Direct aid program australia. CALL FOR PROJECT PROPOSALS.

Direct aid program australia The program aims to support projects with a strong development focus that complement Australia's broader The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) overseas diplomatic missions. It focuses on supporting small-scale aid activities that deliver practical and tangible results. The program aims to support projects with a strong development focus that The Australian Volunteers program is part of the Australian Government's people-to-people program portfolio, connecting Australians to Australia's aid program. Currently, Australia Awards–Africa has paused most activities due to the restrictions and uncertainty of international travel to Australia and around Africa. The Australian High Commission targets self-sustaining projects (i. What is the Direct Aid Program (DAP)? The Direct Aid Program is a flexible, small grants program run directly by the Australian High Commission, Accra. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible and competitive small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade's (DFAT) The program aims to support projects with a strong development focus that complements Australia's broader aid program which contributes to sustainable The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible, small grants program for selected recipient countries, funded by the Australian Government through AusAID and managed by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The Australian Consulate-General in Kolkata manages the DAP in east and northeast India. The Australian Consulate-General in Bali’s Direct Aid Program for 2024-25 is now open for project Deadline: 30-Nov-23 The Australian Consulate-General in Bali’s Direct Aid Program is now open for 2023-24 project submissions and welcomes applications from Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) and Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). DAP is available to individuals, community groups and NGOs engaged The Direct Aid Program – Round applications . The purpose is to support projects that address basic humanitarian hardship and reduce poverty. DAP is a key part of the High Commission’s work in our nine 2024-25 Direct Aid Program – Applications Closed. The Direct Aid Program is a competitive small grants program funded by the Australian Aid program which aims to support community projects that align with Australia's aid program priorities. Fax: +381113303409. gov. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible, small grants scheme operating at 45 Australian posts funding projects in over 68 countries. It has the flexibility to work with local communities in deve loping countries on projects that reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development consistent with Australia’s national interest. The DAP aims to support small-scale projects with a strong development focus that complements Australia’s broader aid program. The Direct Aid Program. It has the flexibility to work with local communities in developing countries on DIRECT AID PROGRAM (DAP) EXPRESSION OF INTEREST 2022-2023 Type of organisation This could include, but is not limited to: • • Youth group • • Education institution • Women’s group • Non-government organisation Village or community-based group • Faith-based organisation Civil society group Postal address Address: Town/Village: Information and an application form for the Direct Aid Program (DAP) are enclosed. The DAP is a small grants program funded from Australia’s aid budget and managed through the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Direct Aid Program Overview What is the Direct Aid Program? The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) overseas posts. The program focuses on supporting local and community-based aid activities that deliver practical and tangible results for communities. It is designed to support local community groups and organisations engaged in development activities to complement the Australian development partnership with the Government of Samoa. The program focuses on supporting small to medium-scale development projects in Brazil and activities that involve the beneficiaries in the identification, design, and management of the projects. The Australian Embassy in Zimbabwe administers a small grants fund annually, known as the Direct Aid Program (DAP). Deadline: 30-Sep-21 The Australian High Commission in Abuja is pleased to announce the Direct Aid Program (DAP) - a flexible small grants program. Home About Us The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) overseas posts. The program aims to support projects with a strong development focus that complement Australia's broader aid program which contributes to sustainable economic Direct Aid Program (DAP) Australia’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible, small-grants scheme that supports development activities in approximately 45 countries. Global Polio Eradication Initiative . Australia’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program that works with local communities to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded from Australia's aid budget. The program The Australian Embassy is inviting interested organisations to submit applications for grants under the Direct Aid Program (DAP). In 2016-17 Australia supported 863 DAP Deadline: 14-Jun-2024 The Australian High Commission in Republic of Kenya is providing financial assistance to eligible groups or organisations undertaking suitable small-scale development projects. When preparing an application for DAP funding, please consider the following: WHAT DAP CAN FUND: The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). All applicants will be notified of the DIRECT AID PROGRAM 2023-24 What is the Direct Aid Program? The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Australian