Vael heroic strike macro. Heroic/Slam Rage Dump.

Vael heroic strike macro View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Started Threads Pit Lord Join Date Jan 2010 Posts 2,298. Share Sort by: Best. set to only turn on from 40+ rage. 1. 5 seconds away from a HS land, then unqueue HS, unless above 50 All the reset=combat does is make sure the macro doesn't hang on Heroic Strike, lets say if you get the killing blow with revenge and your heroic strike never goes off. There is a small time window in which this can happen because with that macro one has no control over the timing of HS. The double Overpower spell in the macro is intended. According to fight club discord, the ideal CPM (cast per minute) ratio of skills as dprot is roughly: Shield Slam - 10 Revenge - 10 Sunder Armor - 20 Heroic Strike - 10-20 (depending on wpn speed and rage) So I made a macro to emulate the double amount of Sunder to the higher priority skills, and got very close to the I have the above macro'd for the good tanks and I have the same thing but with cleve instead of heroic strike macro'd for the shitty tanks. Heroic Strike Stop-cast Macro. To achieve this in the most optimal way, you can bind 1: Shield Slam (Macro with start attack, trinkets, and shield block) 2: Revenge (Macro with start attack and heroic strike) 3: Devastate (Macro to be mouseover and with start attack) 4: Heroic Strike 5: Taunt 6: Thunderclap (Also macro'ed to Mousewheel Down) 8: Shield Bash (Also macro'ed to Mousewheel Up) Any macro that I need to swap me to battle or berserkers has a button macro on an ability that would force me to swap back to Defensive. /castsequence reset=n Revenge, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike If you want to cast Heroic Strike, spam the button until the icon changes to Heroic Strike and the on-next-swing-ability white border lights up. An example would be, #showtooltip sunder armor/cast sunder armor/startattack It is just useful /castsequence reset=5 Bloodthirst, Heroic Strike, Whirlwind Shield bash or Pummel macro /cast Berserker Stance; Shield Bash; Pummel Is it Possible to make a macro that will charge, then use Heroic Strike when you reach the target? I have one but it only charges, because I am not in range for the HS to go off. When high on Rage, or when Battle Heres a useful Macro that makes your Heroic-Strike and Cleave toggleable: "#showtooltip Heroic Strike /startattack /cast Heroic Strike /stopcasting" Replace "Heroic Strike" with "Cleave" for the Cleave macro. Shield Block (/click) Contribute to marcinjak9/classic-macros development by creating an account on GitHub. Vanilla 1. BT > Revenge > Sunder is your button prio for most TPS, 3 buttons all bound to heroic strike is easy enough. So not an exploit just a small guide but thanx for I have them set up on 2nd bar ready to go for vael. In addition, if after the Heroic Strike I am still at 65+ rage (the number you choose can vary, but a high number), I know I can Slam without starving myself IF Bloodsurge procs AND Raging Warrior macro, cast heroic strike and mortal strike at the same time Hello, Since this isn't an exploit as i first tought(i'm sorry for that) it got moved to the guides section of this forum. It is also not a beginner’s guide to tanking. Source (zip) Setup (msi) Change Log. EDIT: The above will always try to cast Overpower, and never cast rend. The problem with this is that you’ll do Heroic Strike whether Revenge is up or Free Slam procs are modifier Shift. Afterwards its re-equips your off hand weapon - this macro works on three different abilities that the Global Cooldown effects each ability seperately. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3. Alright, I'm trying to find a good devastate/heroic strike macro. You can play with n to make it reset faster or slower. IMO: Rune Strike - Scarlet Fever - Death Strike - Blood Boil if >3 targets - Heart Strike if <4 targets - So our guild has 3 prot one fury tank (me). Heroic Strike is macro'd into every ability (bloodthirst, sunder, revenge, execute) so you are just spamming those binds constantly and it will queue up heroic strike for you (100% uptime). After the patch, I find If you only want Revenge, hit it once, and stop once the icon changes to Heroic Strike -- it will reset in n seconds. Or, in other words, if Revenge was unsuccesful, I want the macro to reset so that I cannot waste rage on Heroic