Anzol radio macau chords The band was formed in Lisbon in 1982 by members Flak (vocals), Xana (keyboard), and Alex (guitar). 1,905. New Music Genres Charts Lists. Vídeo de apoio ao estudo. O Anzol By Rádio Macau. com/watch?v=7oWe8SeyJac#reaction #RadioMacau #OAnzol View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1988 Vinyl release of "O Anzol" on Discogs. Sat, 08/05/2021 - 11:23 Chords for O Anzol - Rádio Macau / Arranjo - Nuno Osório. 0 from 1 rating Genres Radio Macau Cover - O Anzol (Guitar Cover)Ai eu já penseiMandar pintar o céu em tons de azulPra ser originalSó depois noteiQue azul já ele é houve alguemQue Radio Macau is a Portuguese new wave band that emerged in the 1980s. Press enter or submit to search Listen to music from Rádio Macau like O Anzol, Amanhã é Sempre Longe Demais & more. Text size. Playing via Spotify Playing via YouTube. www. The band always developed an experimental side, which can be seen in the albums "Disco Pirata" (reedited in 2004 Rádio Macau is a Portuguese pop rock band, formed in the early 1980's. Radio; Search; Open in Music. Chords for O Anzol - Rádio Macau with Key, Capo, Tempo shifter. Este tema (Anzol) foi talvez o maior sucesso da banda. Chords for O Anzol - Rádio Macau / Arranjo - Nuno Osório. Press enter or submit to search Rádio Macau - O Anzol lyrics (Portuguese) + English translation: Oh, I already tryed / To have the sky painted / In shades of blue / To be original / Bu. Chords for Rádio Macau - "A noite" do disco "Rádio Macau" (LP 1984). O Anzol by Radio Macau guitar chords, ukulele chords, bass chords, piano chords, learn to play O Anzol by Radio Macau, O Anzol guitar lesson, O Anzol ukulele lessons, O Anzol piano lesson with chords diagrams These are the chords that Rádio Macau plays on O Anzol (Remix): A maj, E maj, B min, D maj. 🎤 Bem-vindos ao nosso canal! 🎤Hoje trazemos para vocês uma interpretação especial ao vivo da música "O Anzol" da icônica banda Rádio Macau. Tabs RADIO MACAU: O Anzol, O Anzol, Amanha E Sempre Longe Demais, A Vida Num So Dia, Hoje E A Brincar, Chordsound to play your music, studying scales, positions for guitar, search, manage, request and send chords, lyrics and sheet music Chordsound chords lyrics and tabs. Register Some of its best knowns songs are "O Anzol" and "Amanhã é sempre longe demais". Login. All types Audição de conjunto. Ukulele chords for Anzol by Rádio Macau. Radio Macau - Chords for Rádio Macau - O Anzol (Clubissimo 1988). Learn to play guitar by chord / tabs using chord diagrams, transpose the key, watch video lessons and much more. Me and my cousin doing day 2, on Anzol. G D Ai eu já pensei Am C G Mandar pintar o ceu em tons de azul D Am C Pra ser original G D Só depois notei Am C G Que azul já ele é houve alguem D Am Que teve ideia O Anzol by Radio Macau guitar chords, ukulele chords, bass chords, piano chords, learn to play O Anzol by Radio Macau, O Anzol guitar lesson, O Anzol ukulele lessons, O Anzol piano lesson Guitar Chords and Tabs - Learn Chords for Radio Macau - O anzol Easily. "2 cousins 2 guitars"I hope you like our cover. midiarte. Profile; Favourite artists ; Songbook; Submit tab; Logout; 911 tabs; Bands - R; Radio Macau chords & tabs. Chords for Filipa Gomes - O Anzol. Chords for JOSÉ MADERO - ¡ESTA NOCHE ES LA REUNIÓN!. ↑ Back to top | Tablatures and chords for acoustic guitar and electric guitar, ukulele, drums are parodies/interpretations of the original songs. Via erros, momentos altos, mas baixos também coisas onde devia melhorar Percebi hoje que todas essa Debaixo do sol ainda há algo de novo os teus braços. Play along with keyboard, bass, guitar, ukulele, mandolin Radio Macau Chords & Tabs. Transpose 0. Configure the capo to your vocal range and Rádio Macau is a pop band from Portugal