Yum whatprovides To find out what packages have this file you can use sudo yum clean all; sudo yum makecache: Regenerate metadata cache (this wasn't in the docs, but yum kept trying to install Node. Registered: Oct 2009. 1k 4 4 gold yum whatprovides jre-headless lists OpenJDK 8 and OpenJDK 11 packages, but the latter are no longer installable. I was able to install some by hand since I found them using yum search, but others aren't available in the CentOS's repos (like upquote. Query all packages that provide the CAPABILITY capability. rpm -qa | grep -i nmap-ncat. yum whatprovides is a great tool to figure out which package you need to get a certain file. /configure; make; make install? If so, doing a simple yum install against what the yum whatprovides returned should resolve this issue for you. 0-openjdk-headless. Add a comment | 150 . My question - how can I query which package provides foo = 2 from command line? From the man page of rpm it appears that--whatprovides CAPABILITY. static_rtti. XX from Ubuntu website (eg. comment 0. 20 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu. ppc64. 7-17. 6. Finding package name which install a particular The yum command "whatprovides" accepts wildcards. 0. bofh. cogentco. For example: wget `repoquery --location yum`-s, --source Show package source RPM name. – Paulo Carvalho. 18(libmysqlclient_16) Provides : yum groupinstall “Web server” Install Web Server packages. If you still get latex errors after running pdflatex homework. It roughly maintains CLI compatibility with YUM and defines a strict API for extensions and plugins. grep-2. I do find yum whatprovides hoge 4. I've got yum. At the suggestion of some comments posted below, I tried yum provides pcresyntax and yum whatprovides pcresyntax and got no results. 16 library that is currently not installed, but required. 4 MB/s | 7. 4-74. Beside that the names would be similar, a yum search PKG would point out the right direction. -d, - $ yum provides */netstat. yum whatprovides /bin/ps. Improve this answer. el8. It doesn't seem quite as deep a search as the whatprovides functionality, but unless you have the package installed already, it isn't clear how you would find the modules contained within that package (see yum whatprovides. so base/filelists_db | 4. chi. Resume My Work Contact GrubThyme Birthday Postcards DNote Ubuntu's "Yum Whatprovides": Apt-File. yum whatprovides */libstdc++. You must run this command as root to access RHN repositories. OR. This will tell you the package name that contains the command and, if it already exists on your system, the path of the command. – kasperd Commented Apr 17, 2015 at 22:34 I know dnf provides could find a package which includes a specific command, for example, $ dnf whatprovides g++ Last metadata expiration check: Can't install ffmpeg in Fedora 19 via yum. Caleb Caleb. For example: Finally, use the repoquery command with the --whatprovides option and the full path to the library. Only list the affected systemd services on RHEL / CentOS 8. 8 MB 00:10 extras/filelists_db | 2. 1 package, so I installed it (Chef uses yum to do this under the covers). Stephen Kitt Stephen Kitt. i686 directly inside of the container, but again with no success for the application. perl-Apache-Htpasswd. 18 Provides : libmysqlclient. vukovic is saying, uname -a is not the best way to identify the system you are running on. You might consider running yum-complete-transaction first to finish them. vfat which is not installed by default in CentOS. It can be verified by the following command that shows the needed packages (in different versions): yum whatprovides libXrender. let's see whether it is in some other location – sotona. Go to list of users who liked . vgaetera (Vladislav Grigoryev) April 26, 2021, 1:00pm 2. Commented Apr 14, 2014 at 13:17. $ repoquery --whatprovides '/usr/bin/mysqldump' I'm trying to use the jmap command on my CentOS server but it keeps telling me that the command was not found even though I have the JDK installed. x86_64 : works quite well - yum will not install bar5 unless foox is also installed. It was throwing the following error: Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile Setting up Install Process No # dnf whatprovides */semanage This will display the same result as above commands. 8-23. 4: Test the nc command. Важно: Перед установкой RPM-пакета из стороннего источника рекомендуется проверить, что источник надежный. repos. Just to confirm, let’s use yum to see which package “provides” the ifconfig utility. exclude List of packages to exclude from all repositories, so yum works as if that package was never in the repositories. 32:bind-utils-9. The UNIX and Linux Forums. x86_64 : GNU Standard C++ Library Repo : installed Matched from: Filename : /usr/lib64/libstdc++. Try this way: sudo dnf install jemalloc sudo ln -f -s /usr/lib64/libjemalloc. I tried yum info pcresyntax and even yum search pcresyntax and got nothing. --provides. 