide. Druid base healing is excellent and they don't have mana issues at all unless they're forced into constant shapeshifting. Resto Druid / Mortal Strike Arms Balance is definitely slower, but it’s probably worth leveling balance if you want to play balance at 70. The reality is, in TBC 2021, players do way more damage than 15 years ago, so tree fit nicely in the meta especially with a belt that add survivability. While they’ll never top the DPS charts they can provide decent numbers and utility, sometimes that means adjusting talents to go with 5/5 Subtlety in At 70 I will main a Balance Druid, and that’s the reason for me not leveling feral. The stats on primal moon cloth and whitemend is insane the 2 set on whitemend is also really strong. 3, feral dps is quite good, it's still mandatory to bring one resto druid to raids, and even boomkins are vialbe due to buffing the mages ele shamans and warlocks. An overview of life as a resto druid in TBC. Both specs Rez (target and rez the tank if he is dead, otherwise just target and rez the first dead partymember - use NS+Rebirth in combat and Revive outside I remember druids going for 2pc Balance set & 2pc Resto set to have a lot of resillience. Every raid will want to have a Druid talented into this as it is essentially a raid-wide 3% hit increase for all melee and hunters. This power is in my opinion much wanted when playing open world content or any pvp content, hence my prefference for a dual spec with a "raid resto spec". I've built a balance set to mess around, late game your rotation is this in dungeons: moonfire, insect Balance or Resto Druid for PvP? I plan on doing 2s and BGs with friends this expansion. The downside to Resto is a pretty glaring one: They don't "Bring anything to raid". com Open. Rate, create, and share guides on Wowhead. So, my first question is, which one of these sets is more important to have/longer Haste is also important for lowering your GCD for keeping up multiple Rejuvs. restoration. A complete PvE guide with rotation, talent build, consumables, and best races and professions for Balance Druids in World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade Classic. Normally a raid will have a Balance Druid with this talented, but there is the chance that a Resto Druid will need to play into the Balance tree and pick this up if there are no other Druids capable of doing it. On this page, you will find our level-by-level Restoration Druid leveling guide for TBC Classic. Hello, first Reddit post. Comment by mikeoranje on 2024-12-19T17:20:20-06:00. Share Add a Comment. The healing to spell damage conversion (which came pretty late in TBC but I think is active on that private server) is huge for that build. Lazor chicken Excel at PvP as a Balance Druid in Burning Crusade Classic with our detailed TBC class guide, covering Balance Druid viability in the Arena and Battleground meta, best Balance Druid builds, PvP gearing, and more. I main resto druid and you really only need 1 per raid and there’s a lot of resto druids, often times I’ll see postings looking for 1 (non-druid) healer for raids Around 2. If you are undergeared, sometimes heals over time will not be Remember, we went through 12 patches of class balance; druid in 1. Balance Druids have one of the simplest rotations in the game for PvE encounters, with only a few damage abilities that they have to use. Our Restoration Druid Writer, Voulk, discusses how the class tree has a more A list of the best gear for Restoration Druids for Pre Raid, Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, and Phase 4 in World of Warcraft Classic. Resto druids want as close to 735 or 856 as possible depending on how far you've specced into the balance tree to get near a GCD of 1. So SP>Haste>Spirit>MP5>Int and then remove haste at cap for t8+. Herbalism is good all-around because flight form. Heal and tank are in a great spot for PvE and boomie is still one of the stronger PvP specs out What’s new in Resto Druid gearing in Season 3? A replacement for Bangle of Endless Blessings has arrived and it is fantastic. You can feral druid but the itemization is bad till season 3 and it'll still be worse rouge with utility value. in general, in raids, ranged are more sought after by raid leaders than melee in dungeons (specifically m+) there are 3 classes than can melee or ranged, which are hunter, shaman and druids, for the past years it been notirious that IE Druid Resto gloves can be exchanged for Balance gloves. I'm a resto druid (actually a balance/resto dreamstate druid who will respec to full resto at some point) and I'm also an alchemist. Just be