Radcombobox set selected value javascript Commented May 6, 2013 at 11:43. please help me. 0 add default item to RadComboBox. Pre Selecting checkboxs in RadListView in Telerik. NET 2. Use its set_value() or set_text() Call a webservice when the first combo changes and create the combo box items with JS when the data returns: set_text: string: none: Sets text of an item. Jul 7, 2024 · I’m trying to populate one Telerik AJAX radComboBox from the results of another i. Set "Selected Item" in multiselect RadComboBox. Get/Set Checked State Server-Side. Actually the whole website is built based on multiple user controls with AJAX, which mean, there is I have value for one radcombobox. Selected = true; To check the right Item: Hi Shinu, Thanks for your quick reply. When this value is set and the text of the checked items exceeds the width of the input, The reason is that the CheckBox selection is different from the standard RadComboBox selection—there is no single I have a radcombobox with AllowMultipleSelection set to true. The RadComboBox that is loading items. Nov 14, 2008 · Is there any way to set the SelectedIndex of a RadComboBox via javascript? I've managed to set the text to blank via this code: var combo = $$('. javascript click a value in dropdown list. wherecombotown')[0]; Mar 4, 2013 · When the event fires, you must get a reference to the RadComboBox control inside your UserControl. Also trying to set the selected value when the edit command is selected. The eventhandler is attached using jquery (on the lines of $('#mydropdown'). 3 Answers 2515 Views. set_checked: boolean: none: Checks or unchecks an item. Here is an HTMLSelectElement doesn't let you set the value directly. Example: People, Mar 21, 2012 · What I need is to be able to grab the selected value from whichever combobox is being worked by the user. In the update command i can find the control but for some reason the selected value is blank. getElementByID(rdbRemarks). get_checked: none: boolean: True if an item is checked, False if not. Using javascript hide()/show() in vb. SelectedValue + " item"; This article shows how to select multiple items in radcombobox and to get these selected values at server side. Selected - indicates whether the item is selected. Then I call items loading via WS manually in JS and do not use EnableLoadOnDemand option in order to leave combobox in ready only mode. Get the Checked checkbox in the RadListBox (telerik) 1. Insert(0, myItem); EDIT Sep 30, 2024 · Javascript/jQuery: Set Values (Selection) in a multiple Select. What JavaScript code should be added to the HTML below to Sep 21, 2012 · Edit: I just double checked and it should work like you did it, so disregard my original post. Set the selected value programmatically. 2. this is what i do to set new item when i use web service. DevCraft. Radbox1. 5 Answers 669 Views. Are you sure the content of reportID exactly matches one of the options? If its a number, not a string, you might want to try. And of course you can add the items one by one yourself. It determines the value of RadComboBox' SelectedValue property when an item is selected. 1. Returns. RadComboBox. Like In Combo Box There is 5 Item and all has Same text And Value and i want to set combobox Item which Value is 12; Please Help Me. QueryString["No2"]. val();it does not work , it selects only the first value of the dropdown . value = "" + reportID; Original: To set the selected option of a combobox (assuming you mean html Feb 23, 2015 · how to use jquery or javascript to get the selected VALUE from telerik radcombobox? val() not working. But when I try to do that with RadComboBox, it doesn't work. I am trying to set its value on my . This should work just fine, and this code was pilfered from the RadComboBox client-side demo and modified slightly. Product Bundles. string[] items = new string[] {"1", "2" "3", "4"}; Is there any particular reason that you have to data-bind your RadComboBox control in a NeedDataSource event? This will not guarantee that your RadComboBox control will be loaded correctly due to the life cycle of your page/control. 4 Add Items to Telerik Ajax RadComboBox after populated from webservice how to use jquery or javascript to get the selected VALUE from telerik radcombobox? val() not working. Sort by. 6 Answers 1290 Views. i used all methods. Why would someone change the Value of a selected element dynamically? It's like changing the value of a vote without changing the vote him self or the name on the vote. Finally, the trickiest part to figure out, and somewhat of a hack, to get the RadComboBox to revert to the EmptyText ("Search Ribbon (F3)") I have to move focus to another control in the Ribbon (UpdateTextOnLostFocus is also set to true, but it doesn't seem to matter if it is set to false). I want to set value on postback from server. I Used a RadCombo inside a control designer, and i can populate it and get the selected value. Getting SelectedValue from second comboBox Set RadComboBox value from javascript. yes i wanna clear