Ectopic pregnancy hcg levels reddit. the doctor … Hi everyone.

Ectopic pregnancy hcg levels reddit Like you, I was concerned due to a past ectopic pregnancy, but the levels doubled appropriately over the next few days. I went back for day 4 blood test today I’ve had an ectopic, and my symtoms were pain, and period like bleeding. my doctor asked me to get them checked again next week and if they My final hcg level was 189. My HCG levels are only 700, and the scan was so inconclusive that The thing is my HCG on February 28th was 20 , on March 1st it was 26, and March 6th was 32. I had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy with right tube removal. HCG was in the 6000’s when I got my first dose. I have had a bit of a complex life and So this will be my 4th pregnancy and I have two children. As your pregnancy develops, the increase slows down significantly. Five days later a repeat ultrasound confirmed it was in the left tube (and HCG had jumped to ~7500). My hcg was 110 on 4/6, 134 4/9, 154 4/12. my hcg just came back and it’s 4920 today. My HCG 14DPO was Jan 11th I went to get blood work again, hcg level was 622. Oh, sorry I was not clear! My HCG level was 10,586 when they first tested it. The fact that the numbers are increasing means it may not be ectopic but it could be an early I am finally pregnant, but my beta's have been awful. The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust, a UK-based charity, has lots of factual info about signs and symptoms of ectopic I just got my hcg results after my first MTX and my levels went up 300 points 😩 I’m SO hoping I don’t have to have surgery! This experience almost makes me NOT to want to get pregnant again. Beta human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) can be detected in pregnancy as early as eight days after ovulation. So i think Hello, I had an ectopic pregnancy mid last year. My HcG levels were 2w5d - 1296 3w1d - 2382 3w3d - 3160 3w5d - 4305 They’re doubling but only every 72-96 hours instead of 48. " I'm also confused as to whether I look at the range for gestational or fetal age, and what the difference is. I am 28 and after months trying was delighted to finally find out I was pregnant. Hcg was increasing but barely within 48 hours. Then 136. I promise you will I got back HCG results today, and at 4 weeks pregnant, levels are at 179. My hcg level was 69. I was given the mtx shot, my levels were 4200 at that time. They also did a scan where no Hi everyone, I had an ectopic in Nov 2021 and had my right tube removed after rupture with hcg over 5000, then a PUL/CP March 2023, and last week I got a positive pregnancy test the cycle Based on a 48 hour doubling time you’d expect to have HCG around 1,000 by now. After this I had some bleeding on 9th April, similar to a period, and I thought I had misscarried. Also it’s been 2 weeks since the Mine was ectopic. Ended in an MMC because I was on progesterone suppositories (which progesterone keeps the uterine lining from shedding) and results from my D&C showed baby had T21. It rose to ~700. • Exploratory surgery is the Ectopic pregnancy is a diagnosis that is quite challenging to make. I’m super worried about it being ectopic as my mom had one it almost killed her. HCG levels typically double every 2-3 days in the first trimester, which is usually around 6-8 weeks into pregnancy. It was increasing by like 10-20 every other day instead of by hundreds or My first draw, HCG levels were 180. I had blood work done 2 days ago and my hcg levels were 9,000. On Monday(4 days after i made this post), Doctor put in a stat order for a transvaginal ultrasound, in which they found i am having an ectopic pregnancy, This exact thing happened with my ectopic! Yo yo’ing betas are one of the signs, especially after a full bleed, which is the lining shedding itself after the body recognizes the pregnancy is not viable, but obviously cannot expel the pregnancy. Has anyone started off with low HCG levels in the beginning of early pregnancy but still gone on to have a healthy pregnancy? Typically my cycle is 27 days. Can vary by a day or two. 20 mIU/ml This is the first reading that I got and my doctor wants to operate ASAP When I If the beta HCG level is <1500 IU / L then ultrasound confirmation of ectopic pregnancy may be problematic. I have cramps no bleeding and it’s painful when I pee. 4. I see the doctor again on Thursday for another ultrasound and to talk about the options. In normal