Maidump pc . Shader translator Are you tired of being limited by the games available on your PS VITA console? Look no further! In this step-by-step tutorial, we'll show you how to easily d The Vita scene is basically the biggest mess in the entire console scene of all time (well, except the terrible Dreamcast CD rips). Jan 19, 2025 · PC, Console & Handheld Discussions. Once it's completed, open Vita3K and drag the vpk onto the Vita3K window. mp4, put it into your video folder on your computer and transfer it over using QCMA and the PSVita content manager. NOTE: This plugin will automatically set max clocks and hook SetClock functions in order to not being able to lower them. Click File -> Create vpk from maidump folder Select the EBOOT. It supports any kind of game (cartridges, Vitamin dumps, maiDump dumps). The DLC is also hacked/forged from the PC version, i just simply fixed its folder structure and made a param. I am looking for a way to transfer this folder into my ux0:/mai folder through USB. Then on PC refresh qcma database, then open the PSP savedata folder (I can't remember exact name as i am not in PC at the moment) and you should find it. (3. sfo for them. com/LioM Hello, I am having some issue getting the DLC to work. 2zEx Released. Hacking MaiDumpTool V233. 65破解时出现的英文版,然后就随手汉化了,以前是发到某XX上的,记得前几天有人在贴吧里问过,就搬上来在分享一次,有要的就保存吧。 In order to install a VPK file thru Mai Dump Tools, you must extract the VPK to your computer and transfer the files over VIA ftp or QCMA PSP Save Method (there's a reddit post for it) and upload them into ux0:/Mai This method only requires the space for the folder. If you use oclockvita or any other clock changer plugin, they will have no effects Jan 19, 2025 · PC, Console & Handheld Discussions. Thread starter Joe88; Start date Oct 9, 2016; Views 15,877 Replies 6 Jan 12, 2019 · MaiDumpToo. This might or might not work. I followed the direction posted. --- Vita3K is an experimental open-source Sony PlayStation Vita emulator for Windows, macOS, Linux and Android written in C++. If you use oclockvita or any other clock changer plugin, they will have no effects at 要求FW3. I copied the update content to the game_id folder sent in to the my vita installed using MAI set mode 5 transfer the DLC to the addcont_mai. Mar 26, 2011 · VITA2PC is a plugin allowing you to stream your PSVITA to your PC. ----As of right now, the best Game Dumper is MaiDump and Vitamin2. Now it throws C2-10362-2 errors. Oct 27, 2016 · If You already not aware of that, VitaOrganizer is PC tool to manage your Vita/PSTV. Click File-> Create vpk from maidump folder Select the EBOOT. The progress of the vpk creation will be shown at the bottom of the VitaOrganizer window. Jan 19, 2025 · it is true that it's much faster downloading on a pc, but if you don't have the sd2vita in the card slot just right afterwards, the system will not find the card and then rebuild the database. Very handy for small capacity memory cards users, because it will allow You to install vpk files without need to transfer them first to memory card. 0---as of this update and previous updates do not generate relocs, it simply bypasses it. vpk to . I still had the folder from the patch outputs so I put those eboot/game data files in the <GAME ID> folder, which before I had touched MaiDump worked. Q: Can Vitamin/MaidumpTool dump DLC? A: Both can now dump DLC! Q: How do I install Vitamin dumped DLC? Jul 31, 2021 · This ranges from low level features like GPU memory which can be mapped to CPU, so the texture data and framebuffer data can be modified at any time, to features that are a burden to port to PC overall: two-sided graphics rendering, and programmable blending. • What's included in the uncensor patch: Sep 10, 2017 · VITA2PC is a plugin allowing you to stream your PSVITA to your PC. this happened to me when I was backing up my pstv's sd2vita on the pc. 60 here). Relocs are the metadata used to boot the dumped game. Sep 17, 2016 · To easiest and fastest way to transfer the vpk file to your vita is to change the file extension from . It suports any kind of game (cartridges, Vitamin dumps, maiDump dumps). I simply ported mods from the PC version to the vita and all credits goes to loverslab for helping me get started on this mod and "The Butler" for the body textures. BIN file inside of your dump folder. Vitamin however can dump DLC while MaiDump cannot. Contribute to LioMajor/MaiDumpToolEN development by creating an account on GitHub. it in turn screwed up my appmeta. 65以上のゲームをVITA3Kで動かすためにダンプしたいのですが、maidumpとvitaminではダンプできないためここに書かれているFrench American Games Decrypterを使ってダンプしようとしたのですが、vpk形式のファイルではなくrepatchを利用して有効にするファイルしかダンプできないのですがどうすれば Jan 19, 2025 · it is true that it's much faster downloading on a pc, but if you don't have the sd2vita in the card slot just right afterwards, the system will not find the card and then rebuild the database. Sony PS Vita. I had missing backgrounds for random things. Original project can be found at BeniYukiMai's [github] mai page. Jan 19, 2025 · That's a tricky one to quantify I know that very few of the digital-only releases from the past 12 months have surfaced on pkgj or nps (titles such as Shakedown Hawaii), and in general DLC is really hit and miss and can dictate which region of the title you end up installing; example - Zen Pinball 2 (has A LOT of DLC), the EUR release has far more of the DLC 'unlocked', whereas the USA Dec 20, 2024 · MaiDump will generate relocs. Download VitaOrganizer and run the application on your PC. Latests release can be found here. Vitamin 2. If you want to join up and play some games, here's the All-Stars Awakened discord, all you need is a parsec account! In this tutorial I show you how to install and using MaiDumpTool to install backed up games to your PS VitaMaiDumpTool Download link: https://github. --- Oct 28, 2024 · On your PC you should have QCMA, in your Vita /ux0/ pspemu/savedata/ABC/XYZ. Thought this'd be a useful tutorial so you guys can save room on your memory card, the game files are hosted on the PC and all you need is henkaku running. que onda gamers les dejo el tutorial para instalar juegos en psvita de las 3 formas distintas 1- ARCHIVOS VPK VIA PC2- INSTALAR JUEGOS SUELTOS CON MAIDUMP : The ran but it ran in Japanese, as though the patch was not applied (I had patched it through xdelta on my PC). Place anything you want to transfer into the XYZ folder. 记得是3. Because of the way both tools work, MaiDumpTool has better compatibility. Oct 28, 2024 · On your PC you should have QCMA, in your Vita /ux0/ pspemu/savedata/ABC/XYZ. With the Game package that you made up yourself or downloaded from the internet, do notice that a VPK file is simply a Zip file with no compression. I did only a mere translation to english, all credits goes to mai! MaiDumpTool English. It was done when Vitamin (TheFloW) and MaiDump (random chinese guys) were still in development and they produced everything but accurate dumps. MaiDump also apparently can dump updates from physical cartridges. Connect to PC, transfer ABC to PC. Download MaiDumpTool VPK file (English translated version available, links down below). Menu . A: Both have their advantages and disadvantages. PC. Dec 20, 2024 · Basically I have my backup of FF X HD as a MaiDump (PCSE00293 Folder with all the backups data files and folders inside). 0 should be used to get Updates and DLCs easilly. fvfype cwutz kui smxyrlc ydmng vivvuw ktjb umzyh wegec tnesqf