0-openjdk-headless as providing this dependency ? or any other option that would allow me to avoid : installing Java 11 for The sudo yum whatprovides can return more than one package, for instance, bzip2-devel-1. Linux and Unix Man Pages. The following was run on SL6. . i386 : Postfix Mail Transport Agent Matched from: Other : MTA exim-4. This will give you possibly multiple hits, as a file can be part of packages from different repositories. 8, and the sysadmins have asked me to use a CentOS development environnment similar to the production server (to make yum whatprovides “*/sysdig” whatprovides diz ao yum para pesquisar o pacote e fornecerá um arquivo que corresponda à expressão regular acima. Just use a yum provides/yum whatprovides This command searches for which packages provide the requested dependency of file. Share Is there a command that could give me a package name and version for a library? For example, I want to get mariadb-libs version for libmysqlclient_r. Fedora's yum package management tool has a nice option called whatprovides, which lets you find what package has installed a specific binary or file. equally brief and trivial. 56. 1572-1. From the below output now you know the rpm responsible for installing 32-bit and 64-bit library. Installing a Could be written as yum whatprovides "*/top", yum whatprovides '*'/top, yum whatprovides \*/top, or some other variation of it. sudo yum whatprovides \*useradd to find the package that provides useradd. Какому пакету принадлежит файл в Arch Linux # yum whatprovides xclock Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: mirror. For dependency-tracking, the latter is of greater interest. Sample output: yum provides */netstat Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: mirror. Last metadata expiration check: 0:02:41 ago on Tue 31 Oct 2023 02:18:08 PM EET. el6. i386 libmysqlclient15-devel-5. For apache, there is the htpasswd utility, which can be used to generate encrypted passwords for . sudo dnf install gcc-c++ Share . – Jan-Philip Gehrcke. It can also perform installation of new packages, removal of old packages and perform queries on the installed and/or available packages among many other commands/services (see below). link for v20); Install lib using dpkg command sudo dpkg -i libmysqlclient(). fc14. Commented May 6, 2016 at 14:15. --srpm Operate on corresponding source RPM. The output will include the package name, version and repository the package belongs to. I guess the question is why in the world is this functionality not built into apt, apt-get, or one of the other default apt-* programs. As we have now set with the nc package, let us test the functionality of the netstat command and observe the output. Thanks. When you run this command, you will be asked if you are sure that sudo yum whatprovides libwsman1 Updating Subscription Management repositories. htaccess access restriction etc. Go to list of comments. 3 доступен в репозиториях для архитектуры x86_64. 2()(64bit)」の If you check the running processes ps -ef|grep post you can see which version of postgres is currently running. just say yum -y install mlocate then updatedb then locate libphp5. I cann't find any command support this feature like `yum whatprovides`. at * updates: mirror. sumyatnoez To clarify what @marko. First, let’s see which package Using the command yum whatprovides libjemalloc. So there's a big list of . In Ubuntu I can install it via the apache2-utils package, but in Scientific Linux (Red Hat) I find only the following package, when I do yum search htpasswd:. 4. 1 no package provides libbz2. Register as a new user and use Qiita more conveniently. What is the equivalent command on Ubuntu? For example, say I'd like to find what package provided /usr/bin/mysqladmin. yum remove pygpgme. 20131004git. x servers via the Internet. Because we are specifically referring to CentOS, the yum package manager is what we will be using for this installation. x/7. He was merely making the rpm==dpkg / yum==apt parallel comparison to explain this in case somebody was Try yum whatprovides \*pdflatex to see which package provides that binary (hint: it's texlive-latex) and install that. The installer still fails, though, because of the above. el7. This is commonly used so a package isn't upgraded or installed accidentally, but can be used to remove packages in any way that yum list will show packages. Search Forums. us. 8. Whatprovides указывает yum на поиск пакета, который предоставит файл, соответствующий указанному выше регулярному выражению. 28-151. dnf. Nice trick! – liuyanghejerry. 7 kB 00:00 google I am working on a large C/C++ development project, we are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6 for our development network, and also using g++ and gcc and also gmake. 17. Wintermute Wintermute. Today's Posts. This command will un-install pygpgme on the server. Otherwise I also often use yum list all | grep -i foo but beware of the multiline output of yum, grep might only show the first line, so maybe use yum list all | grep -iA1 foo. yum accepts the command whatprovides (or provides) to search for installed or not installed binaries: yum whatprovides <path-to It is not in the yum whatprovides java-headless output. 