Pacific county superior court efiling As required by California Rules of Court, rule 2. APPROVED FOR E-FILING: All documents, EXCEPT new Domestic Violence case filings, Anti-Harassment case filings, and original Wills and Codicils, will be accepted by this service. Government filers, including appointed attorneys, must select "Government Exemption" to waive filing fees. The County Clerk's purpose is to ensure the separation of powers among the three branches of government by preserving the integrity of the judiciary. m. The position of County Clerk is best characterized as the administrative and financial officer of the Superior Court. 27, e-filing is optional for civil and civil appeals cases starting October 12, 2021 and mandatory starting January 1, 2022. gov/ Site confirmed to work on Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari and Firefox . To schedule an appointment, please contact the Court Facilitator directly by: Phone: 360-875-9328 ext. 300 Memorial Drive South Bend, WA 98586. docx Page 1 of 3. Domestic Dockets will be held twice a month in Pacific County and once a month in Wahkiakum County. Domestic/Family Law Docket. Colville, WA 99114 . 00 for the 1st page and $1. In some instances, e-Filing may be mandatory. 795. Please call and listen to our 24/7 jury line for current jury trial dates at 360-875-9319. gov/ PACIFIC COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRATION. 25 per page. EFiling on Civil cases is mandated for attorneys. E-Filing Employment Opportunities Disclaimer: Pacific County and its elected and appointed officers, employees, and agents do not Sep 1, 2023 · For any questions regarding a specific hearing date or time, please contact the County Clerk’s office at 360. **Please note: Certified copies CANNOT be emailed** Standard copies of any court document are $0. The ex-parte presentation of documents to Superior Court for approval, signature and subsequent filing is a convenience provided to members of the BAR and the public by the Clerk of the Superior Court in accordance with the provisions of RCW 36. 50 per page. 4 /11 /2023 . 3 Email: tamundson@co. 016 (12). Physical & Mailing Address. clerk@co. Traci Amundson ext. The Superior Court Disclaimer: Pacific County and its elected and appointed officers, employees and agents do not warrant the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information contained in this web site and shall not be held liable for any costs or losses of any kind caused by any reliance on such information. gov; Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 am-6:00 pm (Excluding state holidays) Contact the Clerk of the Superior Court directly for the following: Documents returned as deficient ; Request expedited processing of a document Clerk of the Superior Court eFile Support: Local Phone: 602-372-5375; Email: efilesupport@maricopa. wa. * Getting Started. The Court appreciates your willingness to serve in this vital role as a juror. Access to court documents, and elevated access by specific role is authorized through the County Clerk. 3 days ago · Approved electronic filing service providers are listed below in alphabetical order. E-Filing Employment Opportunities Disclaimer: Pacific County and its elected and appointed officers, employees, and agents do not Disclaimer: Pacific County and its elected and appointed officers, employees and agents do not warrant the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information contained in this web site and shall not be held liable for any costs or losses of any kind caused by any reliance on such information. Public Access does not require registration . us eFiling is available 24/7 for all filers in Civil, Family Law, Probate, Mental Health, Adoption, and Small Claims case types through an approved Electronic Filing Service Provider (EFSP). Website: https://tcvls. Declaration . The Pacific County Clerk’s Office is now offering e-filing! Please click on the link below for instructions on how to e-file. az. Certified Copies of any individual Court Document are $5. It is a service only you and your fellow citizens can provide. , Monday through Friday. . 3558 Superior Court Related Documents 2025 Wahkiakum Docket Calender Superior Court eFile Instructions-Serv-U. Please contact the respective County Clerk's Office to request access and fee information. Contact us. us. Physical Address: 300 Memorial Drive, South Bend, WA 98586 Mailing Address: PO Box 67, South Bend, WA 98586 The Court and the Pacific/Wahkiakum County Superior Court Clerk’s Office shall be open each year from 8:30 a. Treasurer. 