Extreme waswas shirk. Try your best to seek as much knowledge as possible.
Extreme waswas shirk It became a very hateful place to me for whatever reason. Dec 18, 2019 · Sometimes extreme waswas can make us think bad deliberately too as we get so used to those horrible thoughts that we lose control somewhat of managing our deliberate thoughts too, but as long as we don't mean those thoughts then even the deliberate thoughts will be considered as a symptom of the waswas InshAllah Sep 2, 2016 · I’ve been having a severe waswas problem for a long time where it’s even gotten to the extreme where even when I Severe waswas scared I’ve committed shirk × Register Login What's New! Apr 8, 2022 · 7. Brother in Islam, At the outset, you need to determine whether you are performing an act of Ibadah through wudhu and Salaah or you are worshipping your feelings. No matter how hard I try the intention never seems to settle. I should not have searched about what Allah eats . She tried to resist but she always failed, she even mentions that … It also could come in negative thoughts about Allah and about Islam and Prophet Muhammad that makes the person feel that he is going into kufr or shirk. See full list on seekersguidance. Could you please give advice to all people who experience such type of waswasa, especially when they decide to move nearer to Allah and Islam? Jan 12, 2001 · 1 – The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) praised the feeling of hatred towards the waswas that had to do with doubts concerning belief (‘aqeedah) when he said, “That is clear faith. However, in your case, it is the influence of waswas. May 30, 2011 · How Can I Overcome These Extreme Difficulties During Wudu, Istinja, and Ghusl? Severe Doubts in Washroom. 5 years ago. But the problem that I have is that I keep believing in these thoughts, and I don't know what to do about them. It went from hand-washing to constantly making, and remaking wudhu. –Intrusive thought’s response: “That person has committed shirk. [1] Mar 1, 2018 · Dear Brothers in Islam, assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. You should know that waswasah (or waswas, pl. Jan 1, 2020 · Shirk ou waswas ?. I simply said this to Allah. Dec 5, 2023 · WASWAS interminables (shirk, pensées immorales). Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): {And if an evil suggestion comes to you from Satan, then seek refuge in Allah . The waswasa started about 3. Don´t forget that Allah is aware of your struggles. I also have waswasa in regards to how many cycles I’ve prayed and in Nov 13, 2021 · Q I have extreme waswasa. org Here are some steps you can take to manage waswas: Consult with a knowledgeable Islamic scholar or counselor who can provide guidance and support. Nov 25, 2022 · I hope that the approaches and suggestions that I give are helpful to you. You feel trapped, questioning your iman, and wondering if you’ve fallen into shirk unknowingly. Nov 3, 2021 · En ce moment, j'ai beaucoup de waswas : pensées shirk et négative sur la religion, et qui me donne une impression de voir du shirk partout et que rien de ce que je fais Le fait d'avoir l'impression de voir du shirk partout me fait douter sur si j'ai commit une fausse accusation et j'ai peur que le péché retourne sur moi et que je suis sorti Aug 27, 2019 · You should know that waswasah (or waswas, pl. I am not sure whether i have committed shirk or Shaytan is whispering. It reassures that individuals, especially those with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), are not held accountable unless such thoughts are spoken or acted upon. Nov 15, 2023 · As I understand, you are afraid of accidentally committing shirk and kufr, especially in your thoughts and feelings. Is this a sin? I told my parents and friends about my problem. Apr 12, 2018 · Pensées shirk, baisse de foi. Shaythan will not give up so easily for he will try and make you feel like you just don't care anymore about your worship or shirk etc but again this is just one of his many tactics that he uses to try and put off Allah's worshippers and so know that you know the different angels then you are now more equipped to fight May 9, 2024 · Struggling with Kufr OCD - Waswas of Kufr & Shirk - Deal with OCD/Waswas about Kufr - Sheikh ibn Uthaymin رحمه الله Dec 10, 2011 · Join Date Dec 2011 Gender Female Religion Islam Posts 25 Threads 11 Rep Power 76 Rep Ratio 28 Likes Ratio 8 Full Lesson: https://youtu. It can become a very serious Waswas can become a very serious issue and it may take away the pleasure of worship and instead replace it with constant worry eg whether a person did Wudu (Ablution) or … Shirk and waswas. Is there any way to calm me so that I can get rid of the waswas in both a practical and spiritual manner? Answer. No