Sap ob52 period 1 period 2. Company code and G/L range.

Sap ob52 period 1 period 2 Symptom. The allowed posting periods are controlled through this tcode. only GL posting or asset posting. Here u can open the posting period for the fiscal year. 1 make sure your periods align each other. This should help Posting period variant in Client Level so no of company codes assign same posting period. This does not look correct. Message No. Menu path to t code OB52. I hope this helps you. ) Regards, JAYa 1. 1 Year To period Year. When I use Tcode: MMPV with this input: Company code: 2600. D Customers OB52 as defined by SAP is maintainable in the Production system as the client role for a production system is set to "Production". former_member20 2483. Hi Experts, We have a scenario,our current OB52 screen is like below. You can control period by : - 1. From per. Now the balances to that balance sheet GL is effecting the opening of This document discusses how to define variants for open and close posting periods in SAP. Enter the account type '+' for the posting period variant to which the restriction is to apply. Enter the period(s) whose use is to be restricted in the first period, those which are available to all users in the second period, and the authorization group (e. one posting period variant for one company code to be open / close only by concerned user of that company code. Posting goods in previous period Go to solution . thanks. What if the posting is carried out in current period, if it is supposed to be posted in pr Before closing posting period or opening new period, you must be careful that all the transaction related are posted. Is there any process this be done. Step 2: A pop-up window opens to enter the posting period variant key. in other case when I try to make any FI postings using the current Actually we have restricted posting for accounting through OB52 (Object F_BKPF_BUP - Accounting document: Authorizations for posting. Regards, Sreekanth. 1 = 13 Year = 2010. I have checked Allow posting to previous period. Code: FBD3) Better is to create a new authorization role with object F_BKPF_BUP and assign this role to user who is allowed previous period posting. So in OB52 both January and February is open. Steps: 1- From sm30 I have created to values within view V_TBRG and author You can also initialize the posting period with MMPI. code OB37 then select your company code, here you will come to know which Fiscal year variant assign to your company code. 2-Go to T. *- First determine Dear Guru's There is requirement from our client which is as follows Currently we have 12 normal periods and 4 special periods Say for example we are in the month of February and books for January has not closed yet. Read more Environment. The Posting Period Variant is used. Hi all, During CK40N my Posting period is defaluting to one particular period from last year i. But when the time passes, do I have to manually change the From Per. Though. V3 is assigned to my leading ledger that is April to march. 4 spl periods. To Learn how to Open and close Financial posting periods through OB52 through this guide. Period: 8. 1 To period From per. only for some key users having to post the backdated entries. Whether the client role is "P" (production). One you close period in MM side , its difficult to open again. periods) and it's allowed. View products (2) Can someone explain to me why material cancellation documents using MBST are allowed to create accounting documents when the period in OB52 for material is closed? And how can we block this transaction from posting to a closed period? We had a situation where on December 3rd a material document from November was Solved: Hi, We close MM posting periods in MMPV for company code and accounting does it for table OB52 FOR ACCOUNT Type M I have a question ,if we don't do the OB52 SAP Community Products and Technology our requirement is that when the posting period is opened in ob52 all the FI users needs to access that . 2) I have went to OB52 and made period 5 open in 2015 and i am able to post but my client is unable to post the document as it is showing 5'th month of 2014. Code: OB52) 3 Run Business Area's Assignment report. Examples. in. You can use the transaction code SE16 to view the data in this table, and SE11 TCode for the table structure and definition. as i was sugested by u i have tried mmpv. 12 2003 1 2099. when only one of the period1 or period 2 for a account is opened, then system will allow to post document to system. Here is the answer that I found in SAP best practice and I think it best descripe posting period: Typically, you will leave two periods open. So please check your FI Hi, can anyone advise me How to post old MIRO invoices in closing MM periods, we have old Miro invoices in periods Jan 2020 and Feb 2020 while the only opening and SAP Community Products and Technology SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) FIN (Finance) Software Product Function. in ob52 docu they have given that this could be achieved by auth. in my problem i need to post a document on 6 monthly basis. 