Reddit archero best level to farm. I want to get a perfect epic weapon.

Reddit archero best level to farm This guide covers everything you need to know about where to farm and why. Nov 15, 2019 · While farming you do a chapter that is very easy for you and want to run through as fast as possible. Without spending money, play ancient maze every other day and buy random shards. Remember there being a guy that did the science… When I go to the egg, there's a "speed up" button. I’ve tested out a few, and I’ve seen people say level 7 is the best. The best for farming exp is the highest chapter you can enter; The best for items is 3, 6, or 10. I click on it and it tells me the conditions to hatch it and below all the text there's another "speed up" button. But idk about the other lvl drop rates, Im interested too. 7 items per run. What level should I farm? I'm currently done with chapter 10 normal, and hero chapter 7. Should I… 23 votes, 31 comments. Gives on average 22k gold, 1. 5 items and about 2-4 runes per run. Just wanna know which chapter is best to farm for stuff. While farming you do a chapter that is very easy for you and want to run through as fast as possible. ) are the best, because each mob's death is a possibility for an equipment drop. That’s the only way to get consistent large quantities of shards, though they are all completely random. What does everyone think? I'm a low level player, but lucky enought to have max level epic void armor and gale force. true. I've seen the normal 13 drops more items than hero 10 and 13, at 1. I click that and i get 5 level recommendations on where to find that specific enemy, both hero and regular. Higher gives more exp/gold, lower is quicker but all should give about the same and all are much easier/better then the others. Which chapter is best for farming? The best for farming gold the highest chapter you can beat. I want to get a perfect epic weapon. For me, it used to be level 6(hero mode) but not anymore I'm looking for a better choice since I opened up till level 17. For farming, speed matters more than anything, so Spear is the best for farming. some say level 13 but I think that changed. Preferably hero one. . Feb 29, 2024 · In this guide, you will get to know the best chapters you need to farm for weapons, armor, rings, pets, materials, and item vendors in Archero. Farming shards? Spend more money on chapter packs. If i have died farming its not best for sure i thought. I’ve completed stage 12, so I can farm any level. Just pick the highest wave chapter, that you can afk farm. Especially chapters that are high enough but easy enough that you can AFK them. Feb 16, 2022 · The best choice for farming gold by gold/time spent ratio is the last boss chapter you can easily beat. If you have high base dmg, choosing a weapon with higher attack speed may cut your running time. To reroll: You walk into the room and see the layout, if you dont like it you force close the game, load back in and "continue" the run, when you load back into it you don't have to move or walk and you force close once again. Hey guys, wanted to get your opinion on the best level to farm. And as a general rule of thumb always farm in Hero so you're getting Bloodstones. If you want to farm easily, you need to open your daily or weekly chests and spin the wheel five times per day and item vendors. BTW, is gale force a good weapon? or do you think there's a better weapon for solo? Hey guys just wondering which level would be best to farm once you've completed all levels. I only have a rare bright spear, an uncommon, and a common. Stuck on ch7 for a month and a half now. I know that the last few levels all give around 25 of… What’s my best bet at farming for the demon blade on my current levels - Hero = 12 Normal = 15 Also what levels should I be looking at getting quick raid for What is the best level to farm sapphires I'm currently stuck on level 7 and just unlocked Helix but don't have the sapphires to upgrade him. Or sometimes offers to exchange some items and materials for random shards pop up in the monster farm. Share I just wanna know what's your current favorite level to farm items and weapons. On average you might use Spear, but if you want to progress as good as possible, you can still farm as good with Staff, just a little slower and get better progress at the same base ATK. Tell me what you guys think. Sep 8, 2020 · Just pick the highest wave chapter, that you can afk farm. Note: when farming If a hero picked up Rage, i allowed him to get damage in order to go faster, I usually play like this when I farm with Helix. 4 of the 5 are "recommended" level to try Nov 15, 2019 · While farming you do a chapter that is very easy for you and want to run through as fast as possible. The best choice for farming gold by gold/time spent ratio is the last boss chapter you can easily beat. And wave chapters for items. Sep 2, 2019 · In this video, I'll be guiding you through the best chapters to farm for items, pets/spirits, weapons, item vendors & more! I'll also let you know which chapters to stay away from if you want Optimize your progression in "Archero" by farming the right chapters. Weapon: Your favorite weapon (highest level). For me it’s hero 10. 20-stage chapters with rounds (like Ch10, 16, etc. The bright spear is the only thing that feels up to par, but I need a better way to farm for weapons. Atreus ch10 : i died on second try on trash mobs stage 17 but i was going to slow cleaning trash and i didnt even make the 3th and 4th try. sninz uzfor kjuev mne ofk qhwqpcam fxs wxdnjmmr haza gpuda