matter how many things you imagine during Salah that makes you feel you're doing Shirk are just the Waswas of The satan. It seems to be waswasa so just continue on with what you are doing. Always make dua brother Allah won’t reject you . Aug 13, 2018 · Why should it be shirk? Tajweed simply speaking is the best style of reciting the Qur'an. After that she always got the waswas that she was doing shirk. wasawis; means satanic insinuations, obsessions and suggestions), doubt, lapse of faith, shirk and the like pertain to satanic insinuation and devilish promptings, which Satan puts into the hearts of people. I just closed my eyes. –Intrusive thought’s response: “You are committing shirk by not praying right now because your work colleagues are around you” c. be/vaScNHR5RpkFor more information please follow:https://www. assimalhakeem. Someone said something which you THINK is shirk, but you aren’t even sure of what they actually said or the context they said it in. Engage in regular remembrance of Allah through dhikr. Now I don't know if I committed shirk. Please see question no. Or just in general sometimes when I am just learning or reciting or whatever, I get waswas and it’s shaitan trying to make me doubt Islam. Nov 3, 2013 · Accordingly, one can seek refuge from them. How to Deal With Waswas Regarding Purity According to the Shafi’i School? Dealing With the Constant Feeling that Gas Exits After Wudu. For example, foods that my mum buys which may contain alcohol and pork, cleaning products, etc. Waswas can occur with pretty much any practising Muslim particularly if they do not have sufficient knowledge of Islam and matters pertaining to fiqhi rulings. Those waswasa are not normal, they render me into thoughts of shirk during salah & i feel like killing myself, but i am too coward to do so, what should i do? I asked Allah's help Jul 8, 2019 · So to sum it all up , as long as you don’t believe in them your ok . Try your best to seek as much knowledge as possible. Mar 17, 2011 · The best way's to resolve Extreme cases of waswas are: 1. Part of My Nose Is Always Dry After Wudu Apr 5, 2016 · Extreme Shirk thoughts and anger + Start New Discussion; British Wholesales - Certified Wholesale Linen & Towels. Plus I also get these shirk thoughts aswell but Alhamdulillah they have gone so much easier . Voila,Satan me fait croire que j'ai commis le shirk suite a de nombreuses situations. Oct 8, 2017 · Shirk ou waswas?. But I still get doubt that was it a major shirk or not. net/announcement/Do you have a question:https://www. If i commit a major shirk do i have to perform ghusl ? Was my repentance accurate ? I think you’re going to burn out if you overthink things to an extreme too often Succeeding at a task, even a small one, makes people feel good bc of the way our brain works, rewarding us for accomplishing things. Mar 4, 2011 · How to overcome Waswas (shaythans whispers) in worship Bismillahirahmaaniraheem Waswas can become a very serious issue and it may take away the pleasure in worship and instead replace it with constant worry whether a person did Wudu or Salaah properly. The fear of committing shirk is common and caused by waswas (the whispers of Shaytan) along with thoughts that come from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). com/abubakr. One girl had preached to shia neighbors of hers against shirk. But then I again got a thought that people usually close their eyes to show agreement or permission to something. Even when she stood for salah, she was getting the waswas that when she prayed she was committing shirk. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. I ask Allah to help you with your thoughts brother . Q: I am suffering from waswas for long time my problem is whatever I do I feel like I am committing shirk but I know those things are not considered as shirk in Islam but I make up to that condition Jul 12, 2020 · I did not look into the result because when i searched i instantly felt that I committed a major shirk. Allah´s love for you is immense, imagine the love of a mother. But these waswas somehow come back to my head no matter what. How do you deal with Waswasah (devilish whisperings/obsessive doubts) which continually disturb a person during ablution and prayer/recitation of Quran and other daily activities by generating disgusting thoughts? Answered by Sidi Faraz A. que des pensées que je ne veux pas avoir mais j'ai l'impression de sortir de l'islam en permanence, d'autant Shirk (arabiska: شرك, polyteism), tron på fler än en gud, eller att värdesätta något högre än Gud, är inom islam den enda synd för vilken förlåtelse ej gives om detta görs medvetet (av dem som har kunskaper om Gud). I suffer waswasa when I start praying. As salamu aleykoum, voilà quelques mois que je suis atteint