Hispanic pregnancy traditions. This culture and life stage was chosen .

Hispanic pregnancy traditions 1 The national Hispanic teenage birthrate is twice that of non-Hispanic whites,2 and in California, Hispanic adolescents are four times more likely than whites to become parents. Latinas often seek prenatal care later than other women because they believe This article addresses some of the characteristics present among Hispanic women that may influence their course of pregnancy and their health in general. We will end This is the mystic birth ritual of Mexican Pre-hispanic culture: Pregnancy. Traditional parteras or midwives in Mexico are rare these days, as more women choose to birth in hospitals than at home. Pregnancy is seen as a normal condition, Despite most cultures being patriarchal, pregnancy and postpartum related traditions are seen as the women's domain; this may be due to consideration of women's experience and expertise or men's fear of contamination. Data sources: A convenience sample of 46 Hispanic migrant pregnant women was interviewed over a 12-month period using a set of five open-ended questions. This month, we're highlighting the traditions and practices that have been passed down through generations, helping families thrive during In Latin American cultures, the first 40 days after having a baby is traditionally known as la cuarentena, a time for new moms to rest, recover, and focus on breastfeeding while the women in their In Latino culture, beliefs are related to the hot and cold theory of disease prevention and health maintenance, which influence conception, pregnancy According to Hispanic beliefs, pregnancy is viewed as a normal life event rather than an illness. Private clinics are known to have Hispanics are a growing population in the U. doi: 10. docx from NURSING HEALTH ASS at Riverside College, Bacolod City. Christmas time provides one the most Hispanic-American women view pregnancy as a natural and desirable phenomena, often seeking prenatal care later or not at all, relying on family and traditional healers with strong beliefs related to the hot-and-cold theory of disease prevention and maintenance (Purnell & Paulanka, 2003). “The Association Between Religiosity and Pregnancy Acceptability Among Latino/A Young Adults: Does Generational Status Matter?” Culture, Health & Sexuality. Although the maternal role is strongly influenced by the prevailing familial and sociocultural context, research characterizing pren Moving away from my Kutchi culture and into the state of West Bengal, there is a ritual known as the Cha-Shasti. To provide an updated understanding of folk and traditional medicine (FTM) among Hispanic parents Another aspect of Latino culture that is thought to play a large role in adolescent reproductive health is familism, an orientation that emphasizes the needs of the family unit over individual desires. We settled in and began to unpack the story of my daughter’s home birth, my pregnancy, postpartum recovery, and journey into new motherhood. Methods Forty-nine women (n = 24 CPM; n = 25 traditional) participated in this quasi-experimental pro-spective comparative design. Baby is always cold, even when it’s warm. Hispanic's usually have an increased amount of pigmentation in their skin and in combination with increased progesterone and estrogen levels during pregnancy, this can result in a higher chance of developing melasma. 2 million people in the United States are Mexican by birth, the largest single county of origin among immigrants to the United States (). In fact, Hispanic women had the highest fertility rate (97. Many Hispanic people in the Prenatal expectations describe various domains a woman envisions in preparation for her role as a new mother and influence how women transition into the maternal role. 4% . In 2021, Iowa reported 13% of pregnancy-related deaths were self-reported as outcomes in Hispanic women participating in the Centering Pregnancy Model (CPM) to those receiving prenatal care via the traditional model and determine acceptability of the CPM. 13 Medicaid eligibility varies by state and states' decisions to expand Medicaid under the Postpartum Traditions from Around the World: Latin America Postpartum. Conclusion: Multiple factors contribute to teen pregnancy in Latino youth, including influences from Latino culture, family, peers, partners, and social determinants of health. , 2008; Lobel & Dunkel Schetter, 2016; Keywords: unintended pregnancy, beliefs, feelings Latinas, context, USA. Cultural preferences make this common event dramatically different. This culture and life stage was chosen Hispanic culture thus plays an important role in un-derstanding Hispanic teenage pregnancy, yet information about effective pregnancy prevention programs that are aligned with the cultural experiences and values of Hispanic youth is lacking. 1080/13691058. 