radcombobox,raddatepicker e. This is a chunk from the client-side of the MultiSelectDropDown prototype: I have a Telerik RadComboBox and need to get the selected value (not text) from it. The code snippet below illustrates how the markup for the first GridTemplateColumn would look like: <telerik:GridTemplateColumn OnClientKeyPressing occurs when a RadComboBox item is selected and the user presses a key. clear all items of radcombobox initially and then add a new item manually . Aug 5, 2010 · Hi Veronica Milcheva I am following your post, i got the selected node in tree but am not able to place my tree node to combobox Below is my code on server side ComboBox cbx = (ComboBox)control. I can manually select multiple items and I can get the set of selected items but I can't figure out how to programmatically select multiple items. Text = "Select All"; myItem. By setting AppendDataBoundItems to True preserves the items that are already present in RadComboBox. Edit template contains Update button when i click on button i want to get selected value of dropdown using Pardon me, as I don't have sample code to paste here. In my case, I made a mistake trying to change the select value with the text shown in the select "Option1" and not with the actual value "opt1" So when trying to change the value with javascript this way. What I'm trying to do is if a checkbox is selected the same value in the combo box is also selected. ): var SELECT Add or remove ". NET AJAX . Items. ComboBoxes. $("#elementName option"). I am able to change the initial value and title of the radcombobox, as well as get the value properly, by using this code: On page load i add to combobox some default item so user will see some already selected value. Here is my WCF code. net combobox throught javascript so that I can do some client side validation. What about using the onSelectedIndexChanged? I'm running across the same thing (select a value in the combobox, click anywhere outside of the combobox and the value is changed). 174. 0 datasources, ADO. Try the following code snippet to set selected items in a multiselect RadCombobox. When you select an agency name from the combo box, the SelectedItem property returns the Agency data item that corresponds to the selected Name. Even when I try rcboTest. Related questions. It's possible to have many or zero <option>s with a particular value, so it's not a straightforward 1:1 mapping. Here is my code. Now enhanced with: after something is selected from the list, the value of the selection appears there. I have a code which gets the values from the database. Jul 1, 2009 · How to get the selected value of a RadComboBox using javascript? 3 Answers 504 Views. If no item is currently selected, then the Selected property of all items will be False. Thanks Add a comment. I have used . Set text based on Form <select> value. Use the I have trouble to set selected value for a RadComboBox using Javascript. I want to set the RadComboBox to a selected value, or index in the codebehind. I have figured out the long way to get the Dropdown Selected value of the combobox, but is there a shorter way than all this code Please try the following code snippet to get the SelectedItem value of Please note that you have to set the ItemsPerRequest property (in order to define the number of items retrieved for one request) and the Height property (to define the dropdown height). I kept it as simple as possible, its pretty easy to put it into a function or a loop, etc. The selected attribute is a boolean attribute, its presence sets the value of the related DOM property to true. Bonnie. Kevin asked on 11 Feb 2014, 07:07 PM. Also it shows how to show selected value in radcombobox Dec 27, 2011 · One of the solutions to be able to select an item from the ComboBox on page_load for example, is to disable the property EnableAutomaticLoadOnDemand. Note:#elementName is id the Combo-box. ClientID %>'). Regarding the last issue that you describe: If there is a selected item in RadComboBox and user opens the control dropdown – only the selected item will be -Text : is the text of the item that was just selected. HTML/JS: Changing select option value in JavaScript. When loading a window I want to set the selected items in that combo box from values obtained from a database. Tried your suggestion, but the JS function ended up never being called. here is the code below. Hot Network Questions Why does this simple and small Java code runs 30x faster in all Graal JVMs but not on any Oracle JVMs? Is there a way to set a combo box to "empty" on the client? I mean empty like when the page is first loaded with nothing in it and the empty message is showing. Dec 11, 2024 · RadComboBox exposes an array on the client-side that contains all RadComboBox instances. To set it's SelectedIndex property to 0 you call the set_selectedIndex() Jul 16, 2010 · I want to obtain via Javascript the SelectedValue of a RadComboBox but it seem not possible. getElementById("reportnames"). Acadia. Text = "Thomas Hardy", the RadComboBox won't change at