Amcharts 4 pie chart label overlap. push(new am4plugins_overlapBuster.
Amcharts 4 pie chart label overlap push(new am4plugins_overlapBuster. radius = am4core. pieSeries. Example: let overlap = chart. To oversimplify, to convert any regular Pie chart to a 3D Pie chart, slap a "3D" to any class and/or module: Oct 23, 2015 · if you go to the website amchart pie chart demo and press the "UK" pie, you can see the text "UK" and the text "Belgium" overlaps. percent(50); chart. alwaysShowTooltip # Type boolean. Labels inside chart. I have this same problem with others that are not 2 layers, and those with more slices, it is not relegated to this specific chart. label. chart. tooltip. hideOversized = true; Label offers a lot of layout and appearance options you can set for your tooltip contents, e. Pie radius Outer radius. inside = true; dateAxis. 0. Here's a complete working chart: See the Pen amCharts 4: Stacked axes by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen. Let's get started. (Try to open the above chart in a new window and play around with its size) Auto-rotating labels Now, whatever data you throw at the chart, it will adapt and crop the labels accordingly: See the Pen amCharts V4: Axis label wrapping and truncation (4) by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen. Another option is to automatically rotate labels when certain threshold of axis' cell width is reached. setAll({ oversizedBehavior: "truncate", textAlign: "center" }); See the Pen Auto-wrapping category axis labels by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen. Intelligently laid out labels. Loading required modules. Align labels into nice vertical columns? This will ensure that labels never overlap with each other. Other option is discussed in this tutorial. OverlapBuster()); overlap. labels. push(bullet); let overlap = chart. In our constant quest to save screen estate, we might consider moving axis labels inside plot area. By default, pie takes 80% of the available height or width, whichever is smaller. inside See the Pen amCharts 4: Using label bullets on column series (base chart) by amCharts (@amcharts) on CodePen. Pie is a serial chart. Auto-rotating labels. layout = "horizontal"; chart. We already mentioned chart Cursor. Any element in the chart can go to any of the layers, and developers are free to create as many layers as needed. Everything required to create Venn diagrams are two amCharts 5 modules: "index" and "venn". legend = { enabled: true, position: "right" }; 3D Pie chart. version: @amcharts/amcharts4@4. textAlign = "middle"; See the Pen amCharts 4: Clustered series with individual names as categories by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen. Stripping suffix Luckily, amCharts 4 has a powerful feature - Adapters - that allow using custom code to dynamically change just about anything. A label is represented by object of type Label. We can reduce the radius by changing chart's radius property: chart. See the Pen amCharts 4: Repeating categories (2) by amCharts (@amcharts) on CodePen. One option is to rotate labels. Pie chart's radius is set to 80% by default to leave some space for possible ticks and labels. Default false Sometimes chart elements are self-descriptive, like Pie chart slices with labels, or a Line chart with one line series. Other times, user might need some visual clues to make sense of the information. For an XY chart, that's XYCursor. Set their bent setting. To make the labels follow slice's outer edge, we'll need to do to things: Disable alignment of labels. For a Radar chart it's RadarCursor. Chart's outer radius can be set using its radius setting. fontSize = 20; // Center-align chart. Type class. 49 Now, whatever data you throw at the chart, it will adapt and crop the labels accordingly: See the Pen amCharts V4: Axis label wrapping and truncation (4) by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen. Label can be used (imported) via one of the following packages. It is almost identical to PieChart, save for a few extra properties that deal with the 3D appearance. Patient's ready. template. dataItem = myDataItem; label. hideLabelsPercent = 5; chart. Let's take a super basic pie chart as our starting point. Making labels cool again. In turn their labels might start overlapping. minGridDistance = 30; Pie chart is one of the most widely used chart types but is widely criticized as its difficult for people to compare items in this circular shape. See the Pen amCharts 4: positioning DateAxis labels on full period by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen. Each collection of slices is a Pie series. Repositioning with an adapter We can use an adapter , to dynamically check for overlap with other bullets, and change bullet's centerY setting, so it is either moved down or up. text = "The title is: {title}"; The above will automatically replace "{title}" in the string with the actual data value from myDataItem . 