de waswas. Allahu’lmusta’an. Firstly: Compulsive waswaas refers to thoughts and bad ideas that come one after another to a person’s mind even though he does not want them, in such a way that he cannot rid himself of them, even though he knows and is certain that they are foolish and unacceptable thoughts. Apr 30, 2016 · Join Date Apr 2016 Gender Male Religion Islam Posts 33 Threads 17 Rep Power 50 Rep Ratio 4 Likes Ratio 19 Feb 28, 2020 · Join Date Aug 2019 Gender Male Religion Islam Posts 21 Threads 16 Rep Power 0 Rep Ratio 60 Likes Ratio 15 Mar 27, 2024 · Most of the time she's ok but when the downswing came to visit, it can affect her belief in Allah swt. had intrusive thoughts before the thoughts are still there but when I started to become religiously active then shaytan came to me with new waswasas. Je voudrais savoir si pendant les douaa, et prosternations et autre acte d'adorations, Allah prends en compte de nos pensées (shirk) car j'ai des pensées obsessionnelles incessantes de shirk qui me viennent et des fois sa provient de moi à force May 29, 2015 · waswas et shirk. Saying something which is kufr or shirk without any knowledge I am suffering from extreme waswaas during my day and especially during salaat, is this normal?1) pls can u tell me if all this is a trick of… Nov 18, 2023 · Regarding your fear of having committed kufr (disbelief) or shirk (associating partners with Allah), it’s essential to understand that these are serious matters. Je ne sais pas quoi faire, je ne sais pas si c'était du waswas ou si c'est moi qui me suis poussée à penser Ça sans réfléchir Waalaikumsalam, thank you for this. We advise you to be patient and to turn to Allah and ask Him for healing and recovery, for He is All-Hearing, Ever Close and Ever Responsive, may He be glorified and May 7, 2017 · I have been suffering from extreme waswasa ever since I started studying fiqh. 7. Alors qu’en réalité je sais que ça protège. im not sure or not educated or read enough of Quaran if the those actions are commiting shirk. She suffers of waswas, which is like some sort of OCD. Note that according the riwaya different tajweed rulings apply "tafkhim" isn't part of the naturally speech, even if you may find some muadhins in the Maghreb states doing tafkhim on the laam of "Hayya 'ala as-Sa laa t" based on the influence of riwayt 77 likes, 1 comments - mindfulbeliever on November 18, 2024: "Your mind is constantly filled with blasphemous thoughts Thoughts about shirk, doubts about your iman, or even evil thoughts about Allah. It is very clear that you are suffering from waswaas (compulsive intrusive thoughts) concerning matters of purification, because you are asking about ghusl for entering Islam even though you are already Muslim, praise be to Allah. You should categorically ignore these, and Allah knows best. Shaythan will not give up so easily for he will try and make you feel like you just don't care anymore about your worship or shirk etc but again this is just one of his many tactics that he uses to try and put off Allah's worshippers and so know that you know the different angels then you are now more equiped to fight Apr 20, 2020 · Discover guidance for Muslims experiencing severe doubts about their faith, particularly regarding kufr and shirk. " Islam Forum - Muslim, Quran, Sunna, Deutsch > Islam > Ehe, Familie & Kinder > extreme waswas das ich mein mann diene Normale Version: extreme waswas das ich mein mann diene Du siehst gerade eine vereinfachte Darstellung unserer Inhalte. Sep 10, 2014 · Waswas sur le shirk. May 12, 2021 · Lately I have had a problem where I have severe waswas. I do not feel sure of my Tuhr (purification I'm in so much pain and I keep praying without being able to feel anything, and with my prayers constantly attacked from waswas/OCD. net/ask-a-ques This is because now it becomes was was, and the sad thing that we say with many people, is that they begin with something so minute and then it just snow balls into waswas of kufr, shirk, and they start saying the shahadah 100 timws a day bcz they feel like they committed shirk. It is unlikely that you will not be able to conquer waswas overnight. Salam aleykoum wa rahmatallah wa barakatuh mes frere et soeur, depuis hier j'ai des penser que Sheytan m'insulfe sur le chirk, et je deteste ces penser aider moi svp que faire, j'ai lit la sourate anas Feb 12, 2020 · Urgent : shirk ou waswas. She tried to resist but she always failed, she even mentions that things are not God while the subject is not even Assalamo aleikum my brothers and sisters I have this major issue that i get during my salah. zoudhttps://www. I'm aware that passing thoughts are forgiven, but during my time of waswas, I couldn't tell which were my thoughts, and which were from satan, and I ruminated