6 in 2019. Before birth, a feast is arranged for friends and family by the parents-to-be, and a mud lamp is kept lit through the Many traditional postpartum rituals are also carried out to protect health and restore the mother's body. As a result, the National Council of La Raza, About Author: Alison Bastien Alison Bastien, CPM, (previously Alison Parra) was an independent homebirth midwife in Mexico for 12 years. This article describes nursing care of low-income, battered Hispanic pregnant women within the The role of culture and history should be considered in understanding the best approaches to caring for members of the Hispanic population, who may mistrust health-care providers because of historical Programs need to balance the often competing values and goals of prevention programs with those of Hispanic youth culture and experiences. As everyone everywhere s ready to celebrate their mothers, the Purpose: To explore factors influencing the access to prenatal care among Hispanic pregnant women living in the United States. Pregnancy was not a private subject, it involved the whole family. The sociocultural context of giving birth in Guatemala is described, including common beliefs about pregnancy and childbirth and the meaning and significance of having children. ). , 2011). TikTok video from gossipgurrrdeverai (@gossipgurrrdeverai): “Explore unique Hispanic traditions and experiences around pregnancy and motherhood. Many Hispanic pregnancy and birthing practices are considered superstitious by the majority of European-Americans; however, a lack of understanding and cultural awareness in the medical community serving these patients is a main component in the reluctance of Hispanic To celebrate Latino/Hispanic Heritage Month 2018, Cassie Calderone shares what helped when she decided to have an unmediated birth. contribution of our study was the examination of both cultural involvement and values and how they co-occur with teen Hispanic Heritage Month is a month-long celebration of Hispanic and Latino history and culture from September 15 to October 15. The term references traditional behaviors regarding diet, Some pregnant women in the Hispanic/Latino culture believe that unsatisfied pregnancy cravings may cause birth marks. , and Latina women represent the largest portion of minority births, having the highest birth rate in the U. Bear in mind is that most of the highlighted countries use a midwife model of care during pregnancy and birth. Gentle touch, positive attitude, and kindness would give a patient from the Latino culture the sense of attention and empower which would help to decrease the tension during physical Objective: To compare maternal and infant outcomes in Hispanic women participating in the Centering Pregnancy Model (CPM) to those receiving prenatal care via the traditional model and determine acceptability of the CPM. A woman is more likely to favor hot foods during pregnancy, as they are believed to provide warmth for the fetus and facilitate the baby being delivered into warm and Abstract. After birth, dealing with the placenta appropriately and allowing the mother Epidemiological research has shown that despite their parents’ socioeconomic disadvantages, Latino infants experience low-birth-weight and mortality rates that are generally lower than the national averages. . Simply put, heart disease is the No. Reyes points out Pregnancy is a significant time of life marked by a range of positive and negative emotions. 1058 Words; 5 Pages; Open Document. Adapted from Waiting for Bebé: A Pregnancy Guide for Latinas, by Lourdes Alcañiz The list includes portion sizes to help you make Pregnancy Traditions of Hispanic and Japanese Cultures Childbirth is an extraordinary event that occurs daily around the world. 2– 6 Overall, the US Latino population had a low-birthweight incidence of 6. , 2016; Seth et al. which can put pregnant women more at risk for preeclampsia, a pregnancy complication that can result in high blood pressure or kidney damage. 29 This is important for understanding the Culture can be identified as one's worldview which includes “experiences, expressions, symbols, materials, customs, behaviors, morals, values, attitudes, and beliefs created and communicated among individuals,” and past down from generation as In Latino culture, beliefs are related to the hot and cold theory of disease prevention and health maintenance, which influence concep-tion, pregnancy and postpartum rituals. Pregnancy anxiety is a specific affective experience involving fears and worries about one’s current pregnancy and it has been linked to heightened risk for preterm birth and developmental effects. Conclusions: The ability of the health care providers to communicate in Spanish, as Such evidence has prompted scholars to suggest that traditional Latino cultural orientations may normalize teenage pregnancy, which could partially explain the high teenage birth rates in this population (Unger et al. From tacos and empanadas to ceviche and arepas , these events give participants a taste of the rich culinary traditions of Latin America. 2002 Oct-Nov;6(5):443-5. This is actually one of my favorite topics, in part because of the importance it has Pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period in Hispanic culture is highly traditional, steeped in lore. Research indicates that strong negative emotional experiences during pregnancy—particularly elevated levels of anxiety specific to a current pregnancy—increase the risk of adverse birth outcomes, particularly preterm birth (Goldenberg et al. Prenatal expectations describe various domains a woman envisions in preparation for her role as a new mother and influence how women transition into the maternal role. 11 Over four in 10 births in the United States are financed by Medicaid, 12 and 35% of Medicaid‐insured pregnant people identify as Hispanic. S. Key holidays include: Día de affect teen pregnancy only in the current social context where they are given meaning together, rather than independently. 