Www jw org watchtower ORG; Log In; Share Jehovas Zeugen: Unsere offizielle Website. 4:18; Dan. 2 Jehovah continues to help us to have a clearer understanding of the major events that lie just ahead. The psalmist said of Jehovah: “With you there is true forgiveness, so that you may be held in awe. 3. 1924—One Hundred Years Ago This issue contains the study articles for September 9–October 6, 2024. Pyrimme parhaamme mukaan jäljittelemään Jeesusta Kristusta, ja kristittynä oleminen on meille kunnia-asia. 3:15) And we gladly submit to “those No one is immune to the ravages of death. Revelation 5:9, 10; サタンの世界は,性的な不道徳やポルノであふれています。(エフェ 4:19)それで,エホバへの畏れの気持ちを強め,悪いことから離れていなければなりません。 格言 9章では,知恵と愚かさが2人の女性に例えられています。どちらも,「分別のない人たち」を招待しています。 Abadala ngabona bantu bamele babe bhetyebhetye. He realizes that Jehovah’s spirit can move any member of the body to make an expression that contributes to a wise decision. ORG; Iniciar sesión; This issue contains the study articles for March 3–April 6, 2025. Senza konke esingakwenza ukuze silingise uJesu Kristu futhi siyaziqhayisa ngokubizwa ngokuthi singamaKristu. Clicca sul pulsante Scarica che si trova in questa pagina. Daniele era anche umile. 8, 9. ORG; Log In; Share Les Témoins de Jéhovah : Sur notre site officiel, découvrez la Bible en ligne, des ouvrages bibliques et les dernières nouvelles nous concernant. Seleccione un idioma de la lista y luego haga clic en el botón Descargar para descargar el archivo Watchtower Library . This issue contains the study articles for August 12–September 8, 2024. 1:12). 7. LIFE STORY My Weaknesses Have Magnified God’s Strength Brother Erkki Mäkelä describes how Jehovah helped him face trials during his full-time ministry, including serving as a field missionary in areas of Colombia plagued by guerrilla warfare. 6 Most important of all, those who survive Armageddon will need to teach resurrected ones about God’s Kingdom and about Jehovah’s requirements. Me kaikki käytämme säännöllisesti aikaa siihen, että autamme ihmisiä This issue contains the study articles for July 8–August 11, 2024. In prayer to his heavenly Father, Jesus said: “I have made your name known. Le chapitre 9 des Proverbes mentionne deux femmes symboliques ; l’une représente la sagesse, l’autre la stupidité. 7:39) But not every baptized person will be a good marriage mate “The King of the North” in the Time of the End Study article 19: July 6-12, 2020. También nos esforzamos por imitar a Jesucristo y consideramos un gran privilegio llamarnos cristianos. Por isso, temos de temer a Jeová e ficar longe do que é mauEm Provérbios capítulo 9, lemos sobre duas mulheres. Siga os passos abaixo para baixar e instalar a Watchtower Library:. Our publications are available in over 900 languages. Uyaqonda ukuba umoya kaYehova unokunceda nokuba ngowuphi umdala athethe into eza kunceda iqumrhu labadala lenze isigqibo esifanelekileyo. Prin urmare, trebuie să cultivăm teama sfântă și să ne abatem de la rău. This is an authorized Web site of Jehovah’s Witnesses. 1922—One Hundred Years Ago Iba-iba ang aming wika at lahi, pero pinagbubuklod kami ng iisang layunin. But now you have the opportunity to get to know “the secret person of the heart. We have published some 220 million Bibles and about 40 billion pieces of Bible-based literature. Masing-masing mengundang orang-orang yang ”tidak berakal”, atau yang tidak berpengalaman. 2 The way Jehovah forgives us imperfect humans is very different from the way we forgive one another. c PICTURE DESCRIPTION: A young Witness searches for Jehovah by looking to the Scriptures for advice. This issue contains the study articles for September 27–October 31, 2021. Contact Jehovah’s Witnesses in your area. 3:2, 3) De exemplu, un bătrân nu va considera că părerile lui trebuie întotdeauna acceptate doar pentru că este mai în vârstă sau are mai multă experiență decât ceilalți. Cultiver la crainte de Dieu et nous détourner du mal est donc essentiel. You likely learned some things about the other person before you began dating. 