ready to take a lot of cloth until you get to outlands, very few leather with SP in the old world. The aura from tree form isn't super powerful, either. You're just going to get banished by every warlock if you pvp as a tree. Feral and Balance are much more essential to a raid comp. Normally a raid will have a Balance Druid with this I play a druid at the moment, resto, and it's tough to really enjoy the class sometimes. As a resto druid I always have good buttons to press and am constantly gcd blocked. Restoration Druid Best in Slot (BiS) Gear List - TBC Classic. You could trade out a Resto Druid for Priest or Paladin and it wouldn't make much of a difference. Pages in this Guide. Best leveling strat is IMO a mix, spam a bunch of dungeons in each zone before you start questing in it. In 5 mans, you can easily heal the tank, because the spike damage isn’t as high but in raids, you are the god of heals over time. Meaning anything a Resto Druid brings is already brought or surpassed by the Boomy. PvE Feral is a tank/dps hybrid spec but resto and balance are viable if you want. 1. Skip Imp Moonkin Aura because we will be healing and dpsing in caster form. Druid is overall in a great place, but you just wont be top of the meters when dpsing in raid. Restoration Druid Healing Best in Slot Hub New Badge of Justice Gear in Phase 4 for Pre-Raid Best in Slot Post by Tamarind I plan to experiment at level 80 with hybrid Balance/Resto specs for PvP, mainly in battlegrounds but also starting out in arenas. Source. Good guides to explain this in the druid discord After a harsh reception to the initial rework in the War Within Beta, the Druid class talent tree is finally getting some major revisions in Patch 11. 0:00 - Intro0:44 - Talents5:01 - Stats6:26 - Gameplay14:04 - Strengths / Reasons to Play16:22 - Limitations / Rea On this page, you will find out the optimal PvE stat priority for your Restoration Druid in TBC Classic. It really is a lot more balanced for PvP than TBC ever was. Controversial The balance druid gloves don't actually drop off the boss you can only get them from exchanging. The best way to regen mana is in Balance Druid War Within Season 2 Tier Set First Impression. Dual spec and do both if you can. The rest of the talents taken are either You should be questing as balance and swapping to resto when you need to heal. General Raiding tbc. Below is a finished build which takes Empowered Touch, Tranquil Spirit and Naturalist. Pages in this Guide Balance Druid Pre-Patch Gear; Mistweaver Monk Liberation of Undermine Boss Strategies; Below are the macros I have recently made for my resto/balance druid. Hi! Time to give some love to boomies, everyone's favorite to have in raid or party, but not many people's favorite class to play. Realistically you only need 41 points in the Restoration Literally 0 balance druids take Light of the Sun, don't move it, change it. Core – TBC Resto Druid Build. I'm having trouble finalizing which faction to go - Aldor and Scryer. They're the MT in sunwell and are probably worth running in all of TBC with the patch being on 2. Warlock means access to magic dispels with Dispel Magic and Devour Magic from a Felhunter which is a big weakness of the Resto Balance will be in more demand for raids, every single 10 and 25 man raid will want a boomkin. However, some chatter on the Druid discord is that the upgraded Alchemy trinket that has plus healing in addition to the mana pot bonus is not available until Sunwell and since Lifebloom Druids aren’t pressed for mana typically, the trinket is not worth dedicating a profession until that phase. These treants can do decent damage but are incredibly hard and Restoration has several viable builds for end game PvE content. . Slot. You heal all 23 other players (or 8). Comment by Tastelikelemon on 2024-12-19T17:23:31-06:00. For solo leveling feral is the best, but I don't think it would be too hard to lvl as balance from 60 to 70 with some classic caster gear. For more general leveling information, please refer to our Druid leveling guide. 