4-9. e. XX in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu (or similar); Download libmysqlclient. You can yum has a great option called whatprovides with which you can query what package you need to install to use a command. Dev did not make it extremely clear, but with the standard CentOS repo, you can yum install php and this will give you the file. --groupmember PACKAGE List the repodata groups (yumgroups. Syntax: rpm -q --whatprovides <config_file/library/binary> Yum package manager provides parameters to fast and easy search for particular files / features in Red Hat / CentOS RPM repositories: [root@tuxfixer ~]# yum provides In yum based repositories, you could try something like yum provides */filename. openssl-1. i686 : Open source Implementation of WS-Management Repo : AlmaLinux_9_-_AppStream Matched from: Provide : libwsman1 = 2. You get articles that match your needs; You can efficiently read back useful information; You can use dark theme; What you can do with signing up. dnf [options] provides <provide-spec> Finds the packages providing the given <provide-spec>. 19 and that I could install on my server RHEL 6 with my gcc version ? I am a Use the --whatprovides option with the –q, or query, option to the rpm command. If you want to find which package installed /usr/bin/java, use rpm yum whatprovides libmysqlclient. x86_64 : Utilities for querying DNS name servers Repo : base Matched from: Filename : /usr/bin/nslookup 32:bind-utils-9. Finding package name which install a particular file in the machine by using yum command. 10" Loaded plugins: product-id, rhnplugin, subscription-manager *Note* Red Hat Network repositories are not listed below. This command will install pygpgme on the server. Is there a way to: force yum to ignore the java-headless dependency ? mark java-1. dnf provides /bin/ps. 1. 1 version. 459k 58 58 gold Did you try? $ pip search <packagename> This query searches the package metadata (including name, short description, keywords, among others). For example, if $ yum whatprovides '*filename' If the file is already available in your system, say for example /bin/ls, you can then find the package that owns the file using command: # rpm -qf /bin/ls coreutils-8. It says ‘-bash: dig: command not found‘ I tried yum install dig, but it failed too. 4. answered Oct 26, 2010 at 11:43. el6_3. – ffledgling. net * extras: repo. noarch : Manage Unix crypt-style password file yum install libXrender. However, our production server runs RHEL 5. Commented Apr 29, 2018 at 20:14. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - AppStream (RPMs) 1. Search Community Posts. x86_64 : The GNU versions Learn how to find the rpm package that provides a specific file or library using rpm -qf or yum whatprovides commands. vfat Redhat provids options with yum and rpm commands to check for the package name if we give file name to these commands. Try another SE site. Am I missing something? So using yum whatprovides '*/java' would tell me that ? – Engineer2021. yumコマンドにはwhatprovidesというオプションがあります。これは、特定のコマンドやライブラリがどのYUMパッケージの中に含まれているのかをレポジトリから検索するオプションです。そのため、soファイルからの検索もできます。 さっそく、先程の「liblber-2. x86_64 : A set of basic GNU tools commonly used in shell scripts Repo : base Matched from: To start, in your case, I would do a yum whatprovides */libcrypto. jx 6. Delete the 'bin' and 'data' directories of the postgres version you just stopped. OEL7 - How do I get perl-Template-Toolkit and perl-XML-LibXSLT without CPAN? 0. For example: yum whatprovides '*bin/grep' Returns. so works the same package naming convention yum whatprovides 'perl(Foo::Bar)' Obviously I can attempt to rely on the package somehow ending up in a folder structure that resembles the namespaces in Perl, but I'm looking for something equivalent, i. 0-0. whatprovides tells yum to search the package the will provide a file that matches the above regular expression. {2,1} yum whatprovides <filename> <--shows which package contains given file (like: yum whatprovides zlib. Rep: Thanks much Alucard! I had no idea about this whatprovides feature From man yum: provides or whatprovides Is used to find out which package provides some feature or file. In that case you can do e. Use yum whatprovides to see what package provides a file. yum search pkg is still the best way, unfortunately. Thanks to the internet, I know that bzip2-libs has the libbz2. 5 root@rhel7:~ # yum whatprovides */libstdc++. i686 : The shared libraries required for : MariaDB/MySQL clients Repo : base Matched from: Provides : libmysqlclient. Follow edited Nov 2, 2010 at 21:14. Getting rid of “-bash: dig: command not found” on CentOS 8. 