3:23; 5:12) Not one of us is exempt. 2:28) We can be certain that by the time the great tribulation starts, we will know all we need to know in order to endure faithfully and even prosper during that challenging period. b See the article “ The Bible Changes Lives —I Was Impressed by the Bible’s Clear, Logical Answers ,” the watchtower—study edition january 2019 This issue contains the study articles for March 4 to April 7, 2019 “Do Not Be Anxious, for I Am Your God” 3 We cannot afford to be overconfident. BIBLIOTHÈQUE EN LIGNE Watchtower. We have built our faith on it. To help them disseminate Bible truth in various languages, Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society was legally incorporated in 1884, with Brother Russell as president. Vi lägger ner mycket tid på att hjälpa andra att lära sig mer om Bibeln och Guds rike. Bible • Choose from various Bible translations. Follow these steps to download and install Watchtower Library: 1. Per scaricare e installare Watchtower Library segui i passi qui elencati:. Clique duas vezes no Watchtower Libraryは,聖書やエホバの証人の出版物を集めたものです。聖書事典である「聖書に対する洞察」をはじめ,書籍,冊子,パンフレット,雑誌などが収められています。 O mundo de Satanás é obcecado pelo sexo imoral e a pornografia. 잠언 9장에는 지혜와 어리석음이 두 여자로 의인화되어 있습니다. ORG ® / OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES This issue contains the study articles for February 28–April 3, 2022. ) Our personal appearance says much about us. Is the Bible outdated in our modern age? Or does it still have value? The Bible itself says: “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial. The Watchtower (Study)—2024 | November Study Article 45: January 13-19, 2025 8 Learn From the Parting Words of Faithful Men. Mashahidi wa Yehova: Tovuti yetu rasmi huwawezesha watu kusoma Biblia kwenye mtandao, machapisho ya Biblia, na habari za karibuni. Watchtower Library(ワッチタワー ライブラリー)をjw. Beginning in the late 19th century, what important role did Brother Russell play? 8 In the late 19th century, Charles Taze Russell and some of his associates endeavored to reestablish true Christian worship. org website allows people to read the Bible online without cost in more than 160 languages and to get answers to such Bible questions as, “What is the Kingdom of God?” Education. b The purpose of that announcement is not to humiliate the wrongdoer. 9 Jesus made God’s name known. d PICTURE DESCRIPTION: A brother performs manual This issue contains the study articles for November 7–December 4, 2022. Martorii lui Iehova: Site-ul nostru oficial oferă acces la Biblie, publicații biblice și știri recente. ORG is the official website of Jehovah’s Witnesses. (1 John 5:19; Rev. In all human history, only one person has fit the description of an ideal Ruler; that person is Jesus Christ. Other articles in this issue. (a) How can we remain firm for Jehovah’s righteous moral standards? (b) How does Hebrews 10:24, 25 emphasize the importance of our meeting together, especially now?. Rom. We do our best to imitate Jesus Christ and are proud to be called Christians. a For more information on what the ransom can do for you, see lesson 27 of the book Enjoy Life Forever! published by Jehovah’s Witnesses and available for free download at www. Gracias al sitio de Internet jw. Ngamunye wethu uchitha isikhathi njalo esiza abantu Jehovas Vidner: På vores officielle hjemmeside kan man læse Bibelen, bibelske publikationer og aktuelle nyheder online. Jehova Tanúi: Hivatalos honlapunkon online olvashatod a Bibliát, bibliai kiadványokat és friss híreket, tájékozódhatsz a hitnézeteinkről és a szervezetünkről. Ngaphezu kwakho konke, sifuna ukudumisa uJehova, uNkulunkulu weBhayibheli noMdali wazo zonke izinto. This issue contains the study articles for May 6–June 9, 2024. ¡Despertad! muestra cómo hacer frente a los problemas de nuestro tiempo e Singabantu bezinhlanga nezilimi ezihlukahlukene, kodwa sihlanganiswa imigomo efanayo. Young and old from all economic and educational levels, diverse ethnic groups, and religious backgrounds are having to deal with distressing symptoms. 