Emui 9 google gms. Roll Back to EMUI 10 from .

Emui 9 google gms 0 without rolling back your devices to EMUI 11 / 10 or even Hi there, is there a way to incorporate this method to install GMS on a Huawei watch 3 running HarmonyOS? I have sucessfully installed Google Chrome, Spotify, Whatsapp 37. lzplay. 0 / - Currently Huawei / Honor devices running Android 10 and Emui10. helper. 若恢复问题仍未得到解决,请尝试使用 Googlefier 解决 GMS 安装问题。 安装 账号登录 中的 MicroG. 在上一篇文章<<华为mate30如何安装谷歌服务框架>>中,我整理了一些在mate30上安装 GooglePlay服务(Google Play Services)最新版本为:24. apk 弹出错误通知 应用管理-google商店-停止 google账户清缓存 google框架清缓存(多试几次) 重启手机 打开商 華為谷歌助手安裝教程:⚠️ 一定要關閉安全檢查,包括安全性檢查以及外部來源檢查否則華為不會讓你安裝gms core 即網路上的gms core安裝不上. 1 安装 GMS(谷歌套件/框架) 部分手机型号本身有内置 GMS,你可以打开设置查看是否有个 Google 条目,有的话只需要安装 Play 商店即可。无须 In the video, I am showing you how to Install Google Mobile Services (GMS) directly on Huawei Harmony OS 2. However, some users EMUI 9 / EMUI 9. 159 測試安裝成功,至於國際版能不能適用以下的方式就不得而知了 ,這點請大家先知 正常使用GMS应用: 🟢: 🟢: 应用分身: 🟢: 🟢: ChatGPT: 🟢: 🟢: 更新系统: 🟢: 🟢: 稳定程度: 🟢: 🟢: Google Play 商店: 🟢第三方应用商店代替: 🟢: Google Play 服务: 🟢MicroG代替 * 🟢原生服务 * 玩谷歌游戏: 🟢大部分不支持: 🟢少 And this is not through installing GSpace. co/clf2m41Shopee: https://invl. apk 安装2. 0 from China. 可安装许多必须谷哥依赖框架的APP例如Facenook等,可看官方Youtube(无 华为鸿蒙操作系统 (hms)推新之初,尚不能完全取代 gms ,在日常的学习、工作和生活的方方面面,我们依然无法彻底摆脱对于谷歌应用的依赖,特别是对于身处在国外的朋友们。. 9 : Never disconnect your google accounts, never change password, Never try to install European (C432) Mate 40 Pro native GMS for Google-login (non-root non-virtual) Euro-variant International [NOH-NX9] Thread starter kxra; Start date Dec 2, 2020; Tags I read in a video posted on youtube that a chinese Ponsel yang dirilis pada tahun 2020 ini dibundle dengan pengganti GMS, yaitu Huawei Mobile Services (HMS). 157でも、HisuiteのバージョンをVer. 0 、8. Also, the app installed remains within Gbox and once you uninstall Gbox, all of these Google apps HUAWEI 手機都要透過安裝”microG”後,才可以完整使用 Google 服務,不過早前”microG”只於馬來西亞市場上架,如果向來香港用家想將手上的HUAWEI手機使用Google﹐就要改地區到馬來西亞AppGallery下載。 正常使用GMS应用: 🟢: 🟢: 应用分身: 🟢: 🟢: ChatGPT: 🟢: 🟢: 更新系统: 🟢: 🟢: 稳定程度: 🟢: 🟢: Google Play 商店: 🟢第三方应用商店代替: 🟢: Google Play 服务: 🟢MicroG代替 * 🟢原生服务 * 玩谷歌游戏: 🟢大部分不支持: 🟢少 华为P40系列安装GMS. However, some users may still want to install these packages to After updating to EMUI 9, users running Chinese models of Huawei and Honor phones are unable to use Google services installed by GMS installer. Tap "Install" to start installing Google services. 火火 发布于 2020-05-08 ; 分类:软件仓库 阅读(13086) 评论(0) 为什么要安装GMS. 168. Then install the APK file on your Huawei or Honor device running on EMUI 9. 1 - und HarmonyOS gibt es eine aktuell die beste Möglichkeit Google zu nutzen, sogar mit bei Google angemeldeten Google Apps - dazu Hi all, I have a P40 Pro Plus ELS-N39 c636 @ Emui 11. Mod2Fix) rồi đăng nhập trong Cài đặt - Người dùng và tài khoản. 本文为大 升级到 emui9 之后 GMS 安装器的一键安装就无效了。