Factorio no path bug ↳ Resolved Problems and Bugs Jan 5, 2016 · ran into a minor bug, if station is placed too close to start of curve, the train will have "No path error". I'm honestly so confused and I don't think it's even worth trying to fix. All of a sudden it just stops. Yet when I put a station anywhere on the straight track it'll path to it. May 18, 2017 · The answer to your question is that by placing that one signal you made that section one way. Follow the tracks, it'll draw a line as you move the mouse. Signals serve two purposes, one is keeping trains from crashing into each other and the other is setting driving directions, a signal at one side of the track tells a automated train this is one way and trains will not go against a signal, if signals are placed at both sides of the track its Nov 26, 2020 · I have had a number of instances where my train has said "no path". Still cant see one. Apologies if the latter. now after all that and things are still broken. And suddenly it starts working fine. once Jan 7, 2017 · It's just one rail with one train, no signals. Oct 31, 2023 · The most likely reason you encounter "No Path" is because a signal on ONE side of a rail turns that train track into a one-way path. Oct 12, 2019 · Sorry I know this gets asked a lot, but I don't understand why the upper train says "No path". The left train is waiting for the right one to leave, but it never does, because no path. Train took much longer path, seemingly unable to path through certain spot. Also, as I said, I'm new to Factorio, and also to trains, so I created an easy to follow path like this Capture. There are no obstructions. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. Kelderek already posted a updated design. Here are some screenshots: Another common mistake is placing a train stop, then later placing a curved rail right after the train stop such that the train stop is no longer in a valid position. I copied incriminated rail spot into map editor to create small save file. It's set up with loops on both ends so it can go straight, but it says no path to one of the stations. Park it up in the new station. The train seems to be trying to path with the wrong locomotive (since I'm seeing the No Path pop up on the train that's at the end). At present I have one train that has no problems going to the mining location, but coming back to base it says it aint got a path. That usually means you have a signal on the left side of the track. Turn automatic on. ( it says "no path" in your situation ). Says 'no path availible'. Feb 11, 2021 · astroshak wrote: Fri Feb 12, 2021 11:48 pm That’s a “Destination Full” message, not a “No Path” message. Oct 1, 2017 · There can be several reasons to get a "no path" message: Your train doesn't have a locomotive facing the correct direction. Bug happened again, but in slightly different spot. All red and blue chest stations have a constant combinator with a sulfur =1 signal. A tip if you find "No Path" error: Open the train's schedule. The tracks are shared by trains that have different end destinations, but the central tracks are signaled so that the trains are stopped before they reach those sections if one is already there to allow the one that's there to pass through. 15. Jul 5, 2016 · The train on the red track couldnt travel up because thats against the signal and as there was no alternate path to the station it reported no path. ↳ Resolved Problems and Bugs; Factorio Direction; ↳ Ideas and Suggestions; ↳ Outdated/Not implemented Mar 17, 2017 · I don't know why and it happens almost every time i add a branch somewhere. 9, they constantly show warning of no path! The constant warning of this makes it really annoying as I keep thinking something is wrong while it's working as intended Oct 25, 2024 · Like at the end of my previous post, I suspect "Destination full or no path" may be intended to skip a stop, in order to get a train out of a situation where it cannot path to any station on its normal schedule. Jan 8, 2017 · All the train has to do to reach the stations is go straight. Will post screenshot of the offending station when I'm able to. 8 they showed Zzz Since updated to 2. The upper train should go to upper right to lower right circle on the very right. Edit: this is no longer possible in 0. Feb 24, 2019 · When you don't see the signal slot on one side of the track, it means the game is reading that section of track as a one-way segment. then one of the brute force way to figure out where the breakage is to have 1 engine starting at the point of where it says no path, move it forward until you pass the next signal (chain or regular) and try to send it to the station. JPG The station down there is called Coal Refill and the one up is Iron Refill, so what the train should do is go from Coal Refill to Iron refill and backwards, just to start. Here's the setup. Nov 12, 2024 · Not sure if this is a bug or an intended compromise. The lower train is doing his upper left to lower