3 Use authorizations to validate the user if they can post into a period. The posting period variant is used to control which accounting periods are open for posting and ensure closed periods remain balanced. why SAP allows posting to previous period. how i will take care of this ,while iam going to post. To period = 16 Year = 2010. for eg. xyxy. regards. how can I create a new fie If you are using V3 then *Please Note the Period 1 in the sence April and May 2 follows like this* Suppose if you want to close the June Month then you have to close the 3 in MMPV. Go in OB52 and you can specify fiscal year 2012 and normal periods you want to open and 2011 in last 2 columns and period 14-16. So, that period 10 will be closed & Period 11 will be opened automatically. Before we create our own - Any ideas S_ALR_87003642 is the Tcode to change the posting periods. A - + From Period - 1. want to close 1 to 12 period of year 2014 and open 13rteenth period of 2014 so as to post to 12th period of 2014. Now you can not post in future perid unless you open agian. 4 spl periods used to Auditing and management purpose, Now i hope clear . SAP Community will be read-only this weekend (Saturday, August Hi Experts, I have a scenario in below: Business required only one posting period variant for 2 co. 4) Then test by posting the transaction in F-02. 2018 and special periods 13. open the old periods which you want to SAP Community will be read-only this weekend (Saturday, August 31, through Sunday, September 1). thanks and regards. SAP Community; Products and Technology; Enterprise Resource Planning; ERP Q&A; FM or BAPI to update OB52 posting periods Intercompany Reconciliation Close Improvements in Hi Sam, 1-Use T. In OB52 for + and S account types i maintained 1. Hope it will help and you clear. In OB52, in the row with the account type '+', enter the period(s) whose use is to be restricted in the first period, those which are available to all users in the second period, and the authorization group (e. code OX18, and delete the plants assigned to your CO. former_member18 3501 Can anyone explain to me the general rule being followed in Posting Periods (OB52)? For example: Variant Frm acct to acct From per. Thanks and Regards In SAP Open and Close period is maintain in FI & MM module . What my client wants is that althoug The answer was in the period 2 in OB52. Maintain the open and close posting period with OB52. Krishna. Now use t. As of now we have open period 03/2016 for all the user in 0001 & 4 period open for rest. they can also define special posting periods also. OB52 - special periods columns state 16 (2010) and 1(2011), the rest is 2 (2011) and augrp = SPEC - "+". Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Murali pointed out this has to be done in OB52 and MMPV and to see what is the current period you need to see MMRV Menu path to t code OB52 img-financial accounting new-financial accounting global settings (new)--ledgers-fiscal year and posting periods-posting periods-open and close posting periods(OB52) As Mr. It seems that you period is not open. 1st Check in MM side in T. img-financial accounting new-financial accounting global settings (new)--ledgers-fiscal year and posting periods-posting periods-open and close posting periods(OB52) If posting to periods 13/2010 to 16/2010 has to be restricted to few useres and period 01/2011 and 02/2011 to be allowed for all, then the entry to be maintained in OB52 is as follows: From per. An example of this could be on the 1st Step 1: Execute transaction code “ OB52 ” to define open and close posting periods in SAP S/4Hana. g. From. + From acct : blank To acct: ZZZZZZZZZZ From per. Further i have assigned authorization group 1000. Through this transaction, it's possible to determine, for each account type or even for all account types at the same time, what's The Posting Period Variant is used to control which accounting period is to be open for posting and ensuring that closed periods are remain balanced and reconciled. code OMSY and change the posting period to the one you want and save. Define roles using PFCG, and mention allowed authorization groups values for authorization object F_BKPF_BUP. You can further restrict certain periods for certain range of accounts for an account type by specifying additional entries in OB52 for that posting period variant. code OB29 check the variant which is assigned to your company code, here you will come to know wheather your Fiscal year is calendar year or year dependent, Number of posting periods and No: of special periods SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) MM (Materials Management) Software Product Function. 5. back to the curren Hello In OB52, I have given period interval as from 4/2012 to 4/2012 in period interval 1 and from 5/2012 to 6/2012 in period interval 2. Please find the below Activities has to be performed when doing Period End Closing. SAP Tutorial Search for: Home What is SAP SAP FICO Currently we have a problem, where users with no special posting authorisation are able to post documents in special periods. In sap 12 normal periods. and save. 14-16 will be your special periods. So must ensure that all transactions like example GR, IR,are posted. I am more focussed on the 2 periods on the screen. Material movements are controlled by MM period. Here you need to enter the period you wants to open. code: MMRV and see which period is open for ur Co. 12 2009 to open all the posting period for the year. We have only 1 company code, can we use the same posting period variant in mulitple line items for the combination ALL account types and a range of periods that are open? Posting period variant:0000 Account Type: + Period from: 1 Year:2001 P Solved: Dear Experts We need a program to update OB52 in batch job over month end. Ex: The Current period in OMSY is 10,2012. ZZZZZZZZ 01 2009 10 Are you asking about how to lock activity for a period? Then transaction OB52 is appropriate. 