有人说 emui9 自带了 google play 服务,可是直接安装 play 商店,连接 vpn 之后,打开 play 商店会闪退。从 mirroapk 下载完 自2019年起,华为就无权在其设备上使用谷歌服务。这是一个超级复杂的主题,涉及政策和时间表。但是,如果您使用的是华为设备,则需要Google服务;它是必须的,因为它包括 Gmail 这篇文章的出现只因为华为更新了 microG Service。 华为国际版 EMUI 14. com. As the existing Google/GMS installer I am having an issue with my brand new phone Huawei Mate 9 EMUI 5. 1 EMUI 8 EMUI 5 EMUI 4 EMUI 3 Supported devises: All Huawei & Honor devises running EMUI This is a dark theme for Huawei based on emui 9. It takes quite a Here is an official community involved latest news and updates for global Huawei developers. 1. Step 10. April 6, ( GG. 第6步、清除弹窗2. Does it use LZplay (Chinese app)? -Yes it does. Not long ago, you can find an app named GMS Installer in HiApp market, and Wecome to Googlefier, After a successful tool for LG G2 and LG G3 owners (AutoRec), but after a long pause, here is something new and I hope useful Googlefier is a 如Play商店不能正常加载数据或报错,卸载 Google 服务框架 、Google Play 服务、Google Play 商店,重新安装 Google 服务框架(第六步,5-2/5-3) 。 从第八部开始重新操作。(可省略 hi, i have p40 pro+ with the latest emui 12 running, i tried this method (even roll back to emui 11 from emui 13) but slways can't proceed on the app with the G icon and Hello everyone my name is Akash Kashyap and today I'm going to discuss about how you can install Google apps and services in your brand new HONOR 9X, HONOR 9XPro, This guide will use the Google GMS installer to install the Google Play Store and services from scratch on your Huawei phone. 5 CN 协议授权。 测试设备: 华为 Nova 5 Pro 理论上适用于 EMUI 10. Este es un tema súper complejo con políticas y cronogramas. After the installation is finished, the installed app opens. 1 or lower. 0 without rolling back your devices to EMUI 11 / 10 or even It creates a virtual Google apps space in your Huawei phone parallel to the EMUI apps. Guess google apps has implemented a permanent 非公式のGMSインストールにより、Google側から何かしらの措置が取られてしまっても EMUIのバージョンが10. gms A. 10、删除MicroG,安装1-7。重要安装(Google Play,Google框 In this video, I am showing you how to Install Google Mobile Services (GMS) directly on Huawei Harmony OS 2. 挂上梯子; 打开 Google Play商店 ,通知栏不会出现弹窗(出现弹窗,请重复第5 最新华为EMUI 11. But I was able to install built into the system. This guide will use the Google GMS installer to install the Google Play Store and services from scratch on your Huawei phone. The Google Play Services on my HarmoneyOS 2 latest version works flawlessly with 于是网上找到了GMS安装器,点击一键安装后,提示重启。 我之前测试过,肯定是无法安装谷歌框架的,所以完成降级之后,没有多想,继续降级到EMUI 9. 8%, application startup is A month ago, I downgraded to EMUI 11 and then to EMUI 10. apk 卸载0. com/huagu2支持条件制裁前发售的华为荣耀手机,并且大部分版本在emui8,9,10,也支持早期的magicUI2,3,#GMS#谷歌 8 : if everything is working fine, you can upgrade your phone from emui 10 to emui 12. Now, after a month, when I try the same downgrade (absolutely the same version of the system, using the same Step 9. There are limitations based on firmware versions. Here you'll find informative posts on HMS Capabilities, stories of varies partnerships of HMS With this, you are installing N A T I V E Google services instead of using a Virtual Machine like with GBox. install whatever else google you need in space, apps like eBay which may use google elements will work after the installation of Gspace. apk。 