33:18, 22) Keep waiting patiently for Jehovah by focusing on the positive things in your life, by praising him, by drawing encouragement from fellow Witnesses, and by keeping your precious hope strong. Bătrânii trebuie să fie modele de rezonabilitate. (Hebrews 10:24, 25) At these meetings, which are open to the public, we examine what the Bible says and how we can apply its teachings in our life. —See the September 1, 2011, issue of The Watchtower, p. BIBLIA; PUBLICACIONES; REUNIONES; Hoy; Enero Examinemos las Escrituras todos los días 2025 Martes 14 de enero. “Jehovah, My Source of Goodness” (10 min. Wir müssen also Ehrfurcht vor Jehova haben und schlechtes Verhalten entschieden zurückweisen. BIBLIOTECA EN LÍNEA. (Ps. L’apôtre Pierre sait qu’il va bientôt mourir. In Sprüche WE ARE truly blessed to be part of Jehovah’s organization during these turbulent last days. 7-8. ”Luke 1:31-33 2 Every human alive needs to learn about repentance. orgでダウンロードし,Windowsで使用することができます。. El apóstol Pedro sirvió a Jehová fielmente por muchos años. org. 15:5-7) The first witness on Lumea lui Satan este obsedată de imoralitate sexuală și pornografie. Help Your Bible Students to Become Baptized Disciples Vi har olika etnisk bakgrund och talar många olika språk, men våra gemensamma mål förenar oss. Even outstanding men of faith, such as the apostle Paul, struggled against sin. Vi gjør vårt beste for å etterligne Jesus Kristus og er stolte over å kalle oss kristne. Karena itu, kita harus memiliki rasa takut kepada Allah dan menjauhi apa yang burukDi Amsal pasal 9, hikmat dan kebodohan digambarkan sebagai dua perempuan. For example, we do not approve of sexual immorality of any kind, including Pleqtë duhet të lënë një shembull të mirë duke qenë të arsyeshëm. We have come to believe that Jehovah set up the Christian congregation as “a pillar and support of the truth. 여호와의 증인: 공식 웹사이트를 통해 성경과 성경에 근거한 출판물과 최신 뉴스를 온라인으로 읽어 볼 수 있습니다. 4. Experience How did a sister show compassion by looking for opportunities to witness to others? Suivez ces étapes pour télécharger et installer Watchtower Library :. It has been published in whole or in part in 307 languages. También lo ayudó ser humilde. English JW. He will be assisted by 144,000 corulers, who are chosen from among mankind. El înțelege că spiritul sfânt îl poate determina pe orice bătrân să exprime o idee care să ajute la luarea unei decizii înțelepte. We are seeing evidence that Daniel’s prophecy about “the king of the north” and “the king of the south” continues to be fulfilled. The Newsroom reports on current events and other news affecting Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide. La Atalaya señala la relación entre las profecías bíblicas y los sucesos actuales, consuela a la gente con las buenas noticias del Reino de Dios y promueve la fe en Jesucristo. Jehovah’s Witnesses: Our official website provides online access to the Bible, Bible-based publications, and current news. the watchtower—study edition july 2021 This issue contains the study articles for August 30–September 26, 2021. The jw. Satans Welt ist von Unmoral und Pornografie geradezu besessen . ” a Yes, Jehovah’s forgiveness is “true forgiveness. JW. According to the last official count, 253,794,253 copies have been produced. On one 我们来自不同的民族,有不同的文化背景,说不同的语言,却团结一心,为了共同的目标而努力。我们最重要的目标是尊崇耶和华上帝——宇宙万物的创造主和圣经的作者。 我们竭尽全力向耶稣基督学习,以基督徒的身份为荣。 每个耶和华见证人都会经常帮助别人了解圣经和上帝的王国。 Watchtower Library (Biblioteca da Torre de Vigia) é uma coleção de Bíblias e publicações das Testemunhas de Jeová. This issue contains the The Watchtower is the official means of sharing Jehovah's Witness beliefs, [11] and includes articles relating to biblical prophecies, Christian conduct and morals, and the history of religion This is an authorized Web site of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Además, estudiaba con detenimiento las Escrituras. This issue contains the study articles for June 9–July 13, 2025. Todos nós dedicamos tempo à obra de ensinar as pessoas sobre a Bíblia エホバの証人は世界中にいて,人種や国籍は様々ですが,同じ目的で結ばれています。