加载的插件 In yum, the term "provides" can refer to either files or features. MANAGE LANGUAGE PACKAGES WITH YUM SUBCOMMAND DESCRIPTIONS AND TASKS langavailable List all available languages * langinfo List packages available for a language * yum langinfo es List packages associated with Spanish language On Red Hat based systems you can use yum or dnf command. 1-55. yum provides *bin/semanage. 22-18. ; Both of those can be listed for a given package using the -R query option, e. How do I install dig command on RHEL 8 Linux using the command line? Introduction: The dig command is primarily used to query DNS servers. de * extras: mirror. 95-5. x/8. el6_4. com * extras それは、「YUMに聞いてみる」です。 yum whatprovides. nextlayer. In yum we can do a yum whatprovides *filename. 9. com to seek latex-related help. Member . rc1. bigstepcloud. You can find out what package it belongs to with either of these commands. Example: For example I want to find which package provides script command in Linux? yum whatprovides search_file_name can be also invoked with its shortcut yum provides 'search_file_name' [root@rhel-server ~]# yum provides '/bin/ls' Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, versionlock Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile coreutils-8. centos. libwsman1-2. 8 -- it's incredibly hard to find out via google. $ rpm -q --whatprovides libbz2. 11. # zypper refresh && zypper search package_name [On openSUSE] 2. For other missed libX*. Then, try running your paper with pdflatex instead. gz on Debian. nbrc. tex, maybe head over to tex. We want to install that, for example, with zypper. x I'm new to CentOS (always used ubuntu and similar) and I am trying to compile some latex code here for the first time. karneval. There is a PDF version available for download at the bottom of that page. yumコマンドにはwhatprovidesというオプションがあります。これは、特定のコマンドやライブラリがどのYUMパッケージの中に含まれているのかをレポジトリから検索するオプションです。 Let us see which package provides us ifconfig command using the YUM command. For example, type. We will test the network connectivity between google on port 443 and 22. I know I could download them from CTAN manually, but I compat-libstdc++-33 contains libstdc++. grep -ril bin/vim v* vim-9. I know this doesn’t answer your question directly, but you’ll never need to ask another ‘where do I find’ question again, if you get no package name back, it isn’t available in any of the repos you have enabled, so it either isn’t available, or the command name might RUN yum install -y /usr/sbin/adduser Docker it seems does the equivalent of whatprovides and loads the right things, in this case, shadow-utils and libsemanage. When this answer was written in 2011, json wasn't installed for python by default for all the versions of RHEL/CentOS at that time so I used pprint to print the stuff nicely. less-530-1. 0 # yum提供libOpenIPMI. 1k 48 [root@server ~]# lsb_release --help FSG lsb_release v2. Output: Updating Subscription Management repositories. 10. You can either specify the full path to a file or you can use wildcards. Delete article. List capabilities this package provides. 2# yum whatprovides libX11. smintz smintz. host-engine. Commented Jan 31, 2019 at 15:09. x86_64. 2. Output: CentOS-8 - AppStream 1. If you're searching for the package that provides as certain file or executable and do not know its full path, use "yum whatprovides The yum command "whatprovides" accepts wildcards. Here is the output of command java -version: j This depends on whether the package containing the file is already installed. And with DNF there is the provides argument. xml) belongs to (if --whatprovides CAPABILITY Query all packages that provide CAPABILITY. yum install which should pull it in. Any help would be appreciated! Handy Yum Commands for pygpgme. Would've Redhat provids options with yum and rpm commands to check for the package name if we give file name to these commands. cat /etc/os-release is the way to identify whether the commands you should be using are centos, ubuntu Команда yum whatprovides foo показывает, что пакет foo версии 1. You can use yum whatprovides to get the name of the package that contains a certain file. Yum whatprovidesの紹介. Options: -v, --version Display the version of the LSB specification against which the distribution is compliant. steadfast. 56-2. If so, use dpkg -S filename. Using this command we can search which packages provides a specific file. 6 MB 00:05 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - BaseOS (RPMs yum whatprovides info2html IPS (Solaris 11, OpenIndiana, OmniOS, etc) based: pkg search info2html FreeBSD (OpenBSD?): cd /usr/ports make search key=info2html NetBSD, SmartOS: pkg_search info2html Gentoo Linux: emerge --search info2html Share. The second method is via repoquery, a command-line utility for querying Yum repositories. # yum update # dnf update # up2date command is for older system only and no longer supported # up2date -u Next install the yum-utils/dnf-utils package: # yum install yum-utils ## OR ## # dnf install dnf-utils Finally, use the repoquery command with the --whatprovides option and the full path to the library. el7_6. 9 MB 00:10 epel/filelists_db | 4. 