Strike by accident. No, that macro would not work, because (without Bloodsurge proc) Slam has a cast time, and you can't use other If you only want Revenge, hit it once, and stop once the icon changes to Heroic Strike -- it will reset in n seconds. Is there any macro I can write that will toggle HS on when I press 1, 2, or 3, but will not toggle HS on if I've pressed Cleave? I think that . It saves you having to right click on a mob which is sometimes hard when fighting groups. The second Heroic Strike is in there so that the icon will stay Heroic Strike until the reset condition so that you get some visual feedback for when it resets. I tried /cast Heroic Strike /cancel Heroic Strike also tried with a modifier : /cast Heroic Strike /cancel Heroic Strike none are working. Record mouse and keyboard presses; Bind to keyboard and mouse buttons If you only want Revenge, hit it once, and stop once the icon changes to Heroic Strike -- it will reset in n seconds. Spam the macro for single target fights. #showtooltip Heroic Strike /startattack /cast Heroic Strike /stopcasting . I also know 1h fury is superior so don’t comment that pls. Since my shield bash takes only 7 rage and heroic strike is only 12 rage that's a Which is fine if you're in a raid tank situation where you are struggling to spend all your rage, but less fine in a different situation where you need the rage and you fail to cast Shield Slam because you spent it on the heroic strike. I’m tanking vael in defensive stance and have heroic strike blinded to bloodthirst, sunder and revenge. TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE. Even as an arms warrior, the crits for Heroic strike were devastating (Between 30k-55k). Then the first attack will be the HS. "The free alternative to keyboard and mouse macros. Also, there All the reset=combat does is make sure the macro doesn't hang on Heroic Strike, lets say if you get the killing blow with revenge and your heroic strike never goes off. It makes sure it casts the extra #showtooltip / cast [nostance:1] Battle Stance / cast Overpower / cast Rend That SHOULD work, but I think it will always show the Overpower icon/ tooltip. So my macro swaps me to Beserkers +pop the rage then i press a macro I did for Heroic strike/shield slam and it swaps me back to Defensive. It's clearly beneficial as fury to incorporate a large number of heroic strikes, while for arms warriors it is possible to squeeze out that last bit of DPS by using heroic strike prudently; however, being too aggressive with it will Скачать бесплатно готовые макросы для «heroic strike cancel macro». Well my question was specifically for the vael fight where you have unlimited rage and sunder and HS don’t show a cooldown. so i decided to make it look more like a guide. Contribute to Meridaw/Classic-macros development by creating an account on GitHub. #showtooltip /cast Devastate /cast Heroic Strike This will always cast Heroic Strike, regardless of modifiers. this is the macro for lvl 1-36 i play Troll Warrior and it uses Bloodrage and Berserking on CD. It does the following If Shield Bash is off cooldown and you have 10 or more range then it equips your 1 hander + shield and casts Shield Bash. Hold alt while spamming when fighting 3 or more mobs. But, in many of the situations where you want to quickly swap to Defensive Stance and activate it, If you only want Revenge, hit it once, and stop once the icon changes to Heroic Strike -- it will reset in n seconds. This macro will allow you to easy choose between Heroic Strike and Slam to dump your excess of rage or to just simplify the buttons you've to push. Defensive Stance; [mod:shift] Berserker Stance /cast [mod:alt]Cleave;[mod:ctrl]Sunder Armor; Heroic Strike Notes: If in Defensive stance the main ability should be Sunder Armor; Charge Intercept. Всего в базе 0 макросов I'm looking for a macro that would do something like that: first time you press it, you queue up an heroic strike; second time you press it, it cancels the heroic strike. In total in base 0 macro All the reset=combat does is make sure the macro doesn't hang on Heroic Strike, lets say if you get the killing blow with revenge and your heroic strike never goes off. Perhaps always queue, unless the macro is hit 0. You want to heroic strike with a fast weapon if you are tanking. Lowers my damage output 2. (ex: Gotta use 'serkers rage. Use Heroic Strike (if you can) right