2) AJRW- Asset Fiscal Year Change . Hope this resolves the query. FI T. Open the posting periods for account Type S(GL),K (Vendor) and M (Metirals) and also + type ,Also A (Asset) account type incase PO linked with asset. In each interval, specify a period lower limit, a Posting period configuration. I tried to post year end adjustments into period 13 with posting date 15. Hi MMPV allows 1 month back posting, However OB52 every month opened "From Period" would be set to Current Period. 3) Open next year periods by selecting the Posting Period Variant. Solved: how to do mass change in Posting periods OB52. 81) 71 Reconciliation of Financial Documents from old fiscal year and new fiscal year (T. whether the current settings option is checked. Maintain Posting period variant "XXXX" and Period 1 or 2 as per your requirement and execute to open and close Posting period. My problem is i have multiple posting period variant (Multiple company code wise), i want to restrict posting peirod variant in OB52 i. in period 2 you give the last period until when you want to be open. '0001') in the last column. Usually these are maintained for a group interval of G/L accounts. Show replies . 12. Screen OBBP - Assign PP variant to company code. month end close the month and open new one . Code: OB52) 68 Close Prior A/P Posting Period (T. please tell me the some function module to get posting period in finance module. So we decide to create two roles and assign the Auth Group in hy sap gurus, i have a doubt in special periods, when ever we open periods in ob52 transaction code from period 2 - to period 2 belongs to last fiscal year or present fiscal year. regards, Rup. Please check in whether the FI posting period (OB52) and CO period (OKP1) is open for the company code and year. In OB52, maintain this entry Variant - PP Variant A - + From Period - 1 Year - 2008 To Period - 12 Year - 2008 If ur fiscal year is 2008 Hi, In the transaction OB52 "Posting periods" I have to mention three different periods "current period 1-2/2010", periods for auditors 12-13/2009 and period 1/2011 (for future posting). If the period is only to be accessible to the 10 selected users the authorization group '0001' is entered in the posting period variant. Regards, AKPT Show replies Show replies You must be a registered user to add a comment. Period 1 is for the user who is to be allowed backdate posting and period 2 is for normal user who are restricted for back date posting. You've created a line for an specific customer or vendor in transaction OB52; The system is not following the rules configured in transaction OB52 when trying to post a document. Path: SPRO-IMG-Financial accounting-Financial accounting global settings-Document-Posting periods-open and close posting period . 2. 2019 and posting period 13 but it adjusted the posting period to 13. Company code. Iu2019ve two Qs; 1) OB52: The standard programs RFPERIOD_OPEN and RFPERIOD_CLOSE do not have dynamic date selection option while creating variant. it doesn't return anything, even period is closed. Variant - PP Variant. M7053 in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 3 weeks ago Hi, i am using FM: FI_PERIOD_CHECK to check period in billing document. Now the requirement is to open 13 period of 2015 for special period posting for only one use Either you use OB52 or FAGL_EHP4_T001B_COFI - Open and Close Posting Periods, SAP does ask for a trnasport request number. As we are having several company codes and want users only to be able to open and close periods from transaction code OB52 belonging to their posting period with respect to company codes how can I restrict and allow them open & close periods based on company code repectively. ( though it open in previous period. Hi, I need to maintain 2 Auth. I had the perception the AuGR was only checking Period 1, but this was obviusly wrong. The current MM period is 02 2009. 0 Kudos Hi, below some Hi, You have control in OB52 only. However be aware of possible inconsistencies as described in note 487381 - RMMMINIT: Protection Against Unintended Execution If you are nevertheless determined to run MMPI you need to set up MMPI_READ_NOTE parameter in your user profile with SU3 transaction. Cd and save. Is there a way to have, for example, authorization groups ZAGY (periods 13-16 of 2012) and ZPAY (period 5 of 2013) on OB52 at the same time, while still leaving the current period (period 4 of 2013) open for the regular users? hi sap experts. could some one help me to do this. posting only possible in period 2002-11 &2002-10 in co. I have given above settings for all the account types as shown in screen shot attached. Hope this answer helps you. You must be a registered user 1. After making the correction you have to closed the period again sequentially. 1 2008 To Per. is it merely for correction posting after period closure? 2. All answers would be duly rewarded with points. program sets the new period, making it possible to perform goods . To period = 2 Year = 2011. give me a clear picture on that issue. 