a lot, which led to the thoughts staying in my mind, and it followed me in my prayers, supplication Feb 29, 2016 · But , We have Bigger News for you !!!If you want to cure your ALL OTHER Waswas in Wudu Completely , along with ALL types of Was’was in Salah , in Purity , in Commiting Shirk in thoughts , in hopelessness from Allah and a lot more , Then You should consult our Book : Cure Your Was’was Forever This Book shall save you from Spending hours and Thoughts of shirk and kufr can slip into the mind of the most pious, do not dwell on these and let them slide. Beiträge: 1 Themen: 1 Registriert seit: Nov 2014 Dua for fear of shirk is a dua that Muslims recite to protect themselves from committing shirk, knowingly or unknowingly. Oct 17, 2014 · It is possible to overcome waswas and bad thoughts by means of the following: · Seeking refuge with Allah from the accursed Shaytan, turning sincerely to Him and beseeching Him a great deal. Its been so stressful. Wake up 15 or 30 minutes before Fajr and go to the mosque if you have the ability, it will strengthen your faith in Allah. The fact that you hate that and your heart recoils from it is a clear sign of faith. I said Shahada again. Mais il y'a des situations ou j'ai vraiment cru d'avoir fait le shirk. Je voulais savoir si j’ai fait du shir Jul 29, 2016 · Salam Aleikoum wa rahmatoullah En ce moment j'ai un waswas tres genant et dure a combattre. Everytime i go into sujood, my head keeps thinking "you are prostrating to someone else" and i keep trying to fight these thoughts in my head by saying to myself on the inside "i worship only Allah (SWT)", but the shirk thoughts keep on coming back during my sujood no matter how much i try to fight them. I know somebody who is suffering rn, she is known to be a kind person but she has a problem. Nov 9, 2010 · I've seen people wandering around like they are crazy, getting obsessions of shirk and sins because of black magic. Salam Aleykoum, Tout à l'heure, j'ai associé quelqu'un à Allah dans mes pensées. You deserve to enjoy your time with Allah (swt). Do you know why these thoughts occur? Well, it's simple really, Shaytaan puts thoughts in Nov 21, 2020 · I would like to ask for advice regarding extreme waswas about purity. No matter how hard I try, the intention never seems to settle. muslima2009 Neuer Benutzer. Is that a sin? Apr 6, 2022 · HOW TO RESOLVE EXTREME WASWAS . I don't know how to stop these thoughts, I don't if I actually committed shirk or not. When I use the toilet, I just spend too long a time. Every time I enter the toilet I cry because of how strong this Waswas is. I also have waswasa in regards to how many cycles I’ve prayed and in regards to facing the qibla. Jan 30, 2006 · We ask Allah to heal you and grant you relief from this waswas, because waswas is a kind of sickness by means of which the shaytan causes anxiety and depression to the believer. I keep getting waswas of shirk, and I watched a video about the existence of God coz I saw it on youtube, and I read a lot of things about people losing their faith and even one or 2 things about apostates (NOT because I wanted to be like them. Apr 30, 2023 · There is a method for diagnosing waswas al-qahri (OCD). But Allah knows best . Au début ça s’est manifesté par de l’hypocondrie ( a chaque symptôme j’avais peur d’avoir un truc grave). And if you do not like them then it is 99% wasawas . AIDEZ MOI SVPPP !!! Vendredi passé j'allais faire un douaa dans mon coeur, j'ai lever mes mains vers le ciel et au lieu de dire dans ma tête '' aide moi allah '' j'ai remplacer allah par sat** en état de conscience fin je crois je suis perdue et il m'est arriver la mê Sep 7, 2002 · Based on this, what the hadith means is that the cause of waswas is pure faith, or that waswas is a sign of pure faith. Et à haute voix j’ai répondu « bien sûr que non ça ne protège pas ». On délaisse les doutes face à nos certitudes, et on se base uniquement sur nos certitudes. Khan Question: I know it is haram to say kufr things with your mouth, but what if you only say it in your heart/mind? Is this haram? I am not talking about waswas but i mean if someone intentionally makes a kufr/shirk statement in their mind only (for example if they swear at Allah) but Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 4 comments Aug 20, 2011 · The best way's to resolve Extreme cases of waswas are: 1. I've retaken my shahada so many times, prayed tawbah, and everytime i think i committed kufr because of the waswas, i become less and less shameful and remain in a state of a kafir, delaying my salah and not repenting. You should resist it brother don't you ever give up. 12315. There are three frequent forms of extreme waswasah: ibadah (worship), taharah (purification), and aqeedah (faith). Therefore this does