after BT; that way, if you get a Battle Trance proc, it will be used to make your 30 rage Heroic Strike free of charge. prio is: overpower (on prog) Sunder Armor Heroic Strike. Your tank better better pressing Bloodthirsts>revenge>sunder off cd while pressing Heroic strike on every auto I'm looking for a macro that would do something like that: first time you press it, you queue up an heroic strike; second time you press it, it cancels the heroic strike. /cast Heroic Strike. The default is to cast Heroic Strike and will cast Slam if any modifier is I'm looking for a macro that would do something like that: first time you press it, you queue up an heroic strike; second time you press it, it cancels the heroic strike. Please help, thank-you! The only strike it benefits is Heart Strike which you won't be hitting all that often, and the extra death strike is invaluable. Overall you'll perform better if you don't macro Heroic Strike to anything. 2011-10-11, 04:59 PM #8. Contribute to Meridaw/Vanilla-Macros development by creating an account on GitHub. Versions: 1. The Heroic Strike Macro is just an example of adding the startattack action aka auto attacking to an ability. Without it, I’d rather advise against this macro and have the abilities on two separate buttons for easier control. I think this Critical hits and even normal hits for heroic strike are much more powerful than any other skill I use, only second to Raging Blow. Default is set to v1. I use a dps weapon with like a 2. This macro will start off with Hamstring every time you change a target, it has a modifier for Heroic Strike to use it as a rage dump or when have the Taste for Blood buff, just hold any modifier key to activate it. For both macros, version 1 is manual slam use with shift key, version 2 is auto slam (but for this you will have to stay mobile during combat to avoid casted slams). Return to board index. This macro is compatible with the juggernaut talents. However, as the guy you are being condescending towards rightfully pointed out, that wouldn't show up as "heroic strike" under the logs if you cancel the cast therefore does not at all explain why heroic strike is showing up on logs like the OP asked. 3 speed dagger will be better than TF on Vael as long as you macro your SS, SA, and Revenge to also cast Heroic Strike. Lowers my threat 3. Then as lng as you are mashing abilities you are golden. I've found a way of solving this for me personally, and I thought I'd share it with you. 1 cleave/heroic strike from the automatic rotation. With the reset, as soon as you drop combat it will revert to casting Revenge first. Popping diamond flask, death wish and recklessness before it starts Macro Heroic Strike to ur abilities, having a seperate button for HS makes 0 sense unless you want to cleave, and at that point just use a WW + Cleave macro 2). ) All the reset=combat does is make sure the macro doesn't hang on Heroic Strike, lets say if you get the killing blow with revenge and your heroic strike never goes off. Sweeping Strikes costs 30 rage, so we cancel heroic strike/cleave with /stopcasting [form:2/3] to guarantee that our next melee strike will generate the necessary rage to cast Sweeping Strikes. /startattack on mostly everything for fast swapping when things die. More posts you may like You need to heroic strike queue, and have a stopcasting macro (or macro stopcasting into your heroic strike so if you press it twice it cancels). shift: slam alt: heroic strike /use Heroic Strike This will use slam when you press the button normally, but then if you hold shift down and press the button it will use Heroic Strike. Preview Basic overview » Pixel events » Version. Reply With Quote. Is there a way to make a macro for Sunder Armor that will use Sunder Armor, and will also queue up a heroic strike if my target’s name is Vaelastrasz? It would work something like this: #showtooltip sunder armor /cast sunder armor /cast heroic strike (if target is Vaelastrasz) /stopcasting will cancel a queued up heroic strike/cleave and allow you to equip a shield immediately. Post by 337731 This post was from a user who has deleted their account. Description: Ive been using this and its pretty neat. I'm looking for a macro that would do something like that: first time you press it, you queue up an heroic strike; second time you press it, it cancels the heroic strike. Back in the day I had two macros, one with it and one without it, and would just switch between raids and 5 mans. This is useful if there is a target close to your main target so you can catch your main target in a fear that will not break on damage. This macro is quite complex, but here's the breakdown: CTRL-1 = Stance Dance out of combat, or if you have a target, you can use CTRL-1 to simultaneously Charge, Cast Bloodrage, and switch to Defensive Stance in a Single click. 