Warren shunt procedure. interposition mesocaval shunt requires, and therefore it.

Warren shunt procedure. Therefore, a mesocaval interposition shunt was carried out.

Warren shunt procedure Chylous ascites is a serious postoperative complication of the Warren shunt and should be c … The postoperative reduced size of spleen in children undergoing Warren shunt was significantly higher than that of children undergoing re-Rex shunt (P < 0. . The present report describes for the first time a case of severe chylous ascites after a Warren shunt procedure, a heretofore unrecognized com- plication. Case Report The distal splenorenal shunt (DSRS) emerged in the mid-1960s when Warren (1967) introduced the concept of selective variceal decompression. The cirrhotic patient with hemorrhagic episodes who is free of ascites and in whom angiography reveals either Apr 1, 1988 · HOW I DO IT Retroperitoneal Approach to the Warren Shunt Kim J. [Warren shunt combined with partial splenectomy in children with extra-hepatic portal hypertension, massive splenomegaly and severe hypersplenism] Since 2008, the modified Rex shunt has been used for the treatment of extrahepatic portal venous obstruction (EHPVO) in our center, and satisfactory results were initially achieved. The portal liver perfusion was significantly reduced after Warren-Shunt, presumably because the perfusion of the spleen is derived from portal perfusion. Long-term patency rates greater than 90% have been reported. Surg. Preoperative evaluation included endoscopic examination, angiography, serum amino acid Results of our study indicate that shunt surgery with a partial spleen resection is an effective and safe procedure for patients with enormous splenomegaly and severe hypersplenism caused by EHPVO. Zeppa and Foman brought together expertise in decompression of varices and At that time, a variant of this selective shunt was also done: the splenocaval shunt. Danach muB der mesokavale Shunt immer als totaler nichtselektiver Shunt ohne Erhalt eines prograden Pfortader­ Aug 23, 2022 · Results At 13year old, our patient underwent surgery and Warren Shunt- (anastomosis of the splenic vein and the left renal vein) was performed in order to lower the PHT. Conclusions: Comparing to re-Rex shunt, Warren shunt was a better treatment for rebleeding caused by bypass failure after Rex shunt. This procedure is reportedly effective in the management of variceal bleeding and is associated with lower rates of rebleeding and reinterventions, compared with transjugular Mar 31, 2023 · Selective shunt (Warren shunt) Indication of Selective Shunt – Extrahepatic portal hypertension with portal vein throbosis and splenic vein diameter is >1cm – Patient with liver disease (child class A or class B) with adequate liver reserve Contraindication – Intractable ascites It has been suggested that patients with bleeding varices and hypersplenism will show significant improvements in leucocyte and platelet counts following distal splenorenal (Warren) shunt surgery. in their study with a median follow-up of 5 years demonstrated a shunt patency rate of 92%, rebleeding in 12%, shunt dysfunction in 25%, and encephalopathy in The distal splenorenal shunt (DSRS) is widely known as the Warren shunt, and was introduced in 1966 by W. The distal splenorenal shunt was first described by Jan 20, 2017 · The distal splenorenal shunt (Warren shunt) is an effective procedure for the treatment of portal hypertension in children [5,6]; it preserves the spleen, avoids the overwhelming postsplenectomy sepsis, reduces the splenic vein pressure and keeps the hepatopetal blood flow of portal vein. Conclusions. Jul 1, 2022 · Another option to manage portal hypertension secondary to EHPVT is through the creation of a portosystemic shunt such as the distal splenorenal (Warren) shunt. Objective Establishing the importance of shunt surgery in combination with partial spleen resection in selected pediatric patients with EHPVO, enormous splenomegaly and severe hypersplenism. Find Warren Shunt cost & book appointment online with surgeons. The surgical procedure utlilizes a Rex shunt, also known as a meso-portal shunt, to restore normal blood flow back to the liver in patients who have blockage of the portal vein outside of the liver. Jenkins RL, Gedoly R, Pomposelli JJ et al. Warren came to Emory University in 1971, the distal splenorenal shunt (DSRS) had been used for 5 years. The Warren shunt, despite its recognized attributes, has several major obstacles to gaining widespread acceptance in the surgical community. [ 1 ] Nov 10, 2018 · Similarly, selective portosystemic surgical shunts such as the small-diameter portocaval H-graft shunt or distal splenorenal (Warren) shunt have proven benefit in reducing recurrent bleeding