Mathematics education conferences 2023. Teaching and Learning Algebra .
Mathematics education conferences 2023 As the end of the meeting approaches, the JMM partners thank all who participated. Georgina February 2-4, 2023: Twenty-Sixth Annual AMTE Conference: and diversification of mathematics teachers across the variety of educational spaces. Thursday 6th July 2023. 2020 Boston, MA. We at NCERT are actively engaged in educational research, training and extension programs in Science and Mathematics Education. International Domestic UMS Alumni Delta Conference is a series of biennial Southern Hemisphere symposia, which attracts an international audience of mathematicians and statisticians. The first ICMME installment was done in 2019, and it was a huge success. The 67th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS 2023) The 67th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society. The International Conference on Mathematics Education (ICME) provides a once-in-a-lifetime chance for NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition: The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) hosts an annual conference that focuses on promoting excellence and innovation in math education. Announcements of mathematics conferences - The Chinese Mathematical Society (CMS) Introduction:Some recent domestic mathematical activities (Dec24 -Dec30 , 2023). Previous Next . Maple Conference 2023. MEI Conference. Mathematics Calendar. We look forward to receiving your research papers and to welcoming you to The 1st International Online Conference on Mathematics and Applications. 64th CMC-South Annual Mathematics Conference California Mathematics Council - Southern Section 2023, pay $285. Latest notifications on upcoming FDPs, STTP, workshops, and conferences related to Mathematics. Learn more. It is a privilege to play host to the world’s foremost experts in the fields of chemistry, biology, physics, The annual conference provides awareness, support and continuing education for those striving to transform numeracy education to ensure all students have access to high quality mathematics instruction. (View Published Proceedings Here) 2025 and 2026 Alexandria, VA. AMESA is the voice of the Mathematics educator in South Africa, representing the interests of its members and of the discipline at provincial and national level. Both are passionate about engaging students, teachers, and community members to see their full selves in mathematics education. EARCOME 9. CHECK BELOW. Monday 14th - Wednesday 16th April 2025. His research interests Maths Education Conferences 2022/23 Every year I collate a list of national conferences for maths teachers. 23 Apr 2025 . 2025 Brisbane, Australia 2023 Cape Town, South Africa 2021 Auckland, educators and researchers committed to improving undergraduate mathematics and statistics education. Maple Conference 2023 presentations are now available to everyone! Overview. In this conference She is a social justice mathematics educator who studies mathematics teacher activism and critical consciousness development of mathematics teachers. - To consider practical implications of socio-ecological research for school/university curriculum and pedagogy, education outside formal structures, teacher preparation, and policy. 2023 Conference. The largest mathematics meeting in the world where a record breaking number of attendees are expected every year! Register; Search; Welcome to JMM 2023 Be a part of the largest mathematics gathering in the world. Student Mobile App. The Head of Mathematics NCSM celebrates its 55th Annual Conference, continuing our dedication to the life-long learning of bold mathematics education leaders. MEI. NCSM celebrates its 56th Annual Conference, continuing our dedication to the life-long learning of bold mathematics education leaders. This conference is organized by the Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang. Quick Links. MES 12 BRAZIL Daniel J Teague, NC School of Science & Mathematics Kayla Blyman, Saint Martin's University Panelists: Daniel J Teague, NC School of Science & Mathematics Kayla Blyman, Saint Martin's University Victor Piercey, Ferris State University Thomas Philip Wakefield, Youngstown State University Wednesday January 4, 2023, 8:15 a. CERME13 will be preceded by a YERME day for young researchers. Webinars. Participants can attend these conferences in person or remotely. Maple Conference Conference of the joint maths subject associations. Kryvyi Rih Ukraine. Submit an Entry. com. , 2023; Jarrah et al This conference is dedicated to exploring different aspects of the math software Maple, including Maple’s impact on education, new symbolic computation algorithms and techniques, and the wide range of Maple applications. Universities of Applied Sciences. The conference will be held in Philadelphia, PA, from April 5 to 8, 2023, with the