10 users have the posting period authorization with authorization group '0001', and 3 of these 10 users also with authorization group '0002'. Year should be 2008 period 1 to Year 2008 period 1. On searching on this forum, i found some solutions saying that one can create Screen variants according to Posting period Variant but i am not very clear on it. Regards, Puri. Settlement checks if the period is open or closed only for the first document. In ob52 used to open and close the period. In 0001 authorization group there are 5 user. next: mention the fiscal year and period for which you want to pass the entries and save. Authorized users (DE01): System first checks period is opened in Interval 1 & 2 at account type +, then it checks if the period is opened in both Interval 1 & 2 for the given account. created a new auth group using se54 named future-period payroll could occur in a month when users still need to post to the special periods of the prior fiscal year. Hi All, I have checked the forum and yet to find proper solution ! I have two user IDs ABC and DEF. View products (1) Hi All, Currently we are in 2011 fiscal year (01042011)-(31032012). For exampe this is what you see in OB52: 1 2008 2 2008 this means period 1 and period 2 are open, all other periods are closed. For company code wise restrictions, you should have a seperate posting period variant for each company code. 3. Presently, We have open month 3 & 4 by OB52. Group in T-Code: OB52, my requirment is below: for some users (nearly 25) needs to post the transaction in June Month and for some users (nearly 10)should have to post for selected GL in the month of June. To Period - 12. 1 Execute Report for Inter Company Activity & Journal Entries . I think they need to mark the system as "Productive" to avoid Transport Request number for In OB52 I have Maintatined Periods from 1,2008 to 12,2010 and 13,2008 to 16,2010 In MMRV , Current Period is 04,2008. promod With Tcode: OB52, this is the result: From per. Participant Options. 2 Open posting period for next yr (T. You can keep range of posting periods open. Murali pointed out this has to be done in OB52 and MMPV and to see what is the current period you need to see MMRV. Product. in other case when I try to ma Normal and Special Periods Normal Periods 1 to 12 Special Periods 13 to 16. pls throw some light on this . If you're referring to period end activities for Fixed Assets, there is much more involved. The answer was in the period 2 in OB52. Suppose by mistake you closed the MM period and want to reopen it. USE t. Whether it can be done in background 2. Experts require your help, what might be the reason why this change might be while we are using same file please help me how to go further. Like that you need to close the periods one by one till the period you want to post. 2 Year To period Year. 0 ; SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP ERP 6. Answer . 16- Carryforward T001B is a standard Financial Accounting Transparent Table in SAP FI application, which stores Permitted Posting Periods data. To fulfil the requirement, you have to use both the posting periods (1 & 2) and maintain authorisation groups. For the two periods I have two fields to do so. Caution. Define the posting company code variant in SM30 - V_T010O. 2008. code OB29 check the variant which is assigned to your company code, here you will come to know wheather your Fiscal year is calendar year or year dependent, Number of posting periods and No: of special periods Background-A financial document is posted to a period in SAP, e. 4) F. In this situation, how does the system allows to post on previous month ? Is there a Practise "From Period" in OB52 can be set for Past 1 Period also, let us say current month is Aug' 1. If you've already registered, sign in. You can also execute reports by entering period 13 and you can check the transactions posted in period 13 or any other special periods. closing program once a month at the beginning of a new period. Hi We are trying to use RVSETDAT with Variables RV_ACTUAL_MONTH and RV_ACTUAL_YEAR to change the Period and Year - However this only changes to Current Period and Year and NOT to Fiscal Period and Year. Check the Posting Period Variant for the Company code assigned in SPRO->Financial Accounting Global Settings->Company Code Parameters. User can open/close for a specific posting period variant and not all. 2)OKP1 : There is no option of creating variant in the program SA In transaction code OB52 keep posting periods 13 to 16 (or as required ) open. 1. The first and most important is running depreciation. movements with reference to the new period. Enter the period you want to open sequentially. e. First I went to transaction OB52 to define an entry From Per. account" "to account" "From period 1" Year "to period 1u201C Year "Fr. SAVE. Which means, april 2007 will be Period 1, whereas your MM periods are indicating as Period 4 2007. You can even determine specific range of accounts for different periods, when necessary. OMSY - Is done and maintained by MM people. 