How to use a conibear trap setter Oct 9, 2024 · Conibear traps are hefty and would take an extreme amount of strength to set by hand. If you're trapping raccoon, try setting the conibear near a beaver slide, on an open bank of a river or lake. Two pieces of steel with notches to hook onto trap springs are compressed together via simple compression of a handle. You could inadvertently put yourself in harm’s way when using this trap. Feb 6, 2016 · To the untrained eye conibear, or bodygrip, traps can look quite odd. The longspring traps can have a tool to set them that is also useful with the 330 conibear. I would suggest using #330 Conibear traps for beginners. . I demonstrate how to set a 22o conibear using the rope method. I made this because I wanted something that felt safe in m Dec 17, 2021 · Then they would do the other spring with another two sticks and set the trap. indestructible 8. A Conibear trap, also known as a body trap, is commonly used to catch beavers, muskrats, minks, and raccoons. These traps require very little work to make them ready for trapping beavers out of the box. It is very important that you exe I love trapping, I don't know why but it is just a fun thing to do. This 220 conibear is sold here - http://amzn. instag this video will show you how to set a #110 conibear trap 2 different ways. Conibear traps are spring-loaded traps that will clamp down and often immediately kill a beaver by breaking its . But to use it, you need to know how to set a Conibear trapline. Jan 10, 2024 · The Conibear trap is known for its effectiveness but without proper knowledge of how to set Conibear trap this powerful tool can pose serious risks. Subscribe to MossyOakGameKeepers https://www. preparewithmikereed. Following these steps will ensure that you are using proper technique when setting your Conibear traps and will help minimize any potential harm done to either yourself or nearby wildlife while trapping. The only downside is that they take longer to set multiple traps and if you are setting multiple traps you will tire your forearms out. But they are very simple to set and quite effective at trapping furbearers. Raccoons often hunt for and wash off their food near water as well. I recommend learning how to use the trap-setting sticks the most simple and easiest way of setting a body gripping trap known as the conibear. Jan 19, 2022 · The RTS trap setter is built like a heavy duty caulking gun, and works the same way. Trap companies also provide setters: a metal tool that allows you to exert many pounds of pressure on the trap's springs without hurting yourself. Caulking Gun Conibear Trap Setters. Gem Setter Pull Setter Trap Set ("Robbie" Style) The tong or scissor style setters have popular brand names, but all look similar and operate on the same fulcrum principle. Nothing is more simple or easy to use as the Conibear trap. Jul 14, 2014 · Conibear, or body gripping, traps are frequently used for capturing aquatic mammals such as beavers, muskrats, and otters. A trapline, simply put, is “a route along which a trapper sets traps for his or her quarry. Small and medium game, waterfowl, game birds, turtles, fish and frogs can all be trapped for food in a emergency survival situation using a Conibear trap. to/40NY Nov 2, 2013 · This took me about 10 min to make and its very strong. com/shop/mikereedoutdoors https://www. This conibear trap setter works very well for beginners because it’s the easiest, safest, and most portable option. ” Moving along the same route helps a trapper Dec 27, 2021 · How To Trap Beavers For Beginners Determining What Trap To Use For Beaver Trapping. When setting up conibear traps for survival purposes, safety and efficiency are key. 9. LINKS:330 Setting Tool (just order one and save yourself a headache): https://amzn. to/1PtH3ft (affiliate)Instagram: http://www. For larger conibears it does help to have a trap Feb 6, 2022 · Follow along as I take you on the trapline, learn animal behavior, practice responsible fur harvesting methods and have a little fun along the way. Comments on BASIC SETTERS FOR CONIBEAR BODY GRIP TRAPS 20″ June 19, 2015. Here’s how to prepare your traps effectively: Remove Grease: Use degreasers or natural soaps, such as Dawn, to clean your traps thoroughly. one hand operation with 330, 220, 160, 110, coni's More Info and Ordering here: https://bugspray. youtube. amazon. Here is how I use a 3 foot Dec 12, 2023 · Conibear Trapping Mastery: Key Takeaways for Safe and Effective Use. I have had the same set of setting tongs for my conibear 330 traps for years. Reply. Try setting the conibear trap right at the mouth of the beaver slide. com/shop/influencer-36cfcb18 http://www. If a few fruitless days pass, move the conibear trap back farther away from the water. Boiling: After cleaning, boiling the traps helps eliminate any remaining residue and reduces their shine, making them less detectable to animals. Nov 24, 2008 · Illustrations Of Setting Tools Deluxe Setters Conibear Tongs Nearly all name brand tongs are similar to these - some have handle grips. Position and secure the trap: Set up your Conibear trap either as a standalone ground set, secured with stakes or wire, or by attaching it to a tree trunk or log crossing an animal trail with cable loops. com/traps/conibear/body-grip-220-7-x-7Watch a Conibear 220, 280 and a 330 get set with Basic Scissor Setters. As the w Nov 25, 2021 · How to make your own conibear trap setting tool. The use of setters will save both time and injury. com/user/mossyoakgamekeepersJames Hinds shows you his two favorite methods of setting a 330 conibear tra Oct 26, 2021 · Shop my favorite things: https://www. About the only way you have to buy another one is if you lose it. SURVIVAL TRAPPING: How to Use, Set, and Feed Yourself with the Conibear Trap Learn how to select and safely use the most versatile trap you can own - the Conibear Body Grip trap. Use what you have. Larry OSteen @ 6:58 am : Feb 4, 2022 · A small “survival trap” is a great way to put some meat in the stewpot. com/ Use my code MIKER67 at https://www. While a bit slower operating than a conventional trap setting tool, the RTS is physically the easiest setter to use. You can add bait to the trigger mechanism Jan 25, 2021 · This week on Hunters Connect, Randy Newberg runs us through how to use Best Management Practices (BMPs) to set a conibear trap for mink and muskrat. By following these essential tips, you can successfully master conibear trap use while avoiding potentially dangerous mistakes: Always wear thick gloves when setting conibear traps. Jul 7, 2017 · 3 different ways to set a 330 conibear trap without a setting tool. Please Visit my Amazon Influencer page and my web site to see most of the gear I recommend and usehttps://www. In this video I go over four types of tools Mar 24, 2023 · Old Conibear Traps are broken in and pretty easy to set, but if you buy new trapsthey are tight! Don't spend money on any trap setting tool. About this item [Safely Set Your Traps]: Open conibear traps easily with the Redneck Convent 14-Inch Body Grip Setter Trap Tongs; Heavy-duty coil spring trap setter tool keeps your fingers safe when setting heavy-duty traps Andrew Huot of Wildlife Control Supplies demonstrates the proper use of a variety of 330 Body Grip trap setters and safeties. Add bait (optional): Some trappers prefer using bait to lure animals directly into the trap. Use a 1/4 bolt and nut and a 1/4 drill bit. It helps me get my mind off of stress and enjoy nature! I have another video that shows y via YouTube Capture May 8, 2008 · A how to on setting a conibear using the rope method. efl ufqz xeoefwx knel cpdp llpjlt vcjsmyd dum zohe acctlq