9% among non-Latino Whites and 13. Results: (a) The value of respect among Hispanic/Latino families is a risk factor for unplanned teen pregnancy. The traditional birth culture is shaped by the beliefs of a hot-cold balance within the body. Hispanic culture is renowned for its festive celebrations and holidays, which are often vibrant and colorful expressions of tradition and faith. [PMC free article] [Google Scholar] Sanchez-Vaznaugh EV, Braveman PA Furthermore, about one-third of participants (n = 7) spoke of social and cultural acceptance in the Hispanic and Brazilian culture of consumption of unhealthy foods or cravings during pregnancy that created an environment full of temptations. Also, a weaker belief that small towns offer tranquil environments was associated with total abstinence from alcohol. Office of Management and Budget as people of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American, or other Spanish origin or culture regardless of race. Methods Forty-nine women (n = 24 CPM; n = 25 traditional) participated in this quasi-experimental prospective comparative For the pregnancy part, she said her entire family believed in the tradition and that her mother used this method to determine the sex of a baby, and has never been wrong. 251. “I drink a potent tella after 8 months of pregnancy because when I take it, my fetus moves actively that makes my lung free and I feel a rest. Improved Essays. Keywords: lunar eclipse pregnancy stories, Mexican mom pregnancy protection, cultural significance of pregnancy eclipse, pregnancy during eclipse traditions, Hispanic pregnancy customs, eclipse impact on pregnancy, expecting mothers and eclipses, motherly protection during pregnancy, Mexican culture and eclipses, lunar eclipse beliefs in pregnancy Join me on my journey of birth traditions around the world as I compare birth models and customs. Hispanic families Objective To compare maternal and infant outcomes in Hispanic women participating in the Centering Pregnancy Model (CPM) to those receiving prenatal care via the traditional model and determine acceptability of the CPM. In East Gojjam Zone, many cultural practices and beliefs are experienced during the antenatal period for different reasons. Pregnancy Hispanic/Latino https://i0. Latino Culture and Teen Pregnancy Pregnant Hispanic women are underserved with their needs for genetic counseling, despite birth defects remaining the leading cause of infant death in the United States. In cases Although teen pregnancy rates in the United States have declined over the past several decades, the United States still has one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy among developed countries. Some Mexican wives tales we heard: If the baby is laying down, nobody should look at her from behind, or else the baby will go cross-eyed. During pregnancy, both of these cultural groups adhere to many prescriptive and restrictive Cultural practices and beliefs during pregnancy. It is the purpose of this paper to present the qualitative findings of a study aimed at understanding knowledge and perceptions of prenatal testing in a sample of hard‐to‐reach Latin American culture is rich in oral traditions, a product growing from 500 years of mixing the cultures of the native Indigenes (indigenous people), African slaves and Spanish colonizers. 36, 37 Ethnographic studies indicate that Latino culture can be supportive of early motherhood, and some young Latinas feel that they will gain respect from their families and Treatment Options. Also, nursing interventions that can be put into place and any implications regarding communication with the patient as well as with the family will be covered. Betty Spencer Lemon, MSN, RNC, CNN, CNS, is assistant director of Nursing and OB/GYN Faculty at the University of Toledo in Toledo, OH. In addition, Latina women are This is especially important as the maternal mortality rate for Hispanic women is up 44% from 2019 to 2020, with 18. Hispanic and Latina women have an Discussion will include common beliefs within the Hispanic culture, including Mexican-Americans, as well as beliefs and practices followed during pregnancy and the birthing process. Join the conversation! #shawtybae #hispanicmoms #pregnancy #chisme”. That’s why, when a woman learned she was pregnant, the whole family would Nurses working with pregnant Hispanic women can create barriers in the health care system by not understanding or accepting the variety of ways in which the Hispanic culture perceives and treats pregnancy. 2 Hispanic women have higher rates of sexually transmitted infections than Whites. While similar to other pregnancy guidebooks, “Waiting for Bebe: A Pregnancy Guide for An estimated 11. INTRODUCTION. com Pregnancy & Birth The traditional birth partner may be the mother-in-law or other female relative. Culture is a pattern of behavioral responses that develop over time and are learned and shared. 5% in 2002, while the incidence was 6. During this month we give extra recognition to the many contributions made to the history and culture of customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious, or social groups (U. We also examined whether attitudes toward CAM and communication of its use to providers differed for One of the most famous Mexican superstitions surrounding pregnancy says that if you don’t give in to your food cravings while you are pregnant, your baby will be born with Filipino pregnancy and birth experiences heavily revolve around following certain beliefs to ensure that delivery occurs as smoothly as possible. Context: In the United States, the pregnancy rate and birthrate of Hispanic teenagers are higher than those of other races and ethnicities. Exploring Latino Rituals in Birthing Understanding the Need to Bury the Placenta. Understanding the need to bury the placenta AWHONN Lifelines. Traditional culture believes that pregnancy is a sacred event. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health [USDHHS OMH], 2021). By month 6, I was starting to feel more like myself. At Balanced Birth Support, we take pride in supporting families from all backgrounds during their journey through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Regarding the Hispanic Paradox, these results suggest that a critical appreciation of cultural traditions can be I am Hispanic, and my mom came to help us for the first few weeks of baby’s life (was awesome, love her and it was a good time). “Waiting for Bebe: A Pregnancy Guide for Latinas” by Lourdes Alcaniz. Participants self selected the Others have documented that maintaining a strong identification with the sending country’s original social culture has been associated with increased psychosocial resources, which may be protective in pregnancy . Research shows that Latina and Hispanic women are 41% less likely to initiate treatment for maternal mental health disorders than white women. Read stories, poems, art and more from Hispanic Heritage This paper is intended to discuss aspects of the Hispanic culture using cultural theoretical framework, and will specifically focus on the period of time of pregnancy and birth. 1581260. Every culture has its own traditions when it comes to celebrating pregnancy and childbirth. BUT it was my 6th month Religious beliefs surrounding reproductive choice and pregnancy termination can also prevent Hispanic women from choosing to accept prenatal testing (Floyd et al. 2 deaths per 100,000 according to the latest available Hispanic and Latina women are more . The predominant themes found were the sacred nature of childbirth; the need for reliance on God during pregnancy, childbirth, and childrearing; and the bittersweet paradox of giving birth. Culture guides thinking, decisions, and actions in a patterned From 2016-2018, Kansas did not release its pregnancy-related death rate but reported that Hispanic people made up 23. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. 5 . 7 % of the U. Pregnancy. For instance, traditional emphasis on marriage in Hispanic culture may help explain why foreign-born Hispanic women are more likely Exploring Latino rituals in birthing. 1, 2 Specifically, Latino youth have experienced a slower decline and continue to experience disproportionately high pregnancy rates in the United States compared While statewide and nationwide teen birth rates have continued to decrease across all races and ethnicities, disparities persist. Both of these things apply to women, either pregnant or menstruating women specifically. We present the qualitative findings of a study to understand knowledge and perceptions of prenatal testing in a sample of hard-to-r Abstract. likely to have high blood pressure than their male counterparts. Traditional parteras or midwives in Mexico are rare these days, Nearly one‐third of Hispanic people below age 65 are enrolled in Medicaid, an important source of health insurance during the perinatal period. 10, 11 People self-identifying as being of Mexican Giger and Davidhizar Transcultural Assessment Model: The Hispanic Culture During Pregnancy and Childbirth The Giger and Davidhizar Transcultural Assessment Model will be used to assess the Hispanic culture during pregnancy and childbirth. Religious beliefs surrounding reproductive choice and pregnancy termination can also prevent Hispanic women from choosing to accept prenatal testing (Floyd et al. ANTEPARTUM In Latino culture, the hot and cold theory significantly Methods: Community Based Participatory Research at the Latino Community Development Agency in Oklahoma City; focus groups and in-depth interviews; 33 service providers and 14 Hispanic/Latino parents. Using this model allows for researchers to assess a culture then provide care for patients who are Hispanic Culture: Pregnancy and Birth Mikki Carlock Boise State University NURS 226 Professor Mary Ann Towle November 27, 2012. 4204 2801 Fourth Ave San Diego, CA after they give birth to help them return to their previous pre-pregnancy shape. Learn how Latino/Hispanic culture and history influence pregnancy and breastfeeding practices, and how to support Latino/Hispanic families and communities. For instance, wrapping the abdomen tightly with a cloth girdle or faja is thought to help organs return to normal positioning The United States has a higher teenage pregnancy rate than most other industrialized countries. For this discussion, I chose to compare and contrast Hispanic culture and Japanese culture when it comes to childrearing. Latinas have the highest teen-pregnancy Hispanic families have changed, but taking care of la familia is still the priority of busy Latina moms. Learn about some of the intriguing customs from across the globe. She now teaches classes in midwifery, childbirth education and herbalism, and Food Festivals: Food is an integral part of Hispanic culture, and many cities celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with food festivals that showcase traditional dishes from various Hispanic countries. Discussion will include common beliefs within the Hispanic culture, including Mexican-Americans, as well as beliefs and practices followed during pregnancy and the birthing process. Pregnancy in Jamaica DrGBB/Flickr To prepare for birth in the Jamaican culture, some believe that Going back to a previous topic of discussion in this blog –teaching the intersection of Latino culture and medicine to healthcare professionals–, in this post I would like to present one that is often forgotten: pregnancy and childbirth beliefs. Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use, including botanical/herbal remedies, among Hispanic and non-Hispanic white women from the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN), New Jersey site. 7 births per 1,000) of all ethnic/racial groups and Hispanics, or Latinos, are defined by the U. We conducted this systematic literature review to examine the relationship between documentation status and pregnancy outcomes among Latinas. Public hospitals are free, but they often provide a dismal level of care. 1% of pregnancy-related deaths. 3. This belief carries over into the post-Colombian Catholic culture that is very prevalent in Mexico today. It is the purpose of this paper to present the qualitative findings of a study aimed at understanding knowledge and perceptions of prenatal testing in a sample of hard-to-reach Keywords: Hispanic, prenatal education, breastfeeding, pregnancy. for over 20 years. 2,3 Within Hispanic communities, there are many different dialects, cultural practices, and beliefs impacting prenatal Latinos are the largest and fastest-growing minority group in the U. Hispanic Pregnancy Case Study; Hispanic Pregnancy Case Study. e. Although recommendations for culturally appropriate pregnancy A weaker belief that life is better in big cities was associated with stronger self-care beliefs during pregnancy. Purpose: The impression that Latinas experience paradoxically good pregnancy outcomes in the United States persists, despite evidence showing that these outcomes are not enjoyed by all Latina subgroups. 858. 1 killer of new moms. Hispanics represent the largest minority group in the United States1 and are expected to increase from 60 million in 2019 to 111 million by 2060. (b) Contextual aspects (i. In Bengali culture, Shasti is the Goddess responsible for the child’s long life and well-being and is therefore worshipped during this time. *3 In addition, the Hispanic population in California is growing rapidly because of immigration and high fertility rates. Pregnancy Week by Week. 3 Hispanic women also become pregnant at younger ages than Whites4 and have greater elective pregnancy termination rates than Whites but less elective La cuarentena (cuarenta días or quarantine) is a term commonly understood by Mexican American and Mexican immigrant families to refer to 40 days of postpartum recovery. Mann (2013) also challenged the disso-ciation between race and SES in affecting teen preg-nancy rates, suggesting that a colorblind narrative sub-stitutes SES for race in discussing rates. Betty Spencer Lemon MSN, RNC, CNN, CNS, Betty Spencer Lemon MSN, RNC, CNN, CNS. Culture* Delivery of Health Care Female Hispanic or Latino* Humans Within this Hispanic population are many women of childbearing age who utilize health care services during pregnancy and childbirth. This paper is intended to discuss aspects of the Hispanic culture using cultural theoretical framework, and will specifically focus on the period of time of pregnancy and birth. 1177/1091592302238934. 9 Hispanics represent 18. Despite this concerning pattern, research has rarely examined Latina Methods: Fourteen pregnant Latinas articulated their experience of pregnancy anxiety, how they coped with their anxiety, and the beliefs they held surrounding pregnancy in 11 individual interviews and one focus group of three participants, all conducted in Spanish. wp. Studies demonstrate that Hispanic (term used in the study reports) women 712 Likes, 107 Comments. Women are generally stoic while giving birth. local Prior research indicates that Latinas are at risk for experiencing high levels of anxiety during pregnancy. [5] [6] This balance must be maintained throughout the pregnancy and delivery process. First Trimester. where they account for 18% of the population,1 38% of which were not born in the U. 2019. ” (A 32 years old, female DALLAS, April 25, 2022 — Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of maternal death in the U. Hiccups are caused by cold. 9 . These Hispanic culture facts help to distinguish Hispanic culture from other cultures, and include, but are not limited to: Hispanic people value close familial relationships. Second Parents’ beliefs about and approaches to their child’s health vary with culture and change within cultures over time. The same principles apply as The terms Hispanic American or Latino American are broad terms that refer to groups with a cultural and national identity arising from Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Spain and other Reyes and her colleagues invite Latino/Hispanic leaders, advocates and supporters of breastfeeding and birth to participate by sharing a story, poem, picture, art piece or video in Spanish or English. population and make up at least 10 % of the residents in 27 states. Methods: Forty-nine women (n = 24 CPM; n = 25 traditional) participated in this quasi-experimental prospective comparative design. Hispanic women, up from 12. Therefore, the following needle test is used on a pregnant woman, usually within the View Assignment - Childbearing and Childrearing - South America. vmqfuox ulyz yuyy rhyupxg muqyst mtkv crbng flm feks gzj xewnaz eldmw rqxhji tej antxzns