4 day workout split reddit Day 3 Back. If you can't see your post it's probably because your account is too young or you do not have enough comment karma to post (30 day old account and 100 comment karma minimum) I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. DM if you want more info. So that split looks fine! But I think I am ready for a type of split, but still wanted to work out those glutes, and there are almost no PPL/split routines that worked glutes. As for split you can still follow your push pull leg split but in a 4 day format but it would make it a 10 day split which would go •day 1: Push •day 2: pull •day 3: rest •day 4: legs •day 5: push •day 6: rest •day 7: rest •day 8: pull •day 9: legs •days 10: rest Repeat 4: Light weight high rep full body workout with some glamour lifts such as curls, abs, flys but start with with some light squats, bench, and rows OR a classic body builder split 1: Chest day 2: Leg Day 3: Back day 4: Shoulder Day So I am 15 just getting into gym I have time to get 4 (may change later) days available and have no clue what to do. Day 5 Shoulders and Forearms. If its strength related, then you would do monday full body and tuesday active recovery and repeat. You could also consider doing a true four day split Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Hey guys I’m looking for a 4 day split workout I’m 5’9 210 and looking to lose weight while Hey Fittit! I am currently running a 4-day split which looks like this: Day 1: Chest and Tris Day 2: Back and Traps Day 3: Shoulders and Biceps Day 4: Legs This split is giving alright results. . Any suggestions? Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Best 4 day Split routine . If you can handle the volume then I would advise Upper/Lower split, but be careful as you dont have a day of rest between the 4 workout days and it can be taxing. - Less volume for Arms. Good luck. Day 6 Legs. Other benefits of the split are that every day is different, lends itself well to DUP, and joint recovery is pretty good because you aren’t hammering your elbows 4 days per week like traditional PPL/bro split. But if you do six days on, one day off, same as PPL, you’ll get a similar weekly volume, just distributed differently. You can start any day of the week, just ignore the days listed in the app and think of them as “day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4”. Full Body: Full body is where you train full body every day. An upper-lower split divides your training into two main types of days: one focused on the upper body and the other on the lower body. Cons: - Lenghty workouts (might take about 2 hours to complete a workout) - Weak point exercises in the end which doesn't make sense as most of the muscles are fatigued already. There is no best split, just the proper application of principles. A 6 day split with 1 day rest. I'd say if you're going to go the route of 4 day split, you're better off doing an upper/lower split. A 4 day split I think would work best for my current schedule. I'm a bit overwhelmed because there are a lot of articles telling me to do different types of routines and using words that I don't understand what to do anyone have any advice for a routine. Upper body (light) on Tuesday. Day 4 Rest . Not to mention, you don May 6, 2024 · With a 4-day workout routine, you go in and perform the best of the best movements and then get out. I honestly have never tried PPL but I would never want to because my workouts entail 7-8 exercises for each muscle group to really create those muscle fiber tears. I do a four day Upper/Posterior split. It also depends on your goals. Here’s what I got: PPL: Chest: 8 Back: 10 Shoulders: 8 Legs: 10 Arms: 6 Total: 42 I think it is mostly just a matter of personal preference combined with what works with your body. Ring/Inverted Rows 2-4 sets of 10-20 Triceps Day 4: Push Press work up to ~90% and back off sets anywhere from 70%-90% Front/Back Squat Alternating Juggernaut Method upper back Really I should probably give push press it's own day and do more pushing assistance, but 4 days works for me. You can also prioritize different muscle groups over Workout A Day Bench press Lateral raises Dips Deadlift Leg curls Calve raises B Day Row Pull up Facepull Squat Leg extension Abs C Day Shoulder press Incline bench Flys Leg lunges Leg curls Reverse sit-up D Day Pull down Barbell row Curls Leg press Leg extension Abs Edit to your liking, I run 10 minuets before to warmup. Day 7 Abs / Cardio / Calves or body part which I am behind with. This is more focused on upper body I could go on and on. You're indirectly hitting arms on "torso" day and getting direct volume on "limbs" day. I also plan on doing cardio 6 days a week. The last few months I switched to a 5 day split because I had a lot of time to spend in the gym. Lower body (light) on Thursday. I really enjoy this split as I have ample recovery time and the length of workout is roughly the same each of the 4 days. Lift Vault workout programs. IMO this structure is best for those who are newer to lifting and can only workout 3 days a week. For all the information you need, check out r/nSuns. Connected to allowing you adequate rest, using a 4-day split is designed in such a manner so that you can come in and work out hard every session. I am accumulating way too much fatigue training like this after a while. It’s a 4 day split, you could have a day or two of cardio/abs focus on other days. For hypertrophy as long as you're getting at least 2x frequency per muscle group per week, progressively overloading volume, getting 10 - 20 sets per muscle group per week, and training within 4 reps of failure, it doesn't matter which split you do, you'll get good results. To maximize results, you want to work the muscles 2 to 3 times a week. 2 arm exercises on pull day is not a proper arm workout. 