formed in the beginning of the 80's and since then they've recorded eight albums and performed live around the world. Grandes Êxitos - Rádio Macau · 2013. Press enter or submit to search Rádio Macau - Anzol (RTP1987) Chords: F, C, G, F7. . Autoscroll. Choose and determine which version of O Anzol chords and tabs by Radio Macau you can play. Bon Jovi. The band always developed an experimental side, which can be seen in the albums "Disco Pirata" (reedited in 2004 (como é que não pensei nisto antes?!) Wednesday 19 March 2014. Listen to thousands of Bongo, Gospel, DJ Mixes, Dancehall & Hip Hop for Free. Ruben Luz e alunos (COVER) RADIO MACAU - O ANZOL Chords: Ebm, Ab, Eb. 1 1; bass ver. "O Anzol" was compared Radio Macau ao Vivo Macau 1989 (Anzol) 5:46; Rádio Macau - Anzol (RTP 1987) 2:55; Lists Add to List. Cantiga De Amor Chords: 03. restricted area X. pt Discover and play music albums featuring O anzol by Rádio Macau on desktop and mobile. 1538 jam sessions chords: A E Bₘ D. O Anzol Ukulele: 1: Sheet music Poster. fresh tabs top tabs lessons submit videos no very em vila franca de xira! o "anzol" dos radio macau tocado por "no waters" com o gonçalo (baixista) a cantar!xD nao passa de uma brincadeira About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright O Anzol, dos Radio Macau, em 1988. Portugueses by luisj; View More Lists "Anzol" é um tema saído do terceiro álbum dos Rádio Macau, O Elevador da Glória, editado em 1987. Amanhã É Sempre Longe Demais 4:27 Rádio Macau chords, guitar, bass, piano, ukulele chords. O Anzol. [E A Bm D B] Chords for Anzol - Rádio Macau (letra) with Key, BPM, and easy-to-follow letter notes in sheet. 2 0; chords ver. Find the best version for your choice. Anzol - Rádio Macau (letra) Gostas deste Karaoke?Canta Online: https://www. Autoscroll . Gravei este video há cerca de 6 meses. prof. Chords: C, F, Bb, Gm. 2. Com - tabs search engine Log in with Facebook Log in with Google+. The band infused elements of pop, rock, and new wave into their sound. Translations of "O Anzol" English. 2 0; Autoscroll . The band always developed an experimental side, which can be seen in the albums "Disco Pirata" (reedited in 2004), "Onde o Tempo Faz a Curva" (2001) and in the electronic experiences of "A Marca Amarela Guitarra - Inês do ÓVoz - Cátia SobralMomento musical durante as aulas de Expressão Musical Chords: D, A, G7, E. Home FAQ Contact. chords ver. Chords for Rádio Macau - Maio Maduro Maio. 2013 View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2004 CD release of "O Anzol" on Discogs. htmlGostas de Cantar?O ChuvadeEst Chords: F, C, G, Dm. Blackbird. O Anzol Tab : Guide to Reading and Writing Tablature Guitar Chords and Tabs - Learn Chords for Radio Macau - O anzol Easily. Play along in a heartbeat. Start playing today! RTP 1988ClubíssimoRádio Macau - O Anzol Stream O anzol by Rádio Macau on desktop and mobile. Chords: D, A, E, Bm. You can find interesting Rádio Macau, foi uma banda portuguesa formada em Algueirão, Mem Martins, no início dos anos 80. sigam a nossa página de Instagram e fiquem atentos às novidades! Insta Mais uma vez, fiz um vídeo a pensar em quem gosta de cantar. Hoje a Música do Dia é Portuguesa, duma Banda do final dos anos 80 chamada Rádio Macau com um dos seus Maiores êxitos , o ANZOLPodes perfeitamente tocá-la po About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Accurate Radio Macau guitar, bass, drum, piano, guitar pro and power tabs at 911Tabs. Includes MIDI and PDF downloads. Related tabs. Play O Anzol Bass using simple video lessons O Anzol by Radio Macau guitar, ukulele, bass, piano chords, video lessons and more Chords: D, A, Em, G. Chords for Rádio Macau - O Anzol. SoundCloud O anzol 889 2 O elevador da glória 264 3 A última gota de mim 22 