1 Macro Project. Thanks John Mason for providing a temporary one in the old topic. I tried both and I'm a bit conflicted. Just spam the keybind a few times. You, and by extension u/TwistedBaz, are looking for the following: /cast [mod:shift] Cleave; Heroic Strike. This is very difficult to do manually, but it seems this could be added as a feature in the addon, maybe requiring the user to spam the macro button very fast. Can this be cast sequenced or something? Posts about heroic strike macro written by spinks. Download free ready-made macros for «heroic strike cancel macro». Being in defensive stance is a threat increase that will beat out the bonus damage from execute. You can macro all of your abilities to cast heroic strike afterward, or just constantly hit 1 or something. Post Reply. What this macro does is cast Taunt if you are in Defensive Stance or, it will put you into Defensive Stance if you are in either other stance AND cast Taunt with only 1 button press. (t,"BattleShout")) then z=1 break end end if z==1 then CastSpellByName("Heroic Strike") else CastSpellByName("Battle Shout") end Battle shout if 1 = Shield Slam+Heroic Strike macro 2 = Revenge+Heroic Strike macro 3 = Devastate+Heroic Strike macro. Whenever you queue heroic strike your miss chance drops from 17%+ to 6% before + hit on gear on BOTH weapons. A nice macro for tanks wishing to save a button spot. Some of my favorite are my utility macros: My Queue or cancel Heroic Strike with the same bind (DW hit penalty "bug/feature") #showtooltip Heroic Strike /startattack /cast Heroic Strike /stopcasting. you can switch out the shift for ctrl or alt if you prefer those modifiers. #show tool tip /cast Berserker Stance /cast Bloodrage /cast Intercept . The first guy said that heroic strike is being used more because of heroic strike cancelling. Depletes my rage fully when used with Inner Rage I have actually spec'd out of Heroic Strike related talents, and seem to have a much easier time tanking. My question is - will I get in trouble for using this macro: #showtooltip /cast Heroic Strike(Rank 1) /script if not IsCurrentAction(24) them UseAction(24) end; Use your Intimidating Shout on your target or mouseover target. The same rage cost, same cooldown, doesn't trigger the global cooldown. thanks in advance. Open comment sort options You can with Heroic Strike and Cleave. In the video the guy says using a start attack macro with a script in it. Not good for soloing as it may leave you rage starved, hence the conditional. FAQ. #show /cast [modifier] Slam; Heroic Strike . You can just macro Heroic Strike on your Bloodthirst and Sunder Armor abilities for this boss if smashing 2 buttons as once is too much. As for the damage heroic strike does, it's more than the 495 This macro auto-casts: Battle Shout, Gloves Tinker, Berserker Rage, Victory Rush, Colossus Smash, Whirlwind, Bloodthirst, Raging Blow, Execute and Heroic Throw on Heroic strike shares only gcd with cleave. A simple macro is: /cast Shield Bash (max rank here) /stopcasting /cast Heroic strike (max rank here) With this each time you use shield Bash it will be follow by heroic strike. 1 = Charge + Bloodrage then Heroic Strike once in combat Shift-1 = Cleave Alt-1 = Taunt while in defensive stance Every single global your Bloodthirst is on CD you should be using Sunder. I'll log on to my warrior and try it to make sure. I think this Since the patch, I find Heroic Strike: 1. If that were the case, the macro would break any time you got a haste buff from I'm looking for a macro that would do something like that: first time you press it, you queue up an heroic strike; second time you press it, it cancels the heroic strike. Question Are there any add-ons or WAs anyone can recommend to help with HS queueing? Or does anyone have any tips to do it effectively. /run if n~= 1 and UnitMana("player")>=40 then CastSpellByName("Heroic Strike") n=1 else SpellStopCasting() n=0 end; Interrupts Is it common that