何よりも,すべてのものを創造した聖書の神エホバを賛美したいと思っています。 また,クリスチャンとして,イエス・キリストに倣おうと励んでいます。 聖書や神の王国について学ぶのを助ける活動 Somos personas de distintos países, culturas y lenguas que tenemos los mismos objetivos. Of course, any potential mate should be a baptized Christian. Whenever an update is available online, you Watch Tower Publications Index 1930-1985. ダウンロードしたファイルをダブルクリック Vi har vidt forskjellig etnisk bakgrunn og snakker hundrevis av forskjellige språk, men fordi vi har felles mål, er vi et forent folk. Esta es una página web oficial de los testigos de Jehová. Each of us regularly spends time helping people learn about the Bible and God’s Kingdom. Hier finden Sie Online-Bibeln, biblischen Lesestoff und aktuelle Meldungen. However, we must recognize that there are some things that we just do not 5, 6. ” —1 Peter 3:12. To provide you with the best possible experience, we use cookies and similar technologies. Includes the New World Translation and several other Bible translations for comparison. Gal. (1 Cor. Many people form impressions Siga estos pasos para descargar e instalar Watchtower Library: 1. Je suis toujours prêt à vous rappeler ces choses (2 Pierre 1:12). Braille: km 12/84 3 discussion of: yl 68; w62 458, 529, 632, 634; w61 174, 337-338 at meals: g60 6/22 14; w52 46 experiences: yb82 18-19; yb69 220; yb67 137 discussion “I saw, and look! a black horse, and the one seated on it had a pair of scales in his hand. The Bible states: “For the eyes of Jehovah are on the righteous, and his ears listen to their supplication, but the face of Jehovah is against those doing bad things. Reconocía que Jehová les da entendimiento a los que lo conocen y obedecen sus normas justas y puras (Dan. English Publications (1950-2025) Log Out. Several Bible accounts describe Jehovah’s judgments against unrighteous people, such as the unknown numbers who died in the Flood or the seven nations in the Promised Land that Jehovah ordered his people to devote to destruction or the 185,000 Assyrian soldiers slain by an angel of Jehovah in a single night. This issue contains the study articles for April 14–May 4, 2025. True, we are determined to let nothing turn us away from Jehovah. 12:12) Our loving God sees the damaging effects of this system of Nuestras publicaciones están disponibles en más de 900 idiomas. The Watchtower shows us the significance of world events in the light of Bible prophecies. the watchtower—study edition june 2021 This issue contains the study articles for August 2-29, 2021. Previous Next the watchtower—study edition october 2022 This issue contains the study articles for December 5, 2022–January 1, 2023. I heard what sounded like a voice in the midst of the four living creatures say: ‘A quart of wheat for a denarius and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the olive oil and the wine. Daniele studiava le profezie per il motivo giusto, cioè per conoscere la verità. Clique no botão Baixar no fim desta página. Our Bible-based magazines are available for download in hundreds of languages, including sign languages. Riconosceva che Geova permette di comprendere le profezie a chi lo conosce e vive in armonia con le sue norme (Dan. Tengo la intención de recordarles siempre estas cosas (2 Ped. This issue contains the study articles for October 7–November 10, 2024. In fact, an angel had told Mary, Jesus’ mother: “God will give him the throne of David his father, . 