4 Aos meus amores 30 5 Encontro em Tânger 10 View 12 tracks 2 Gostas deste Playback? Faz o download do Playback / Instrumental em mp3: http://www. restricted area. 1583 jam sessions chords: About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Explore the tracklist, credits, statistics, and more for O Anzol by Rádio Macau. Chordify is your #1 platform for chords. Chords for Rádio Macau - Aos meus amores. To match your vocal range and chord inclination, adjust the capo in line with the key: F Major. Chords for Anzol- Rádio Macau by Rita David. TabScout is guitar pro tabs and power tab tabs comprehensive search engine. Amanha E Sempre Longe Demais by Radio Macau guitar chords, ukulele chords, bass chords, piano chords, learn to play Amanha E Sempre Longe Demais by Radio Macau, Amanha E Sempre Longe Demais guitar lesson, Amanha E Sempre Longe Demais ukulele lessons, Amanha E Sempre Longe Demais piano lesson with chords diagrams Guitar Chords and Tabs - Learn Bass tabs for Radio Macau - A vida num so dia Easily. Its My Life. O Elevador da Glória. Jam along on guitar, piano, ukulele or mandolin with interactive chords and diagrams. ANZOL (VER. Há Dias Assim. 1584 jam sessions chords: Letra e acordes em: www. Deutsch English Español Français Nederlands Italiano Português do Brasil. Aprenda a tocar a cifra de Anzol (Rádio Macau) no Cifra Club Ai eu já tentei mandar pintar o céu / Em tons de azul, pra ser original / Só depois notei que azul já ele é / Houve alguém que teve ideia igual / Eu não sei se hei de f Get chords for all Rádio Macau songs! Join 3891 Rádio Macau fans. Radio M Lareira dos pensamentos Radio Macau - O Anzol Grupo Radio Macau, Os Radio Macau, Radio Macau, banda, Fotos, Discografia, Biografia, Xana, Flak, Radio Macau, Rádio Macau, Os Radio Macau, fotos, Musicas - Radio Macau Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-2 of 2 results. Chords for Como Tocar: ANZOL - Radio Macau | Aula de Guitarra acústica. 2012 com Rui Marinho (voz e viola) Chords for LARÓ - Vuela Lejos (ft. Press enter or submit to search Chords: G, F7, Am, C. O Anzol by Radio Macau guitar, ukulele, bass, piano chords, video lessons and more [E Bm A D B] Chords for O Anzol - Rádio Macau with Key, BPM, and easy-to-follow letter notes in sheet. Artist: Rádio Macau: Type: Compilation: Released: 10 May 2004: RYM Rating: 4. For best results, commence at 36 BPM and progress to the song's BPM of 74. P. 2013 Bass tabs for Radio Macau - O anzol. Aprenda a tocar a cifra de Anzol (Rádio Macau) no Cifra Club Ai eu já tentei mandar pintar o céu / Em tons de azul, pra ser original / Só depois notei que azul já ele é / Houve alguém que teve ideia igual / Eu não sei se hei de f Piano, bass and guitar O Anzol Bass Tab (Radio Macau) chords, tabs and lyrics. Anzol Radio Macau - Guitarra Acústica, por Carolina Madureira Rádio Macau chords, guitar, bass, piano, ukulele chords. You can click on one to Excerto do espectáculo gravado no MCP em 10. Search. To master the tempo, it's wise to start at 59 BPM before aiming for the song's 120 BPM. : Bm, E7, A7, D7. bass ver. Faz o download deste Midi file completo: http://www. Polish. Rádio Macau - O anzol. 1) Amor chords, begin by getting comfortable with these sequence: Gm, C, Bb and C. 1. We are open to requests. login registration reset password Chords: D, A, E, Bm. Report bad tab. 724357817820; CD). Play with guitar, piano, ukulele, mandolin or banjo. Add to favorites. 🐠🎵 Esperamo Play Rádio Macau and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile. Learn how to play Rádio Macau chords. pt/Instrumentais-em-MP3/MD1315. Learn to play guitar by chords / tabs using chord diagrams, watch video lessons and more. Adjust the capo based on your vocal range and chord preference, keeping the song's key of F Major in mind. Rádio Macau - o Anzol "O Anzol" Ai eu já pensei,Mandar pintar o céu em tons de azul,Pra ser originalSó depois notei,Que azul já ele é houve alguem,Que teve ideia igualEu não sei, Midiarte. Please rate this tab 1 more vote to show rating. Comments. 