theme “Engage, Empower, and Elevate. whisperer@gmail. Dijon, France, June Conferences and lectures in the School of Mathematics. -11:30 a. The scientific program will include keynote lectures, Every math teacher should attend a conference at least once every few years. When: Jul 22-Jul 24, 2025 Where: Atlanta, GA Overview: This comprehensive conference covers key issues in higher education enrollments, offering sessions on undergraduate and graduate enrollment, campus marketing, financial aid management, and student success. Strengthen the research and research-based practices of mathematics teacher educators to serve the evolving needs of students, educators, schools, and communities. It brings together high-school maths teachers and academics for an afternoon of practical and thought-provoking discussions in maths education. II HAS A NEW SCHEDULE WITH NEW DEALINES. The first ICHME was held in Iceland (2009), followed by others in Portugal (2011), Sweden (2013), Italy (2015), the Netherlands (2017), France (2019) and Germany (2022). In recent years, Florida has passed legislation that is dehumanizing and places those in multiple marginalized communities at risk. Future National Congresses: 2024: Kimberley, Northern Cape 2028: Free State 2029: KwaZulu-Natal 2030: Gauteng 2031: North West: Previous AMESA Congresses: 2023: Cape Town Considered the “premier mathematics education event of the year,” NCTM Annual Meetings bring together thousands of mathematics educators from all over the world to learn, collaborate, inspire, and more. ICMET 2024 is expected to bring together experts from around the world, Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (AMESA) and other Mathematics Education conferences and other Mathematics Education conferences : Conferences . Due to these conferences occurring simultaneously, there will be overlapping programs and joint keynote ICTRADE-2025 will be held from 3rd January 2025 to 5 th January 2025 at Kerala School of Mathematics, Kozhikode, Kerala. 1 $120; and encourages teachers to structure school This may be because of the implementation of AI technologies in education, which has caused several challenges, with ethical considerations standing prominently (Melchor et al. MES 12 BRAZIL PROMETEICA VOL. Call for Participation. (Note that commercial conference agencies can not research in mathematics education over the years. This year, the Hong Kong Mathematics Education Conference 2025 is co-organized by The Hong Kong Association for Mathematics Education and School of Education and Languages, Hong Kong The Department of Education and Psychology and the Department of Mathematics of the University of Aveiro, Portugal, are pleased to invite you to the 2nd International Conference on Math Education and Technology 2024 (ICMET 2024), which will take place from the 19th to the 21st of June 2024. The International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ICon-MaSTEd) is a peer-reviewed international conference, which covers research on mathematics, science and technology education, along with technology-enhanced learning, including blended learning, E-learning, ICT-based assessment, mobile learning etc. It always encourages a research attitude among the faculty and students. ” ICME-15 Local Organising Committee Chair . Proceedings of International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology 2023 Editors Mack Shelley, Omer Tayfur Ozturk, Mustafa Lutfi Ciddi Volume 1, Pages 1-427 Proceedings of The International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (ICAMM 2023) will be held at IIT Indore, India, during October 18-20, 2023. 4th International Conference and Summer School on Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms NUMTA-2023, Calabria, Italy, June 14-20, 2023. News National High School Mathematics League National Junior High School Mathematics Winter Mathematics Education HYBRID: 44th Annual Conference of PME-NA; Nashville, TN Nov 17–20, 2022 Closed Technology in Education 2023 ISTE Conference & Expo; Philadelphia, PA Jun 25–28, 2023 Closed ©CADRE | Updated September 30, 2022 5 of 6 DISSEMINATION PARTNER/ VEHICLE ORGANIZATION Foundation of Computational Mathematics 2023 conference, Paris, France, June 12–21, 2023. There's not much on it yet - I will add conference dates as they are published! Thursday and Friday 29th and 30th June 2023. NCSM is committed to supporting leaders’ work in inspiring high-quality mathematics teaching and learning every day for each and every learner. Olomouc, Czech Republic. This PAGE is regularly updated, So keep visiting for upcoming events. This conference is meant for researchers from academia, industries, technology and R&D organisations from all over the globe whose research is broadly related to applied mathematics and mechanics. In addition there have been two ICMI-China Regional Notification of Acceptance: 14 February 2023 Proceedings Paper Submission Deadline: 15 March 2023 Conference: 1 to 15 May 2023. The CERME Spirit. Date: 5-8 December. 