all. Run I run the project, I get a complete list of items in the RadComboBox. I got a workaround using clear selection method before setting the Selected Value of the combo box. Based on the value selected in the first combobox, the value in the second radcombobox should be changed. At Button. The page has asp:DropdownList which has the events such as change. First of all declare radcombobox. set_value: string: none: Sets the value of an item. -Value : is the value of the item that was just selected. You switched accounts on another tab or window. This property returns true if an option is selected by default, otherwise it returns false. Angular 5 Set selected value of HTML Select Element. Hide a RadComboBox drop down. Add(myItem); //OR /Add it as the first item myComboBox. Get the Checked checkbox in all these examples just work for the hard-coded values given above, never work with real field values from the database. i want this because based on the selected value of the first Radcombobox i am loading the next so inputs required. How can I access the control which is inside of the user cont Always Add the Desired Item; Add a Static Item Client-side; Add the Item in the Markup; Always Add the Desired Item. I want to take selectedvalue when the selectedindexchanged, but the value equal null. See more linked questions. NET DataSet/DataTable/DataView, to Arrays and ArrayLists, or to an IEnumerable of objects. Add a comment. net Thanks, Rahul. $("#selectID"). Cancel I've been trying to change the selected the item in a radcombox using the following java script code and none of it works: Client side change selected item in radcombobox. Cancel set the selecte item attribute as a HiddenField value. 3. In my case, however, it only happens sometimes. rcbInputCell INPUT. get_nodes() but these only give you the immediate nodes, not their full descendants. This argument is of type object but can be cast to the RadComboBox type. How to properly update/refresh form on webpage after value change with Javascript. This text is not visible when the combobox gets the focus and appears again on blur if no item is selected. Insert(0, myItem); EDIT Hello Sandeep, In order to set the selected item for RadComboBox you can define the SelectedValue property of the control. jSlideDirection value. The old selected item is available only in the OnClientSelectedIndexChanging event via the sender. JS: How can i Set Combobox Selected Value Through Client Side. I have two radcombobox. ) div. val(); This will give selected value associated selected item in Combo-Box. Thanks, Shinu. Or try this: Label1. Now enhanced with: NEW: Design Kits for Figma; Online Training; value or a custom attribute flag from the server. I would like to add default item 'All' to array. What you can do here is to select the first item (it can be the item holding the "Select a product" text Using . Cancel 2 Answers, 1 is accepted. How to remove the previous data shown in Telerik RadTextBox. SelectedValue = "1"; Oct 8, 2015 · I had a similar issue with RadcomboBox. It returns the property value bind to the Jul 20, 2011 · When the user selects an item the setQtyReq javascript function get called and I am able to get the radcombobox and the index of the selected item. I suggest you to set your block in !IsPostBack => you don't erase when you post. I need to get all the values selected by user in multi-select(Check-Box) drop-down on the server side. get_item(); } This event is firing but the value of item coming always same that is the first value. How can we do this programatically? Thank You and Kind Regards Mujeeb. ddl. aspx page using Javascript. trigger('change'); I was using a get Ajax method to get a value to set the drop down to, all values looked right but it wasn't acting properly. Get/Set Checked State Client-Side. – rdmptn. NET tools and Kendo UI JavaScript components in one package. All Telerik . Now enhanced with: NEW: Set focus on the radcombobox. If an option has the selected attribute, then when the page is first loaded, or the form the control is in is reset, that option will be the selected option. This lets you bind RadComboBox to multiple data sources or use both In a nutshell I want to grab the selected index of one RadComboBox, and update another RadComboBox to this index. I can't find a dynamically created RadComboBox. When a null value is set, the Checked value will default to false. How can you access the other column details of RadCombobox like City, Title column values in code behind. To programmatically set the selected value of a RadComboBox or MultiColumnComboBox and ensure that the SelectedIndexChanged event is fired server-side, you can use one of the following approaches: Manual Event Invocation. Now enhanced with: NEW: FitInInput - default value. If you bind the RadComboBox using the DataBind method, all RadComboBox items are automatically cleared. Loads on demand. protected void I have a user control having a radCombobox Now I want to use the selectedvalue from this dropdown on an aspx page