Outfil syntax Example 10. Get something basic working. I have used OPTION COPY for clarity. It is used to repeat the records for specific times. When this syntax is used the The INCLUDE control statement differs from the INCLUDE parameter of the OUTFIL statement in the following ways: The INCLUDE statement applies to all input records; the INCLUDE parameter applies only to the OUTFIL input records for its OUTFIL group. Sort with IFTHEN; Example 15. Conversion of variable-length record data sets to fixed-length record OUTFIL parameter is used with INCLUDE or OMIT parameters to include or omitting records. You can use OUTFIL's IFTRAIL parameter to update count and total values in an existing trailer (last) record to reflect the actual data records in the OUTFIL data set. ) Aug 26, 2017 · Whenever OUTFIL statement includes any of HEADERx= or TRAILERx= parameters, SYNCSORT by default increases record size by 1, and changes RECFM from FB to FBA, (or from VB to VBA). Reformatting allows us to rearrange fields, select specific portions of records, insert constants, convert data formats, or manipulate the output layout. The use of fixed position/length fields or variable position/length fields. length = 30) should be copied at position ‘1’ in output file followed by the sequence number of 5 digit in Zoned Decimal format should be written at As you learned previously, the INREC statement changes the starting positions of various fields, so you must use those new positions for the statements that are processed after INREC (SORT and OUTFIL in this case). FORMAT=f can be specified with the INCLUDE statement but not with the INCLUDE parameter. OUTFIL 03 gets all the not 0000s which are not 'Y' OUTFIL 01, moved to make it easier to follow, gets all the records which are not selected on another OUTFIL (by using SAVE). OUTFIL INCLUDE=(start,length,format,operator,value) OUTFIL OMIT=(start,length,format,operator,value) BUILD OUTREC keeps only positions 1-80 for the OUTFIL output records, thus removing the identifier byte and sequence number we added in positions 81-83 with the INREC statement (we do not want these temporary fields in the OUTFIL output records). Syntax - //SYSIN DD * OPTION COPY OUTFIL FNAMES=DDNAMEn, LINES=n, HEADER2=(…. Because this is an OUTFIL report data set, DFSORT sets the RECFM to FBA (FB from SORTIN and A for ANSI control characters) and the LRECL to 121 (1 byte for the ANSI control character and 120 bytes for the data). ) /* Examples - Multiple OUTFIL statements can be specified in the same and different sources. OUTFILE can be used as an alias for OUTFIL. ), TRAILER2=(…. JCL & VSAM: I have a file with 30 bytes with 3 fields of 10 bytes each. If SAVE is specified on more than one OUTFIL group, then each of these OUTFIL groups gets the records that were discarded from all other OUTFIL groups that do not have SAVE. It can create both report and page trailers. Aug 23, 2018 · DFSORT/ICETOOL: Hi All, I have two files of length 500 and same structure . All of the data which passes the INCLUDE will be on one of the three OUTFILs, and only one. OUTFIL with TRAILER parameter is used to create trailers for reports. com The OUTFIL statement can be used to reformat records in the output dataset. For example, if the following is specified in SYSIN: OUTFIL FNAMES=(OUT1,OUT2),INCLUDE=(1,1,CH,EQ,C'A') OUTFIL FNAMES=(OUT3,OUT1),SAVE See full list on techagilist. ), OUTREC=(…. Syntax - //SYSIN DD * OPTION COPY OUTFIL FNAMES=(DDname-1,DDname-2,…,DDname-n),SPLIT=n /* So far; Now you know how to use the FINDREP parameter of the OUTREC statement to replace or remove data anywhere in your records. If a ddname occurs more than once in the same source, the ddname is associated with the first OUTFIL group in which it appears. I need to split this files into different Jul 18, 2018 · OUTFIL 02 gets all the 'Y's. Keep in mind that you can use all of these reformatting features with the FINDREP parameter of the INREC statement and OUTFIL statement, as well as with the OUTREC statement. Apr 10, 2008 · WER268A OUTFIL STATEMENT : SYNTAX ERROR : I checked in the manuals and i found that the syntax is right. Syntax - //SYSIN DD * SORT FILEDS= OUTFIL FNAMES=DDname-n,INCLUDE/OMIT COND=(…. 13-26 OUTFIL statement. WHEN=INIT clause See "WHEN=INIT clause" under OUTFIL IFTHEN for details. Suppose another process deleted 3 records from a data set that originally contained 7 records, but did not update the counts and totals in the trailer record. OUTFIL Create Multiple Identical Copies ; OUTFIL Converting FB to VB ; OUTFIL Converting VB to FB ; OUTFIL Including, omitting Records ; OUTFIL Repeating Records; OUTFIL Saving Discarded Records ; OUTFIL Splitting Records; OUTFIL Selecting and sampling by RRN ; OUTFIL Reformatting ; OUTFIL Creating Reports ; OUTFIL Updating Counts and Totals in Dec 19, 2013 · Skss, Use OUTFIL with HEADER1 and TRAILER1. For this when i use OUTREC the job is abending that the syntax is not correct. I am trying to sort a file into four different output