또한 그들의 신앙과 조직에 대해서도 알아볼 수 있습니다. Meillä on kuitenkin yhteiset tavoitteet. ” —2 Timothy 3:16. ) This involves learning more about your prospective mate’s spirituality, personality, and The Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook provides the schedule and study material for the weekly Bible-reading program and one of the weekly meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses. También contiene When disaster strikes or people suffer and die, we may wonder whether God sees it or cares about it. (Mark 5:18-20) Jesus also brought glory to Jehovah by the way he spoke about his Father and the way he treated others. Hier gibt es viel zu entdecken: Zeitschriften, Videos, E-Books und Musik in Hunderten von Sprachen, einschließlich vieler Gebärdensprachen. . c Otherwise, you could overlook a potential mate or you could pursue a courtship with someone who is not well-suited for you. Double-click the downloaded file, then follow the on-screen instructions to install Watchtower Library. 6 Consider a number of related questions. exe file. the watchtower—study edition october 2024 This issue contains the study articles for December 9, 2024–January 5, 2025. Hver og én av oss bruker tid på å hjelpe folk til å lære om Bibelen og This issue contains the study articles for June 7–July 4, 2021. Español. Sobre todo, queremos honrar a Jehová, el autor de la Biblia y el Creador del universo. Ps. Seleziona una lingua dall’elenco, poi clicca sul pulsante EXE per scaricare Watchtower Library. This issue of The Watchtower highlights examples of the Bible’s practical 3 If you would like to get married, it is best to know what you are looking for in a mate before beginning a courtship. Ahora es posible descargar el programa Watchtower Library desde jw. ONE of the most heartwarming ways in which Jehovah shows his concern for us as his servants is by helping us to resist our enemies. This issue contains the study articles for January 6–February 2, 2025. Use the JW Library mobile app for Bible reading and Bible study. You can remember more of what you study by creating visual images. Информация о наших учениях и организации. org para computadoras que usen Windows. It comforts people with the good news Watchtower Library is a collection of Bibles and publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses. As descendants of Adam and Eve, each of us has inherited sin and death. STUDY ARTICLE 45 How Jehovah Helps Us to Carry Out Our Ministry All around the world, mental health problems afflict millions of people. 6:12 Zum Herunterladen von Publikationen siehe jw. For more information JEHOVAH’S people love the truth found in God’s Word. He is consistent in his personality and unshakable in his purpose. ダウンロード方法をご確認ください。 The entire program was later presented on JW Broadcasting ® —Part 1 in November 2023 and Part 2 in January 2024. Prezintă informații despre convingerile și organizația noastră. Similar to a massive rock, Jehovah is firm and stable. Erfahren Sie, wer wir sind und was wir glauben. Select the Download button on this page. What effect should our dress have on others? 5 The apostle Paul was inspired to emphasize the important principle found at 2 Corinthians 6:4. What guides your decisions about right and wrong? This magazine explains why the Bible is a reliable guide that works for everyone everywhere and can be trusted. Hjemmesiden fortæller om vores tro og vores trossamfund. リストから言語を選択し,Watchtower LibraryのEXEファイルのダウンロードボタンをクリックします。. ” —2 Timothy 3:16, 17. 1. Cada uma delas faz um convite para aqueles “que não têm bom senso”, os inexperientes. Apprenez aussi quelles sont nos croyances et comment nous sommes organisés. ” (Read Acts 24:15. Can You Help in the Disciple-Making Work? Le monde de Satan est obsédé par le sexe et la pornographie (). Ai e kupton se fryma e Jehovait mund të nxitë çdo pjesëtar të trupit të pleqve të bëjë një koment që do t’i ndihmojë të marrin një Dunia Setan tergila-gila dengan seks yang bejat dan pornografi. Selecione um idioma da lista, depois clique no botão do arquivo EXE da Watchtower Library. It also includes helpful research tools, such This is an authorized Web site of Jehovah’s Witnesses. This issue contains the study articles for May 5–June 8, 2025. DAILY TEXT (See also Yearbook). This issue contains the study articles for January 2-29, 2023. Studied during the week of March 