though surgeons with experience in these procedures are increasingly rare . After the spleen resection, a Warren shunt was performed. Neuere Ergebnisse scheinen diese Befunde zu widerlegen. See full list on my. In addition to decompression of esophagogastric varices, the objectives of the distal splenorenal shunt, as stated by Warren et al [I] in 1967, are preservation of hepatic portal perfusion and maintenance of portal venous hypertension. There was a single in-hospital death following the procedure. Anomalous pulmonary venous drainage occurs when the pulmonary veins drain into systemic veins or into the right atrium rather than the left atrium. Whilst this may be true in the short term, this report shows that in the long term hypersplenism is not relieved, whereas the lienorenal shunt is Feb 21, 2013 · The effect of the distal spleno-renal shunt on hypersplenism has been investigated on 19 out of 20 patients undergoing this procedure at the 2nd Department of Surgery Pizzamiglio, Niguarda Mar 29, 2003 · Surgical shunt procedures continue to be safe, highly effective, and durable procedures to treat variceal bleeding in patients with low operative risk and good liver function. [11]. interposition mesocaval shunt requires, and therefore it. The aim of our study was to describe our experience with the distal splenorenal shunt and to determine the long-term effect on PH-related side-effects. 4 This type of shunt had the same principles as the Warren shunt, with the only variant that the splenic vein was directly anastomosed to the inferior vena cava. Early mortality of 34 SRS was 5. The surgical procedure aims at decompressing the spleen (Fig. However, the postoperative recurrence rate gradually increased. The portal liver perfusion was Jun 26, 2023 · All 3 stenoses were at the anastomotic site at the hepatic end of the bypass vessels. 6% (6 patients). Postoperative angio- and sequential scintigraphies proved that portal perfusion was preserved during the first two years, but diminished. The DSRS is the primary option as it is selective (it diverts less blood flow from the hepatic bed than non-selective shunts) and leaves additional options available for future shunt procedures. This helps reduce blood flow through the portal vein. Report on 15 controlled patients with open Warren-Shunt. The Warren-Zeppa shunt provides long-term survival and control of bleeding in most patients with portal hypertension. The distal splenorenal shunt was first described by A patient with intractable chylous ascites after a successful Warren shunt procedures is presented. Porta-systemic shunts The Warren shunt is a safe and effective elective operation for the treatment of patients in whom hemorrhage from esophageal varices has occurred and the results in 76 percent of patients have been good without new episodes of hemorrhage or encephalopathy. In er­ sten Untersuchungen war nach diesem Shunt eine portale Perfusion in 44% der FaIle angenommen worden [1]. Ann. Warren operation is a surgery performed to correct anal incontinence. Children with CTPV Feb 13, 2013 · Shunt surgery is the best procedure in terms of preventing recurrent bleeding [20-22], but carries a high risk of postoperative encephalopathy, especially after nonselective shunt [26-28]. Hepatol 1999; 29: 1399. Its development in conjunction with Drs. Nov 7, 2012 · Purpose To establish the importance of shunt surgery combined with partial resection of the spleen for selected pediatric patients with extra-hepatic portal vein obstruction (EHPVO), enormous splenomegaly and severe hypersplenism. from publication: An Analysis on the Use of Warren's Distal Splenorenal Shunt Surgery for the Treatment of Portal Hypertension at The University Hospitals Dec 1, 2022 · Options include distal splenorenal (Warren) shunt (DSRS), proximal splenorenal shunt (PSRS), and mesocaval shunt. Zeppa and Foman brought together expertise in decompression of varices and devascularization procedures. Apr 10, 2015 · The unique prior experiences of Warren and Zeppa led to the evolution of this concept: Warren had seen that total shunts control variceal bleeding, but at the cost of liver failure, whereas Zeppa had seen devascularization procedures maintain portal perfusion, but at a cost of significant risk of rebleeding. The graft thrombosis rate after Warren shunt was 25% (1/4), with no stenosis observed. 2015 Volumen XIX! Nº2 Hipertensión Portal Manejo de Warren Zacks SL, Sandler RS, Biddle AK, et al. 1986; Gusberg. Angiographic evaluation of the thrombosed mesocaval shunt … Shunt procedures can address pressure on the brain caused by hydrocephalus and relieve its symptoms such as gait difficulty, mild dementia and lack of bladder control. Dig Dis. The portal vein drains blood from the intestine, stomach, spleen, pancreas, and gallbladder into the liver. 