Bladebit compression calculator reddit Feb 10, 2023 · Using the cuda-compression-debug branch, I was able to plot a compressed plot using my CPU. I'll have 147% compression on about 4PiB of plots using a single RTX3090 vs having to have multiple servers with high powered cpus to get 125% compression using a CPU. There are two modes bladebit -t 2 simulate -n 1000 -p 8 plot-k32-c07-2023-03-06-17-07 I’m waiting on 256gb DDR3 to arrive, and want to try compressed plots with Bladebit Cuda alpha in windows. For CPU plotting: Sufficient memory, consult Table 1 which is based on our testing. You can farm Gigahorse compressed plots to Flexpool with FlexFarmer today (and have been able to for about half a year now). During the 10/28 AMA it was alluded (if not outright said) that Chia would "soon" be releasing Bladebit Disk (not Beta) and compressed plots with >20% compression. Bladebit is still being worked on so it’s not yet competitive. Nexo is the world’s leading regulated digital assets institution. 0. The M1 is much higher performance than the Pi. The basic idea is that you pass in a compressed plot (C1-C9) and it will calculate the maximum number of plots/space your current harvester can handle. For now you will still need a compatible GPU to create compressed plots. At C6, this k32 plot weighed in at 79. A GPU wasn't required for farming lower compression plots depending on the cpu. You're right, I'm using the 1. 0). Apparently, even a 4GB Raspberry Pi 4 is good enough for low compression plots. I'm thinking going for k32 c5 level plots as well, but maybe would be a bit too much on this config after the halving. Thread count : 24 Warm start enabled : false NUMA disabled : false CPU affinity disabled : false Farmer public key : XXX Compression Level : 7 Benchmark mode : disabled [Bladebit CUDA Plotter] Host RAM : 255 GiB going to do a video on the simulator here soon. 5 is the highest supported currently). 75min with compression level 1) Bladebit (by Chia) compression is lower than the others, and farming C6/C7 is not effecient at all (high GPU power). I'll maybe replot when they release a gpu farmer. Quick FlexFarmer note about Bladebit compression : Flexpool (reddit. 0 with gpu compression is out, with limitations, and Chia 2. com) The standalone Bladebit 3. I know madMax plotter does not wait for the copy to finish, it starts right away on the next one, however, in its case its copy file to file, and the actual plot is built directly to disk, like BladeBit should. Consensus currently C5 is the safer bet. Now farming with a rtx a2000 for 400 TiB C18 plots. You could create a few plots and run simulate to estimate to be expected performance. You do have to use his client and there is a I switched over to Gigahorse after the newer compression came out. 2 LTS with the install option "install third party drivers", then just a sudo apt update and it worked without a problem on my 1070ti (4. C4/C5 is good for CPU farming, but obviously not very high compression Gigahorse (by Madmax) offers much higher compression and much more effecient GPU farming compared to Bladebit. Every now and then the plotting stalls at 55% and crash's. Crash… The bladebit alpha3 has a benchmark tool that can help you pick and tune compression levels and harvester configuration. Software capable of creating uncompressed plots includes the original ChiaPos, madMAx, BladeBit RAM Plot, and BladeBit diskplot. If it also waits, then there would be no difference. 63 GiB, but took almost 150% of my usual average plotting time. 1rc2 compression capable build which I've dockerized and put on my Bladebit Chia Plotter Version : 3. Aug 28, 2023 · BladeBit CUDA Compressed farm plots available for the compression levels to be tested. 6pb at the highest compression level. The company's mission is to maximize the value and utility of digital assets through our comprehensive product suite including advanced trading solutions, liquidity aggregation, tax-efficient asset-backed credit lines, a high-yield Earn Interest product, as well as the Nexo Platform and Nexo Wallet with their top-tier . 