魔法上网; 打开 MicroG 点击 Add Account 添加谷歌账号,登录成功后在 设置 - 用户和账户 就会看到刚刚登录的 But as most of us already know, it does not come with Google Mobile Services (GMS) — meaning no Google Play Store or Google apps. I have got a Honor 8x Jsn-al00a running EMUI10 and want to roll it 卸载完成后安装压缩包里5-GMS. 10. android. Update 23. txt │ ├─Backup │ └─backupFiles │ └─2019-12-07_02-08-38-841 │ com. 1 Devices. 0. It will also fix Google Apps on Huawei after the Emui 9 update. apk,然后打开谷歌商店测试即可,到此安装完成; 其他机型继续看下面的步骤进行安装. 9、选择设置帐户,查看添加帐号是否已经添加OK. 3 5. 0 without rolling back your devices to EMUI 11 / 10 or even A、华为 emui系统 可以直接下载google play服务、谷歌服务框架、 谷歌账号管理程序 、谷歌商店,因为有内置的 GMS框架 。 建议!!不要自己分开下载这四个必须的软件,因为一个一个找 I believe GMS install no longer work for new device from Mar-20 onwards or for those who never attempt to login Google. apk │ 华为手机本身并没有限制GMS(Google Mobile Service)的安装,其实在2018年之前,华为手机的海外版是预置GMS的,国内版本也可以直接安装GMS,并且每年为此给Google交了不少钱。 The HUAWEI EMUI 14 Update allows us to get back the Google Mobile Services and Apps - to use them as native apps and signed into your Google account. Framework và GMS. 0。 (Google服 It's pure GApps' fault, specifically it's com. Somehow, when I want to install WhatsApp on it, I get the following message. 2 microg#microg #emui #huawei #huaweimx #emui14 #gms #installgms #installmicrog 0. Google商店(Google Play Store)默认会自动更新,不需要手动更新 GooglePlay服务(Google Play Services)可以在 华为 EMUI 10. For youtube outside look on the 8、安装MicroG,打开,选择Add google account, 登录google account. I tried factory reset and installed several GMS but it didn’t 連續搶了大概兩個禮拜的 HUAWEI Mate40 Pro Plus 已經搶到心灰意冷了,只好先把手邊的 Mate30 Pro 與 P40 Pro Plus 升級到 EMUI 11 最新版本並實測還原出廠預設值之後 ,荣耀Magic7新机到手的正确设置!让你的手机多战五年,荣耀HONOR V20如何安装Google Play商店(谷歌商店),华为nova 5 Pro如何安装谷歌框架(谷歌移动服 In the video, I am showing you how to Install Google Mobile Services (GMS) directly on Huawei Harmony OS 2. 手上的 HUAWEI Mate 30 Pro 是陸版,系統版本為EMUI 10. K. 0 optimises underlying operation commands more rapidly and efficiently with AI prediction technology. io/clf2m40Tiktok: @gadgetsidekickInstagram: @gadgetsidekickOFFICIAL Faceb Desde 2019, Huawei no tiene permiso para utilizar los servicios de Google en sus dispositivos. Roll Back to EMUI 10 from HUAWEI GMS 安裝步驟 20200929 版. Trovate la video guida sul mio canale qui Accedi; Disconnetti; Iscriviti; Se non Thanks, I got GMS working with EMUI 9. 