
Juju archer. - Lvl 90 baby yeti with Shelmet.

Juju archer 9M Coins Mar 10, 2021 · What is the best juju archer setup that doesn't include terminator or hype? Thread starter k_bombzz; Start date Oct 2, 2021 . - 5-Star, Soul Eater 5, Overload 5, Recombobulated, Fumings, Spiritual Juju Shortbow. - Lvl 100 leg wither skeleton with Crotchet. 5M Coins Bank Account: 99. this will give like 40 attack speed and barely reduce your damage Nov 18, 2022 · Juju archer is way better than ss mage but only if you aren’t a juju non That means you need good mp, ov5, se5, fpbs, and to have a brain . They need high damage and good survivability, as they make up a lot of the dps done to bosses. This is the best Archer weapon, because it shoots 3 arrows at once, which means it deals 3x more DPS. Thus, any hits you are taking would mean you are vulnerable for quite a while, so be sure to know when to play passively and aggressively (I say that, yet I rushed into a room full of withermancers in that video lol). -Terminator. -Scylla archer: juju / term (NOT SPIRIT BOW PLEASE JUST GET A DAMN JUJU IF I SEE ONE MORE SPIRIT BOW NON IN F7 PARTY FINDER I WILL BE ANGRY) and 3/4 necron/frozen blaze with golden / diamond necron head, can use maxor boots but i dont recommend using more than 1 piece of maxor. Also ur cata is low so prob need to work on dat. 7 Purse: 51. Florid ZS for healing. early game archers cant really do anything besides "save up for juju" and any other way that isnt juju or terminator just gets you kicked silky is really bad for juju in my experience. Cosmic_Star Mar 23, 2021 · most efficient juju archer setup: Soul Eater 5 JuJu shortbow (soul eater most important thing on the whole bow) its about 60mil Full fragged sa armor will be fine for you for now, with a dps pet like a level 100 epic tiger (about 12mil) or a level 100 legendary wither skeleton (about 10mil) Shelmet will help you a lot because antikb is a godsend Apr 18, 2021 · ️ 1668 ️ 792 711 90% ☠️ 415% 220/227 Fairy Souls ️ Young Dragon Armor ️ Withered Soul Whip ⛏️ Mining 60 Mythic Enderman (Lvl 100) Slayer: 9 ️ 7 7 3 ⚒ Avg Skill Level: 45. I’m gonna buy a juju shortbow and was wondering what armor I should get for F7. If u are under cata 42 use frozen blaze with a leg blaze pet a Duplex 1 juju and a se5 juju and Use expo arrows Oct 4, 2020 · If you using juju, grind furball power stone from T3+ sven, your pet must have tiger plushie. edit: juju is actually ok for crimson isles, but mage is the better option. But most importantly you have very low attack speed, Or should I say you have low dmg? Either way your talismans needs some work before doing F6 combat grind Dec 24, 2019 · Absolutely not, your going to become a juju non just get all fairy souls, get your cata higher, get necron, get enough money to recomb and put overload 5 on the juju you wanna buy and get your secrets higher. Only right click can be held to continuously fire, but rapidly left clicking fires arrows slightly faster. Not open for further replies because of inactivity. have a great day. melee or arch just doesnt have the one tap ability required for crimson isles Jul 5, 2023 · archer is rly good and i can 1 tap mobs on f7 without se or ghead, but aiming is tricky and aoe isnt that good mage is good too and its a lot easier to hit mobs and you can hit a lot more, but it attacks slower and is a lot harder for minibosses I was bored so i went to solo F6 S+ run, I cleared rooms in young dragon armor just for fun though, I managed to get a record of 11 minutes and 40 seconds wi Jun 23, 2021 · Alr I want to improve my juju archer setup, for the people, that are too lazy to click my skycrypt, this is my gear - recomb 5 Star juju bow (no overload or se) -recomb 5 Star full necron - recomb t6 livid dagger - recomb t6 fot - ice spray wand - 100 attack speed Also should I get soul eater What ultimate enchant is the best for juju Question I have a juju with 3/4 shadow assassin and I only do 30k damage so I think that the ultimate enchanted are a problem Oct 14, 2020 · true but midas staff and mage is useless in master mode to the point that even a budget juju bow is better than hyperion as long as it has some level of soul eater on it Apr 22, 2023 · juju arch/bers is better, you'll find parties with a yeti sword up to f6 (because there are no standards at that level) but it's a dog**** weapon and you'll be instakicked by the time you get to f7 L Active Member Aug 25, 2020 · i agree there is only 2 viable archer weapons right now and if lets say a cata req or slayer req increase there will still be no archer weapons people can use. Recommended Catacombs Levels before Entering Floor F7: 26+ M3: 28+ Jun 24, 2021 · juju is ONLY good for dungeons (outside of some very niche circumstances). 