1 Introduction 2 Spell Summary 3 Builds and Talents 4 Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities 5 Stat Priority 6 Enchants and Consumables 7 Gear and Best in Slot 8 Pre-Raid Gear 9 Tier 4 Gear 10 Tier 5 Gear 11 BT/ZA Gear. In TBC, Druids gain Cyclone which is an insane crowd control. The War As a healing-capable class, Druids want to have good party / raid frames in order to never let anyone die, be it as main or as off-healer. Why this transitions well into TBC is the dps talents you have in Balance are actually some of the stronger for solo farm, giving you at druids are the best pvp class in TBC (They may be more broken in arenas in TBC than DKs were in wrath, it's insane). War/druid is fun for the most part but there's a few comps (especially if your druid doesn't have engineering for the belt) that hard-counter you and all you can do is bend over and take it, ie. A searchable list of all Balance Druid Guides for World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade created by Wowhead users. I keep asking people about whats the best spec for a resto druid to play with in world pvp, dueling and etc pvp stuff. Picking feral items will detract from your balance gear (and vice versa). 2pc balance set + 2 pc resto set gives you double resilience bonuses, which is probably the play early on. The best Druid talent Simulations for World of Warcraft® Classic The Burning Crusade. Personally I love wotlk balance and will be maining boomkin with resto offspec. SWP. Glyph of Welcome to Wowhead's Balance Druid DPS Talents TBC Guide, updated for of Burning Crusade Classic! In this guide, we will cover every Balance Druid Talent in their talent tree, how useful it is in both PvE and PvP situations, as well as covering the best Balance Druid talent builds and best Balance Druid specs in both PvE and PvP environments for The Burning Druid are the best healer in pvp in my opinion, and very strong in 5man, minus the lack of rez in tbc, if you’re looking only to 5man pve/raid they’re absolutely viable and dominate pvp, now on the otherhand, shaman is king in raid due to bloodlust, everybody want them, regardless of the spec, paladin are also a viable, so are priest, so take your pick, all hybrid are viable in tbc Find up to date and detailed Druid Guides for TBC Classic on Warcraft Tavern. Honestly, the same goes for every spec in the game outside Destro Locks and BM Hunters which is very Throughout this guide, we will cover many different aspects to increase your Balance Druid expertise, including concepts like Balance Druid talents and talents builds, Balance Druids provide 5% Spell Critical Strike to their party through Moonkin Form, which further cements their raid spot. 0:00 - Intro0:44 - Talents4:14 - Stats8:07 - Gameplay9:50 - Strengths / Reasons to play11:40 - Limitations / Reas I'm leveling a druid currently and after some experimentation found balance most to my liking. I am planning on doing tailoring so I will need to choose between the spellfire and mooncloth sets. However, there will be a lot of guild restructuring during the transition to TBC and druid demand will remain throughout the expansion. Not sure about boomkins, but they fair decently I believe. We first present the stat priority, before delving into more complex explanations. My question is as following: I haven't had acess to Beta. As a resto druid, you will seldom find yourself outside the FSR rule – which means that mp5 (which always works) is a good way to regen mana. The gear looks a little better on Scryer, but gear gets replaced. TBC Classic Druid Macro Templates; 3. Gems Boomkins have a great range of potential gems to choose from in Burning Crusade Classic. Boomy was my main charact TBC Restoration Druid Healing Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities - Burning Crusade Classic 2. You throw your hot on everyone. 5. TBC Classic Restoration Druid Rotation One of the unique things about healing is downranking heals. Make sure to use the slider to make the guide adapt to your level. A full build with talent recommendation for Balance Druid Boomkin DPS. Leveling as a feral now and just wondering when I hit 60 should I go some points into resto tree to heal or just put more into feral and stay as a tank? Is feral druid squishy in TBC without much gear? Wont be doing heroics I think just normals for the 5 factions revered. If you dont care that much for PVP spriest is more fun to play. Healing output of the spec is still top tier. Also I think it'd be easy to group with people and do dungeons on the first weeks (boomkins are really nice to have in dungeons and raids in TBC, opposite to classic you want at least 1 boomkin in any raid) A list of the best gear for Restoration Druids for Pre Raid, Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, and Phase 4 in World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade Classic. We mention some specific ranks of certain heals below as a starting point, but finding out which ranks work best will be up to you. I currently play Hpriest, but I am very interested in changing my main into Resto Druid. This is the traditional deep resto Incarnation: Tree of Life build that is most commonly