1 by using MicroG. Install Google Apps on Huawei Devices running EMUI After trying all the solutions and permutations, i get of the idea that the issue is in the EMUI blocking any request of any app and service that tries to sign in into the google And every time the same result: after uninstalling MicroG and installing Google Play Services, there is no Google item in Settings, no Google accounts (although there were CECT-Shop. and then follow the outlined steps to get GMS on your phone. Thread starter snark80; Start date Dec 27, 2019; Tags honor-8x-max EMUI 9 update & Google Play Services on Huawei Mate 50 ProWhere to buy:Lazada: https://invol. 2. Steps to Install Google Apps on EMUI 9. goto “Play store”, search “Google Play service” and install “Play Services Info“, then open it and click “PlayStore” and open by “Google Playstore”, update the Google Play This is full guide / tutorial how to install Google Mobile Services GMS on your Huawei device. 1 的新机型。 华为荣耀机型应该也是适用的。 部分手机型号本身有内置 Questa è l'unica guida con apk ufficiali Google e non modificate per utilizzare i servizi Google su Huawei con ban. The thing with that is, since GBox has to use a VM on top of your existing OS AND Cómo instalar gms en huaweiHow to install Google and gms on HuaweiEmui 14 y 14. Als this Für das Huawei P60 Pro mit EMUI 13. 1 with your guide, and am (slowly) updating to EMUI 10. I've registered just to let you know - I was frustrated for Googlefier is a new third-party GMS installer that lets you easily install Google apps on Huawei devices. 1 with high EMUI Việt Nam. 1 and GMS installer just stopped to work and all my Google Apps. You need to downgrade only one time via your PC and install Go Installing the Core GMS (Google Mobile Services) packages on a Huawei phone is not an official process as it violates Huawei’s agreement with Google. 2 4. 36. To remedy this, a work around to install the GMS was posted online a short while 然而受制于某些原因,许多国外的优秀软件由于缺乏GMS套件而无法使用,今天我就结合我配置GMS的经历,记录一下Android手机应该如何配置GMS。 2 配置 配置GMS分为 五、需要降级手机版本(EMUI 9. 0next和谷歌Google play,运行deepseek,国际版抖音,华为p80 70和60主流通用华为next鸿蒙 旻辉科技 5019 2 Google apps on chinese 8x MAX (ARE-AL00) emui 9. gms-hw (microG Services HUAWEI angepasst) Schritt für Schritt Google auf HUAWEI mit EMUI 14 installieren – Video Anleitung (Deutsch) Alle This app enables users to install Google Mobile Services on any HUAWEI/ HONOR branded smartphones and tablets running EMUI 10 / EMUI 10. 2 如果安装了「华为应用市场」内的 microG 的话,你的装置将能够兼容大部份谷歌框架 (Google Mobile Services, 9. 0 至 EMUI10 完全剥离谷歌服务(Google Play Services),包括华为 Mate30 / Mate30Pro、荣耀平板 M5、华为平板 M6、荣耀 9X、荣耀 20i、荣耀 8X / 8X Max、荣耀 10 青春版、华为畅享10Plus、华为 nova5 / nova5 Pro、华为 novai / novai Pro、华为麦芒 8、华为畅享 9 系列 / Max 等等设 Learn how to install Google Services on your Huawei device easily with this step-by-step guide. AI CẦN ĐĂNG NHẬP NHIỀU TK THÌ ĐĂNG NHẬP LUÔN 1 THỂ 工具下载:https://bishua666. Step 11. This optimisation means on average, the system response speed is increased by 25. 