2 1 Upvote 0 Downvote. For more skyblock video's, please let me know what video you want to see next!#hypixel Jul 3, 2024 · get soul eater on your juju and get the reqs for overload replace 1/2 necron pieces with maxor if you dont already get 300 speed if you still need ats, max the double headed strike perk in the dragon essence shop and put renowned on your golden heads. This weapon is still viable for F7, but you should maybe consider upgrading to the Terminator as soon as possible. Its unique ability to shoot multiple arrows in one shot makes it a powerful choice for both PvE and PvP situations. If you like the video, it would mean a lot if you liked and subscribed. -Diamond Head. The Juju Shortbow is an EPIC Bow unlocked at Enderman Slayer LVL V. - 3/4 Recombed 5-Star Ancient Necron. silky gives a shit load of crit damage, and since juju already has a load of CD, there's a massive imbalance in CD and strength. Mar 27, 2020 · I’m a berserk/healer with sa chest plate, legs, and boots, I have a mender fedora and a baby yeti pet. You can also consider using this item, as it is better than the Golden Head. The maximum rate of fire is determined by the player's ⚔ Bonus Attack Speed Dec 2, 2022 · Introduction Archer is THE most important class in dungeons, they have the highest dps and generally do the most work in all floors. Sorry fo Nov 28, 2022 · -Juju Shortbow. Quick disclaimer, this will be mainly for early floor 7, when you're first getting into it. - Lvl 90 baby yeti with Shelmet. Make sure you have 60+ talismans on your accessories bag. 4 Weight: 5681. Jul 2, 2021 · Archer or probably the Juju shortbow in general may be subjected to nerf but currently its a pretty powerful class to play Berserkers in the long run are less subjected to change since most of its good weapons are in correlation to the cost unlike the archer and the recent strength, life steal, and FOT ability nerf makes it less likely for Apr 13, 2023 · Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed consider subscribing to my channel. Status Not open for further replies Nov 12, 2020 · With juju ain’t gonna recommend to do F6 Combat grind. It requires Enderman Slayer LVL V to use. Sorry fo Aug 31, 2018 · Juju/Term already knocks professor phase 2 harder than a kb10 slime ball without punch If you even add punch to the bow, gl aimimg and dps-ing the boss Especially for term, you have to land all the arrows and the arrows have to line up with salvation to deal the most dps, so in no case you would want to punch the boss away. then you'll become a pretty good archer and no body will bully you in pf Some Stats to highlight:Catacombs Level 34Combat Level 41Under 200 Hours PlaytimeSetup:Axe of the ShreddedJuju ShortbowWand of AtonementBonzo's StaffWither C Oct 19, 2020 · Archer Playstyle Generally speaking, as an archer, your regeneration is going to suck due to lack of lifesteal. Jul 10, 2022 · A small guide on how to frag run floor 7 as a juju archer. The Juju Shortbow is a shortbow which means it can fire arrows instantly, without needing to charge. Aug 21, 2024 · The Juju Shortbow is a valuable addition to any archer's arsenal in Hypixel Skyblock. G. kinda tanks ur damage Reply reply Jan 14, 2024 · obviously for archer i would use necron and mage i would use storm and wither, no real major armor differences friend said he went from 3 minute frag runs to 30 seconds when he switched from juju archer to ss mage, idk if he just sucked or what i just dont want to get a setup and just be slow Feb 7, 2021 · So I was a hardcore mage aka i had G6P6 storm with bb3 and cs 5 repsectively and recently switched to archer (30 mins ago) and i have a maxed juju (see ss) and i have full necron, (ignore the fact i have a tara cp atm i have 40m and am going to buy a necron cp tommorow) but i want to know whether i need anything else to be better and also am Jul 10, 2022 · A small guide on how to frag run floor 7 as a juju archer. Jun 4, 2021 · F7 Juju Archer Setup Help. So far I was planning necron armor with a Tara helm, is there anything better? May 27, 2018 · As I am about to hit 500 floor 7 runs on the new revamp, I thought I should make a guide to let all the new people know how to play getting into this floor as a juju non archer. It’s a good bow but it’s single targeted. wsus wxso vokejk wjxhhi nhfvrepr tsc dpev dqfzk kzsmpn jlly