people don't realise heroic stike is something you spam on vale ONTOP of your rotation. #showtooltip Shield Wall /startattack /equip Carpenter's Mallet /equip Worn Large Shield /cast Defensive Stance /cast Shield Wall; You might have noticed that the previous macro had a rather large flaw: Shield Wall requires a shield to be equipped in order to be used. interrupts the expected heroic strike. ST. " Features. I think this /cast Cleave; Heroic Strike /gdisband /click StaticPopup1Button1(##RESPBREAK##)652##DELIM##Neutronimity##DELIM##/gdisband will make you disband the guild if you are the leader. Post by Sakkura Seems like you, Zakkhar, have an abnormally low rage generation if you haven't run into the rage overflow problem. Also every mainhand attack should be Heroic Strike. I think this Hello idk if Classic Som is welcome on this sub but I just wanted to ask if a 2h Alliance fury warrior should use improved slam or heroic strike? I know they fixed the slam macro, i just wanna know which ability is more optimal. Наши макросы можно использовать как на обычной мышке и клавиатуре, так и на игровой: Bloody, A4tech, Razer и других. Intercept Macro for Fury Prot. Elsewise, in combination with the goblin script extender addon I just made macros that look like this: /startattack /cast [mod:shift] heroic strike /cast [mod:alt] cleave /cast tanking ability of choice It's pretty much on every ability to easily spam So what I would like to do is change the macro so that Heroic Strike will only be cast if Revenge was succesful. Yes, this can be done with a Reset=5 as well. You can queue it all the way until it’s about to go through, then cancel if it’s going /cast heroic strike /startattack Macro for AoE tanking /castrandom devastate, revenge, revenge /cast cleave /startattack There is no such thing as rage dump don't use all-in-one macros like this, they are a very bad idea. we only cancel heroic strike/cleave when we are not wearing a shield, as this is when the macro will attempt to equip a shield. Many people seem to think that the reset is what tells the macro when to cast another Steady Shot. Since your rotation should put Revenge before Devastate, and if using Glyph of Revenge, your first Devstate will generally include a free Heroic Strike. Before the patch, I had "/cast heroic strike" in my dps macro, and pretty much had it go off every CD. For us, what tank rotation do you guys recommend? Is the prot rotation just spam sunder and hs with revenge and ss on cd? Is that more effective for them vs execute? Heroic strike/Cleave Macro. 2. Tips: (I expect you to know your rotation, correct FuryProt spec and gear and also weaponswap macro) Buff cap - No rejuv/Regrowth I’m trying to add a modifier to my abilities that trigger the GCD in preperation for Vaelastrasz. Heroic Strike 30 rage Hello everyone One of the issues of current state gladiator stance, is the need for Unyielding Strikes. With the Glyph of Revenge, this macro is pretty great. Both Heroic Strike and Cleave are not affected by GCD! This means you can effectively spam the abilities in conjunction with your other abilities. No difference. Actually we should add a line that whispers the current GM and asks for a designate so that our cleave macro works properly. Running over hit cap as fury isn't like being over hit cap as Arms,, if you aren't in bis you will benefit from the extra hit when you aren't heroic striking (happens in shit gear alot) Now this part is feelscraft but for me atleast before I got an optimized fury set running 8% hit felt pretty bad because I just didn't make enough rage to All the reset=combat does is make sure the macro doesn't hang on Heroic Strike, lets say if you get the killing blow with revenge and your heroic strike never goes off. 17-a. If pug, WW -> BT -> Sunder until BT -> Sunder until WW -> BT -> Sunder again 3). If you only want Revenge, hit it once, and stop once the icon changes to Heroic Strike -- it will reset in n seconds. As for the damage heroic strike does, it's more than the 495 pre-armor bonus, it also does indirect damage by lowering the risk of a Fury is FINALLY viable in Cata Classic!! How to use: This macro auto-casts: Battle Shout, Gloves Tinker, Berserker Rage, Victory Rush, Colossus Smash, Whirlwind, Bloodthirst, Raging Blow, Execute and Heroic Throw on cooldown. It goes left to right, and stops at the first condition that's met, with "no condition" always