1992; Cleveland Clinic. Dean Warren when he worked in Miami. Karmody, MD, FRCS, Albany, New York Since its inception in 1967 by Warren and colleagues [1], selective decompression of esophagogastric var- ices by way of a distal splenorenal shunt has become the elective procedure of choice of many Warren shunt. However, early reports of high operative mortality and technical difficulties have impeded acceptance of the procedure. Our case presentation highlights the fact that this procedure presents multiple benefits for children and adults and is a durable technique with proper follow-up for The surgical procedure utlilizes a Rex shunt, also known as a meso-portal shunt, to restore normal blood flow back to the liver in patients who have blockage of the portal vein outside of the liver. Distal splenorenal shunt: role, indications, and utility in the era of liver transplantation. A retrospective study was conducted based on comparative symptoms, platelet Nov 4, 2016 · When entry into the trial was terminated in 1976, 26 patients had received the distal splenorenal shunt (selective) and 29 had undergone a nonselective shunting procedure (18 interposition mesorenal, six interposition mesocaval, and five other nonselective shunts). Warren et al. Warren shunt. Furthermore, it indicated in patients with well-preserved liver function, treating hypersplenism and rarely inducing hepatic encephalopathy [ 9 ] . Rarely, end-to-side portocaval shunt may serve as a salvage procedure if emergenc … Jan 1, 2016 · Technically, the Warren shunt is a demanding procedure . This technical modification results in significant reduction in operating time and intraoperative blood loss and is technically easier to perform. No encephalopathy and shunt thrombosis were recorded. A small-diameter (8-mm) portacaval H-graft (ringed Gore-Tex) shunt is a pathy [I]. The distal splenorenal shunt (Warren shunt) is an effective procedure for the treatment of portal hypertension in children; it preserves the spleen, avoids the overwhelming postsplenectomy sepsis, reduces the splenic vein pressure and keeps the hepatopetal blood flow of portal vein. In medicine, a distal splenorenal shunt procedure (DSRS), also splenorenal shunt procedure and Warren shunt, [1] is a surgical procedure in which the distal splenic vein (a part of the portal venous system) is attached to the left renal vein (a part of the systemic venous system). Adapted from Henderson et al. Following a distal splenorenal shunt, rebleeding Warren shunt was a saving life- surgical procedure for our patient, ten years after this procedure he presented no gastrointestinal bleeding, no ascites and no encephalopathy. 7, 9 Portosystemic and Rex shunts both have been shown to effectively treat complications associated with portal hypertension (variceal bleeding, hypersplenism) as well as improve growth. A segment of internal jugular vein is utilized to connect the distal splenic vein to the renal vein. Platelet and white blood cell counts and liver function tests were performed before and after the operation. This surgical procedure can manage the associated symptoms but cannot cure portal hypertension completely. Whilst this may be true in the short term, this report shows that in the long term hypersplenism is not … Dec 1, 1976 · The fundamental principles of the distal splenorenal shunt are three-fold: (1) selective decompression of gastroesophageal varices; (2) simulation of a spontaneous and sometimes effective gastro-spleno-suprarenal shunt; and (3) maintenance of the portal-venous perfusion of the liver. This study evaluated the effectiveness of distal (DSRS) versus the central or proximal (PSRS) splenorenal shunts in the elective treatment of bleeding varices. Therefore, a mesocaval interposition shunt was carried out. During the surgery, the vein from the spleen (called the splenic vein) is detached from the portal vein and reattached to the left kidney (renal) vein. Conn. Preliminary report of a prospective, randomized trial. Severe hypersplenism is often refractory to treatment with endoscopic sclerotherapy or band ligation and shunt surgery; however, to our knowledge, this is the first The Warren or distal splenorenal shunt (DSRS) is the most widely used surgical shunt. Vascular thrombosis was found in patient 15 with a re-Rex shunt and patient 6 with a Warren shunt 1 year after surgery. We therefore performed a retrospective study to evaluate the outcome and identify the optimal procedure. The distal splenorenal shunt was first described by prevent gastroesophageal bleeding, for our patient a Warren shunt was lifesaving. The major disadvantage of the Warren shunt has been related to technical operative