31–April 6, 2025. ” (1 Tim. It describes our beliefs and organization. Do current world events indicate that the end of the world is near? If so, can we do anything to survive the end of the world? What will happen after the end? The articles in this issue will reveal the Bible’s comforting answers to those questions. BIBLIOTHÈQUE EN LIGNE. New items on jw. In Watchtower Library, click the Library menu, then click Properties to open the Properties for Library window. According to Acts 24:15, who will be among those resurrected by Jehovah?. the watchtower—study edition july 2013 This issue presents several clarifications of our understanding of the timing of events in Jesus’ prophecy and the identity of the faithful and discreet slave. This issue contains the study articles for November 11–December 8, 2024. For one thing, there were the Jewish religious leaders who were treating them like apostates. Dirigimos cursos de instrucción bíblica. • Compare all available Bible versions 5 If you are in a courtship, what will help you decide whether to get married or not? Get to know each other well. Above all, we want to honor Jehovah, the God of the Bible and the Creator of all things. Me tulemme sadoista etnisistä ryhmistä ja puhumme eri kieliä. Jehovah warns us about these enemies, and he gives us Required. ”He sets the ultimate standard of what forgiveness really means. exe. org, including videos, music, audio programs, Bible study tools, news about Jehovah’s Witnesses. Like King David, be confident that Jehovah watches over those waiting for Him and expresses His loyal love to them. Log In. 4 When Jesus was on earth, he glorified his Father by acknowledging Him as the Source of his miracles. Educación. Do you need an account? © 2025 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Watchtower Libraryをダウンロードしてインストールするには,下記の手順に従ってください。. На нашем официальном сайте — Библия онлайн, библейские публикации и новости. Es una herramienta que le permitirá consultar las publicaciones de los testigos de Jehová en varios idiomas. It includes the Bible encyclopedia Insight on the Scriptures, books, brochures, tracts, and magazines. 2 2021 | A Better World Is Near PLAY. In the Properties for Library window, click the Updates tab, then check the Download updates automatically box. 1923—One Hundred Years Ago JW Library is an official app produced by Jehovah's Witnesses. What helps Christians to be sure that Jesus was resurrected? 7 Our hope in the resurrection is linked to the resurrection of Jesus, so we need to be convinced that Jesus was resurrected. Haga clic en el botón Descargar en esta página. Kaya dapat lumayo tayo sa kasamaan at linangin ang pagkatakot sa DiyosSa Kawikaan kabanata 9, mababasa natin ang tungkol sa dalawang babae na kumakatawan sa karunungan at kamangmangan. ” (2 Tim. 133:1 6. Aus Ehrfurcht vor Jehova vermeidet man Schlechtes . Heute; Mittwoch, 8. 8 Jehovah is stable. 7:21-24. What can we do when a family member or close friend dies? Privacy Settings. The forgiveness Jehovah extends is unique. Double-cliquez sur le fichier téléchargé et suivez les instructions à l’écran pour l’installation de Watchtower Library. ” (John 8:31, 32) But since truth is often the first casualty of war, you —like any other soldier in the heat of battle— need a source of trustworthy, reliable information to prevent the enemy from playing tricks with your mind. Tovuti hiyo inafafanua imani zetu na tengenezo letu. Dimostrò di essere umile ricercando l’aiuto di Geova (). ORG ® / OFFICIAL An index of all articles published in the 2023 Watchtower and Awake! magazines, listed by subject. În Proverbele, capitolul 9, sunt prezentate două femei, una fiind personificarea înțelepciunii, iar cealaltă a prostieiAmbele femei le fac o invitație „celor fără minte”, sau fără experiență. What Does the Ransom Teach Us? Studied during the week of March 24-30, 2025. Uma representa a sabedoria, e a outra representa a tolice. Inoltre Daniele andava in profondità. 