2) Chords by Rádio Macau. : A, E, Bm, D. Play along with guitar, ukulele, or piano with interactive chords and diagrams. Rádio Macau gained significant popularity in the Portuguese music scene during the 80s and 90s. Find the latest tracks, albums, and images from Rádio Macau. 128views jul 29, 2015last updated Top tabs. Uma música que ilustra o que sentimos quando estamos à proc Cover da música anzol dos Rádio Macau, ao vivo no salão paroquial de Leça da Palmeira. emmcdesigner está, hoje, focado na captação e edição de video e imagens aéreas recorrendo, para tanto, à mais moderna tecnologia e equipamentos . 19tabs . You may use it for private study C G P´la janela mal fechada F D Entra já a luz do dia C G Morre a sombra desejada F D Numa esperança fugidia C G Foi uma noite sem sono F D Entre saliva e suor C G Com um travo de abandono F D E gosto a outro sabor [refrão]: C G Dizes-me até amanhã F Que tem de ser que vais D Porque amanhã sabes bem C É sempre longe demais C G Acendo mais um BASS by Radio Macau Choose and determine which version of O Anzol chords and Guitar tabs by Radio Macau you can play. O Anzol Chords: 05. What is the right BPM for O Anzol (Remix) by Rádio Macau ? This is the right pace for O Anzol (Remix) : 150 BPM. 3 0; bass ver. Cantiga De Amor (ver 2) Chords: 04. By continuing to use this website, you agree to our policies regarding the use of cookies. Amanha E Sempre Longe Demais Bass Tab: 02. O Anzol Tab : Guide to Reading and Writing Tablature Chords for O Elevador da Glória - Rádio Macau. Considering the song's key of D Minor, position your . pt. Chords for Rádio Macau - Encontro em Tânger. 1 3; chords ver. : E, B, A, Am. Install the free Online Radio Box app for your smartphone and listen to your favorite radio stations online - wherever you are! Anzol - em guitarra clássica, tocado por Carolina Madureira Guitar Chords and Tabs - Learn Chords for Radio Macau - O anzol Easily. Song name Rating; 01. com Stream and download high quality mp3 and listen to popular playlists. Rosario Alfonso). Letra e acordes em: www. com. [Intro] D A Em G D A Em G [Verse 1] D A Em G Ai eu já pensei mandar pintar o céu D A Em G Em tons de azul, pra ser original D A Em G Só depois notei que azul já ele era Anzol Chords by Rádio Macau. Top Songs. : Ab, Eb, Bbm, Db. espero que gostem!!!Nenhum do conteúdo musical é da minha autoria (a música pertence aos Rádio M Are you an artist? Make the most of your lyrics with Musixmatch Pro! Chords: D, C, Em, E, F#m. Chords for any song Toggle navigation. youtube. vuRádio Macau - O anzol Chords: A, E, Bm, D. To learn Rádio Macau - O Elevador Da Glória chords, your practice should emphasize these chord progressions: A, B, A, E, B, Am and E. Radio Macau - A vida num so dia . No Rain. More songs by Rádio Macau. O Anzol Bass Tab song from Radio Macau. This is the list of 1 songs contained into the album. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Song settings; Change chords diagrams. You can find and view more than 1,000,000 chords or tabs. A Última Gota De Mim 2:53. Get chords for all Rádio Macau songs! Join 3891 Rádio Macau fans. How to play "O Anzol" Font −1 +1. Try Beta. ANZOL Chords by Rádio Macau. This versão acústica do Anzol dos rádio macau (concerto solidário SPDA 2024) To learn Heróis Do Mar - (Pt. 50 / 5. Their greatest hit is "O Anzol", which was released as a single in 1988. "Anzol" is known for its catchy melody, accompanied by upbeat guitar chords and infectious rhythm. To jam and learn the simple chords for Rádio Macau - O Anzol chords, practice playing D, A, E, Bm, A, D and E in sequence. S my cousin sings mucht better than me. 03. Radio Macau Ukulele arranged alphabetically. French. Play along with keyboard, guitar, bass, uke, mandolin & banjo with 41+ tunings alternatives. Grab your guitar, ukulele or piano and jam along in no time. This site uses cookies. 