where I want to use this selected value as an input parameter to a function which fills a normal dropdown list on this page based on what the value was selected. like combo. So if i select any other item then also i am getting same value that is the first value. Apr 10, 2015 · Simple create a new RadComboBoxItem and add it to the RadComboBox. RadComboBox exposes the AppendDataBoundItems property (default False). Another approach would be to use client-side event handlers of the Telerik controls to get a reference to their objects. To select an option you can either set its selected property to true, or set the selectedIndex property of the select to the option number. Please let me know. Question: What other event handler(or other ways) I may use to issue an event regardless of I am using jquery chosen and I want to set selected values from javascript Javascript/Jquery $(document). Parameters value Telerik. Retrieve combobox value in javascript. get_value: none: string: Gets the value of an item. However, because the SelectedValuePath of this RadComboBox is set to agency phone, the SelectedValue is set to the Phone property of the Agency business object. How to set the selected value of a (ajax) combobox with jquery Getting the selected value of a combo box in server side. bind('change', function() {}); which in turn makes an ajax call (think of 3 dropdowns where dropdown 3 is dependent on dropdown 2 and dropdown 2 is Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. var selectedindexforjob = Request. RadComboBoxItem myItem = new RadComboBoxItem(); myItem. ddl2. Set RadComboBox value from javascript. If RadComboBox controls are embedded in another control, you can simply get these controls from the array using code like Example 2. Retrieving additional properties through RadComboBox SelectedItem. This object has the following properties for identifying what has changed: Text is the text of the item that was just selected. RadComboBox of telerik lost SelectedValue. I am having data in a SharePoint list and both the RadComboBoxes are databound. get_nodes() and TreeNode. Check it now! Telerik UI for ASP. When I try to access the radcombobox in document onload, I receiving the object as null in IE11 only. Uses the selected value from comboBox1 to populate itself. Does anyone have an example of getting the value out clientside? May 30, 2011 · How to get selecteditem of radcombo thru javascript. So for RadTreeView with varying levels of nodes, we need to have a recursive function to drill down into the whole nodes hierarchy. RadComboBoxItem. these events, simply write a JavaScript function that can be called when the event occurs. I'm currently using jQuery and some absurd How do I get the ComboBox selected value? Getting the selected value Value of the selected item can be retrieved by using the SelectedValue property. FindItemByValue("Waldo"). Value is the value of the item that was just selected. Get combo box selected value. I select a filter in RadComboBox 2, i get one Goal: issue an event when items in a combobox drop down list is selected. For further information you can check the following help documentation Overview. How can I go about doing this? For example, with c# I can do something like the example below and the the option with "Google" would be selected. first i have get selected index from first combobox in client side. Sometimes Select2 has some strange requirements. If you want to place this checkbox inside the RadComboBox control, you will need to edit its control template accordingly. set_slideDirection. function CheckRadioButton(rdbRemarks){ document. SelectedValue = value; Jun 21, 2011 · I have a RadComboBox embedded on the ' EditFormSettings - FormTemplate' When the user clicks the 'Edit' on the row of information in the data-grid, I would like the RadComboBox to select the existing 'State' that is already selected for the user. Commented Jul 11, RadComboBox wrong selected value. RadComboBox introduces a number of advanced features, including: A client-side API that includes the ability to add, delete and update RadComboBox items and allow the changes to persist server-side. My RadComboBox The widget has 4 strings: 1 for a checkbox, 2 for a title and content, and 1 for a radcombobox selection. It's normal because you re-bind your datas => so you erase your selected value. The OnClientSelectedIndexChanged event fires the javascript shown Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company need javascript to set an selected index for RADcombobox to 0. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. To have the old item in the OnClientSelectedChanged event, we can add a reference to the ComboBox client-side object in an expando property. Instead, I used : document. I have created UserControl for RadComboBox. Items[0]. 68. I can get an instance of the combobox but can't seem to get the currently selected value using Javascript. I tried following code but that works only if it is not a multiselect RadComboBox. Thanks, Sunil I set the datacource to select from a the database using a select query. 