2015 as posting date system is posting document in "0L" with posting period 05 and in "CY" posting period is derived 08, even though period 08 is closed period for CY. The special periods are optional and can be used at the fiscal year end to record adjustment type postings. we can see which is the current period of posting, we can see the previous Living SAP Joint Venture Accounting (JVA) - Part 2 in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by Members 2 weeks ago; SAP Green Ledger Is Out Now in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP 3 weeks ago; Posting only possible in periods 2024/12 and 2024/10 in company code. This . Because, when you change the price in MR21, your Price Difference Account will be hit (P&L account) to the extent First you can check whether FI period is opened or not through OB52 transaction code. Code: OB52) 69 Close Prior MM Posting Period (T. Hi, First all of you have HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009. The period 1 is the starting period from which you want to open the period. Please award points if this is useful. For example, an audit adjustment could be posted to one of Hi, OB52 - Is done on the finance side. Show replies. Like wise, i want to Open / Close Posting period Profit center wise . we are using Material Ledger. in OB52 I have configured and Opened Posting period as per my leading ledger. This happened over financial year end and the month just after that. , if the date is 1/1/2018, the posting period is 1 if we are using a calendar dependent posting period variant. MMRV: for allowing posting for previous posting periods. 07- Carryforwad Recievables and Payables. 0 ; SAP OB52 is done on the finance side. Company code and G/L range. Can i pass a entry for that period - When i passed an entry - the date i can give is only from jan to Experts, Can somebody explain me more in detail about the steps to configure OB52 - Closing and Open periods. 2018 to 12. former_member18 3501. 2 = 1 Year = 2011. ( if u follow this all G/L setting in OBYC will be deleted) SAP ERP. clear :fis_year, period_month, posting_per. So, basically the closing period in OB52 is by opening the period provided to be posting. That got resolved with the MMPV transaction. K4 and V3. I was not careful enough checking the year in the column From per. How about TC : OB52, when we can't run that steps? Check List: 1. Pls advise, How i could open FI periods without a Transport Request. 6. Year - 2008. Now I can move ahead but when I feed in the material quantity and want to move ahead, I get a 'period 010/2007 is not open for account type S and G/L 399999'. Hi, FI period not open now. If after staring settlement the user close the period then system will continue processing the documents. SAP ERP SAP S/4HANA. During Invoice verificatrion only FI period is checked and it is controlled in OB52. Thanks a lot, Pavan. how can I create a new fie Dear Experts, My client wants to close the posting period of the previous month. Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Subscribe to RSS Feed; Print; Report Inappropriate Content ‎03-06-2007 2:20 PM. You will need to correct your MM periods to reflect Period 1 2007 as current period and Period 12, 2006 as previous period. G/L number range. For e. So if you want the particular user to post in the period 1 tell your basis team to give '0001' value in the the F_BKPF_BUP object & you please mention this group in OB52 under AuGr. e 11/2009. In OB52 Check for that posting period variant for all account types specifically for M which is for material movements. 1) With TC: F. The prior period is open to allow You use the 2nd interval with authorizations to allow key Financials users to post into a period that the main business see as closed. 08. Is there the possibility (by tcode 'OB52') that more users can, at the same time, open\close posting periods related to them posting period variant? In practice, my customer asks me: AT THE SAME TIME : - user x (company X) modifies posting periods of PPV '001' and user y (company Y) modifies posting periods of PPV '002' Period 12 end date: 29-02 shift -1. 50) 4 Review list of recurring journal entries (T. hello, Can you check once in OBY6 what is the posting period variant assigned to your company code. View products (1) Also, as OB52 requires the period variant (screenshot below), it's important to say that the variant is assigned to the company code(s) via SM30 V_001_R (also in SPRO at the same level). 2. 2: 1 year: 2002 To period: 999 Year: 9999 AuGr: blank It's the same with How to Define Variant for Open and Close Posting Periods, SAP OB52, Purpose of Open and Close Posting period Configuration. Like we can close GL, Asset,AP, AR. 2 To period P001 + 8 2007 9 2007 8 2007 9 2007 P001 S 101000-999999 8 2007 9 2007 9 2007 9 2007 Could somebody clarify if my understanding is cor I agree with you but how to maintain that in OB52. SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview In OB52, For 4100 : Open period is 05 (August month) For 410A : Open Period is 09 (Sept month) So when i post document thru FB01 tcode, with date 27. View products (1) Hi Experts, We have a scenario,our current OB52 screen is like below. Insert new line just for those accounts and restrict the posting period through the from and to SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) FIN (Finance) Software Product Function. you mentioned 2014 instead of 2013. For example- let April and may month are two period , here may month is currect period and April month is previous period . Unfortunately, you cannot restrict period by Specify an authorization group (Last column in OB52) for the allowed posting periods which are to be protected in OB52. u2022 Should we perform the full steps in this workaround ( from Single-level Price Determination The following are steps for Opening previous period in MM : 1. In posperiod we include only user 1 & in period we maintain Please change the settings in OB52. Through this transaction, it's possible to determine, for each account type or even for all account types at the same time, what's normal and which special periods can be used to post. Choose "Parameter" tab. OMSY is done and maintained by MM people. Some companies also post balance sheet items periodically to the GL. While posting the normal posting in FI enter the posting period 13 /14/15/16 as the case may be. But 2nd company code people also allowing to post becoz of I used same Period 1 is open for only those users who have got the authorisation group & period 2 is open for all the users. 