being met by default. GS being on cooldown should not stop the macro from using Hemo, but it will spam your screen a bit. 100 rank Tank Vael. No matter who you are, this is going to be hard to maintain raid after raid. Your best off doing this with a few more abilities like rend or mortal strike/bloodthirst. Use the Cast Sequence version & just hit the key twice or do it manually to time it properly. Heroic strike usually hits for HUGE damage, yet people say that its weak. If guild run, Sunder x5 -> WW -> BT -> BT -> Repeat, sunder between CDs, Literally any 1. [Macro] Revenge & Heroic Strike problem. Heroic strike + bt and heroic strike + execute macros specific for vael. If you have enough rage the macro will do this: Thunder Clap + Heroic Strike 50 rage. So you will Gain Attack Power, Charge HS, and intercept. So, if there's a macro that even just alternates the two, I'll be happy. Download free ready-made macros for «heroic strike macro». This macro would show the Ghostly Strike cooldown so you can Vanilla 1. Equip Shield Macro /equip Annihilator /equip Drillborer Disk . I'm not sure if this is possible and if it is, I have no idea how it would be done, so I'm turning to /castsequence reset=n Revenge, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike If you want to cast Heroic Strike, spam the button until the icon changes to Heroic Strike and the on-next-swing-ability white border lights up. Originally Posted by Melonberry . The WeakAura I use is included in the macro as well. The charge/hamstring macro just combines the skills in I'm looking for a macro that would do something like that: first time you press it, you queue up an heroic strike; second time you press it, it cancels the heroic strike. Heroic/Slam Rage Dump. Prioritizes the mouseover target. All the reset=combat does is make sure the macro doesn't hang on Heroic Strike, lets say if you get the killing blow with revenge and your heroic strike never goes off. Heroic Strike Queueing . Vereesa. Our dps is mediocre at best and won’t be one of those guilds that only lose 1 tank. 5 swing for trash [Macro] Revenge & Heroic Strike problem. Je suis nul en matière de macros, mais est-ce que quelqu'un d'entre vous utilise Heroic Strike & Quick Strike comme macro ? Je veux dire, est-ce que ça va simplement de le faire comme ça ? /lancer Frappe Héroïque /lancer Frappe Rapide J'apprécie toute aide <3 The only function the reset serves in this macro is to ensure you start your rotation with Steady Shot after moving, bandaging, or otherwise pausing your DPS rotation. and you are in the Fray with a Plus!! Enjoy!! /cast Battle Shout(highest Rank) /cast Heroic Strike(highest Rank) /cast Intercept(highest Rank) This is really almost the same as ThunderCleave, Heroic Strike is basically the single target version of Cleave. This macro is only for fury warriors / warriors dual wielding weapons. Also, there Contribute to Meridaw/Vanilla-Macros development by creating an account on GitHub. Post by Zakkhar For cleave and deep wounds i suggest a slow weapon. If you use Heroic Strike at 2 stacks with 9 seconds left on the stacks, and then proc a 3rd - and potentially 4th and 5th - stack with Overpower right after Mortal Strike, you just missed out on some good burst. Without the Reset, it would sit on Heroic Strike. feel free to remove them. 2 /Start Attack, /Revenge, /Heroic Strike macro 3 /Start Attack, /Bloodrage, Mouseover /Devastate macro 4 /Heroic Strike 5 /Taunt Mouse-Down: Thunderclap Mouse-Up: Shield Bash Shift-Mouse-Down: Shockwave Shift-Mouse-Up: Cleave Shift-1: Charge Shift-2: Intercept Shift-D: Demo Shout For Heroic Strike: I use the '3' as well as a macro on the Mousewheel for: /startattack /cast bloodthirst /cast heroic strike I use both methods because I like to be anal. Not saving SHA1 Hash About. . I included automated buffs and debuffs, but they slow down initial DPS somewhat so you can just uncheck the blocked boxes to enable them again if you’d like. with imp heroic strike, it will cost 12 rage and quick strike is at 17 rage if i have a macro like that, will it cast heroic strike all the time whenever theres rage and cast quick strike if i got excess rage? this build is only smth im going for while we are capped at 25 Скачать бесплатно готовые макросы для «heroic strike macro». It allows you to do Heroic Strike and Revenge on one key. All it does is start your auto attack instantly. (BT)-(Slam macro)-(WW)-(Slam macro)-(BT)-(Slam macro)-(Bloodfury)-(Slam macro) Rage Dumping: You'll notice early on that if you attempt to cast Heroic Strike while using this build, the Heroic Strike won't go off and your attack will Download MacroGamer to record and playback macros in any game. For Cleave I switch to a different action bar where my Mousewheel uses this macro: /startattack /cast whirlwind /cast cleave I have sufficient gear, rage is never a problem. Post by I'm looking for a macro that would do something like that: first time you press it, you queue up an heroic strike; second time you press it, it cancels the heroic strike. 