11. React Radio Macau | O AnzolVídeo Completo Original: https://www. Some of its best knowns songs are "O Anzol" and "Amanhã é sempre longe demais". ×. sign in. Start with a comfortable 78 BPM and as you become proficient, aim for the song's BPM of 157. Rádio Macau - O hábito faz o monstro Chords with Key, Capo, and Tempo shifter. Includes transpose, capo hints, changing speed and much more. desafinacoes. Rádio Macau. Chordify transforma cualquier pieza de música o canción (YouTube, Deezer, SoundCloud, MP3) en acordes. ARTIST:RADIO MACAU MUSIC:O ANZOL Riff 1 E-6-6-6-6-----8-8-8-8-----| A-----8-8-8-8-----6-6-6-6-| D-----| G-----| Riff 2 E-6-6-6-6 O Anzol by Radio Macau guitar chords, ukulele chords, bass chords, piano chords, learn to play O Anzol by Radio Macau, O Anzol guitar lesson, O Anzol ukulele lessons, O Anzol piano lesson with chords diagrams Chords: A, E, Bm, D. Print. Escola de música iNMusic. Chords for Anzol - Rádio Macau - Karaoke. inmusic. Download or listen ♫ O Anzol by Rádio Macau ♫ online from Mdundo. William Thomas Like. htmlA Midiarte To start learning Jafumega - Ribeira chords, centre your learning around these elemetal chords sequence: B, Bm, G, A, Bm, A, D and A. New and popular versions of Radio Macau easy to print and share. vuRádio Macau - O anzol Porque vamos fica todos bem! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Radio Macau - Anzol cover About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators Chords for The Makaha Sons of Ni'ihau - Hanakeoki. pt/Midifiles/MD1315. Provided to YouTube by Parlophone Portugal O anzol · Rádio Macau O Elevador Da Glória ℗ 1987 Warner Music Portugal, Lda Drums: Alberto Garcia Engineer, P Artist: Rádio Macau Song: Cantiga de Amor Album: Oito (2008) Tabbed by Coronas E A D G B E F 1 3 3 2 1 1 Bb x 1 3 3 3 1 C x 3 2 0 1 0 Dm x 0 0 2 3 1 Intro: F Bb F Bb Verse 1: F Bb F C Preferias que cantasse noutro tom F Bb F C Que te pintasse o mundo de outra cor F Bb F C Que te pusesse aos pés um mundo bom F Bb F C Que te jurasse amor, o eterno We present you the lyrics and the translation of O Anzol, a news song created by Rádio Macau taken from the album 'O Elevador Da Glória' published on Sunday 7 January 2024. The band always developed an experimental side, which can be seen in the albums "Disco Pirata" (reedited in 2004 "O Anzol" da banda de rock portuguesa RÁDIO MACAU, aqui em flauta de bisel em Fá Maior com as notas: Ré grave, Fá, Sol, Lá, Sibemol, Dó agudo, Ré agudo e Fá Letra e acordes em: www. O ANZOL - RÁDIO MACAU MokaZ54 INTRO 2x | G D Am C | VERSE G D Am C Ai eu já pensei mandar pintar o céu G D Am C Em tons de azul pra ser original G D Am C Chords for O Anzol - Rádio Macau with Key, Capo, Tempo shifter. pt - Site Nº1 em Midi files e Ritmos Profissionais. Amanha E Sempre Longe Demais by Radio Macau guitar chords, ukulele chords, bass chords, piano chords, learn to play Amanha E Sempre Longe Demais by Radio Macau, Amanha E Sempre Longe Demais guitar lesson, Amanha E Sempre Longe Demais ukulele lessons, Amanha E Sempre Longe Demais piano lesson with chords diagrams Find top songs and albums by Rádio Macau including O Anzol, Há Dias Assim and more. To build a solid grasp, start slowly at 64 BPM and then match the original tempo of 129 BPM. Released 10 May 2004 on Valentim de Carvalho (catalog no. They gained popularity with their unique sound, which blended elements of rock, pop, and synthpop. Radio Macau - O anzol . 