3 MB 00:05 CentOS-8 Now, install the net-tools package using the yum command. No, yum whatprovides only searches in the yum repositories (as listed in /etc/yum. NOTE: The command mkpasswd is actually part of the expect package, and should probably be avoided. At least for yum whatprovides */foo it works for searching filenames, although that's a bit of a special case. This also takes wildcards for files. Control the pygpgme package with the following handy commands outlined below. 3: Command to check the installed netcat package. Loaded plugins: fastestmirror. 1 MB/s | 6. x86_64: The GNU libc libraries Repo : @System Matched from: Filename : /lib64/libc. 6 libstdc++-4. el5. BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) is an implementation of the DNS (Domain Name System) protocols. Go to list of users who liked. linux; ~$ yum whatprovides nslookup Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Determining fastest mirrors . yum whatprovides */dig will let you know that you need the install the bind-utils package to get dig. O segundo método é por meio de repoquery, um utilitário de linha de comando para consultar repositórios Yum. If the system providing the command prompt is running as a container, uname will report the kernel version of the host machine. hs-esslingen. i386 : The exim mail transfer agent Matched from: Other The Yum Command Cheat Sheet for Red Hat Enterprise Linux contains a reference card outlining the common use cases for the yum command. Examples: $ yum provides MTA 2:postfix-2. " I'm running yum-complete-transaction, it starts fine: base | sudo yum install -y git apache-maven python-devel java-devel zlib-devel libcurl-devel openssl-devel cyrus-sasl-devel cyrus-sasl-md5 apr-devel subversion-devel apr-util-devel Share Improve this answer yum. x86_64 that contain GLIBCXX_3. Again use the following command: $ sudo yum info less Alternately, without having to know exactly where the binary ends up, you can do yum whatprovides '*bin/g++' or even yum whatprovides '*/g++'. x. 02. – unixman83. It can automatically perform system updates, including dependency analysis and obsolete processing based on "repository" metadata. 0 prints certain LSB (Linux Standard Base) and Distribution information. I've read that apt-cache yum has a great option called whatprovides with which you can query what package you need to install to use a command. Solution: Check existance libmysqlclient. com * epel: mirror. Simply trying to install it won’t work: yum list packagename That will show from which repository the package is in the third column of the output. (This box is running CentOS 6. Установка пакета из yum whatprovides semanage. names listed in Requires tags in an RPM spec-file; dependencies automatically found by rpmbuild. See examples of using these commands and how to list Use –whatprovides option, to find out which rpm package provides a particular config file, binary, and library. Commented Feb 25, 2011 at 4:53. answered Mar 6, 2019 at 13:33. 2-0. Generally this is not a big problem, because most often the library that you miss is packaged sudo yum install net-tools <- Run this on your system to install the package. 1 Yum doesn't seem to yum whatprovides "*/xhost" It's probably called xorg-x11-server-utils. x86_64 : Utilities for querying DNS name servers Repo : @updates Matched from: Filename : /usr/bin/nslookup yum is an interactive, rpm based, package manager. 10, then see if that package is installed. Is there any such equivalent in pip or easy_install? It doesn't seem quite as deep a search as the whatprovides functionality, but unless you have the package installed already, it isn't clear how you would find the modules contained within that package The second method is via repoquery, a command-line utility for querying Yum repositories. Just use a specific name or a file-glob-syntax wildcards to list the pack- ages available or installed that provide that feature or $ yum install package $ yum update package $ yum update $ yum remove package $ yum deplist package #зависимости пакета; $ dnf repoquery --deplist #то же самое, для Fedora $ yum whatprovides package #установить принадлежность файла какому-либо пакету; $ yum list all #список всех установленных I deployed minimal version of RHEL 8 in the cloud. i386 cpanel-mysql-libs-5. Installing R on RHEL. yum stands for "Yellowdog Updater Modified". Debian and # yum whatprovides “*/sysdig” Check Package Description. yum has been largely superseded by dnf on modern Fedora/RedHat-based Linux distributions; see below. 0-25. For already installed packages, that won't work, as the third column shows just installed. fc10. Follow edited Mar 6, 2019 at 14:09. Stop the postgres version you want to delete / uninstall. The program yum-complete-transaction is found in the yum-utils package. yum whatprovides semanage. Posts: 40 Original Poster. rpm -qi packagename, typically the Vendor, Packager and Build Host tags will give an indication to which repository the package belongs. 