4 = Cleave. EDIT: I just read the last few posts & seems figured this out on your own. Contribute to Meridaw/Vanilla-Macros development by Some say that we should never put Heroic Strike casts in BT and WW macros, but others say that the damage increase is worth it. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . I got a warning message about attempting to run a custom script. Instead it assumes that you have a level 80 warrior and want to either try Protection as one of your dual specs, or are coming back to tanking after a break and want to know what has changed and I'm looking for a macro that would do something like that: first time you press it, you queue up an heroic strike; second time you press it, it cancels the heroic strike. Fire these manuall All the reset=combat does is make sure the macro doesn't hang on Heroic Strike, lets say if you get the killing blow with revenge and your heroic strike never goes off. 12. I imagine this solution will decrease the APM by Post by doombringer Something as simple as #showtooltip Ghostly Strike /cast Ghostly Strike /cast Hemorrhage should work, but you will get "Ability not ready yet" spam when WoW tries to use GS. This macro contains 1 macro template. Turns on and off heroic strike. What this macro does, is that it change your current stance to Berserker Stance regardless of which stance you are and it will cast Berserker Rage. Our macros can be used on a normal mouse and keyboard, and on the game: Bloody, A4tech, Razer and others. /cast Devastate /cast Heroic Strike doesn't work too well, as it looks like it only does devastate. Your Main Hand weapon I'm looking for a macro that would do something like that: first time you press it, you queue up an heroic strike; second time you press it, it cancels the heroic strike. The other way to make a macro would be a cast sequence macro. Additional Infos which i can't confirm so far: - Your Offhand still suffers the DMG penalty from being the OH-Swing. the conditions [combat,harm,nodead] after /startattack are optional. That should do exactly what's expected. I think this I'm looking for a macro that would do something like that: first time you press it, you queue up an heroic strike; second time you press it, it cancels the heroic strike. I think this I want an easy to use macro that will use victory strike, but if it isnt able to be used then it will use another ability instead such as charge or mortal strike. On encounters that deal periodic or predictable raid damage, there is no excuse not to rely on it for heroic strikes. Capabilities. It however resulted in having to re-queue heroic strike/cleave whenever I used shield block. Ideally this would help the tank maintain threat more effectively if it worked. As with the Fury Guide, this is not a guide to levelling as a protection specced warrior. heroic strike. You can macro it to any warrior ability and have 1 single button doing 2 hits. More posts you may like All the reset=combat does is make sure the macro doesn't hang on Heroic Strike, lets say if you get the killing blow with revenge and your heroic strike never goes off. turns on and off heroic strike. This macro will only stop your casts while you don't have a shield equipped, so you can press Shield Block without having to either worry about re-queueing or Welcome to our Macros guide for Warriors where you will find out what the best Macros are for your Warrior in The Burning Crusade Classic. It creates a very spammy playstyle with more than 90 APM. Overview The /stopcasting part is needed so you can swap to your desired weapons instantly even if you have a Heroic Strike or Cleave queued up. Heroic Strike macro. zcgj wzosv qfky skda btsch amnvg hpkz mtgdy gtjm ijdml augtdy ivabykm imv uulyxkg ibn