4 workout days + 3 rest days in a week). There are lots of ways to structure a 4-day split. In the end, I decided to modify this 4-day a week program from Simply Shredded's Female Training Routine. This approach allows for a balanced workout routine that can be tailored to various goals, from gaining strength to enhancing muscle hypertrophy. The first 3 days would focus mainly on heavier compound movements, with the 4th day handling slightly higher rep isolation work. Lower body (heavy) on Monday. This is more focused on lower body. You can change your lifts for each day in the settings if you really want to, just go to “template editor”. This is almost an upper/lower split but I do back work on lower days. You mentioned doing a two day split during your week which I've also done. Upper lower splits are typically done over 4 days per week - Can break plateaus. (Arm day is necessary) Sep 27, 2009 · Welcome to Shaun's 4 day muscle building split workout! This workout was designed by Shaun and should be used by those looking to build muscle and/or gain weight. Plus, hitting arms after a gruelling leg workout is fairly bearable. What 4-day split would you recommend for a natural lifter and why? Upper-Lower Split: Best for those who can train 4 days a week, offering a good balance between frequency and intensity. I would advise a day break between days 2 and 3 though. With my 4 day split I am able to lift 6-7 days per week and still hit chest and back twice a week. Upper body (heavy) on Friday. Upper/lower/chest & shoulders/back & arms with a day off after legs. I want my workout to be primarily focused on weight loss but also want to start gaining some strength. Eg: Mondays are arms+shoulders, Tuesdays are legs, Wednesdays are back and chest, Thursdays arms and shoulders, Fridays legs, Saturday back and chest, Sunday rest. Now looking for a good bodybuilding hypertrophy split that would let me train Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday for example. Keep in mind, I've been lifting for a number of years and I typically hit the gym at least 5 days a week, so I'm used to higher volume routines. Chest & back/legs/shoulders & arms/legs with a day off after first leg workout. Both broken into A and B workouts. • You don't need a whole ab day, as abs are largely a result of low body fat, and training abs can be done in like 2 moves. - Enough room for recovery if running the 4X split. I am a male 5'9 and 235 pounds, I have already changed my diet and started going to the gym but don't really know what I am doing. 3. My new program is also 5 r/Fitness workout programs. Put more of your calories around training, higher protein + more fish oil, sleep/rest more, if you’re doing cardio - reduce the intensity or just get more steps instead, reduce your deficit (eat more), don’t go to failure as much - if you’re doing 2 sets of an exercises for example 10 reps and 8 reps to failure, change it to 3 sets of 6 with the same weight, stop trying to progress • 4 day bro split is submaximal. Unless you change your workout days each week which I suspect won't help with your family life. Also it is a day of very dirty bulking what would be a good 4 day workout split? I am currently running a PPL-program 5/6 days a week, PPLPP or PPLPPL. I sleep 7-8 hours on school days. Each workout would consist of 6 to 7 exercises, 3 to 4 sets each. I wrote out my PPL routine and my 4-day split routine, then calculated the total number of exercises done for each muscle group per week. Workout notes: Remember as always to warm up properly 5-10 mins cardio and stretching, Aug 9, 2024 · I do Bro Split like: Day 1 Arms (Triceps first, then Biceps) Day 2 Chest. A 4-Day Split Workout Routine Allows You To Train Hard. 3 days a week wasnt enough for me when I did SL5x5 so I added a day to work on my weaknesses. 4 day splits work okay for me. Whats up everyone! But for 4 days you'll usually find full body, upper For me, my arms need more volume and my upper body in general than my lower so I end up usually doing upper/torso (chest, shoulders and back) and lower/limbs (legs and arms). Day 1: Upper Body (Chest & Mid Back focus) Barbell Bench Press: 4 x 6 to 8 reps Barbell Bent-Over Row: 4 x 6 to 8 reps Incline Dumbbell Press: 3 x 8 to 10 reps Lat Pull-Down: 3 x 8 to 10 reps Skull Crusher 3 x 10 to 12 reps Biceps Curl 3 x 10 to 12 reps Day 2: Lower Body Back Squat: 4 x 6 to 8 reps I used a four day split for more than a year and made a lot of gains in both size and strength. Make sure you have at least one rest day though. body part split. However you rearrange it, you will never be able to have two days' rest after every two workout days (think about it. rshbaug uqjua kcfc moih stc bcdjh jkzxvpg vaq nsokf wkonxpy