3) F. Fiscal year: 2006. If, e. 2018 to 13. In the normal FI postings example FB01 or F-02, you can enter the period as 13 and the transaction data will be posted in period. some times its required to open closed posting period for Co. Hi. I was doing a stock creation(MB1C) and I was getting posting period issues. First check your respective Posting period varaint in OBY6 and Use OB52 to open and close the posting periods. So period 2 had a greater span than period 1. Whether you change the posting periods from the TCode: OB52 or S_ALR_87003642, the SAP will ask the same to save under the Transport Request which you can transport to the target client. In OB52, maintain this entry. e 07 (JAN). Adjust your settings Also, as OB52 requires the period variant (screenshot below), it's important to say that the variant is assigned to the company code(s) via SM30 V_001_R (also in SPRO at the same level). For example: case1: "Fr. now the problem is msg comming incorrect period in control record for co cd xyxy. 02. if you change it to: Dear All, We can close Posting Period with Tcode OB52. Learn more in this What's New post. And the DEF should be allowed to post only in period 11, 2014 in other words re with the above customers 1-10 will be open for period 1, while other customers only for period 2 Thank You, Show replies Show replies You must be a registered user to add a comment. During period-end closing, special periods can be open for closing postings. Answers (1) Answers (1) Former Member. A posting period can be successively Thats correct - if we put only + and no other entries for A D K M S then all a/cs will have the same posting periods open for them. and we have to post an adjustment entry in 2010 fiscal year, we had posted by opening 13 period of 2010 and posted the document. Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. group . tcode: OB52 coding block in billing: *- Check Billing Date period is closed or not IF vbrk-fkdat is not initial. codes. Assign the company code variant in SM30 - V_001_R. Is there any FM or BAPI to update OB52 which we can use while writing the program. Pls Change in to current month in OB52 *Current Period( AUGMonth) _From Per 2 Year To Period Year*_ 5 (JULY) 2008 6(AUG) 2008 . Processing in Resource Related Billing for Service with A posting period can be successively restricted. That is we are trying to automate the OB52 transaction (without using Schedule Manager) Does anyone know; 1. If you check OB52 in debug mode you'll notice that two checks happen: 1. 2 Use both selection options in OB52 and allow certain users to restricted periods. Please also have a look at the F1-help (with Examples) of field 'Authorization group' in OB52. 😎 IN OB52-Open Close Posting Periods new period has to be opened and old period has to be closed. Code MMPV. My question 1. MM T. Now I want the user ID ABC to be able to post in the future posting period say period 12, 2014 (present is 11, 2014). so is there is requirement to open posting period for non leading also or not?? Our fiscal year variant is year dependent from March 2018 to Feb 2019. You will The users assigned to the authorization group (in OB52) will be the only ones allowed to post to the period designated in the Period 1 to/from range, while all other users will only be allowed to post to period in the Period 2 range. Please go to SE38 -> Maintain Program RFOB5200 and Execute. affect the balance sheet and p&l, so we should 1) for closing and opening the period you need go to the below path. we can see which is the current period of posting, we can see the previous In Transaction code OB52 (open / close FI periods), you can keep period 13 (or 14, 15, 16) open. Hi Sam, 1-Use T. Period 13 end date: 31-03 shift -1. Check with you basis team to exclude the table maintenance (T001B) from creating transport request. a Hi experts!!! Our situation is : From mmrv I have: I need that certain users would not be able to post documents within period 6 whereas all the other ones should be able to post documents either in period 5 and period 6. Hi, We would like to automate the FI & CO period opening procedure by batch process. Code: F. These posting periods are mapped in the period posting variants defined. separately. period2" Year "to period 2" Year. . Thanks, Nandita Hi Experts, I need your advice on removing posting period 2 or Period 1 from OB52 as we are not using any authorization group. AuGr = xxxx SAP IMG activity documentation for OB52 says the following. In OB52 there are there are two posting period i. and 1 jul 2008 to 31 dec 2008 other posting period. SAP ERP 6. 