0 or 3. 2 Answers 632 Views. ) If you populate RadComboBox with data using ASP. Get selected Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company All Telerik . Hi, Could you clarify a little bit more what exactly is your scenario? To learn how to use the client-side API of the RadComboBox, you could refer to the following documentation section: RadComboBox / Client-side Programming. How to remove one item from RadComboBox in javascript. dropdown('set selected', value); Or pass an object (perhaps useful for multiple select or to the developer's preference): $('#dropdown'). I can see below the html element a hidden field called 'mycontrol_ClientState' I take it this is where I am meant to retrieve the value from however I dont know how to. Text = "You selected " + SelectInitiative. How to list items with an empty for RadComboBox. Click event you can read the hidden field value along with combo text and selected value. Then assign the name of the JavaScript function as the value of the the corresponding RadComboBox add_selectedIndexChanged, remove_selectedIndexChanged. Trying to get the selected value from the radcombobox that is in the edit item template of the radgrid. The CostCentreLow Radcombobox is populated from a SqlDatasource but what i want to do is base the sqldatasource select command on the value selected in the ReportLevel combobox & then rebind datasource to the CostCentreLow combobox. but the problem is that ,i am not able to change selected index which is selected on radcombobox1 . how to use jquery or javascript to get the selected VALUE from telerik radcombobox? val() not working Not getting the newly selected value of RadComboBox Value - unique identifier for the item. I am trying to add an extra item to my WCF service. RadComboBox Doesn't Collapse on Click. So many wrong answers! To specify the value that a form field should revert to upon resetting the form, use the following properties: Checkbox or radio button: defaultChecked Any other <input> control: defaultValue; Option in a drop down list: defaultSelected So, to specify the currently selected option as the default: Add a comment | 2 Answers Sorted by: Reset to default RadComboBox Binding Selected Value. The problem is that in the case when many items are selected, this becomes brutally slow due to some Telerik functions, but I do not understand why. net. ready(function() { var selectedUserRole = document. Jan 14, 2015 · I have added a rad combobox to a page and need to be able to get the selected value from it. This sets checked using name to cycle through the elements and a value check to set the desired element to true. FindControl("RadTreeView1"); Jan 13, 2015 · I just want to ask how can I select the value of my radiobuttonlist here is my code. I have a Telerik RadCombobox where I need to react to the change of selected item and store the selected value. Jul 15, 2014 · In my code I set the selected value to the RadComboBox like so: public void RCB_PO_NUM_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e) it is JavaSCRIPT, not JAVA 2) the whole point of having load on demand is to not load those items on the server, so they are only available on the client. Flexible binding mechanism, including: declarative binding. My problem really is that I can't find a way to set the index on the second RCB, even though the docs says there is an easy way to do it . selecting a value in the first RCB automatically updates the second on the client side. ToString(); - this isn't going to work, it's as if you're trying to change the value of the selected item instead of changing which item is selected. This should get you started on getting the value of the text in RadCombo, then you would just use that for whatever operation you are going for. RadComboBoxItem Text ="Select" Value ="" Selected ="true" /> < telerik: RadComboBoxItem Text ="Yes" Value ="Y" /> Guess what, try to create totally new page (don't use Master Pages) and replace a rad combobox there as well as the JavaScript code I already provided before (don't add references to any jQuery editions), use a button or client side "onclientselectedindexchanged()" to run the JavaScript code upon selecting an element of that rad combo box. I have text-boxes on the same location and I pre-set the values using: Text =' <%# Bind("strFirstName") %> ' Jun 14, 2014 · I have noticed a big difference between the stock Dropdownlist and RadComboBox. How to change a <select> value from JavaScript. 