Hko rain forecast Locally, the relative humidity over most parts of the territory fell to 40 per cent or below. This link will open in a new window Security Bureau - Daya Bay Contingency of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Related Sites related sub items Expand. 12 Date : Nov, 2024 Hong Kong Observatory ©The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region The contents of this document remain the property of and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of the Hong Kong Observatory. header}} Aviation Weather Observation Information for Hong Kong International Airport: Tropical Cyclone Main Page, Current Tropical Cyclone Warning and Related Information,Tropical Cyclone Warning Services,Educational Material on Tropical Cyclone,Tropical Cyclone Statistics and HKO Warnings & Signals Database,Tropical Cyclone Warning System for Hong Kong,Tropical Cyclone Reports and Publications The computer forecast weather maps are generated by the Observatory's computer model directly without manual adjustment and the forecast weather conditions described in the products may be different from that in the weather forecasts issued by the Observatory. e. Related Sites related sub items Expand. Usually, a thunderstorm is accompanied by lightning and a rumbling sound (thunder), strong gust and occasional heavy rain. Local Weather Forecast | Regional Temperature Forecast in HK 9-day Weather Forecast | UV Index Forecast Weather Information for South China Coastal Waters | Automatic Regional Weather Forecast in Hong Kong & Pearl River Delta Region Monthly mean temperature and rainfall categorical forecasts chart尸 Skip Content. One or two light rain patches at first, with relatively low visibility in some areas. For detailed information, please refer to the Weather Radar Image website. Under suitable weather conditions there will also be hails. Weather: Mainly cloudy with one or two light rain patches. The Probability of Significant Rain (PSR) forecast provides users with additional reference on rainfall amount and forecast trend for the coming 9 days. Regional severe weather coming from cumulonimbus clouds. Provides weather forecast in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region using a multi-model consensus forecast system. Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) Skip Content. The minimum temperature will be about 18 degrees tomorrow morning. Automatic raingauge data are not only fundamental in quantitative rainfall analysis but also used as the ground truth in warning operation and forecast validation. Here is the latest weather bulletin issued by the Hong Kong Observatory. Weather forecast of today and tomorrow for Hong Kong provided by the Hong Kong Observatory The “MyObservatory” provides latest weather conditions, including the actual weather data reported by weather stations nearby, location-based lightning and rainfall forecast for the coming one or two hours, location based weather forecast for 9 days, weather warnings, and a suite of information service provided by the Observatory. Temp Range: 16 - 20 C R. The “MyObservatory” provides latest weather conditions, including the actual weather data reported by weather stations nearby, location-based lightning and rainfall forecast for the coming one or two hours, location based weather forecast for 9 days, weather warnings, and a suite of information service provided by the Observatory. In this connection, HKO has developed a suite of nowcasting systems, including the "Short-range Warning of Intense Rainstorms in Localized Systems" (SWIRLS), to aid rainstorm warning operation as well as high-impact weather forecasting for the public and the aviation community. For a full assessment of the weather situation, the public should refer to the The Probability of Significant Rain (PSR) forecast provides users with additional reference on rainfall amount and forecast trend for the coming 9 days. The colour scale on the right indicates the magnitude of the rainfall rate. A dry northeast monsoon is bringing generally fine weather to Guangdong. content1. Weather forecast of today and tomorrow for Hong Kong provided by the Hong Kong Observatory The Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) has been operating its nowcasting services since 1999. Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) {{data. For detailed description of today's weather forecast, please refer to "Local Weather Forecast". The PSR forecast on each day indicates the probability of the accumulated rainfall generally over Hong Kong reaching 10 mm (i. Hong Kong Observatory Open Data API Documentation Version : 1. H. "9-day Weather Forecast" provides general indications of the trends in weather for the coming 9 days. Sunny periods during the day with a maximum temperature of around 22 degrees. This link will open in a new window Security Bureau - Daya Bay Contingency of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Please select year : 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 4 days ago · 香港 (Hong Kong) ☀ Weather forecast for 10 days, information from meteorological stations, webcams, sunrise and sunset, wind and precipitation maps for this place The weather radars and raingauges are maintained with regular calibration to ensure high data quality for input to the nowcasting systems. Bulletin updated at 13:45 HKT on 17 Jan 2025. It should not be relied upon to derive exact rainfall amounts at specific locations. This link will open in a new window 個人版網站; This link will open in a new window 个人版网站; This link will open in a new window Personalized Website Updated at {{Update_Time | formatHKTFullDateTime2}} Brief Description of Warning Symbols Explanations Warning symbol with red flashing rectangle means warning now in force Warning symbol without red flashing The Observatory gratefully acknowledges the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, the Tokyo Climate Center of the Japan Meteorological Agency and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA for providing dynamical prediction model forecast and hindcast data to support Hong Kong Weather Warnings and Signals Bulletin issued at {0} {1} GENERAL SITUATION AT {2}: {3} MARINE FORECAST FOR 24 HOURS FROM {4}: {5} NNNN Abbreviations: KT, VRB, SLW, FRQ - knot, variable, slow, frequent STNR, QSTNR, C - stationary, quasi-stationary, degrees celsius WKN, INTSF, INTST, NC - weaken, intensify, intensity, no change LGT, ISOL, SCT, OCNL - light, isolated Jan 20, 2025 · Readers should beware that by its nature, the rainfall distribution map (isohyet chart) serves only to indicate visually the spatial pattern of rain. Surface Weather Choose Forecast Time 06 Hour 09 Hour 12 Hour 15 Hour 18 Hour 21 Hour 24 Hour 27 Hour 30 Hour 33 Hour 36 Hour 39 Hour 42 Daily Weather Summary,每日天氣摘要. HKT means Hong Kong Time. Weather forecast for this afternoon Rainfall Distribution Map Past 1-hour Past 24-hour Today Yesterday Daily Isohyet Chart The image shows the rainfall rate at a height of 3 km above mean sea level, as observed by Hong Kong Observatory's weather radar. Sunny intervals during the day. Range: 60 - 85 Per Cent Date/Month 1/2(Saturday) Wind: East to northeast force 3 to 4. around the mean daily rainfall in rainy season) or more on that day. 64 km image updates once every 6 minutes; 128 km and 256 km images update once every 12 minutes. Climatological Information The Hong Kong Observatory's radar images closest to the time of tropical cyclone analysed position can be shown by pressing the 'Radar Image' button, below which is the 'Time of image' representing the time when radar completes its scan. Local Weather Forecast.
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