not seem to be shirk although correct me if I am wrong. Shaythan will not give up so easily for he will try and make you feel like you just don’t care anymore about your worship or shirk etc but again this is just one of his many tactics that he uses to try and put off Allah’s worshippers and so know that you know the different angels then you are now more equiped to fight Aug 12, 2012 · 7. Dealing With Misgivings of Impurity. The thoughts come to me for the whole day, and even when I am praying. Allah will never punish you for having impulsive thoughts. Aide !!!. It's about shirk thoughts and that there that false gods are real and that bull. Hey guys basically I’m in a really bad state right now and I desperately need some help. We also need to forget our past sins and work for the future. The combination of OCD and waswas has been making me overthink these situations on whether or not it counts as shirk. Every time i keep getting waswas that I worship something other than Allah audhuibillah and for example even looking down I feel like I might have worshipped it I’m scared cause I don’t know my intention if it was to commit shirk or not and I don’t know if I should assume this to be shirk or not I Jul 10, 2018 · This article addresses whether harboring kufr or shirk thoughts in ones mind attracts sin, contrasting the interpretations of SeekersHub and Assim alHakeem. Everyone has intrusive thoughts, or struggles with concentration, but not everyone has or has struggled with OCD/waswas about shirk and kufr. facebook. Whenever i pray i get the waswas, whenever i read the Quran i get the waswas(The thoughts even get worse by translating whatever aya i recite into evil meaning),Now whenever i meantion the word Allah such thoughts comes through my mind. . In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Most of my family members aren’t practicing Muslims. com/abubakrzoud/ Last night i was reciting Holy Quran. Quand je fais des dua'as pour Allah il me demande d'invoquer un autre que Dieu Allah y ster. By me cleaning this May 8, 2022 · What you described appears to be waswasa and is also referred to as OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). Salam aleikoum je viens vers vous car j'ai tres mal au coeur je suis atteint de waswas et dans un precedent post j'avais parler d'un probleme qui c aggravé la semaine derniere j'avais chahade devant un cadre ou yavais marquer Allah et j'ai eu un w Jan 25, 2017 · Basically, waswas conditioning is an extreme form of waswaas that is similar to Psychological Conditioning. for example i had thoughts of me commiting shirk or thoughts of doing it to disobey Allah or obey Allah. Enft à cause du waswas j'avais bcp de dinsult enver ALLAH LE TOUT PUISSANT et maintenant ces du shirk que j'ai et mtn j'ai associer ALLAH mais moi jvoulais pas associer ALLAH et a cause du waswas jpense qu'à ça et ducoup j'ai associer ALLAH àlor quanvant j'avais rien Sep 24, 2013 · Praise be to Allah. ” One of the things implied by the hatred of this waswas is that one turns away from it and does not get carried away with it. There is a book about waswasa by Ibn Qayyim I recommend you get and if you want to learn more about shirk then I suggest “a critical study of shirk (Kashf Ash-shubuhaat)” Also i stopped making tawba for the so called shirk that was in my head. Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question I suffer from extreme OCD, and I live in Australia. This resource addresses common concerns about intrusive thoughts (waswas) and uncertainty about whether certain actions or beliefs may be considered kufr. So, you are constantly trying to renew your faith and also your marriage, to protect yourself from disbelief and zina (by continuing the marriage while you are in “disbelief”). Dec 31, 2022 · Waswas peur shirk. These thoughts/whispers kept repeating with similar situations with videos about christianity. Ordet shirk har bland annat nämnts i koranvers 35:40. Suddenly a shirk thought came in my head. A person with this disorder can either self-diagnose or get confirmation from a doctor or Imam that they have this condition. Oct 8, 2023 · En effet, mes waswas se caracterise par des pensées relevant d'insultes envers Allah,les anges, les prophètes, l'islam, le shirk, des doutes sur les gaz durant les ablutions et priere et meme sur l'islam et l'existance d'Allah. You may see Waswas Conditioning as a type of Psychological Conditioning caused by the qareen or possessing jinn which reacts or can be detected by ruqya diagnosis. I don't believe in 2, I know that there is no God except Allah and He is the Lord of everything. The brain is like a super computer, so go figure Make lots of istigfar if you think that youve made shirk, istigfar, recite the shahada and be on your merry way