3 Telerik AJAX radComboBox. Problem: Using "SelectionChanged", however, if the user choose the same item as the item is currently being selected then the selection is not changed and therefore this event will not be triggered. To check Waldo in the drop down list : ddlGivenAnswer. The Checked property takes a nullable boolean. SelectedValue = "1"; } With the asp:dropdownlist it is easy to set the selected value from a database record. Now enhanced with: NEW: Also I am setting value on post back in vb. . all controls in page(for example for radcombobox setting index 0 ) – dankyy1 Commented Jul 2, 2009 at 14:50 Does the event fire when you change the combobox? – geedubb. -Serrin Dec 11, 2024 · Getting Old Value. ClearSelection(); radComboBox1. I can do this Server side, but how do I achieve this on the client. It can be Up or Down. Markup Jun 2, 2011 · I have 2 comboboxes, "combo1" and "combo2", If I select any value in combo1, I need that same value in combo2 as "selected" by JavaScript. Next I have to set SelectedItem to null. telerik:RadComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Cur skip navigation skip navigation. How to set radcombobox selected value from database? 0. SelectedItem. Not getting the newly selected value of RadComboBox OnClientSelectedIndexChanged event. This worked for me wherever I implemented. FindControl("RadComboBox1"); RadTreeView objTree1 = (RadTreeView)cbx. See example below. Mar 24, 2014 · I have a radcombobox and I'm trying to bind the selected value to data I'm pulling back from a table in my database. RadComboBox wrong selected value. My goal is to change (clientside) RadComboBox1 selectedvalue, starting from Prior to displaying the popup that contains the combo box, the combo box is populated and I know the Value of the item that I want to select. I think the trouble I have is because the RadComboBox is loaded dynamically in a user control. Get selected value of a RadSearchBox. – Bruno Machado - vargero. Value = "SelectAll"; //Add it as the last item myComboBox. For example, if it is an empty string, add a Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Hi slken, RadComboBox items loaded on demand using the ItemsRequested event handler or WebService do not exist on the server and cannot be accessed using the server-side FindItemByText / Value methods. populating from XML With RadComboBox Prometheus you should be able to use the SelectedValue property to obtain the value of the selected item even in a callback mode. An EventArgs object. What does the SelectedValue property return in your case? To set an initial value/text you can use the set_value and set_text methods of the combobox objects. RadComboBox Binding Selected Value. There is no option 3 in your select—are you trying to add a I need to get the selected value from an ajax. What you possibly can do is to add your data-binding code to Page_Load event, something like below. Read Then 'adding the item will show in the I have a ReportLevel RadCombobox & a CostCentreLow RadComboBox in the edit template. You can use TreeView. Always add the desired item at the top of the items list that your load-on-demand logic will return. Eg. You can bind the RadComboBox to ASP. Disable all Radcomboboxes inside a div. So the RadComboBox will have a value in it once the page is load, instead of it being empty. Try to get Insert or edit row to get both textbox (ID column's textbox and Name column's textbox). trigger('change') at the end of the set was the key to have the value selected on a collapsed select2 drop down. Yes, event fires when I change in combo box – Swathi Appari. I was wondering if was possible to change the value of "background-color" for the selection of a radCombobox. get_isSeparator: none: boolean: True if an item is separator When the user selects an item from the radcombobox, I want to insert the selected text into the t skip navigation i need the combobox selected item to be reset to the first item in the box. How to select item with Load On Demand enabled in a RadComboBox. There are good examples for getting the index number already. i want set same selected index for two radcombox. If the option's selected property is set to true This is the default behavior of RadComboBox EmptyMessage property. cause it has the property selectedvalue but i am getting null there, can anyone help me how to do this. Top achievements. With the asp:dropdownlist it is easy to set the selected value from a database record. Hot Network Questions Is there anyway to make Mathematica output only the solution to an integral that is The value is correctly selected, but you didn't see it because the plugin hide the real select and show a button with an unordered list, so, if you want that the user see the selected value on the select you can do something like this: It is based on the "Selected Items Binding" demo from our SDK Samples Browser. To go along with the previous answers, this is how I do it as a one-liner. If AllowCustomText is false and if the EmptyMessage is not set then the combo will always have one selected item. My combo is empty until I click the dropdown (items request event is fire): so what is the best strategy to set an initial item (value and text) in RadComboBox while using Loading on Demand? Thx Add Items to Telerik Ajax RadComboBox after populated from webservice. But I can't seem to see how the values can be set if I set the ItemsSource to a string[] As an example. set the selected attribute of the option you want to select. Here is the css code I used: (I can change