30th September 2023: The Conference Date: Registration Fees. Peoria, IL. The Eighth Conference on Research in Mathematics Education in Ireland The NCTM Research Conference is an opportunity to network with fellow mathematics education researchers at sessions that address the field's most important topics. YOUR TIME. Please sign up as an AME member before NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition: The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) hosts an annual conference that focuses on promoting excellence and innovation in math education. Easy Chair Link for the submission of the paper for the "Alliance International conference In Mathematical sciences 2023" The South East Asia Conferences on Mathematics Education (SEACME) series began in 1978 in Manila, and thereafter conferences were held at three-year intervals at Kuala Lumpur (1981), Haad Yai (1984), Singapore (1987), Brunei (1990), Surabaya (1993), Hanoi (1996), and Manila again in 1999. YZ ConfLists features a broad selection of international conferences in Mathematics and Statistics, including topics such as applied mathematics, statistical analysis, data science, and mathematical modeling. The Mathematics Calendar, hosted by the American Mathematical Society, serves as a comprehensive resource offering information about upcoming mathematical events, conferences, workshops, seminars, and RNL National Conference. If your company markets products or services that support the field of mathematics, educators Dear colleagues, We are happy to welcome you to the 7th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2023 at the Department of Science Education, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, East Java, Indonesia, August 14-15th, 2023. Welcome. Mathematics Teachers Conference 2025. To publish your poster on this page regarding Workshops, Conferences, etc. Join us in Atlanta, Georgia, for more than 100 sessions on North American chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA) Conference Teachers of Mathematics 2023 NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition; Washington, DC Oct 25–28, 2023 Closed 2024 NCTM Regional Conference & Exposition; Seattle, WA Feb 7–9, 2024 Closed Mathematics Education 45th Annual Conference of PME-NA; Reno, NV Oct 1–4, 2023 Closed Research Council on The 2023 MI-AMTE Conversations Among Colleagues (CAC) Conference will be held in conjunction with the Math in Action Conference on Saturday, February 25th at Grand Valley State University. Applied Mathematics, Combinatorics, Computational Sciences, Geometry Mathematics Education Conferences in UK 2025 2026 2027 is for the researchers, scientists, scholars, engineers, academic, scientific and university practitioners to present research activities that might want to attend events, meetings, seminars, congresses, workshops, summit, and The 6th Conference on Mathematical Science and Applications (6th CMSA 2025), organized by the Saudi Association for Mathematical Sciences (SAMS), will be held at King Saud University, Riyadh, from April 15 to 17, 2025. May 24 International Conference on Mathematical Education The International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education (ICHME) is the only conference series entirely devoted to the history of mathematics education. October 15th and 16th 2021 will see the next conference of the Mathematics Education in Ireland (MEI) conference series. submit your poster/brochure on email maths. 2018 San Diego, CA About ICon-MaSTEd. 1. We hope you found our post about the greatest math conferences for teachers in 2023 informative. There's not much on it yet - I will add conference dates as they are published! The Second International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education 2023 is hosted by Department of Mathematics Education Universitas Pattimura (formally abbreviated as The 2 nd ICMMEd 2023 FKIP Unpatti). The International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ICon-MaSTEd) is a peer-reviewed international conference, which covers research on mathematics, MERGA is committed to growing a research community that shapes the future of mathematics education through quality research More about merga READ MORE MERGA publications, journals and articles MERGA47 Conference 2025:6 - 10 July in Canberra READ MORE READ MORE Relieving out of field teaching in secondary mathematics READ MORE READ MORE The 2026 Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM) is being planned as an in-person meeting, January 4-7 in Washington, DC. Their support has made it possible for us to offer teachers this exceptional professional development opportunity at affordable prices. 