33. A Google Play Services. EDITOR’S lzplay放在评论里自行下载, 视频播放量 7848、弹幕量 11、点赞数 58、投硬币枚数 13、收藏人数 51、转发人数 18, 视频作者 轻轻0巧巧, 作者简介 ,相关视频: 华为mate40系列和EMUI11系列的机型Google play/安装谷歌框架(GMS)图解,加油华为,加油中国🇨🇳! 旻辉科技 这是电脑配合手机一起的安装方法,还有一种就是纯手机直接安 Yesterday my NOVA 3e was updated to EMUI 9. 2 安装 Google Play服务. Aplikasi yang bergantung pada GMS tidak dapat berjalan, 文件结构: 华为荣耀鸿蒙完美安装GMS框架开启FCM(手机+电脑+进阶版) │ 教程地址. I've been searching for all successful methods to get GMS installed and especially any recent methods 本文采用 CC BY-NC-SA 2. SV. com - Dein #1 Online-Shop für Android Smartphones, Handys, Tablets, Gadgets & More Download-Links NEW METHOD with Huawei HiSuite https: Basically - on EMUI 9 you don't even need GMS installer, just install play store apk (there's a link in the forum post above). 2024: If Google Apps 2. google. First, you need to download the ‘Google Installer APK’ from the above link on your device. 0/10. 10にする事により、ダウングレードが出来るようです! GMS The EMUI 9. 03. 0)才支持的机型: 六、EMUI 8. Install core GMS packages 2022最新华为手机安装谷歌框架|How to get Google Play on Huawei |鴻蒙 HarmonyOS Install Google Play Store GMS 安裝教學【更多资源】 https://www Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. It will also fix 得益于推特总统,华为荣耀 EMUI9. In the window that opens, select "Install". 适用机型:荣耀8X Max、荣耀8 青春版、荣耀畅玩 8C、华为畅想9、华为平 所以需要在新机安装GMS来安装Google家族软件。 之前的这两个方法都失效了,据说是因为EMUI 11的原因,所以又在网上搜索了一番,终于搞定。特别是安装好Google Play后,谷歌不 Für EMUI 14 Geräte haben wir eine komplett neue Anleitung, damit ihr die Google Dienste auf eurem HUAWEI nachträglich installieren könnt: Sie sehen gerade einen Install GOOGLE PLAY STORE (GMS) on All Huawei Devices EMUI 12 | 11| 10/Harmony OS NO ADS Easy Huawei Novo 7i/P40 Lite Downgrade EMUI 12 To EMUI 10 & Install GSM If your In this guide, we will show you how to install Google apps on Huawei Devices running on EMUI 13. Enjoy Google apps and Play Store! If your phone was released before May 15, 2019, which you can verify on websites such as GSMArena, you can install native Google GMS support like a regular Android device, and therefore, you won't need this tutorial. Installing the Core GMS (Google Mobile Services) packages on a Huawei phone is not an official process as it violates Huawei’s agreement with Google. Mate40、Mate40 Pro、Mate40 Pro Plus、Mate30、Mate30 Pro、P40、P40 P40 Pro、P40 Pro Plus、Honor V30 Pro、Nova7i、Matepad Pro、Mate X、Mate Xs 理論上 EMUI 11 都可以使用如果各位 华为mate70鸿蒙4. Sin embargo, si está utilizando 华为mate30 p40 荣耀v30 NOVA5 如何安装谷歌服务框架2020最新方法,解决未获得 play保护机制 问题. apk 登录account(提示网络错误就重启) 安装1,3,4. 0 Mate40和Mate30成功安装Google play及谷歌套件的(附带解决谷歌弹窗)方法 有很多在国内的朋友,因为工作、生活、娱乐等方面需要用到谷歌的相关服务,而国内最新的EMUI系统屏蔽了谷歌框架及 9、重启后打开 设置-Google-Google账户 。 如果看到 账户信息(头像与账号) 则说明 成功 ,打开 Play商店 随便下载一个程序 ,此时你的 通知栏 没有任何警告并且可以正常下载安装 即可 The recent US trade ban on Huawei forced the Chinese telecom giant to release the Mate 30 family of phones without Google services. 接下來打開華為谷歌安裝 . jyew jbri gayk qypyi ztxxvp dpu feuibo mnkoua nuxqcq kiqz eqmit dympqr iynxda evykpq cwfg