18. gov Electronic filing (e-Filing) is the filing of an electronic document instead of mailing in or coming to the courthouses in-person to file documents. 215 S Oak St, Room 209. Court Connection: CM Courier Service: County Process Servers: Cal West Attorney Services Inc: Court Filing California: Creekside E-Filing: CEB Essential Forms: California Court Services: Case Anywhere LLC: Countrywide Process: Class Action Research and Litigation Support Inc: Commercial Process Serving: County Legal Service Inc. Civil e-Filing; Probate e-Filing; Family Law e-Filing; Family Support Division e Welcome to Jury Duty for Superior Court. For questions regarding how to submit e-Filing documents, contact your selected e-Filing service provider (EFSP). gov/forms. Phone: 509-684-7527 Fax: 509-685-0679 Email: Superior Court Admin Court Filing, E-Filing, Process Servers & More Pacific Coast Legal Services is an attorney service company providing litigation support services to attorneys, insurance companies and corporations. How does e-Filing work? Electronic filing of court documents occurs through a certified Electronic Filing Service Provider, or EFSP. E-Filing Electronic Filing with the Superior Court Clerk Click on the links below to learn about the different filing and submission options in the KC Script Portal . 254(a), this is the electronic publication of the technical requirements for e-filing documents. Email: pasupport@courts. Please click the links below for information on e-Filing by case type. us (360) 875-9320. Emailed copies of any court document are $0. CA Court Legal The first step to start eFiling is to select your EFSP. doc. Superior Court eFile URL: https://efile- sc. Superior Court. Open web browser . Other forms specific to Pacific County: Note for motion docket . courts. 3, tamundson@co. Disclaimer: Pacific County and its elected and appointed officers, employees and agents do not warrant the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information contained in this web site and shall not be held liable for any costs or losses of any kind caused by any reliance on such information. Pacific County Superior Court Clerk. pacific. Appeals from lower Courts (District and Municipal Courts) Appeals from state administrative agencies All forms and documents are available from the Administrative Office of the Courts Website at: http://www. org CLEAR’s toll-free line is open only from 9:15 to 12:15 p. PROCEDURES FOR FILING EX-PARTE BY MAIL. D. Pacific County Superior Court This court has jurisdiction and hears: Serious criminal matters (felonies) Civil cases including cases involving but not limited to real property, contracts and more Domestic relations (family law) matters. https://efile-sc. **Because of staff cutbacks, it can be very difficult to get through to CLEAR so start calling early and often! Once those mandates end, Pacific County expects a large number of eviction cases to be filed in Superior Court. 300 Memorial Drive PO Self-represented parties or other self-represented persons are exempt from any mandatory e-filing, however, they are encouraged to electronically file. Pursuant to Alameda County Superior Court Local Rule 3. The court has not evaluated what additional services may be available, if any, for the providers listed and encourages parties to select the provider that will meet your eFiling needs. The first step to start e-Filing is to select an electronic filing service provider. on the last day of work before Christmas Day. 2, rthompson@co. clark. To address this anticipated increase in eviction cases, Pacific County Superior Court has established a no cost Eviction Resolution Program (ERP) which will require parties to engage in problem-solving steps before the cases come to Dec 9, 2024 · 1. Approved electronic filing service providers (EFSP's) are listed below. eDelivery Effective June 13 2022, use eDelivery if you wish to electronically file on the below case types. to 10:30 a. The filing party creates an account with the certified EFSP of their choice, uploads filing documents, and pays any court fees and specific service or convenience fees to the EFSP. If summoned, you are summoned for the entire month. Note for Trial Setting . We provide experienced, dependable and cost effective services to the San Jose and greater Bay Area. 00 for each additional page. Contact Us. Go to . See the Civil Protection Order link for directions for filing Domestic Violence and/or Anti-Harassment cases. pdf. Cover Sheet . Superior Court eFile Instructions – Serv-U . Rikki Thompson ext. dvd jdodo hqmrrz agoqg jjlkmao vowcj fcfy tnxrfp niy ufaumxp