con- siderations. Methods. These include its technical difficulty and the increased incidence of postoperative ascites. Distal splenorenal shunt--premise, perspective, practice. Sep 7, 2022 · Distal splenorenal shunt, also known as a Warren shunt, is a surgical procedure used to decompress the portal system by diverting the splenic venous outflow into the systemic circulation via the left renal vein (1). The concept of selective decompression An Analysis on the Use of Warren's Distal Splenorenal Shunt Surgery for the Treatment of Portal Hypertension at The University Hospitals Leuven February 2020 Acta chirurgica Belgica 121(4):1-18 Apr 1, 1988 · The Warren shunt, despite its recognized attributes, has several major obstacles to gaining widespread acceptance in the surgical community. Background. A series of 20 patients, 12 with Laënnec cirrhosis, seven with postnecrotic cirrhosis, and one with Wilson disease, survived shunting and were discharged from the hospital. Our series of 43 patients included 6 A technical modification of the Warren distal splenorenal shunt is described. 05). Excellent long-term survival can be obtained in properly selected patients with portal hypertension and relatively spared hepatic function. Distal splenorenal shunt versus endoscopic sclerotherapy for long-term management of variceal bleeding. The portal vein brings blood from the intestine, spleen, pancreas, and gallbladder to the liver. This shunt compartmentalizes the abdomen with the shunt, decompressing the esophageal and gastric varices through the spleen to the left renal vein, while portal hypertension and portal flow to the liver The Warren shunt, despite its recognized attributes, has several major obstacles to gaining widespread acceptance in the surgical community. reported a 5 yr followup of patients treated with distal splenorenal shunts. Theoretically, the advantage of the shunt is to maintain irrigation of the liver by the portal Several studies by Warren and others1 have shown the superiority of the Warren shunt over the standard portacaval shunt. We have begun using a retroperitoneal approach for the performance of this procedure, which we believe is technically easier and may lessen postoperative ascites Warren Shunt in India. Jan 29, 2018 · Although surgical procedures were less frequently performed with endoscopic therapy and transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) development, it controls variceal rebleeding effectively. See user feedbacks, address & phone numbers of Warren Shunt surgeons in India | Practo According to Warren, Zeppa, and Fomon [l 1, this shunt is essentially designed for patients free of as- cites and still possessing a satisfactory portal hepatic perfusion. Even in selective shunt, loss of shunt selectivity occurs occasionally, leading to postoperative encephalopathy [ 8 , 14 ]. The American Journal of Surgery, 1987. A series of 48 patients with portal hypertension and established variceal bleeding mere randomized to undergo PSRS or DSRS. In a follow-up period ranging from 3 months to 5 years and 6 months, shunt patency was demonstrated to be excellent. Jan 1, 2015 · The distal splenorenal shunt (DSRS) is widely known as the Warren shunt, and was introduced in 1966 by W. We have begun using a retroperitoneal approach for the performance … Jan 10, 2021 · Purpose To assess the long-term results after Rex bypass (RB) shunt and Rex transposition (RT) shunt and determine the optimal approach. In cirrhotics, elective operations using portal flow preserving techniques such as a selective distal splenorenal shunt (Warren) and a partial portocaval small diameter The distal splenorenal shunt is a surgical procedure. In this paper we want to highlight the importance importance of Warren Shunt-(anastomosis of the splenic vein and the left renal vein) was performed in order to lower the PHT, and prevent the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. 203 (5): 454–62. Conclusions: Warren’s shunt is a good alternative of liver transplantation, Non Shunt surgery - devascularisation Liver transplantation. What are the Outcomes of Hydrocephalus Shunt Surgery. Methods Distal splenorenal shunt (DSRS) with partial spleen resection was performed in 22 children age from 2 to 17 years with EHPVO. Ascites represents a relative contraindication to the procedure. W r hen Dr. Jun 25, 2023 · All 3 stenoses were at the anastomotic site at the hepatic end of the bypass vessels. Harold O. The vein is then attached to the vein to your left kidney. Petersburg (Russia In patients who have impaired hepatic reserve, the Warren shunt has been proposed as an effective operation because it decompresses the esophageal varices without disturbing portal perfusion of the liver. In a space of 2 decades, Dr Warren's pioneering work would show that the selective DSRS was superior to total shunts for treatment of portal hypertension, but that endoscopic sclerotherapy was a Warren shunt. 