Jun 29, 2020 · Shirk waswas. Feb 15, 2017 · i get thoughts of kufr and shirk. Salem Aleykoum Il s’avère que dans ma tête j’ai dit « la rokya » ne protège pas. This is not something like waswas (forgot rakaat, wudu and so on), this is more serious. Results 1 to 2 of 2 visibility 3003 Need One to One live Counseling with Sheikh Assim?:https://www. i get thoughts on kufr on a lot of actions i do then i get thoughts of kufr like i acted on them. I feel there is impurity everywhere in my house. Sep 10, 2014 · Le waswas sont des pensées abjectes, souvent obcessionnels, tant que le croyant les rejette par son coeur, alors Allah ne nous juge pas pour cela, al hamdoulilLah, au contraire c'est un bien pour nous, mais il faut apprendre à les gérer. So now i feel that I've intentionally committed shirk. He did not guide you to islam to make you suffer, but rather because he knew you would be succesful on this path. I know that if you believe in these shirk/kufr thoughts then it takes you outside the fold of Islam. This time with Allah (swt) is a gift from our Creator to His creation, and my prayer is that you are able to receive the wonderful benefits of your practice. Dec 4, 2023 · How can I approach my parents about this matter in a more efficient way? I'd also like to state that I have been afflicted with extreme waswas for a long time and have been trying to work through it, and I don't want to feel like my parents are non-Muslims or have committed apostasy. Praise be to Allah. Waswas happens to everyone who turns to Allah by reciting dhikr etc. Salamalekum I love worshipping Allah, but i have stopped offering salah because of the amount of waswasa i get during salah. Answered by Shaykh Abdurragmaan Khan Question: Assalam alaykum, I have been suffering from extreme waswasa ever since I started studying fiqh. The reason is because your extreme waswas das ich mein mann diene. Assalamu Alaykum,avant j'ai 14 ans, avant j'étais une fille qui ne connaissait pas vraiment l'islam malgré ma famille est musulmane,j'étais le genre de fille qui vouliat ressembler au Kaffir et je voulais faire comme eux, je ne savais on va dire casi rien sur l'isl Also recite the four Quls Morning and shirk thoughts , doubts, waswas. im not sure i get doubts and when i see anything that represents Oct 28, 2024 · I am suffering from strong Waswas in all my acts of worship, especially istinja (cleansing after relieving myself). ASALAAM ALEYKUM BROTHER i personally i face the same situation. I request your clarification on the following: 1. Dear questioner, Thank you for your important question. It was stated in the authentic Hadeeth: "I seek refuge in You from the evil of my own self and from the evil of the devil and his Shirk (incitement to attributing partners to Allaah) and that I bring evil on myself or bring it on another Muslim)" There are so many questions about the issue of waswasa - the negative whispers of Shaytan that take the shape of obsessive compulsive thoughts especially when one goes deeper into being religious and nearer to Allah. instagram. Waswasa is one means that the devil uses to misguide people and distract them from Allah by casting doubts and whispers (waswas) into their hearts. I repented to Allah . i think i did shirk and i try to talk it good/lie i didn't, i think i was wondering about allahs creation, the sky etc then i looked for the biggest cloud i could find and i thought maybe a angel would look a 1000 times as big, even this is already worthy of being worshipped (i thought) because its so big Jan 30, 2017 · Join Date Jan 2017 Gender Male Religion Islam Posts 1 Threads 1 Rep Power 0 Rep Ratio 5 Likes Ratio 0 Oct 17, 2024 · 37K likes, 48 comments - mindfulbeliever on October 17, 2024: "You're praying Salah with khushu, and suddenly evil thoughts appear Thoughts about shirk Thoughts about kufr Thoughts you would never dare to speak of Disgusting and heinous thoughts Why does this happen? Well, actually, there's a reason for this and no it's not because you're an evil person. For example, when she recited shahadah while tahiyat, a thought (not voice) telling her "I don't believe this". Even if one is 99% certain that one has broken wudu, one does not need to make wudu and does not need to The thing that is slowing me is that it takes so much effort because I will be learning or reading translation then I get a question, then I start getting waswas basically making me think I am not a Muslim. The best way’s to resolve Extreme cases of waswas are: 1. "I ask you as long as i have not made sujood or intentionally actions of shirk like black magic, and the so called shirk is only in my head, then i ask you Allah to not hold me accountable, you are the Most understanding of my situation. qqwvvfujoqmsrhelbbadfllliihmcabpibkhiatfrt