6. Un-clustering columns. hideOversized = true; xRenderer. height = undefined; nodeTemplate. This is easily done by setting renderer's inside property: dateAxis. As you might remember from Bullets tutorial (or not if you're just here for TL;DR) the quickest way to add a data label is to add a bullet of type LabelBullet to your series. plugins. By default, all Column series on the chart get clustered, meaning that each category/date will be divvied up between each series in equal parts. Click here for more info. The following chart was set up to show all labels, regardless if they are overlapping. Venn diagrams are used to depict common qualities between different items by visualizing them as overlapping circles. Posted in XY Tagged axes , bullets , columns , labels ©2025 amCharts. See the Pen Start and end angles of a pie chart by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen. : // Set text color chart. . Slice labels are intelligently laid out in columns, so they do label. Creating a chart cursor is super easy. Stacking horizontal axes works the same way: by changing layout of their respective containers. bottomAxesContainer. targets. A 3D Pie in amCharts 4 is a separate chart type represented by a class PieChart3D. Arranging labels into columns makes them more readble, and better user experience. push(bullet); All visual elements in amCharts 5 are drawn in a <canvas> element, which is a high-speed way to display graphics. radius distance, and may, in some cases, overlap. nameLabel. Pie is a series. Adding a label. If your chart has a lot of nodes, they might get small. (Try to open the above chart in a new window and play around with its size) Auto-rotating labels Normally, a chart will try to hide axis labels so they do not overlap. – Zeynep_Eyyuboglu Commented Apr 6, 2016 at 11:03 Sep 8, 2018 · I have a fairly simple pie chart (in fact, my backend is having issues, so there is only 1 point of data at the moment), and the label is half off the screen. com Hiding labels for small nodes. categoryAxis. Base chart. amCharts 5 supports having multiple <canvas> elements, overlaid over each other. Note, that most often dataItem is set by the Component. Label); label Oct 24, 2018 · And the code that I used for generating the pie chart is the following and reference of this code is : ggplot, facet, piechart: placing text in the middle of pie chart slices Here's a live version of the source chart: See the Pen amCharts 4: Overlaid column clusters by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen. alignLabels May 22, 2017 · A cleaner solution would be to outright hide smaller labels by setting hideLabelsPercent to a upper threshold percent value (for example, hide labels for slices smaller than 5%) and set a legend instead, which will show all labels separately. layout = "horizontal Label offers a lot of layout and appearance options you can set for your tooltip contents, e. The solution is to make labels for small nodes automatically be hidden: nodeTemplate. percent(50); { // "radius": "50%" } Change label content. 0-beta. Therefore, to create a child element (a label) in chart (container) we will use chart's createChild(type) method: let label = chart. You just instantiate an object of a cursor type that is relevant to the chart type, then assign it to chart's cursor property. fill = am4core. 2) to make overlapping items such as bullets, map markers, or just about any other element "explode" to sides when hovered, for easy access to them This short tutorial shows a couple of ways to solve the situations where multiple series can have label bullets shown, and thus may overlap with each other. renderer. More about Pie chart. createChild(am4core. Data labels Adding a label. This tutorial will show how you can use OverlapBuster plugin (available since version 4. By pushing an instance of Annnotation into plugin list of any Chart, it automatically applies the functionality. g. This article walks through all the kinds of legends available in amCharts 4, and ways to configure and use them. If set to false labels will be positioned at label. However, you might need them all displayed. By default, labels display category and its percent representation. This tutorial shows how you can place arbitrary labels anywhere on the chart. That's where legend comes in. Creates a label with support for in-line styling and data bindings. A chart is an instance of Container. color("#f00"); // Set text font size chart. It can be either percent value (relative to available space) or fixed pixel value. Sources. See the Pen amCharts 4: Pie chart with curved slice labels by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen. Stacking horizontal axes. The only way to enable axis tooltips is to enable chart cursor. fncvajxs vjjbk jdwv fqnsl maakio ewyhvk pepxhicp tvdcdqn zpcm ylgd