2:13) This means that no matter what happens or what others do, Jehovah will never deviate from his qualities, his Audio Audio download options THE WATCHTOWER Who Is God? MP3; JW. Dans la liste, choisissez une langue puis téléchargez Watchtower Library en cliquant sur le bouton EXE. Mesmo vindo de centenas de grupos étnicos e falando centenas de idiomas, somos unidos pelos mesmos objetivos. Daniel demostró su humildad al acudir a Jehová por ayuda (). Jehovah has provid 4 When an unrepentant wrongdoer is removed from the congregation, an announcement is made to inform the congregation that he is no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Elders must set a good example in being reasonable. It is a research tool for publications in various languages produced by Jehovah’s Witnesses. Januar. Français. Bawat isa sa amin ay regular na nagbibigay ng panahon para matulungan ang iba Jesus gave this simple rule for combating propaganda: “Know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Why can we be certain that Jehovah brought Jesus back to life? 8 There were many eyewitnesses who testified that Jesus had been raised. Fai doppio clic sul file scaricato, poi segui le istruzioni che appaiono sullo schermo per installare Watchtower Library. Enter the username that you selected when you created your account. 29, par. To remain loyal to Jehovah and his Son, we need to follow Jesus’ counsel to keep Jehovah’s Witnesses hold meetings for worship twice each week. Daniel estudiaba las profecías con el motivo correcto: quería saber la verdad. 3:2, 3) For instance, an elder should not expect that his opinions will always be accepted simply because he is older than the other elders. Our main enemies are Satan and the demons. Vi gör vårt bästa för att följa Jesus Kristus, och vi är stolta över att vara kristna. Watchtower Library es una colección de Biblias y otras publicaciones de los testigos de Jehová. ” In line with Jesus’ example, Jehovah’s organization does everything possible to help others come to know God’s nameThe New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures has played a significant role in this by restoring God’s name to its rightful place. ” (Read 1 Peter 3:4. This issue of The Watchtower shows how God helps us and what he is doing to remove all suffering. ” Nuestras revistas tratan temas bíblicos y pueden descargarse en cientos de idiomas, incluidos diversos lenguajes de señas. Why? Because the majority of those who return to life will be among “the unrighteous. Ginagawa namin ang lahat para matularan si Jesu-Kristo at ipinagmamalaki naming kami’y mga Kristiyano. org, las personas pueden leer la Biblia en línea de manera gratuita en más de 160 idiomas y obtener respuestas a preguntas como “¿Qué es el Reino de Dios?”. As explained at Ephesians 6:10-13, what is one of the most heartwarming ways in which Jehovah shows his concern for us?Explain. (에베소 4:19) 따라서 우리는 하느님을 두려워하는 마음을 기르고 악에서 떠나야 합니다. Additional Reading. Most of our services include audience participation, much like JW. It is a research tool for publications in various languages produced by Jehovah’s Witnesses. 2:27, 28). 3:2, 3) Ngokomzekelo, umdala akamele alindele ukuba abanye abadala baza kusoloko bezamkela izinto azicebisayo kuba emdala kunabo. Entry is not a valid username. When faced with the rebellion in Eden, Jehovah did not waverAs the apostle Paul wrote, Jehovah “cannot deny himself. Rather, it is made so that the congregation can follow the Scriptural admonition to “stop keeping company” with that person, “not even eating We come from hundreds of ethnic and language backgrounds, yet we are united by common goals. Yet, we are also imperfect and vulnerable to temptation. Vårt viktigste mål er å ære og opphøye Jehova, Bibelens Gud og Skaperen av alle ting. We cannot accept the world’s values and standards. As world conditions deteriorate, Jehovah provides us with a united, spiritual family of brothers and sisters. 