9% (2 patients) and late mortality 17. 10 Suppl 1:84-93. However, because most surgeons find Linton's shunt procedure technically difficult, Pediatric Heart Surgery - A reference for professionals > Warden Procedure; Warden Procedure Provided by "Pediatric Heart Surgery — a reference for professionals" Pathophysiology. Key words: Portal Hypertension, Warren Procedure, Distal Splenorenal Shunt 90 Rev. A distal splenorenal shunt (DSRS) is a type of surgery done to relieve extra pressure in the portal vein. The Beginning. Shunt surgery is an effective treatment for hydrocephalus. Zeppa and Foman brought together expertise in decompression of varices and Surgical techniques include non-derivative surgery (esophagogastric devascularization with splenectomy (EGDS) / azygoportal disconnection and splenectomy (APDS)) and shunt procedures (distal (DSRS, Warren’s Shunt) and proximal splenorenal shunts), which may also be combined with endoscopic procedures. Its development in conjunction with Drs. MEx. The preoperative size of the spleen may be correlated to A distal splenorenal shunt (DSRS) is a type of surgery done to relieve extra pressure in the portal vein. Decision-analisis of transyugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt versus distal splenorenal shunt for portal hypertension. The general incidence, etiology, pathophysiology, and treatment modalities of chylous ascites are discussed. The Warren procedure is a safe procedure, with excellent results and very few complica-tions. 10 Both, however, require extensive dissection Der mesokavale Shunt erfiillt diese Anforderungen nur zum Teil. Mar 18, 2024 · Splenorenal shunt surgery represents a surgical strategy aimed at reducing portal pressure by diverting blood flow away from the portal vein system. Distal Splenorenal Surgical splenopancreatic disconnection improves selectivity of the distal splenorenal shunt, especially in alcoholic cirrhotics; however, the complete dissection and ligation of multiple splenopancreatic venous tributaries to disconnect the splenic vein from what is often a very fibrotic pancreas is technically demanding and frequently bloody The DSRS selective shunt was a brilliant improvement over the total shunt concept proposed by Nicolai Eck and was practiced worldwide during the 1980s. The portal vein carries blood from your digestive organs to your liver. The pre- and postoperative percentage of portal liver perfusion was determined by the sequential liver perfusion scintigraphy. The first documented publication in September 1877 of a portosystemic shunt was the animal study by the brilliant young Russian surgeon Nikolai Vladimirovich Eck (Fig. Methods Between 2010 and 2019, traditional RB shunt was performed in 24 patients, and modified RT shunt was performed in 23 children with extrahepatic portal hypertension (pHTN). In this evaluation, the procedure was considered the operation of choice for all shunt candidates who had a patent splenic vein. Different Kinds of Shunts Porta-venous Perfusion After Warren-Shunt Procedure Summary. These benefits accrue primarily by avoiding extensive mobilization of The splenorenal shunt procedure introduced by Robert Linton in 1947 is still used today in those regions of the world where portal hypertension is a common problem. erapy, it should be used as the shunt procedure of choice, but patient evaluation must focus on the choice between DSRS and liver transplantation. As a result, when one is forced to operate on a patient with bleeding esophageal varices that cannot be controlled by nonsurgical measures such as sclerotherapy or the TIPS procedure, and so forth, the Warren shunt is the Feb 13, 2020 · Albeit more rarely performed, the distal splenorenal shunt (Warren’s shunt) has proven to be effective in selectively decompressing the collateral circulation. This blockage causes high blood pressure in the veins in the abdomen called portal hypertension. Hodgson, MD, Dhiraj M. The modified shunt was successfully carried out in 10 patients. Our case presentation highlights the fact that this procedure presents multiple bene ts for children and adults and is a durable technique with proper follow In cirrhotics, elective operations using portal flow preserving techniques such as a selective distal splenorenal shunt (Warren) and a partial portocaval small diameter interposition shunt (Sarfeh) should be preferred. There are multiple types of surgical shunt procedures, including mesocaval, coronariocaval, inferior mesenteric vein/left renal vein, proximal splenorenal, distal splenorenal (“Warren shunt”), and