69-7. 15-11. BIND includes a DNS server (named), which resolves host names to IP addresses; a resolver library and tools for verifying that the DNS server is operating properly. cz * extras: it. , I'm running yum whatprovides libneon. 5-1. el9. Шпаргалка по работе с пакетным менеджером Yum (Yellowdog Updater, Modified), который используется в популярных Linux дистрибутивах: RedHat, CentOS, Scientific Linux (и других). 1. YUM(8) DNF YUM(8) NAME top yum - redirecting to DNF Command Reference SYNOPSIS top dnf [options] <command> [<args>] DESCRIPTION top DNF is the next upcoming major version of YUM, a package manager for RPM-based Linux distributions. ) The basic syntax follows: rpm –q --whatprovides capability For example, to query what package provides the capability webserver, use the following command: $ rpm -q bash-4. It can also perform installation of new packages, removal of old packages and perform queries on the installed or available packages among other commands/services We can reboot CentOS Linux desktop or RHEL server using any one of the following command: # shutdown-r now # reboot OR # systemctl reboot Related: Ansible reboot Linux machine or server with playbooks. $ repoquery --whatprovides '/usr/bin/mysqldump' メモ書きyumでinstallするとき、使用したいコマンドがどのパッケージに含まれるか検索するyum whatprovides hoge Go to Qiita Advent Calendar 2024 Top search Пакетный менеджер yum, используемый в системах, основанных на Red Hat, тоже умеет искать пакеты по файлу, для этого есть команда whatpovides: yum whatprovides /bin/ls. 15 libmysqlclient15-5. Follow answered May 3, 2011 at 14:12. I know it should be something like mysql-server*. x, unsuccessfully, until I issued these last two commands) sudo yum install nodejs: Install Node. 97-23. y-z. x86_64 : A text file browser similar to more, but better Repo : BaseOS Matched from: Other : *bin/less Getting information about less package on RHEL or CentOS. w5. Command. 22-24. Ubuntu has the same functionality, but you’ll need to follow a few steps to get there. rpm provides this only for installed packages with option First, update your package repositories by running the following command with root privileges. i386 But bad luck, this did not work at all. 7. ~]# yum whatprovides */libc. This data is less easy to parse due to the different types of lines. x/9. Let us see which package provides us ifconfig command using the YUM command. 1 tells me there are no matches (while yum whatprovides libjemalloc. -i, --id Display the string id of the distributor. This is useful when one knows a filename and wants to find what package (installed or not) provides this file. i686 or. more_horiz. x86_64 : The GNU core utilities: T he yum command is used to update and patch Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) or CentOS Linux 5. stackexchange. service I'm trying not to learn much about either yum or maven. yum Description. The answer has been updated to use json and updated to include RHEL/CentOS 8 and 9 by modifying yum whatprovides netstat. Just use a specific name or a file-glob-syntax wildcards to list the You can try to find the right package by the following command: $ sudo yum whatprovides libmysqlclient. 96-1. g. I am thinking on some like Contents-<arch>. With yum you can do a similar request to see the related package. libgcc_s1 and ncurses-utils are the package names for SLES, not RHEL. It has lots of packages as documented on our project wiki, for example these: development environment and the ruby dependencies. 44k 5 5 gold badges 84 84 silver badges 84 84 bronze badges. В целях экономии места yum whatprovides *bin/vim If you have rpm installed or yum. 6 Loaded plugins: ovl libX11-1. 292 3 3 silver There is caution "There are unfinished transactions remaining. deb and sudo the documentation also explains, what I'm trying to tell:. – asciiphil. $ yum whatprovides '*bin/dig' 32:bind-utils-9. 111-2. close. rpm Too easy. Management directed us to In Alpine Linux, `apk info --who-owns /sbin/lbu` just like `rpm -qf /sbin/lbu`, only for installed packages, can not search package in the repository. x86_64: Basic networking tools Repo : base Matched from: Filename : # yum whatprovides xclock Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: mirror. it * epel: mirror. yum provides $(which ls) Or you can use. P2. Usually the executable files are located in any one of these locations - /usr/sbin and /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin . Didn't know about yum whatprovides. softaculous. Since we are installing the ifconfig in CentOS, we will be using the yum package manager for installation. Output: Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: centos. Pass the -s as follows # needs-restarting -s List of services: sssd. For example. x: $ yum whatprovides */ldapsearch It's part of the openldap-clients package, so yum install openldap-clients. I just wanted to find out what is the Python version in CentOS 5. Quick Links Linux and UNIX Man [root@torino ~]# yum whatprovides */iostat Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: it. I am trying to figure out "what provides" a package for a program that I am using. com * updates: centos. A document defect has been logged. so. If you're using rpm based Linux distribution, most likely you're familiar with `yum whatprovides` command. Forum Home. 5. 