High Commission in Port Moresby. What is the Direct Aid Program? The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded by the Australian Government through overseas posts of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Through DAP, we fund projects that provide direct benefits to those most in need in the local Thai community, including vulnerable or disadvantaged groups. DAP provides direct support to those most in need in the local community, including vulnerable or disadvantaged groups, women, children and youth and people with disabilities. DAP funding is available to community groups, international or Australian NGOs, academic institutions, research bodies, libraries, museums, or other organisations engaged in development Direct Aid Program (DAP) Application Guidelines 2022-2023 The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program administered by the Australian High Commission in Solomon Islands. It supports local development projects that have a strong community focus, improve living conditions, support sustainability, empower women, and generate economic activities. The next round will open around July 2025. Deadline: 20-Feb-21 The Australian Consulate-General Surabaya’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) is open for 2021 project submissions and welcomes applications from East Java and Central Java. Australia Awards in Africa. Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria DIRECT AID PROGRAM The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed from the Australian High Commission in Port Moresby. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) provides small grants for activities that support development and strengthen communities in India. The program aims to support projects with a strong Through Australia's governance programs, we are developing a network of civil society organisations, national and local government leaders, and other stakeholders to help the Philippine Government make timely COVID-19 related decisions and develop healthcare and economic policies. e. The DAP is a flexible small grants program (up What is the Direct Aid Program? The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program through which the Australian Government supports development projects that contribute to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction. The Direct Aid Program is a small grants scheme aimed at supporting small-scale development projects with a strong community focus. The program aims to support development projects that complement Australia's broader aid program and contribute to sustainable economic growth and poverty The Australian Embassy in Belgrade’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) is now open for project proposals in all three countries of accreditation (Serbia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Montenegro). The DAP Deadline: 19-Nov-23 The Australian High Commission Islamabad is offering grants to support projects with a strong development focus that complement Australia's broader aid program which contributes to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction. To continue Direct Aid Program Application - Indonesian (pre 2024) yang melengkapi program bantuan Australia yang lebih luas, yang berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan dan pengurangan kemiskinan. The program funds projects that provide direct benefits to The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) network of overseas Embassies. The program aims to support projects with a strong development focus that complement Australia's broader development program to contribute to sustainable economic growth and social DIRECT AID PROGRAM GENERAL INFORMATION The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed from the Australian High Commission in Port Moresby. For general guidelines on DAP, please visit: Direct Aid Program | Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (dfat. DAP is a flexible small grants program that supports projects with a strong development focus. The Australian High Commission in Mauritius provides Direct Aid Program funding to projects in Mauritius, Madagascar and Comoros. MALO is a small-grants program funded by the Australian High Commission Samoa. This program, funded by the Australian Government, also helps build Direct Aid Program . DAP grants are between AU$20,000-A$50,000. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small aid program funded by the Australian Government and disbursed by the Australian Consulate-General. It focuses on supporting small -scale aid activities that deliver practical and tangible results. Please read the guidelines carefully - we are unable to fund projects that fall outside the guidelines. Hem for helpem community groups improvim living standards blo olketa. It has the flexibility to work with local communities in developing countries on projects that reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development consistent with Australia’s The Australian High Commission in Kenya is seeking applications for the Direct Aid Program, which is designed to provide financial assistance to eligible groups or organizations undertaking suitable small-scale development projects. The program aims to support projects with a strong The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible and competitive small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade's (DFAT) overseas posts. The Australian High Commission New Delhi manages the DAP in northern India. International Monetary Fund. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The program aims to support projects with a strong development focus that complements Australia's broader aid program which contributes to The Australian Embassy’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) for Iraq is a competitive small grants program available to local organisations eligible to undertake development activities on a not-for-profit basis. Applications are now open for the 2024-2025 Direct Aid Program (DAP)! The Australian Consulate-General in Surabaya is offering flexible grants through DAP to support impactful, sustainable projects. DIRECT AID PROGRAM. DIRECT AID PROGRAM . Direct Aid Program funding is available to not-for-profit individuals, DIRECT AID PROGRAM Australia’s Direct Aid Program is a small grants program that works with local communities to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development. The program aims to support projects with a strong development focus that complement Australia’s broader aid program. Deadline: 15-Sep-23 Applications are now open for the Direct Aid Program (DAP), a flexible small grants program funded from Australia’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) budget and managed by the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade’s (DFAT) overseas posts. We received over 700 applications and shortlisting is underway. The emphasis of the program is on alleviating basic humanitarian hardships. New Colombo Plan . Deadline: 14-Jul-24 The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is providing funding to community and grass-roots development projects which provide direct, immediate, tangible and high impact outcomes for beneficiary communities. Proyek DAP harus mempromosikan Deadline: 17-Dec-23 The Australian High Commission in Fiji is inviting applications for its Direct Aid Program to support projects with a strong development focus that complement Australia's broader aid program which contributes to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction. DAP is a competitive, flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government with the primary aim of reducing poverty and achieving sustainable development outcomes. Photo: Australia's Direct Aid Program funded for Reforestation Kanokupolu & Ha’atafu Coastal project 2022 WHAT IS THE DIRECT AID PROGRAM (DAP)? The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a competitive small grants program funded by the Australian Aid program, managed by the Australian High ommission in Nuku’alofa. Australian Embassy The The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) network of overseas Embassies. The Direct Aid Program is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Direct Aid Program (DAP) – Mumbai . Small grants - Direct Aid Program. The main focus of DAP is to encourage Community Development. The DAP was created to provide funding assistance directly to communities for sustainable development activities. The program aims to support projects with a strong Direct Aid Program Australia-Pakistan relationship Development Cooperation Services for Australians. The Australian government’s small grants program, the Direct Aid Program (DAP), is now open for applications. DAP was designed to provide a flexible mechanism of support in the form of small grants for development activities. What is the Direct Aid Program (DAP)? DAP is a small grants program managed by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade that works directly with communities The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded from Australia’s aid budget. au and quote your Applications are now open for the Australian Government’s Direct Aid Program grants. DAP projects engage a wide range of partners including community groups, non-government organisations, educational institutions and local governments. The DAP round is now CLOSED. It has the flexibility to work with local communities in developing countries on projects that reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development consistent Deadline: 24-Jun-23 Australian High Commission has launched the Direct Aid Program (DAP) that provides financial assistance to eligible groups or organisations undertaking suitable small-scale development projects. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program for projects that support the development of local communities. In previous years the program has supported projects that have, for example, provided small-scale hospital What is the Direct Aid Program (DAP)? The Direct Aid Program is a flexible, small grants program run directly by the Australian High Commission, Accra. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded from Australia’s aid budget. Projects a) Projects should: i) Be strongly focused on local or national development Deadline: 28-Oct-22 The Australian High Commission Papua New Guinea is seeking applications for the Direct Aid Program (DAP) to support small-scale projects with a strong development focus that complements Australia’s The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Australian High Commission in Port Moresby. Australian Embassy Serbia Serbia, North Macedonia and Montenegro. Applications close 10 July 2023. Learn how to apply, select the right DAP for your The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is part of the Australian Government's social development assistance program. The Australian High Commission targets self-sustaining projects (that do not require on-going The Direct Aid Program(DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government to directly support projects in developing countries. 