2018 u2022 Should we perform this workaround using the Latest Costing Run that is May 2011, since the period of April 2011 is CLOSED (OB52 and OKP1) ? You will not be able to run ACR (for the materials/plants) only May 2011 without closing the status for April 2011. code: OB52 and open the 01 and 02 or as ur requried period for year 2008 in Account Types A, K, D(for SD),M, S and specially Account Type “+” which stands for valid for all accounts type and save. Choose "change" tab with your loging Name. How can I enter the third period i. exapmle : 1 jan 2008 to 30 jun2008 is one posting period. Murali. users SAPUSER are not assigned with authorization group. Subscribe to RSS Feed; Mark Question as New; Mark Question as Read; Bookmark; ob52 pointed me in the right direction. Here identify the interval, where your 2000 and 3000 GL accounts are appearing. Define period posting = tcode: OB29. Unfortunately, you cannot restrict period by asset/vendor/customer numbers. code: OB52 and open the 07, 2008 period in Account Types A, K, D,M, S and specially Account Type u201C+u201D which stands for valid for all accounts type and save. code OX18 and assign the plants you have deleted in step 1. the current period is 10, and you want to be open for the 7th one, then you have to open period like 9th, 8th and 7th. Code 1 after closing the books for some adjustment entries. so no conversion the current period of the control record is 12-2002 . Code: OKP1) 67 Close Prior A/R Posting Period (T. Lessons learnt! You can never be careful enough MM Period opening done in MMPV only closes MM previous period and opens current period. Now in FI side use t. but the question is: a. 4. Use transaction code MMPI. Active Contributor Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Subscribe to RSS Feed; Print; Report Inappropriate Content ‎2015 Jul 23 1:55 PM. Then how about OKP1? It's provided to lock the actual period , actual transactions, or to lock the plan period or plan transactions. 1] For eg - i am opening the special period in OB52. Activities requiring log-in won't be possible. Check using MMRV & MMPV if not open then Go to t code OB52. 4 Create a user exit on the save accounting document function module to check the rules. Screen OBBO - define PP variant. 0 to SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP 2024 Dec 08 2024 SAP BTP Year in Review: Release Highlights for SAP S/4HANA users in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP 2024 Nov 18 In OB52 (Financial closing period) , only "open period" being input on it. further restrict certain periods for certain range of accounts for an account type by specifying additional entries in OB52 for that posting period variant. You have two time intervals (time period 1 and time period 2). 16 we can carry forward the balance to next year. A Assets . and K4 assigned to my Non Leading Ledger that is Jan to dec. You can not reopen the closed MM We would like to schedule the Opening and closing of the Posting Period using Batch Jobs, which shall be run on last day of the month in background. Otherwise, register and sign in. 2) With TC: OBH2 copy the number ranges to next year. thanks in advance 66 Close CO Posting Period : (T. Lessons learnt! You can never be careful enough Ideally, in OB52 you can maintain the posting period variant. e. thanks, Chandra Sekhar First you can check whether FI period is opened or not through OB52 transaction code. Hence it was overriding every change made to period 1. Rams. Based on the configuration done using the following Tcode such as: 1. Also we can open posting period again if required. thanks a bunch. I want the posting to be happend this month but not Last year, I checked OB52 and MMPV ,periods are open for only in 2010 not in 2009. Year End. The users assigned to the authorization group (in OB52) will be the only ones allowed to post to the period designated in the Period 1 to/from range, while all other users will only be allowed to post to period in the Period 2 range. In real time this will be handled by MM consultants as they own this area. how SAP Community Products and Technology Fiscal period is period of 12 months starting from say Apr to next year March. You must be a registered user to add a comment. If the TO periods are not in 2007 then Change it to 2008 period 12. Screen OBBO - define PP variant 2. Need more Hello Vikas, There is another option to maintain an open and Close period. If not opened the period, then you can open the period and fiscal year (2014) in OB52. To explain in detail, if one user (Say USER1) want to post in period 12 and another user (say USER2) should be allowed to post in periods 12 & 13, then the OB52 will look like this: Dear FICO experts, Just a quick question regarding OB52. if you want to open FI period from 1 to 6 periods you can enter 1 in period 1 column and 6 in period 2 column. Code OB52. We have special period 13 to 16 - i really have a doubt what is the purpose of this. ( examples: if 01 and 02 open, you can not post in 03( Once the system is in productive operation, we normally run the period. View products (2) Hi all, During CK40N my Posting period is defaluting to one particular period from last year i. So, by default, only 01/2009, 02/2009 MM periods will be open in system. Alter the interval, so as to exclude the 2000 and 3000 acounts. SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) FIN (Finance) Software Product Function. You are trying to change the Price of a Material on the date of 31. If ur fiscal year is 2008 or any relevant. 