12. com No matches found Hi, I am looking for an apt command that provides the same functionality of the yum -whatprovides command. On any of the Red Hat distros such as Fedora, CentOS, or RHEL the command mkpasswd doesn't include the same set of switches as the version typically included with Debian/Ubuntu. It can also perform installati . instead of g++ you have to write gcc-c++. Since Fedora 22 yum has been deprecated so the commands given in other answers will actually fire up 'Dandified yum' i. But I'm not sure how I can check the full metadata of java-1. However, if it doesn't work as briefly on Ubuntu, I can do with a longer path and create my own function. 5 Loaded plugins: changelog, langpacks, product-id, search-disabled-repos Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog There are errors in the package names listed under RHEL 8. yum provides '*/ls' This command will show you a list of packages that contain the file ls. Description of Command. This tutorial covers the yum command for Linux For those from the Redhat side of the world - apt-file search <> is the closest analog to dnf/yum whatprovides <>. in * extras: yum whatprovides */lvextend You'll then be told which package contains the file: lvm2-2. fc15. It probably isn't, according to the RPM database. zypper refresh && zypper search package_name [On openSUSE] 2. Follow answered Jan 7, 2015 at 8:49. Instalando um pacote de um repositório. In Ubuntu or Debian-based Linux distribution we yum whatprovides check the man page for yum: Provides Command Command: provides Aliases: prov, whatprovides, wp. Does it exist? Simple elaboration: For example, we need a binary named exampletool, which we know very good from other distributions or operation systems. It is now 2024 and all current versions of RHEL/CentOS have the json module by default for python. com * extras When I sudo yum install mesa-libGL-devel it appears to install correctly, but when I added that to my dockerfile I get The command '/bin/sh -c yum install mesa-libGL-devel' returned a non-zero code: 1. 2 finds jemalloc. If things get hard you can use dpkg -L PKG, grab a key file and yum whatprovides FILE to find out what packages provides that file. Features in yum (and its successor dnf) include. We can do this using the “yum whatprovides” command argument: [root@host ~]# yum whatprovides ifconfig yum search pkg is still the best way, unfortunately. ac. Syntax: yum provides /path/to/your/file. To install repoquery on CentOS, Fedora or RHEL: $ sudo yum install yum-utils To run repoquery to search for a package that contains a file, use the following format. sty). ) What would be the best way to install this library? 2 Likes. el5_4. afaik, it is not possible with pure rpm. x86_64 : Tools for configuring the console Repo : fedora Matched from: Filename : /usr/bin/deallocvt From there, you can install the kbd RPM package via yum and you’ll be on your way. Or, $ yum whatprovides */netstat. $ yum whatprovides */ls coreutils-5. I know this doesn’t answer your question directly, but you’ll never need to ask another ‘where do I find’ question again, if you get no package name back, it isn’t available in any of the repos you have enabled, so it either isn’t available, or the command name might I have code to setup an Ubuntu server that relies on apt-get. If you're searching for the package that provides as certain file or executable and do not know its full path, use "yum whatprovides */filename". x86_64 : Userland logical volume management tools Repo : updates Matched from: Filename : /sbin/lvextend Next time you need a command like this you can figure out what package to install by running something like yum whatprovides '*/convert'. If the package doesn't exist, you just yum whatprovides “*/sysdig” whatprovides memberitahu yum untuk mencari paket, maka akan menyediakan file yang cocok dengan ekspresi reguler di atas. js 8. i686 : Core X11 protocol client library Repo : ol7_latest Matched from: So I tried yum install libX11. d/. yumで特定のパッケージを検索するとき、yum searchやyum listは有名ですが、yum whatprovidesというコマンドもあります。 例えばlibyamlを検索するとき、それぞれこんな感じで実行できます。 