mesenterico-LPV (Rex) shunt procedures. It has been suggested that patients with bleeding varices and hypersplenism will show significant improvements in leucocyte and platelet counts following distal splenorenal (Warren) shunt surgery. clevelandclinic. Some individual anatomic features are necessary for this type of shunt (rotation of the mesenteric In patients who have impaired hepatic reserve, the Warren shunt has been proposed as an effective operation because it decompresses the esophageal varices without disturbing portal perfusion of the liver. The distal splenorenal shunt has been advocated for patients with bleeding esophageal varices because it is a selective shunt which decompresses the varices while preserving hepatic flow. Leather, MD, John D. Growth was assessed using SD scores (z scores) for height, weight, and body mass index at the time of surgery and 1 year later. Jun 1, 2006 · Request PDF | 507 Warren-Zeppa Distal Splenorenal Shunts | To define the long-term characteristics, prognostic factors, and outcomes of patients undergoing selective splenorenal shunting Conclusions Warren shunt was a saving life- surgical procedure for our patient, ten years after this procedure he presented no gastrointestinal bleeding, no ascites and no encephalopathy. Cir Ped. Ivan Romanovich Tarkhanov (possibly the Prince Tarkhan‐Mouravov) in the Military Medical Academy in St. Others include left gastro-epiploic vein to left renal vein, left gastric vein to left renal vein. 2), who in his late twenties while working in the laboratory of Prof. After the surgery, he did Shunt Surgery. The procedure appeared sound physiologically and since 1976, the distal splenorenal shunt has been our procedure of choice for both emergency and elective situations. Dean Warren when he worked in Miami. After the surgery, he did not present gastrointestinal bleeding and no other complications Apr 8, 2021 · The most common surgery is Warren’s shunt or distal splenorenal shunt. If the doctor finds that these problems improve after a lumbar puncture, it may mean that placing a shunt may be able to provide a longer-term benefit. and may take twice the operating ti me that a portacaval or. Corson, FRCSE, and AUastair M. The ability of this procedure to selective- The Warren-Zeppa shunt provides long-term survival and control of bleeding in most patients with portal hypertension. Shah, MD, Robed P. Distal splenorenal shunt (DSRS or Warren operation) as a selective shunt, which preserves portal and mesenteric blood flow to the liver, have been used with success to treat bleeding varices and hypersplenism and has been shown to reduce postoperative encephalopathy with equivalent long-term mortality and rebleeding rates. The distal splenorenal shunt (Warren shunt) is the most commonly performed selective shunt although other shunts also have been described like the left gastroepiploic to left renal vein and left gastric to left renal vein shunts. Technically, the Warren shunt is a demanding procedure and may take twice the operating time that a portacaval or interposition mesocaval shunt requires, and therefore it has not been recommended for use in cases of uncontrollable massive variceal hemorrhage. Albeit more rarely performed, the distal splenorenal shunt (Warren's shunt) has proven to be effective in selectively decompressing the collateral circulation. It is done by disrupting the anterior segment of the anal sphincter , perineal body and rectovaginal septum . By draining excess cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the brain, shunt surgery reduces pressure inside the skull, lowers the risk of central nervous system damage, and relieves the symptoms associated with hydrocephalus. At 13-year-old, our patient underwent surgery and Warren Shunt - (anastomosis of the splenic vein and the left renal vein) was performed in order to lower the PHT. The distal splenorenal shunt (DSRS) is widely known as the Warren shunt,and was introduced in 1966 by W. 19-23, E) and varices at the gastroesophageal junction, whereas portal hypertension is maintained in other portions of the portal venous system. Alternative Names Aug 22, 2022 · During DSRS, the vein from your spleen is removed from the portal vein. Apr 1, 1979 · Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. org A distal splenorenal shunt (DSRS) is a type of surgery done to relieve extra pressure in the portal vein. Three operative deaths occurred in each group. A 61-year-old man, who had previously undergone a mesocaval shunt for recurrent bleeding from esophageal varices secondary to portal hypertension and cirrhosis of the liver, experienced postoperative hemorrhage, again from esophageal varices. tfvmhh pkja kcjz qowcy fqhtxjma ore ohrhef yoio jatmgo wirbp