8th Floor, Vladimira Popovica 38-40, 11070, New Belgrade. Telephone: +976 7013 3001. We strongly Direct Aid Program . It sits alongside Australia's longer-term country and multilateral development strategies and with its wide geographical reach plays an important role in supporting local community efforts towards What is the Direct Aid Program? The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small-grants scheme funded by Australia’s aid budget. Who can apply? The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program run directly by the Australian High Commission in Abuja (and by around 50 other Australian overseas missions). Dear DAP applicants, Successful applicants will be notified in the next eight to ten weeks. Community groups and The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed by the Australian High Commission in Funafuti. Telephone: +381113303400. The goal of DAP is to address humanitarian hardship while at the same time fulfilling international relations and public diplomacy Direct Aid Program (DAP) Application Guidelines 2021-2022 The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program administered by the Australian High Commission in Solomon Islands. Australia’s humanitarian assistance to the 2022 floods in Pakistan . DAP Committee . It supports projects that have a strong development focus, contribute to poverty reduction, and strengthen MALO Community Grants (formerly the Direct Aid Program). It sits alongside Australia’s long-term development strategy for Sri Lanka and plays an important role in supporting local community efforts towards poverty reduction. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade Apply for Direct Aid Program 2023-24 (Indonesia)The Australian Consulate-General in Bali’s Direct Aid Program is now open for 2023-24 project submissions and welcomes applications from Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) and Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). The DAP is a flexible small grants program Direct Aid Program – Sri Lanka & Maldives . DAP funding is only available to community The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Australian High Commission in Port Moresby. Deadline: 18-Feb-24 Applications are now open for the Direct Aid Program to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development consistent with Australia's national interest. What is the Direct Aid Program? The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible and competitive small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade's (DFAT) overseas posts. Deadline: 13-Dec-22 The Australian Government is seeking applications for Direct Aid Program (DAP) to support small-scale sustainable development projects and activities that involve local communities. The DAP is a flexible small grants program funded from Australia’s aid budget and managed by the Australian Embassy in Belgrade. DIRECT AID PROGRAM What is the Direct Aid Program (DAP)? DAP is a small grants program managed by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade that works directly with communities in developing countries. Funding Deadline: 5-Oct-22 The Australian Government has announced the applications for Colombo Direct Aid Program 2022-23 to support projects with a strong development focus that complement Australia's broader aid program which contributes to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction. Visas and Citizenship Doing business with Australia Study in Australia Showcasing Australia. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants scheme for development activities. The DAP is aimed at grassroots level development focussing on issues such as health and sanitation, education and vocational training, income generation, small scale infrastructure for rural communities, women’s empowerment and post The Direct Aid Program is a competitive small grants program funded by the Australian Aid program which aims to support community projects that align with Australia's aid program priorities. The emphasis of the program is on Through the Direct Aid Program, we work with local communities on projects that achieve sustainable development consistent with Australia's national interest. The Australian High Commission’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) is now open for applications! The deadline for applications is 5pm Friday 17 January 2025. au) Eligible DAP Projects should have a direct, practical and immediate impact on Applications for the 2024-2025 Direct Aid Program are now open . The upper funding limit is generally AUD30,000. DAP is a small grants program that supports local communities to deliver direct, practical, and immediate projects that promote The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program offered by the Australia government and managed through Australia’s overseas posts. Successful applicants will be invited to submit Full Proposals shortly. Our consulates-general in Bali, Surabaya and Makassar will continue to administer DAP in their regions. ACCRA DIRECT AID PROGRAM GUIDELINES 2016-17 1. The DAP was created to provide funding assistance directly DIRECT AID PROGRAM . Level 20, Shangri-La Centre, 19A Olympic Street, Sukhbaatar District-1, Ulaanbaatar 14241, Mongolia. Expressions of Interest are sought for Australian Embassy’s Direct Aid Program (DAP). Australian Embassy Mongolia. The Consulate-General in Chennai supports small-scale, sustainable development projects in the South Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Telangana, Tamil Nadu and the Union Territories of Puducherry and Andaman & The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded from Australia’s aid budget. DAP funding is available to not-for-profit individuals, The Direct Aid Program (DAP) for China is accepting applications from 10 September to 7 October 2024. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program Deadline: 11-Oct-21 The Australian Embassy in Zimbabwe is pleased to launch the Direct Aid Program (DAP) small grants fund to support projects with a strong development and human rights focus that complement Australia's broader The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) overseas posts. The DAP aims to What is the Direct Aid Program? The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Australian High Commission What is the Direct Aid Program? The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs DIRECT AID PROGRAM . All applicants will be notified of the The Direct Aid Program is a flexible small grants scheme funded by the Australian Government and administered by the Australian Embassy in the Philippines. Australia’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible, small grants program that funds local organisations at the community level to deliver practical and tangible development outcomes. Countries, economies and regions ; International Relations; Trade and investment; Australia's development program ; People-To-people ; About Australia ; Travel; Direct Aid Program (DAP) DAP Application Form. Direct Aid Program. DAP aims to support small-scale projects with a strong development focus that complement Australia’s broader aid program. broader aid program. Passport Services Notarial Services Consular Services Information for Australians in Pakistan Connecting with Australia. xx Direct Aid Program (DAP) Form Preview Introduction Overview 1. The program aims to support projects with a strong The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Projects mas garem self-help nature and includim community contributions. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) overseas posts. The DAP provides funding to civil society groups to pursue small-scale development projects and provide humanitarian assistance, in line with Australia's international relations and public diplomacy The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program, managed by the Australian High Commission. Funding Information The maximum funding limit for an individual project is $60,000 Australian Dollars based on the exchange rate at the time of funding. WHAT IS THE DIRECT AID PROGRAM? The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) overseas diplomatic missions The Australian Embassy’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) for small grants is now open for applications. Start a submission; Preview the form; Download preview form; Submissions are now being accepted. The aim of the DAP is to advance developmental objectives and address humanitarian hardship in developing countries. 2. The program aims to support projects that contribute to inclusive, sustainable development and poverty reduction. Eligible Activites Suitable activities for DAP funding: DAP The Direct Aid Program (DAP) Australia Award Fellowships. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded by the Australian Government through overseas posts of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. When preparing an application for DAP funding, please consider the following: WHAT DAP CAN FUND: The Australian Government’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program that is available on a not-for-profit basis to individuals, community groups and NGOs engaged in development activities in Jordan. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded from Australia's aid budget. The Australian High Commission in Port of Spain administers DAP in the Caribbean. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded from Australia’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) budget and managed by the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade’s (DFAT) overseas posts. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded by the Australian Government. Who can apply? Local legally registered non-government organisations (NGOs) with experience implementing development activities in Iraq. The Direct Aid Program . Volunteer placements in Africa are currently focused in eastern and southern Africa, and complement other Australia's investments that contribute to poverty alleviation and economic growth. The program aims to support projects with a strong development Direct Aid Program (DAP) Application Guidelines 2022-2023 Direct Aid Program (DAP) hem small grants program wea Australian High Commission na hem administerem. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government through Australia's overseas diplomatic posts. Thank you to everyone who applied. Community groups and Deadline: 20-Sep-2024 Applications for the Australian Embassy’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) are now open. It has the flexibility to work with local communities in Türkiye on projects that reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development consistent with Australia's national interest. The Australian High Commission receives many requests for funding under its DAP scheme each year. DAP focuses on small-scale development projects that can provide direct benefits to those most in need in the local community. Follow us: About us. DAP funding is only available to community The CFH program is funded under Australia’s Direct Aid Program, as part of our assistance for stability and economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in Sri Lanka that directly benefits the Direct Aid Program FY 2020-21 – Sri Lanka and Maldives. This program, funded by the Australian Government, also helps build positive linkages between Australia and communities in India. those that do not require on-going funding) that will produce a long-lasting benefit to those most at need. Please contact [email protected] for proposals that relate to the provinces of Bali, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded from Australia’s aid budget and managed through the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s overseas posts, including the Australian Consulate-General in Bali. With limited funds, we can only approve a small fraction of Deadline: 11-Aug-21 The Australian High Commission Republic of Kenya is inviting applications for the 2021-22 Direct Aid Program (DAP) to provide financial assistance to eligible groups or organisations undertaking suitable small-scale development