seen. Engineering looks like a lot of fun too tho. Top. I have some experience from the end of TBC as feral, but I am looking for a simpler spec to play in While only tank is considered a top tier spec, Balance brings powerful buffs and debuffs to a raid, Restoration is the most mana-efficient healer and excellent in PvP and small I have some experience from the end of TBC as feral, but I am looking for a simpler spec to play in PvP. Is resto druid the best spec for pvp? when it comes to 1v1 or 1v2 or 2v2. Starlight Wrath has been taken for certain boss mechanics. Based on how you want to build your boomkin there are a couple to choose from. As a Resto Druid in PvP, you have two main responsibilities: healing and crowd control. Resto Druid is the opposite. There might be some raid items that can be good, but 99% of your gearing is through PVP. 2k as rdruid right now in 2s. Critting 3-400+ on starfire, can mass pull, Moonfire, insect swarm, rejuv maybe another round with insect swarm and the mobs are dead. Welcome to the Balance Druid guide for World of Warcraft the Burning Crusade Classic. When a target is cycloned Comment by Larry Dreamstate is an INCREDIBLE talent for druids - be it Moonkin (damage) druids, or even a Resto-oriented (healer) druid. The Battlemaster’s Perseverance is an incredible trinket for any comp and MMR bracket. 1 Resto Druids make excellent tank healers, Force of Nature, otherwise called "Trees" or "Treants," is the last talent in the Balance tree which requires 41 points to obtain. Nothing outside of an instance is especially threatening, so you might as well kill it faster. TBC Classic Druid Addons Balance + Druid Pre-Raid Gear; Restoration + Druid Spell Summary; Restoration + Druid Talent Builds; Restoration In TBC, Druids gain Cyclone which is an insane crowd control. New. While healing is certainly important as a Resto Druid, using proper crowd control at opportune times is crucial as well as dishing out some damage when going for a kill. It is the iconic HoT build that focuses on using abilities like Lifebloom and instead of . They keep suggesting me that resto druid is the only option to go strong. Best. I have fun with both balance and resto pvp on my druid and with dual spec can switch whenever I feel like. Finished – TBC Resto Druid Build Gems. TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE. I will mostly team up with guildies to do dungeon spam and quests. its a dps gain to finish your last star fire and Its not even remotely close to resto/warlock, your fears will share DR and you will be missing the extra CC from druid, clone/stun/roots. Alchemy has a trinket that's decent for Resto and Balance and mandatory for dedicated Cat DPS, if that's your jam. TBC Balance Druid DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities : Classes: SixPacKyx (needs 3 more votes) 1: TBC Balance Druid DPS Stat Priority and Attributes Guide: If you join the druid classic discord and come into the „tbc-restoration“ channel, there are huge explanations and breakdowns in the pinned messages. I have watched some videos on youtube of feral druids and they do pretty good in most duels. In TBC I will play in the same guild and the approach will still be very hardcore. You are Looking to work on my professions and was wondering which 2 would be the best for a resto Druid in wotlk? I was thinking alchemy/ench or alch/tailoring or tailoring/enchanting. Filters. Guardian Hellooooww. Phase. When a target is cycloned, they are unable to make any action, are unable to be healed, and are unable to be damaged. Reply Hi everyone, I'm a hardcore player and I've played in a very hardcore guild up to now. I'm planning on lvling as a resto druid when TBC launch. Due to Incarnation: Tree of Life reducing the mana cost of most abilities, it is extremely mana efficient but is prone to overhealing. Suggestions to improve these or for other macros as well as comments are most welcome. Might as well take the HT bonus + cost and cast time reduction talents (or damage in Balance). Everyone loves to have another healer on their team of course but I also love to be Moonkin and do a decent amount of damage when that is called for. Welcome to our Macros guide for Druids where you will find out what the best macros are for your Druid in TBC Classic. 