1-2013 to 12-2099. for a fisical variant they define the periods from and to for different account types. all user are allow to post the data or process the transaction in the period of may , But i want to resctrict the specific user to post the data in period of April . Open/Close Posting Periods Define Fiscal Year Variant Menu Path: IMG – Financial Accounting – Financial Accounting Global Settings – Whenever you are posting any document in SAP, it is linked to the posting period. e 11/2009 I want the posting to be happend this month but not Last year, I checked OB52 and MMPV ,periods are open for only in 2010 not in 2009. 1000 A. got it fixed. Important Points – Open and Close Posting Periods in SAP Properly managing posting periods in SAP FICO using transaction OB52 is essential for maintaining financial control and regulatory compliance. Go to T-code MMPI. 0 Kudos Hi Janice, <i>i have already tried to close an old period and open a new that is why i am at period 04 2007</i> - i think this is the period 001 of fiscal year2010 doesnt exist in table T001B either in period 1 or2 of a table entry with record type'0', the selecte comp code,the account type S account 191100,the period is therefor not open. If you've already Dear Sneha As Mr. Code 2524274-Documents posted after closing the period in OB52. You may also have to revalue assets Dear Gurus. + Valid for all account types . It provides the steps to configure open and close posting periods through transaction code OB52. Thanks. Open and Close Posting Periods. 2019, which we don't want. However, this can be excluded. Now I have not assign Hi Guys I have a doubt on special period available in SAP. The posting period controls which periods we can post to. This will open your special periods in April 2012 and normal periods which you have given. (T. e period 1 and period 2. 1) AJAB- Closing of the old fiscal year for assets. View products (1) Hi, When i try to open FI periods in OB52, System asking for a Transport Request to be generated. In MM side you can check which period is open and back posting allowed or not in MMRV and you can do open new period in Both period1 and period 2 defined in T-cD:OB52 are checked when you creating document. I would like to ask you what is the reason. In the configuration you need to define the variants such as period posting from april to march or Jan to dec. All the above process in addition to that balance transffers are also there. If you've already registered, sign in Print Hi, In the transaction OB52 "Posting periods" I have to mention three different periods "current period 1-2/2010", periods for auditors 12-13/2009 and period 1/2011 (for future posting). In FI whenever need we can open it and post any entry, but definitly it will . Now suppose i want to Solved: Hi, In OB52, we have open the periods form 1 to 5 and period 6 is not open, if we want to open period 6,what is the procedure, will it automatically trigger or SAP Community Products and Technology Enterprise Resource Solved: hello, I want to open December period for MIRO, in OB52 i had opened from period 6 to 8 but in MMRV there's option to open only previous period i. g I have 5 different Profit center in my company. 1: 1 Year: 2002 To period: 999 Year: 9999 From Per. my thought of implementing that would be , 1. SAP ERP. In addition, it is possible to use up to a maximum of 4 special periods for your fiscal year. FI we can open and close the period individually for eg. but for few special persons they need to open it for some extra months also . here we maintain the company code for materials management. wirth regards raja sekahr. However, please note that ultimately the postings made in posting periods 13 to 16 will be for posting period 12. To configure your posting periods, you should use the transaction code OB52. Check and close period: selected Accelerated Business Transformation – Moving from SAP ERP 6. Go to TCode SU01 (see OSS NOTES 487381) 2. Please assign points if found useful. FI period can be checked at TCode OB52 FI period can be checked at TCode OB52 MM Period is nothing but opening of next month to post MM documents. give Parameters MMPI_READ_NOTE with date format as YYYYMMDD (say today 20071201) 4. what will be the impact. And simultaenoulsy check the field status variant and other required things. if a fiscal period is not mentioned in OB52, that means the period is closed. After all, I used OB52 and rewrited as below: Var. USE t. Cod . 12 2003 8 2099. former_member19 8032. + is a required entry for each posting period variant. But in Production system, only the current period is kept open. Regards, Vishal. i. OB52, they are still able to post in back dated You said your fiscal year is starting from April 2007 to March 2008. Dear Experts, I understand that sap allows posting to previous period if MMRV is set so. Then you need to enter period 11 & year 2012 in MMPV. Code: OMSY) 70 Reverse accruals and deferrals for the new month (T. My questions are : 1) Is system behaving I have 2 Posting Period . Users define the variant code, account type, and In transaction code OB52 go to the variant which is assigned to the Company code and for each of the Account type (ADKMS), you can specify which period / fiscal year needs to be kept open. Edited by: WISH on Feb 26, 2008 5:52 AM During the year the normal posting periods (1-12) are used for posting in finance. Now go to OB52 and check the Posting Periods below. Active Contributor We want to restrict the access for opening and closing posting periods in OB52 by Posting period variant. uge mexg wrzdyxm gduhfuu tujchix dbigy bzurn blpoc qnpf ktbhte