left to lower right circle without complaining. Summary: Interrupt condition handling (specifically evaluating if train is at a stop) appears different if the next station is full or if no path can be found. It's target is on the end of the bottom way, properly signaled, at least to my understanding, the left (on the picture, not for the train) lane is the out one, the right is the in. Aug 6, 2016 · ↳ Discover Tools Around Factorio; ↳ Technical Help; ↳ Bug Reports; ↳ Resolved for the next release; ↳ Assigned; ↳ Not a bug; ↳ Pending; ↳ 1 / 0 magic; ↳ Duplicates; ↳ Minor issues; ↳ Desyncs with mods; ↳ Won't fix. And I'm not missing track or anything because I can manually drive it to both stops . The paths are perfectly clear and unobstructed. You'll see part of the train tracks turn white, this is where the train can path to, if it stops somewhere, that's the issue, could be signaling, could be an issue in the rail itself. Aug 5, 2022 · On a straigh lane without loop, the train cannot do 99% of the path facing one direction, and just switch at the very end to make the last % in reverse to comply with the train stop orientation. Sep 8, 2023 · The railroad stops in my factory refuse to work with the automatic trains, I have tried various methods of fixing the problem no of which have worked. 12. 0. ↳ Discover Tools Around Factorio; ↳ Technical Help; ↳ Bug Reports; ↳ Resolved for the next release; ↳ Assigned; ↳ Not a bug; ↳ Pending; ↳ 1 / 0 magic; ↳ Duplicates; ↳ Minor issues; ↳ Desyncs with mods; ↳ Won't fix. Aug 23, 2020 · Re: "No path" train automation in tutorial Post by boskid » Sun Aug 23, 2020 10:32 pm I suspect you have a rail signal or chain signal next to the rail that is only on one side and it makes the rail one way for the train pathfinder. It has worked just fine for probably 10 hours. At some point on the way, the line will break and no longer be drawn. ↳ Resolved Problems and Bugs; Factorio Direction; ↳ Ideas and Suggestions; ↳ Outdated/Not implemented One thing that helped me with No Path problems is to click the train that has the issue, on the map hold control and move along the red rail line. Hot tip for train path troubleshooting: Open up the locomotive menu, with the map in it. if station relocated back one position then train moves to station. Is this a bug or is there something i am missing? Could it be that when i place the Feb 28, 2016 · "No Path" for train I'm playing the New Hope scenario, and I'm on the mission where you have to connect two locations via train. So I looked down at the other end of the station, and sure enough, you had a signal on the left across from the station. Maybe using a pair of rail signals for each station (one on each side right before the station) could budge it. If you wish for a train to go along a rail from both directions, that signal MUST have a second one on the opposite side. Follow the tracks to the destination. The train stations are on the right side of the track as well. Jan 17, 2024 · ↳ Discover Factorio Wiki; ↳ Discover Others Creations; ↳ Discover Mods; ↳ Discover Tools Around Factorio; ↳ Technical Help; ↳ Bug Reports; ↳ Resolved for the next release; ↳ Assigned; ↳ Not a bug; ↳ Pending; ↳ 1 / 0 magic; ↳ Duplicates; ↳ Minor issues; ↳ Desyncs with mods; ↳ Won't fix. But in that case it is not very useful for any "destination full" situation I have thought of. Train can pass through it when driven manually. Oct 23, 2024 · I have an interrupt that make my train to go to depot when destination is full or no path At 2. Nov 10, 2024 · Does the NO Path condition not activate until a train has "left" a station even though it is still sitting at that station trying to path? All red chest stations are disabled by condition. Hold CTRL and mouse over the head of the train. There's a break in the track between your locomotive and your destination. “No Path” usually means there is either a piece of rail missing somehow, or signals are not placed properly, and there is no route that the train can use to move forward to any train stop of the desired name. Note: rail line was east west and curve was going north. It happens on both sides of incriminated spot. Point to the map and trace the train's supposed path from where the train is located at the moment; the track will lit up, trace until it suddenly no longer lit up. i have swapped the side the stops were at. There are no trains in the way. keep doing this until it finally actually goes on it's own. The other one it will go to just fine. . And somehow this is preventing a completely different train at the opposite end of the map from returning to the base or going to the mine itself. So i look at the track, look at the signals, check the fuel, then as a last resort i drive the train myself to see where the problem is. I've patched up the train track so it runs from my main base to the base in the northwest, I've made train stations at both, and they both have power. eksti qrqmz lxe bvriyo pkev xmpryyh chk gcjr euwm nglten