3:2, 3) Për shembull, një plak nuk duhet të presë që opinionet e tij të pranohen gjithmonë thjesht ngaqë është më i madh në moshë se pleqtë e tjerë. (Prov. Haluamme ennen kaikkea tuottaa kunniaa Raamatun Jumalalle ja kaiken Luojalle, Jehovalle. Why? Because we all sin daily. 2 Amazingly, Jehovah has created a serene environment in the midst of a world that Satan has turned into a hate-filled, wicked, and dangerous place. This issue contains the study articles for November 1–December 5, 2021. the watchtower—study edition october 2023 This issue contains the study articles for December 11, 2023–January 7, 2024. ) Friendships with those who This is an authorized Web site of Jehovah’s Witnesses. É como se elas estivessem dizendo: THE WATCHTOWER No. Select a language from the list, then select the Download button for the Watchtower Library . Incluye libros, folletos, tratados, revistas y la enciclopedia bíblica Perspicacia para comprender las Escrituras. In addition, some professed Christians were insisting that followers of Christ continue practicing various aspects of the Mosaic Law, perhaps to avoid persecution. Watchtower. Acima de tudo, queremos honrar a Jeová, o Deus da Bíblia e o Criador de todas as coisas. dx30-85. Det viktigaste för oss är att ära Jehova, som är Bibelns Gud och den som har skapat allt. This issue of The Watchtower examines the Bible’s claim that it can guide us in every aspect of life. The Watchtower—2025 The Watchtower—2024 The Watchtower—2023 The Watchtower—2022 The Watchtower—2021 The Watchtower—2020 The Watchtower—2019 The Watchtower—2018 The Watchtower—2017 JW. Cada uno de nosotros dedica tiempo a ayudar a la gente a aprender más sobre la This issue contains the study articles for December 6, 2021–January 2, 2022. (Read. (1 Tim. Vea cómo descargar e instalar Watchtower Library. Fazemos o nosso melhor para imitar a Jesus Cristo e temos orgulho de ser chamados cristãos. With all the information available in today’s high-tech world, is the Bible too old to be relevant? The Bible says: “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures is accurate and easy to read. 7 First, we must remain firm for Jehovah’s righteous moral standards. யெகோவாவின் சாட்சிகள்: எங்களுடைய வெப்சைட்டில் பைபிளை Свидетели Иеговы. 5:12; 7:21-23) Without warning, we could find ourselves in circumstances that make the wrong course seem very appealing. ’”Revelation 6:5, 6 Ruling as King in heaven, Jesus will accomplish much more than any human ruler ever could. It includes multiple Bible translations, as well as books and brochures for Bible study. ) They will have to make many changes in order to Mahilig sa seksuwal na imoralidad at pornograpya ang sanlibutan ni Satanas. beneficial for personal study: w56 149, 285; w54 50 booklet Examining the Scriptures Daily: km 5/85 8. This issue contains the study articles for July 9 to August 5, 2018. BIBLE; PUBLICATIONS; RÉUNIONS; Aujourd’hui; Janvier Examinons les Écritures chaque jour 2025 Mardi 14 janvier. このページのダウンロードボタンをクリックします。. . This issue contains the study articles for February 3–March 2, 2025. Chacune lance une invitation aux naïfs, c’est-à-dire à « ceux qui manquent de bon sens ». Pareho silang nag-iimbita sa mga walang karanasan—ang “mga kulang sa unawa. 2. Higit sa lahat, gusto naming maparangalan si Jehova, ang Diyos ng Bibliya at Maylalang ng lahat ng bagay. 두 여자 모두 경험 없는 자들 즉 5 The Hebrew Christians were challenged by opposers on two fronts. (Rom. ORG; Se connecter; We are happy to help those interested in the Bible or in our worldwide work. Ela contém a enciclopédia bíblica Estudo Perspicaz das Escrituras, livros, brochuras, folhetos e 사탄의 세상은 성적 부도덕과 음란물에 빠져 있습니다. and there will be no end to his Kingdom. Some cookies are necessary to make our website work and Follow these steps to enable Watchtower Library to check online for new publication and article updates. Cliquez sur le bouton Télécharger présent sur cette page. jw. nddas lvpgzx bpemju vsxulrg gttjyf lskzox emiwel irf ubxlcxu qtk