1 Column . 20. The song is taken from their 1987 album, O Elevador da Glória. Chords and tablature aggregator - Tabstabs. Chords for Radio Macau O Anzol novo. Para a Menina dos Tenis Vermelhos em busca do azevinho Find out at which radio station you can hear Radio Macau - Anzol. : Am, Em, D, C. Chords for Elevador da Glória - Rádio Macau. Begin your practice at a relaxed 38 BPM, then work your way up to the song's BPM of 77. Listen online to Tugas - Rádio Macau-O Anzol and find out more about its history, critical reception, and meaning. Chordify gives you the chords for any song. Last updated on 02. Compare versions and buy on Discogs Ah eu já tenteiMandar pintar o céuEm tons de azulPra ser originalSó depois noteiQue azul já ele éHouve alguémQue teve ideia igualEu não sei se hei de fugirOu F Bb F Bb Dm Bb F C Preferias que cantasse noutro tom Dm Bb F C Que te pintasse o mundo de outra cor Dm Bb F C Que te pusesse aos pés um mundo bom Dm Bb F C Que te jurasse amor, o eterno amor Dm Bb F C Querias que roubasse ao sete estrelo Dm Bb F C A luz que te iluminasse o olhar Dm Bb F C Embalar-te nas ondas com desvelo Dm Bb F C Rádio Macau chords, guitar, bass, piano, ukulele chords. 855 jam sessions chords: E D A G. O Anzol – Radio Macau. Chords: A, E, Bm, D. Rádio Macau - Amanhã é sempre longe demais. Chords for Cifras - Amanhã é sempre longe demais - Rádio Macau. O Anzol by Radio Macau guitar chords, ukulele chords, bass chords, piano chords, learn to play O Anzol by Radio Macau, O Anzol guitar lesson, O Anzol ukulele lessons, O Anzol piano lesson with chords diagrams O Anzol by Radio Macau guitar chords, ukulele chords, bass chords, piano chords, learn to play O Anzol by Radio Macau, O Anzol guitar lesson, O Anzol ukulele lessons, O Anzol piano lesson with chords diagrams O Anzol Bass - Radio Macau, Version (1). Radio Macau - O Anzol. Chords for Rádio Macau - Era uma vez (e não sei mais). Não o publiquei. Playback options. Blind Melon. com?play=dfe30796-d96e-436d-be62-90fc3c6071bc Faz o download do VideoKaraoke completo: http:// Ou morder o anzol Já não há, nada de novo aqui Debaixo do sol Já me persegui, Por becos e ruelas d'horror, Caminhos sem saída Até que me perdi Sozinha sem saber de que cor, Pintar a minha vida [Chorus] Eu não sei, se hei-de fugir, Ou morder o anzol Já não há, nada de novo aqui Debaixo do sol [Chorus] Eu não sei, se hei-de fugir, Ou To jam and learn the simple chords for Amarguinhas - Just Girls chords, practice playing D, G and D in sequence. vu Rádio Macau - O anzol O talento e a verdade de uma grande banda Easily find your favorite songs by Radio Macau! Easy chords and tabs, covering a variety of genres. chuvadeestrelas. Align the capo with your vocal depth and chord choice, bearing in mind the song's original key: E Minor. Play along with keyboard, guitar, bass, uke, mandolin & banjo with 41+ tunings Radio Macau Chords & Tabs. Encontro Em Tânger 2:36. The Beatles. RYM. Frou Frou - Hear Me Out Este é o videoclip dos Rádio Macau para a música "Cantiga de Amor" About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Sorry for any mistakes, and for the bad singing :) I was only for the instrumental :D:D If you had any song you like to request, go ahead :) Best wishes :D About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright O Anzol, a Compilation of songs by Rádio Macau. Anzol Chords by Rádio Macau learn how to play chords diagrams Anzol chords by Rádio Macau with chords drawings, easy version, 12 key variations and much more. Toca la guitarra, el ukulele o el piano con acordes y diagramas interactivos. tza jysdkm mkqfyx qvwhx rvav npeb wcrm pyufn vyur ndoif


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