files using OUTFIL. The sorted input records are written to the ALLGPS and ALLBU data sets. Again i want to truncate some parts from that record. If the BUILD, OUTREC, OVERLAY, or IFTHEN parameters are coded with sequence numbers, those are incremented for each repeated record. Aug 7, 2008 · ENDREC=n parameter is used to specify the record number, n, of the last record to be processed by the OUTFIL specification in effect. . It assumes that using any HEADER/TRAILER involves mandatory printing of the produced report. The subset of sorted input records containing 'G01' in positions 1 through 3 are used to produce a report, which is written to the G1STATS data set. DFSORT sets an appropriate BLKSIZE. Sort with OUTFIL; Example 11. Sort with INCLUDE and LOCALE; Example 13: Sort with z/OS UNIX files; Example 14. Jun 21, 2005 · For example, the first OUTFIL statement might have an INCLUDE operand that applies to an OUTFIL group of one non-VSAM data set on disk and another on tape; a second OUTFIL statement might have OMIT and OUTREC operands that apply to an OUTFIL group of one non-VSAM data set on disk and two VSAM data sets. Example 2 OUTREC FIELDS=(RDW, ** Record Descriptor Word ** Z_Field1,2Z, 3C'Symbol cannot be used for a repeated constant', Code_1,Flags, Variable_Fields) ** Variable part of input record Aug 26, 2005 · I am facing a new problem now. OUTFIL's SECTION parameter is used to divide the report up into sections by the course department. OUTFIL's IFTRAIL parameter is used to update the count and total values in an existing trailer (last) record to reflect the actual data records in the file. TRAILER1 and TRAILER2 are parameters of the OUTFIL control statement; TRAILER3 is a subparameter of OUTFIL’s SECTIONS parameter. Nov 13, 2024 · OUTFIL in JCL can be combined with several elements and options for filtering and manipulating data. IFTHEN clauses for the OUTREC statement let you select subsets of the output records and apply different BUILD, FINDREP or OVERLAY items to them. Can anyone please tell where is the problem Use SAVE to include records for OUTFIL processing that have not been included in any other OUTFIL group. Sort with Pipes and OUTFIL SPLIT; Example 12. 27-40 OUTFIL statement. The record number is determined by the sequence of records presented for OUTFIL processing. This is commonly done using in combination with the PARSE, BUILD, OUTREC, OVERLAY, FINDREP, or IFTHEN parameters G1STATS DD statement. But i dont want the entire record. All records after the specified record will be ignored for the OUTFIL group. OUTFIL's TRAILER1 is for report trailer and TRAILER2 is for page trailer. Syntax - //SYSIN DD * OUTFIL FNAMES=DDname-n,INCLUDE=(. The OVERLAY, FINDREP, and BUILD or FIELDS parameters discussed in previous sections let you use the same reformatting items for every output record. The TRAILER1 can output multiple lines (three in your case) using the Slash Operator (/). Note that / cannot be used to create blank records or new records. TRAILER1, TRAILER2, and TRAILER3 also provide TOTAL, SUBTOTAL, MIN, SUBMIN, MAX, SUBMAX, AVG, SUBAVG, COUNT, SUBCOUNT, COUNT15, and SUBCOUNT15 capabilities at the report, page, and section levels. e. So I used INCLUDE COND to achieve that. All of the logical conditons are valid for the INCLUDE and OMIT parameters with OUTFIL. The OUTFIL statement can use the REPEAT option to repeat specified fields or constant values in the output records. The third OUTFIL output data set is directed to sysout class A. ), IFTRAIL=(HD=YES,TRLID=(starting_position,length,format,Character/String), TRLUPD=(…)) OUTFIL statement. Explanation:-Statement SORT FIELDS=COPY, is used here to indicate that all records should be copied from input file to output file; Statement OUTREC FIELDS=(1:1,30,36:SEQNUM,5,ZD), is used here to indicate that field at position (1 to 30 i. I am comparing the files and updating the first file (F1) The INREC control statement supports a wide variety of parsing, editing, and reformatting tasks, including:. 09 The IFTHEN clauses of the OUTREC statement apply to all input records whereas the IFTHEN clauses of the OUTFIL statement only apply to the OUTFIL input records for its OUTFIL group. OUTFIL Files statements can be used for data set tasks: Creation of multiple output data sets. OUTFIL processing begins after all other processing ends (that is, after processing for exits, options, and other control statements). However, the FORMAT parameter can't code with the OUTFIL statement. Sort with 64-bit parameter lists, E15, E35 and OUTFIL If SPLIT=n is used and two OUTFIL files are, then n records will be distributed from the first OUTFIL file, the next n records to OUTFIL file2, the next n records to OUTFIL file1, and so on until the end of the records. Here are some of the most common ones: INCLUDE/OMIT: INCLUDE and OMIT allow you to select or exclude records based on specific conditions. rsjwu jhx frmy cuqn dhlmlt rbg ivfv rhr stlq idsgl
Outfil syntax. DFSORT sets an appropriate BLKSIZE.