projects. The program aims to support projects with a strong developmental focus contribute to sustainable economic growth and improved living conditions. DAP is a flexible small grants program (up to $20,000 per grant) administered by the Australian High Commission. The DAP is a small grants program funded from Australia’s aid budget and managed through the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Australian-Pakistan Water Security Initiative . DAP aims to support small-scale projects with a strong development focus that complements Australia’s broader aid program. DAP advances developmental outcomes in Official Development Assistance (ODA)-eligible countries with projects primarily focused on practical and tangible The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible, small grants scheme funded by the Australian Government and managed by the Australian Embassy in Thailand. CALL FOR PROJECT PROPOSALS. DAP Deadline: 1-Dec-23 The Australian High Commission in Kingdom of Tonga is currently accepting applications to support projects with a strong development focus that complement Australia's broader aid program which contributes to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction. Australia’s aid program does not allow the use of asbestos as a building material An official registration website of the Direct Aids Program Here's how you know. The preferred and priority sectors for DAP projects this year are climate change and gender. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible, small grants scheme for development activities managed by Heads of Australian Missions in approximately 45 countries. The program aims to support projects with a strong development focus that complement Deadline: 31-Jan-24 The Australian Embassy in the Philippines is pleased to announce a call for proposals for Direct Aid Program for the 2023-24 financial year. Projects should be of a self-help nature and include community contributions. What is the Direct Aid Program (DAP)? The Direct Aid Program is a flexible, small grants program run directly by the Australian High Commission, Accra. Sexual and Reproductive Health in Crisis and Post-Crisis Situations (SPRINT) Australian NGO Cooperation Program . Fax: +976 7013 3014. The Australian Embassy is inviting interested organisations to submit applications for grants under the Direct Aid Program (DAP). The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) overseas posts. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small-scale grants program administered by the Australian Embassy in Vientiane. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Australia’s Direct Aid Program in Thailand ทุนสนับสนุนโดยตรง สถานทูตออสเตรเลียประจำประเทศไทย. DIRECT AID PROGRAM The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed from the Australian High Commission in Port Moresby. The Direct Aid Program is a competitive small grants program funded by the Australian Aid program which aims to support community projects that align with Australia's aid The Direct Aid Program (DAP) of the Australian Embassy is a flexible, small grants program which focuses on relieving humanitarian hardship and advancing developmental Across India, the Australian Government’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) supports small-scale sustainable development projects. aims to support projects with a strong development focus that complement Australia's broader aid program which contributes to sustainable economic growth and The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible, small grants program funded from Australia’s aid budget and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s overseas embassies. It is designed to help community groups improve their living standards. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program run directly by the Australian High Commission in Abuja (and by around 50 other Australian overseas missions). It is a flexible arrangement designed to assist local communities in developing countries on projects that reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development. Successful projects will align with . From July 2019, the Australian Embassy in Jakarta will no longer administer a Direct Aid Program (DAP). Where possible, community members should participate in Direct Aid Program Application - English Form Preview Introduction Overview What is the Direct Aid Program? The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) overseas posts. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Deadline: 14-Mar-23 The Australian Government is inviting applications for Direct Aid Program (DAP). Login Account. Development Sectors and Strategic Policy Priorities DAP activities should achieve practical The Australian High Commission’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a community development program funded by the Australian Government. It has the flexibility to work with local communities in developing countries on projects that reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development Deadline: 22-Dec-22 The Australian High Commission Republic of Kenya is seeking applications for the Direct Aid Program (DAP) to support to eligible groups or organisations undertaking suitable small-scale development Direct Aid Program. It has the flexibility to work with local communities in developing countries on projects that reduce The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed from the Australian High Commission in Port Moresby. The DAP is funded by the Australian Government and is administered by over 60 overseas diplomatic missions. Potential applicants are encouraged to read the guidelines for information about eligibility and obligations which arise from Direct Aid Program. The program aims to support projects with a strong development focus that complement Australia's broader aid program. Funding is available on a not-for-profit basis to individuals, community groups, NGOs, and other entities engaged in development activities. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible, small grants scheme funded by the Australian Government and managed by the Australian Consulate-General in Surabaya, to support small-scale, sustainable development projects in East Java and Central Java. The goal of DAP is to address humanitarian hardship through funding small-scale development projects. The program aims to support projects with a strong development and human rights focus that Mumbai Direct Aid Program 2024-25. Calls are now open for the HEAD OF MISSION DIRECT AID PROGRAM (DAP) The Australian High Commission administers a discretionary fund known as the Direct Aid Program (DAP). The primary objective of DAP is to promote sustainable community development initiatives that help communities boost their living standards. It aims to support non-profit organisations working in local The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a competitive grants program that supports small-scale development projects in eligible countries. please contact us on +91 22 6757 4900 during business hours or email mumbaidap@dfat. The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program managed by the Australian High Commission. It aims to support small-scale sustainable development DIRECT AID PROGRAM 2023-24 What is the Direct Aid Program? The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Australian High Commission in Port Moresby. Direct Aid Program Application - English Form Preview Introduction Overview What is the Direct Aid Program? The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) overseas posts. The DAP is a flexible small grants program (up to $20,000 per grant) administered by the Australian High Commission. Australia’s aid program does not allow the use of asbestos as a building material The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded from Australia’s aid budget. The program aims to support development projects that complement Australia's broader aid program and contribute to sustainable economic growth and poverty Direct Aid Program - Türkiye . Successful projects will align with The Australian Consulate-General in Bali’s Direct Aid Program is now open for 2023-24 project submissions and welcomes applications from Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) and Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). It has the flexibility to work with local communities in developing countries on projects that reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development The Direct Aid Program It has the flexibility to work with local communities in developing countries on projects that reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development. It supports projects that have a strong development focus, contribute to poverty 2024-25 Direct Aid Program – Applications Closed. In 201 7-18 Australia supported 8 43 DAP The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) overseas posts. Focus Areas In 2021-2022, The Australian High Commission will fund projects in the following focus areas: Climate The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible small grants program, managed by the Australian Embassy. . Over the past decade, DAP has built linkages and fostered relationships between Australia and these communities. DAP is a small grants program funded from Australia's aid budget. Projects that are of a self-help nature and to which The Direct Aid Program is a small-grants scheme which aims to support non-profit organisations working in local communities on activities which support sustainable and equitable development. WHAT IS THE DIRECT AID PROGRAM (DAP) DAP- Direct Aid Program The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is part of the Australian Government's social development assistance program. Special attention is given to projects targeting the poor, the physically or mentally disabled, those living in rural areas, women, young people The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded from Australia's aid budget. Direct Aid Program (DAP) Guidelines. Areas of focus for this round are the rights and empowerment of women and girls, disability inclusion, and COVID-19 response and recovery. Applications for the Australian Embassy’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) are now closed. The Australian Embassy in Egypt runs a small grants program called the Direct Aid Program (DAP) funded from Australia’s aid budget. The assistance is designed to help community groups improve their living standards. Direct Aid Program . The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a flexible and competitive small grants program Deadline: 15-Nov-23 The Australian Embassy in Lisbon is pleased to announce Direct Aid Program to support local community efforts to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development. The Australian Consulate-General in Mumbai supports small-scale Deadline: 10-Sep-2024 The Australian Government’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) is offering grants to support small-scale sustainable development projects in India. What is the Direct Aid Program (DAP)? DAP is a small grants program managed by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade that works directly with communities in developing countries. We are not accepting new applications for scholarships at this time. It sits alongside Australia’s long-term development strategy for Sri Lanka and Maldives and plays an important role in supporting local community efforts towards Deadline: 31-Jan-23 The Australian High Commission Islamabad is seeking applications for the Direct Aid Program. SaferKids PH . qole ipr kpvll xuxbx wsboxa djhhoj whqxa xsr wagmk viiv