11th-12th December - Data-driven mechanistic models of complex biomedical systems 10th November - Recent Advances in Inverse Problems and Imaging, November 2023 7th November - School of Mathematics postdoc symposium, November 2023 3rd November - An autumn day of combinatorics, November According to the Mathematics Conference Index (2023), there are over 100 weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual math summits scheduled for 2023 across the United States. Don't miss their keynotes! TODOS 2023 Conference Impact Speakers Mathematics Education Conferences in Hong Kong 2023 2024 2025 is for the researchers, scientists, scholars, engineers, academic, scientific and university practitioners to present research activities that might want to attend events, meetings, seminars, congresses, workshops, summit, and symposiums. Leadership in The School of Applied Mathematics at Alliance University contains experts from the different domains of mathematics, statistics, and data science. (pre)primary mathematics education. and Society. Implementing Problem Posing in School Mathematics Worldwide: Promises and Challenges Yue Ma; Jinfa Cai : 7. from the 10th to 14th of July, 2023. 2019 Oklahoma City, OK. AMTE is the largest professional organization devoted to the improvement of mathematics teacher education — it includes over 1,000 members supporting the preservice education and professional development of preK-16 teachers of Join DREME Network members and affiliates for presentations about early mathematics education at the 2023 Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, March 23-25, Salt Lake City, Utah. Subscribe to international conference alerts to never miss the Mathematics conferences. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM. The goal of this conference and school is to introduce graduate students, advanced undergraduate students, young The ICDME-Tsukuba Conference 2023 intends to follow-up on the success of the 2022 Conference, to continue to deliberate on the issues and challenges in international cooperation on mathematics education. 2021 No live conference . The conference will A major responsibility of ICMI is to plan for the quadrennial International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME), held under the auspices of ICMI. from 20 to 21 October 2023 (Power Inspection) Search. Boston 2023, January 4-7, 2023; Virtual 2022, April 6-9, 2022; Mathematics Conferences in USA 2025 2026 2027 is for the researchers, scientists, scholars, engineers, academic, scientific and university practitioners to present research activities that might want to attend events, meetings, seminars, congresses, workshops, summit, and symposiums. Disclaimer: Verify information on your own label. The International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ICon-MaSTEd) is a peer-reviewed international conference, which covers research on mathematics, science and technology Mathematics Education Conferences 2025 2026 2027 is for the researchers, scientists, scholars, engineers, academic, scientific and university practitioners to present research activities that The Mathematics Calendar, hosted by the American Mathematical Society, serves as a comprehensive resource offering information about upcoming mathematical events, Mathematics Education Conferences in Hong Kong 2023/2024/2025 lists relevant events for national/international researchers, scientists, scholars, professionals, engineers, exhibitors, ICME: International Congress on Mathematical Education: December 29-30, 2022, in Paris, France. 2024 AMTE Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, February 8-10, 2024 (see Spring 2023 Connections article). About EARCOME 9. As a part of extension exercise, we have conducted the 7th National Conference on Mathematics Education from 20–22 December, 2018. m. Overview Committee News & Notice. The w ebinar drew on the Educational Technologies in Mathematics Education project Cosette and Eirini carried out as part of evidence gathering for the Royal Society’s NAMA and NANAMIC worked together in order to About ICon-MaSTEd. Media Coverage. we need to know more about the research which has been done and is Mathematics Education Biology Education Chemistry Education Physics Education Astronomy Education Earth Science Education May 17-19, 2023; XVI International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ICon-MaSTEd 2024), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 15-17, 2024; 2025 May 14-16. Keele. The NCTM Spring Conferences provide dynamic, face-to-face networking and learning opportunities for mathematics educators across the nation. Holywell Park Conference Centre, Loughborough Click here to book. XY Submissions. Agenda. It is a great pleasure to invite you to attend the 13th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13). of Mathematics PROMETEICA Education. Home; Date/Fees; Programme; Keynote Lectures; This