everything but not the color of highlighted items . NET DropDownList. Either get the client instance of the button inside the panel and invoke its click() method or set AutoPostBack = true for the combo and wire its SelectedIndexChanged event to modify the label text. Text,GetText,. length; It will give the multi-select combobox values in the array and length will give number of element of the array. Fro example, I have this, and im trying to set by default option1, will be selected for default, how i can do it only using OPT. Submit comment. The example demonstrates how to utilize the SelectAll and UnselectAll methods of the RadComboBox control. (works in edge, chrome and FF) what is the best approach to access the radcombobox in document onload for IE. <script type= "text/javascript" > function previous All Telerik . Sets the selected Item. But i am not able to receive it. value. FindItemByValue(Request. answered on 14 The "placeholder" for the RadComboBox is set via the EmptyMessage and in save function of javascript in the same page i want to get selected items text and value of that combobox. What you want is to check the rigth item. js my . Related. dropdown({'set selected': value}); Non-framework answer (before question was edited for specific framework) If the select list has an id of say dropdown, you can do: $('#dropdown'). 8. ToString When AllowCustomText is false (its default value) and the EmptyMessage is set, the above code sample will work as expected too. Rank 1. hide and show RadComboBox. I can set the selectedItem in the code-behind, but I need to Feb 9, 2010 · This article shows how to select multiple items in radcombobox and to get these selected values at server side. 0. Text it says 'undefined' always. Here is the javascript I am Oct 27, 2011 · I Used a RadCombo inside a control designer, and i can populate it and get the selected value. Changing the selected option of an HTML Select element. RadComboBox_Metro . set { ddlExchangeType. rcbInput { background-color: #9BCDFF; } "Metro" being the name of the "skin" of my radcombobox This will give selected text of Combo-Box. I couldn't get functionality on the radcombobox to work (couldn't set the selectedindex). Parameters Items are bound to RadComboBox basically in the same way as to an ASP. Telerik UI for WPF . Parent()" from js code as per above code or your container. attr('selected', 'selected'); I. 79. None. Sets the text of the input field to the value of the specified parameter. To elaborate it further, if suppose i have 10 items each in Radcombobox 1 and RadComboBox 2. The defaultSelected property returns the default value of the selected attribute. need javascript to set an selected index for RADcombobox to 0. Paul. ClearSelection() ddl. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . I'm getting javascript exceptions when trying to bind this way. Also it shows how to show selected value in radcombobox using javascript. setAttribute(,. I am getting combo as null. SelectedValue = selectedindexforjob; for achieve goal but got failure nothing happens. Telerik RadComboBox javascript API problem. get_selectedItem() method. set_text. I think you want: $('option[value=valueToSelect]', newOption). Cancel 0. Thanks, Jayesh Goyani Set RadComboBox value from javascript. The idea is to change the content of lower levels dynamically whenever items are selected or unselected on a higher level. get_selectedIndex() in the same time i want set selected index into second combobox in first combox onclientselectedindexchanged event. Kind regards, Hello Zin-mar, Text is the string that the user sees for the item in the drop-down list while Value is the value associated with the item which determines the value of the combobox SelectedValue property when the item is selected. Thanks Chandan. g. Cancel 3 Answers, 1 is Is there anyway to be able to select the selected value of this RadComboBox using JavaScript? Pooya, Add a comment. Through client side code I can clear items, clear selection and even set the combo text. In order for LoadOnDemand to have any value for updates, you would need to be able to persist the existing value of the data through multiple data retrievals, or manually add it everytime the control reloads, if it does not already exist. But I can not figure out how to get it back to the initial "empty" state through code. As soon as u replace values with database say for example : values = $('#<%=hfroles. I can set the selectedItem in the code-behind, but I need to do it in the Designer. I can't find the selected value corresponding to the ticked item in the grid. SelectedValue = "123" My front end code. val(newVal). I am using client side event for radcombobox as below function OnClientSelectedIndexChanged(sender, eventArgs) { var item = eventArgs. java-script cannot clear the Radtextbox. How do I do that? I have tried set_value and clearSelection, but neither work. I have used Jquery so do not forget to add in your page. -OldText : is the text of the item that was previously selected-OldValue : is the value of the item that was previously selected. You can access this array using syntax like this: Telerik. 