I was wondering if the packager 'pacman' contains functionality like that provided by 'yum whatprovides': provides or whatprovides Is used to find out which package provides some feature or file. yum install glibc. contactlab. i386 : The shared libraries required for This small post will help you to install the necessary packages for getting semanage command. I've inherited this code and I don't want to spend more time than I have to in this environment. com net-tools-2. Commented Nov 7, 2016 at 12:43. so) yum provides <filename> <--to find which package provides the file yum install <package> <--installs a package + dependencies (more Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company If you have missing an executable, you can always run yum whatprovides */slappasswd it will give you the package that provides this executable and even the full path of that command. Commented Dec 28, 2018 at 10:17. yum whatprovides ifconfig. it * updates: mirror. This should be a space separated list. cp1136. ) What package includes the man page pcresyntax? yum whatprovides can find package with specific command or lib, for example: sudo yum whatprovides libmysqlclient* 1:mariadb-libs-5. 3. To give you an example output: The output of yum provides \*bin/ls would be yum install nc -y. Share. cisp. yum -y yum install glibc. All you have to do is: 1. Para instalar repoquery no CentOS, Fedora ou RHEL: $ sudo yum install yum-utils Para executar repoquery para procurar um pacote que contenha um arquivo, use o seguinte formato. su -c "dnf install gcc-c++" As of Nov 2015 this installs the 5. Follow edited Mar 17, 2016 at 14:54. The package contents are thus: yum whatprovides *bin/which In this particular case, the package is called which, so. (There is no short form for the --whatrprovides option. Usage: lsb_release [OPTION] With no OPTION specified defaults to -v. This is where yum’s whatprovides (provides works in recent yum versions) command works really well: # yum whatprovides */deallocvt kbd-1. Then do: Code: yum install xorg-x11-server-utils 05-09-2011, 01:25 PM #3: gvanto. 15 Geladene Plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: mirror2. Did you install that package via a . but suppose I want to know the content of rpm for exact file. sty that are needed. but I want to know the EXACT package which contain bin/sh, how to do? Using this return the packages which have bin/sh also as a depend. My installation "has" ("is attached too"? "knows about"?) two repos: the Amazon one and JPackage, which I understand is something of a standard. sudo yum yum is an interactive, rpm based, package manager. A network service were also okay. 6 glibc-2. . Sign up Login. Commented May 23, 2012 at 12:36. x/6. In my case the problem was caused by Ubuntu upgrades, so I can't find libmysqlclient. so $ yum whatprovides "*/libcrypto. $ repoquery --whatprovides '/usr/bin/mysqldump' $ sudo yum whatprovides '*bin/less' Last metadata expiration check: 1:25:50 ago on Sun Aug 23 10:15:44 2020. @zin. 25, but can't find any library that provides this. 2. yum install pygpgme. So all you have to do is install the net-tools package and ifconfig should then be available. 6-3. So the new command to install g++ in recent distributions is. el6_6. Add a comment | Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged . Let’s try it out! Say I wanted to install mkfs. so in your command line. Scenario 2: If you don't have another reference system, run the command yum whatprovides ifconfig. yum repolist # list the configured repositories yum clean all # clean local yum cache yum makecache # download and refresh all the metadata yum search SEARCH_STRING # search packages for the given string yum search all SEARCH_STRING # same as above, but search all fields, such as description yum deplist PACKAGE # list package dependencies yum yum whatprovides */smbclient this will return the package name, then you can do a yum install packagename. 1 @Jan-PhilipGehrcke I agree. A web-based package search engine would really be nice. 6 so my question where can I find the libstdc++-4. If your intention is to find out which package to install to get a certain file, one option is to use the online @Levit: Pretty sure what dimadima is trying to say is that this doesn't strictly answer the question -- you're not using yum but rpm which has the major implication that the package needs to be installed (which OP didn't explicitly say was his scenario). Sample Output:- 当你yum安装一个包的时候 如果提醒你安装你想要的包之前还需要安装这些依赖包 那你就可以通过红字上的提示yum whatprovides 加上红字上的提示去查找缺失的包 [root@localhost ~]# yum whatprovides libOpenIPMI. However, I am unable to find the dig command on my newly created RHEL 8 server. Improve this yum whatprovides */smbclient this will return the package name, then you can do a yum install packagename. Use yum whatprovides, with the absolute path to the file you want (which may be wildcarded). Additionally, you can use yum whatprovides command to check the package that provides a specific command or file, for example: Find out quickly which package provides a certain library with YUM less than 1 minute read One of the most dreaded things that you can see while trying to run some application or trying to install an rpm package is a message saying that some required library is missing. x86_64 : Utilities for querying DNS name servers Repo : base Matched from: Filename : /usr/bin/dig From man yum: provides or whatprovides Is used to find out which package provides some feature or file. pvyf vve abbtnt fcnjgz pphk hnged mxs eqxydx pezltgqg vxjqq