is a members-only event. This entails, for the ICMI Every year I collate a list of national conferences for maths teachers. Maple Conference 2022. To cater for participants in different time zones, two symposia were held, with an overlapping Plenary talk. Program at a Glance. Conference attendees and presenters gather together from across the US and other nations to learn, share, connect and build strong collegial Mathematics Education Biology Education Chemistry Education Physics Education Astronomy Education Earth Science Education May 17-19, 2023; XVI International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ICon-MaSTEd 2024), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 15-17, 2024; 2025 May 14-16. With a full agenda featuring several types of presentations, timely speakers, and today's most discussed topics, the conference is an opportunity to network, learn, and discuss the Annual Conference held October 28 – 31, 2023. In 1984 Australia created a significant global legacy when we hosted the Congress in Adelaide. Teaching and Learning Algebra Mathematics conferences offer education professionals with opportunities to stay informed about industry trends, network, and enhance their teaching strategies. Why? Because the benefits of attending math conferences for teachers can significantly shape your evolution as an educator. Transforming Post-Secondary Education in Mathematics (TPSE) JMM 2026. Lionel Thibault. Karen Spalding, Conference Coordinator, 2021-2023. 2022 Boston, MA. KST(UTC+9) 06:54. Plenary Lectures (PL) Plenary Panel Discussion (PD) MEI are pleased to welcome back Casio as the Headline Sponsor of MEI Conference 2023. Toggle navigation Mathematics Teachers Conference 2025. Here is the list for 2022/23. Maple in Mathematics Education and Research. The conference is also sponsored by our Silver Sponsor, Hodder Education, and our Bronze Sponsor, OCR. With over hundreds of education sessions to choose from, you will walk away with tangible tools and skills to implement in your classrooms. 06:54. Art . FOR MES12 CERTIFICATES, of Mathematics PROMETEICA . . methodological approach of mathematics education research. - AMESA review of 2023 mathematics matric papers - AMESA 2023 Phase Committees reports - LTM 35, - Conference: Stem Education for all, Stellenbosch - ICMI News, December 2023 The 4th International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications will be held in Malang, East Java Indonesia on August 10-11, 2023. Jenny Novak, Conference Every summer, MAA MathFest presents the latest in mathematical research and education to diverse audiences worldwide. As one of the largest communities of mathematicians, students, and enthusiasts, the MAA is proud to host this meeting each year. MERGA Conference. (December 28, 2019) We finished NCTM Research Conference 2024 NCTM Research Conference, September 25-27, Chicago, IL The NCTM Research Conference will run concurrently with the NCTM Annual Meeting, starting Wednesday morning and running through Friday, to support Linking Research and Practice and increase collaboration between researchers and school and district teachers and leaders. The AustMS 2023 conference is Twenty-Eighth Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Forty years on, in 2024, Australia’s mathematics community seeks to create a new legacy for the next generation, by growing mathematics education capacity through developing and sharing programs that translate globally, especially 2023 AMTE Annual Conference New Orleans, LA Randy Philipp is professor emeritus of mathematics education and the interim director of the School of Teacher Education at San Diego State University, where he is also a member and former director of SDSU’s Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education (CRMSE). Almost 200 educators from the length of breadth of Scotland and Scottish Education (and, in some cases, much further afield) were present at the Scottish Mathematical Council conference at the University of As part of its ongoing activities to foster research in undergraduate mathematics education and the dissemination of such research, the Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (SIGMAA on RUME) presents its 24 th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Gain more knowledge by attending the international Mathematics conferences 2025. (NAFCC) Conference, July 12-15, 2023, Atlanta, GA. São Paulo - Brazil. It’s vital to keep up with industry developments and learn from those passionate about teaching math. Worlding Beyond the End of the World (WBEW 2025) 25 Apr 2025 The 9th SEAMS-UGM 2023 International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications will be conducted on July 25-28, 2023, in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. DREME at the Illinois Head Start July 27-29, 2023: Math & Computation: Synergistic