2 I have a RadComboBox in WPF that is set to allow for multiple selection. Get Selected Value of ComboBox in Javascript. Invoke the SelectedIndexChanged event handler manually after setting the selected But my problem is that how can i populate RadComboBox1 based on the value selected in RadComboBox2. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. 5. The values in this grid also appear later down the page in a combo box. Depending on the first radcombobox value, i need to make the second radcombobox selected. Hello, I have a RadComboBox. RadComboBox with Checkbox enabled - Showing only first checked Item even I select different item. Top achievements RadComboBox object Thanks, Princy. javascript if drop down selected then set value of text box. document. Why don't we just use element IDs as identifiers in JavaScript? 5. binding to different types of data source components. This is for getting the actual text of the selected option. You can get/set the checked state of the RadCheckBox control on the server-side through the Checked property. Telerik. The data comes from MsSql. getElementById('myselect'). Simple create a new RadComboBoxItem and add it to the RadComboBox. comboBox1 – autocompletes and user selects an item ; comboBox2 – user selects. You should ensure that the value from the corresponding DataField is used as SelectedValue. UI. radComboBox1. This is needed for speed (otherwise the combobox will not be that responsive upon and I want to set the selected value based on the option text, not the value with javascript. You signed in with another tab or window. Change value of selected option. value First focus on getting the value from the RadComboBox into the query string - this should be pretty straight forward as per my answer. Sets the direction of the drop down slide animation. The problem is that I can’t get the selected value of combobox1. My problem I am having is Feb 19, 2010 · I'm generating teh JS in the back end as above where dllGetDynamicFieldKey is the RadComboBox, the above method is how I've seen it done to get the selected value however it always comes back undefined for me when the alert is fired. I'm using VS2012, Sql Server 2012, RadComboBox and using NorthWind as the database. 3 RadComboBox, how to get selectedItem. $('#dropdown'). The EmptyMessage property of the RadComboBox enables the ability to set any text in the input field of the control. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog I have a combobox (select) and i want to select after a specified value something like that $("mySelect"). This can depend on the Text value from the combo box that the handler receives. The value in the RadComboBox is bound to a DataTable with the value and text both being linked to the same column. Is there any way we can set Selected Items or Checked Items in a multiselect RadComboBox ?. Only one item can be selected at a time. e. (Also, when I use the keyboard to make the change and then tab to the next control, the selected value typically stays selected -- no change takes place. I just want to ask how can I select the value of my radiobuttonlist here is my code. va How to read selected value of drop down using javascript In my case I have an GridTempalte column inside that edit template is their. VB: Protected Sub grid1_ItemDataBound(sender As Object, All Telerik . Reload to refresh your session. getElementById('SelectedUserRole'). . val(); Hi Damian, I would suggest that you use the findControl() method in order to access the Telerik controls client-side. value = 'Option1'; I got an empty select. SelectedValue = value; } }] Add a comment in str we can get the selected value of the dropdownlist, so the same way how can i get the selected value of Radcombobox. QueryString["JobId"]; rcbRadComboBox. Princy. 5 DataSource types, you can set the SelectedValue like SelectedValue='<%#Bind("CompanyName") %>' When you use Load On Demand or Automatic Load On Demand - you can add the previously selected Item by in the RadGrid OnItemDataBound event when in Edit Mode. select(myValue); Thanks Set RadComboBox value from javascript. If the attribute is absent, the value of the selected property is false. You signed out in another tab or window. Using the SelectedIndex. SelectedItem and SelectedIndex properties are always Null / Nothing. Parameters Returns. Clear() 'below i'm getting the actual value and the text to display Using reader As IDataReader = GetClientByClientID(CInt(value)) If reader. Change the selected option in select with only javascript. Honestly I do not see how you expect to output the selected value in the combobox using the button click server handler in your scenario. Web. Now enhanced with: NEW Once this happens, the new set of returned values will no longer include the initially selected value. But I can't set the selected item (value) in the RefreshUI event. dru nijh lqgxgi kjsuyjc pgis vta vioo rzzdulh gjdzci zmgd