1. The chart I saw said that a 3060 could farm 1-3 pib depending on the specific upper tier compression level. It's still a costly route to take, but a chunk of the cost is side stepped at the 128GB mark. For GPU plotting: Nvidia GPU that supports 8 GB VRAM and CUDA Compute Capability 5. FlexFarmer does not currently support the Bladebit compressed plots (as the latest version came out 3 months ago, and the dev team was Does chia also integrate a c18 compression or something similar to what gigahorse does? If not why not? GPU farming is better from a compression lens, as well as a green lens. Normal consumer CPUs max out at 128GB, any more than that means spending on HEDT/workstation/server CPUs. I have an AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core/16 thread CPU, 64GB RAM, and a 1TB Samsung 980 Pro Internal SSD. Where is Harold hidding??? Calcula cuántos plots comprimidos podrás crear dependiendo de la herramienta de compresión que desees utilizar (MadMax o BladeBit) If bladebit uses compression levels shrimp, fish, shark, whale then how are re you going to compare "shark" to C4 or C5 ? This is either just being silly, or intentionally trying to make bladebit look bad. 0 with it included was released late this week. I was curious about what bladebit diskplot will offer, so I downloaded the source and noticed that the compression support is there (on the cuda-compression branch), just disabled if setting compression level above 0. Oh, no, the progress has been dragged to the second quarter. I was hoping to find some step-by-step videos, similar to the amazing tutorials that u/slothtechtv and others produced in the early Chia days for swar and Madmax plotting. 10 votes, 87 comments. I tried the bladebit binary in Ubuntu 22. 1 (including Bladebit 3. I'm doing c5 but I'm using an old dell r630 dual socket 12 core xeon setup. Nearly all plots created prior to 2023 are going to be uncompressed. Before that I had Bladebit C4 plots, farming with an I3-6100 CPU. From what I’ve heard it’s around 3-4x less space farmable per given compression and C7 (equivalent to Gigahorse 4. Welcome to r/Chia! This unofficial subreddit is dedicated to the open discussion of Chia cryptocurrency and any news related to the project. Farming plots at the upper levels of compression, but not the highest tier required a GPU. The only item that was downloadable still needed 512gb of memory (more than 466), right now it appears that there are 30 people at the top of a 30ft ladder in the wind. Something arround 70-80% for C2/C3 and 90+% for C4/C5. I use the Raspberry PI OS 64Bit Bookworm (Desktop) and the Chia Gui 2. Temperatures were around 60°C in original Raspberry Pi 5 Case (lit open) and with the Pi 5 active cooler. The number of BladeBit software threads and compression level guides the total memory I assume when that I done, the BladeBit already starts to plot another file. Bladebit up to level C5 is very light and can easily be done on CPU I'm planning to switch to Bladebit compressed plots but not sure about the compression level. See the CLI reference for a list of options using the simulator. Hi All, I am replotting using Bladebit CPU RAM PLOT level C6 via the Chia GUI v2. 128GB is an important threshold though, in terms of what machines this opens GPU compression up to. So after many attempts of compiling the latest cuda-compression branch of bladebit after commenting out the "diskplot is currently disabled" stop, the consistent fail at P7 parks confirms their decision to NOT implement diskplot yet was the correct one. I&# Mar 6, 2023 · Not sure whether to draw first or wait for compression. 04. 30152 [Global Plotting Config] Will create 1 plots. Some other pools use auto-adjusting difficulty algorithms, so that would continue as is, this is mainly an issue with static difficulty pools like Flexpool in combination with plot compression. 7. 2. Play with the benchmarks and see how you go. Chia Bladebit: K32 with maximum compression is 84GB and has 30% more proofs per space used as uncompressed Gigahorse: K32 with… Currently that does not include FlexFarmer, as Bladebit compression was still in alpha when the current version of FlexFarmer came out. (There is a mention, that this is disabled because of a bug). And something like . Upcoming halving will increase the decompression requirements somewhere in the future. Assuming that the Bladebit harvester will run on the Mac, I think it is likely to be able to farm the low compression level plots. 0 Git Commit : e9836f8 Compiled With: msvc 19. CPU ussage depends on compression level and iteration or real scenrio simulation. I'm reading that the BladeBit Plotter for disk plotting is faster but I have no idea where to start with the settings for this plotter. Is there any idea (hell, educated speculation even) on when? So this isn't just Gigahorse garbage, if you do re-plot compression with Bladebit the same considerations will need to be made. I saw older posts with similar farms (4000 GH c5 plots that have no problems on this NUC). 29. prwjbj dhvpbxwx ghqs sxew rhpx qfue owmhlk ytjueu lsqy nciphx