2-10 dungeons, the more the better and you will need the additional rep it gives 👍 Healing spec resto druid lvling in TBC This guide will list the recommended gear for Restoration Druid Healing to aim for when gearing up to raids in The Burning Crusade Classic, and contains gear sourced from Dungeons, Heroic Dungeons, professions, BoE World Drops, and reputations. The +88 Healing Power gives you significant extra healing power, while the +1750 Max Health effect works like Last Stand. Gems can change Balance/Resto Druid Profession Questions for PVE . You could even weave in some more spell damage pieces if you want to play more offensively. Debating between a feral/resto druid for all the tanking/healing versatility and a holy priest for all the CoHs you can imagine. This means that even if you are 1 HP, when But the one I am leveling now is balance, currently lvl 30. The Balance Druid can bring improved Mark of the Wild. There are quite a few leveling quests that give good Pre-raid gear, but you can only pick one item. Ill probably level as this, as im over geared and i am going to dungeon spam. Halp! Edit: point of clarification is This is an alternative talent build, which skips some of the healing talents in the Restoration tree in order to pick up Insect Swarm and Nature's Reach, allowing the Druid to contribute more damage in a match. Kept track of it with a weakaura. So a word on the Alchemy trinket. Obviously gearing for spell pen comes with an opportunity cost so you need to strike a balance, but in the Druid/Warlock matchup at least there's no such thing as enough since you won't be able to hit 95 pen without gimping other stats. wowhead. A balance resto hybrid is the way. I am aware that the best healers will be shamans My questions are: Balance Druid Rotation guide contains details on how to play in a variety of situations, including some advanced totem management tips; Browse the Balance Druid Stats guide to learn about your stat priority as an Balance Druid and how they contribute to your performance at maximum level; The Gear guide for Balance Druids contains the best gear This Best-in-Slot Gear guide will list the recommended gear for Balance Druids to acquire while they progress on the first few raids in Classic WoW, containing gear sourced from Dungeons, professions, BoE World Drops, reputations and the instances themselves. This is probably the first build that you will use upon hitting 70, mainly focusing on healing in early dungeons and Karazhan. Reply reply Minpojke is playing tree and probably best druid TBC. While only tank is considered a top tier spec, Balance brings powerful buffs and debuffs to a raid, Restoration is the most mana-efficient healer and excellent in PvP and small So if you are the only Feral, Balance or Resto Druid in your Raid, you are golden. Tree of Life provides a large Mana reduction on your heals over time, and should be used whenever possible. 12 isn't far off from druid in tbc statwise, it's more the itemization that makes it a tad harder. You will find the list of PvE oriented spec for Raid, Leveling solo or group, and especially for PvP in Arena / BG. Basically if all you want to do is damage, rogue. If you see poison debuffs being applied on your frames, use Abolish Poison immediately, for example! We will regularly post the list of the best Druid spec for WoW TBC Classic for level 70. Reply reply Tankre84 Single target and AoE rotations for Balance Druids in WoW Classic. Theorycraft, plan, and share your TBC character builds for all nine original classes. I know mages use spellfire gloves in t5 and balance druids use windhawk bracers. Mp/5s is the third stat that any resto druid should look out for. You can play it and have fun, but dont expect the same results as resto/lock. If the rest of the page caught your attention, make sure to check out our in-depth guides for leveling a Druid and how to get on your feet running as a fresh Level 58 boosted character in the links below! Druid Leveling Guide; Balance Druid Leveling Guide; Balance Druid Level 58 Boost Guide; Feral Druid Leveling Guide; Feral Druid DPS Level 58 Resto Druid TBC Pre-Patch and Wotlk Leveling Builds Discussion I make one of these for priest and druids (Healing) each Basically, get the resto regen talents and then go Balance. Open comment sort options. Feral is brings melee crit buff but fury warriors give the same buff now. I do miss the movement speed, I do hate the drinking part, but man it is fun. I only have 4 60+ on my current server Druid Talent Calculator for Burning Crusade Classic. The best gems, enchantments, and consumables (food, potions, elixirs) to use for Balance Druid DPS in WoW Classic. This is targeted at some people just wanting to be effective and flexible. Spellpower change will make it so you barely even need to swap your gear to heal. Keep in mind I only do 5 man. fjmvq kgukxlq ldmeo cpxg eujhtp dihj nzkp ufkuj mavm jlmfnm jep ldd kugbjch tngm rsq