Interactions Between Theory and Computation July 24-28, 2023: Summer School on Wave Turbulence: Website: May 12, 2023: Isadore Singer Memorial Conference: Website: September 23-24, 2022: Lie Groups Day In honor of David Vogan Website: June 13-14, 2022: vICM Days at MIT: Website: For CERME proceedings, see here. Conference Coordinator, 2023-2025. CERME (ERME Conferences) is organised by ERME whose chief aims are to promote communication, cooperation and collaboration (the famous three Cs of CERME) in research in mathematics education in Europe assuming that. Onsite registration will be available starting on Saturday, October 28, at 2pm at the Westin Washington, DC Downtown (formerly Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown) hotel. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. 2023 and 2024 Omaha, NE. The poweropint from our recent webinar on Social Justice in maths education, led by Sally Bamber and Manjinder Jagdev on Thursday 20th from 4 - 5 pm is in the Resources section. October 26-30, 2023 The conference was held at Kerala School of Mathematics from April 21, 2022 to April 24, 2022 and featured both Conference ISSUE V. International Conference on Class Groups of Number Fields and Related Topics-2023. The International The International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education is a conference jointly organized by the Postgraduate Institute of Science, the Ministry of Education of Sri Lanka. Below, we’ve compiled a list of ed-tech tradeshows and conferences tailored The Chinese app `Youdao' translates the ATCM (亚洲数学技术大会) as the most influential international conference in the field of mathematics technology and mathematics education. These math conferences include local, state, and national summits as well as international conferences, connecting hundreds of mathematics professionals and creating a global This conference is dedicated to exploring different aspects of the math software Maple, including Maple’s impact on education, new symbolic computation algorithms and techniques, and the wide range of Maple applications. The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics and Learning Research (ICOMER) held by Mathematics Education Department – under The International Summit on Science, Technology and Humanity (ISETH) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia. Preregistration for Student Registration Register by Oct. Event Calendar. These opportunities are a great way to engage with your fellow NCTM members and offer ideal community-building events for students and new professionals Check below for Maths Week 2023 events! This is a hybrid festival, please be sure to check the location, time and dates of all events before booking. The conference brings together experts from related fields, such as Riemannian geometry, dynamical systems, algebraic geometry, symplectic geometry, PDEs and mathematical PME-NA Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. The information is taken from Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China. Education. YZ When: Mar 4, 2023 - Mar 6, 2023 Submission Deadline: Nov 23, 2023 You are invited to participate at INTED2024 (18th annual Technology, Education and Development Conference) that will be held on the 4th, 5th and 6th of March 2024 in Valencia, Spain. We received more than 80 abstracts, out of which 68 were presented at the conference. The conference will be organised by the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics together with the Come along to network with maths education geeks, and normal folk alike, and be immersed in all things mathematical. Nonsmooth And Variational Analysis (NAVAL) Conference, in honor of Prof. March 29th, 2023. July 1-5, 2024 EdMedia + Innovate Learning Online (Formerly Innovate Learning Summit which was previously known as the E-Learn World Conference on E-Learning) Organized by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE, “founded in 1981, is an international non-for-profit, educational organization with the mission of The Future of Mathematics Education: Global Challenges and Innovation Barcelona (Spain, 2017), Shanghai (China 2019), Tel Aviv (Israel, 2022), Antwerp (Belgium, 2023). 28th July - 02nd August - 2023. Conferences are a great place to network with fellow educators, learn new things (most conferences give you the flexibility to pursue topics that you are most Students and faculty members from the School of Mathematical and Data Sciences traveled to Stonewall Resort March 14-15 for the annual West Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference. Much has happened in The 9th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education. Transforming Post The ERME board calls for mathematics education research groups willing to do an important service to the functioning of the community by submitting a bid to host the next congress.