pregnancy, the hCG levels increase rapidly in the early weeks and then start to level off. My doctor suspect a ectopic pregnancy but they said it’s too soon to tell. They didn't find anything other than a very small amount of tissue right next to my ovary. I just found out yesterday I am pregnant again and my doc wants me to check HCG levels every 48 hrs to make sure they’re rising appropriately. ) What's going on: TTC 2. This is false and bad information, which should be corrected; tubal rupture can absolutely happen at low levels. My doctors closely monitored every 48 hours until Really sorry that you had to go through this, its really unfair. I was raced to the ER last night by ambulance with severe abdominal pain and cramping. A subreddit designed to support parents who are currently experiencing an ectopic pregnancy, and provide support for those who've experienced Has your doctor been monitoring your blood levels? 4 weeks doesn’t sound unusual to still get a positive. 6. An ectopic pregnancy is suspected if the level of the hormone hCG is rising slowly or decreasing, or if the level is above 1,000 mIU/mL but no embryo can be seen in the uterus on an ultrasound Hcg levels after methotrexate upvote · comment r/EctopicSupportGroup r/EctopicSupportGroup A subreddit designed to support parents who are currently experiencing an ectopic pregnancy, and provide support for those who've experienced one in Find the best posts and communities about Ectopic Pregnancy on Reddit I’m 36 I have a 15 year old and a 5 year old. You always have some little HCG in your body, this is normally <5 mIU/ml. They did a Welcome to r/pregnant!This is a space for everyone. Jan 13: i had cramping in lower abdomen for 10 minutes straight 116 votes, 33 comments. Normal pregnancies should demonstrate a hormone doubling time of 48-72 hours. They draw blood then have you When I was about 3. I was 5 weeks (I think) when they tested. 35, 41 Given the likelihood of a definitive diagnosis, even with below-threshold β-hCG levels, ultrasonography is the Pregnant again after a miscarriage in November 2021. Starting hcg levels 33 then 67 a few days later and I am so sorry that an ectopic experience made you so anxious. 2 now 58. Anything below 5 means you are not pregnant. It was a I was diagnosed with an ectopic/PUL and did methotrexate this week. I didn't have an ectopic pregnancy, but when I found out that I had a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks, my hcg levels were 55000 which is plenty high for how far along I was supposed to be. I’m a little over 8 weeks pregnant, but had my first (concerning) ultrasound at 7 weeks. Came in because my period was lasting longer than normal and was heavier (and redder) than normal - norma I (30F) found out I was pregnant, it being ectopic I looked up and down several channels on Reddit trying to find out what other people’s betas were for ectopic or biochemical pregnancy. Welcome to r/pregnant!This is a space for everyone. 14 The rate of increase in β-hCG levels, typically measured every 48 hours, can aid My HCG levels are extremely low and very slowly rising. The resulting levels were 5/10: 853, 5/12: 342, 5/16: 94, and 5/25: 7. I had ectopic pregnancy in autumn 22 that resulted in surgery and tube removal. Big hug. The HCG level on 8/2 was about an 8 and we were told it was a Low level positive. Just got my most recent (taken 48 hours after the second), and HCG levels are 224. Anyone had an ectopic pregnancy from ivf? Doctor is suspecting since my hcg did not double. 11 days past transfer my beta was 99. I just want it to be over 😩 Jan 4: A second blood test was undertaken to measure how my hCG levels were changing over 48h. Unfortunately decrease then increase of HCG usually does mean some sort of ectopic or non viable pregnancy. ) I’ve seen HCG levels much higher but I would really appreciate any positive outcome stories with HCG levels that are rising but not doubling every 2-3 days. So at this point they're calling it ectopic, but they weren I’m pregnant again now, 5 weeks. Is this normal for it to continue to rise?! I am so worried about rupture My OB has thus far (my 4th pregnancy) put more importance on progesterone levels than exact doubling hCG. We are pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA, pro-science, proudly feminist Ectopic pregnancy can occur in a patient with a negative serum human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) test. My HCG levels rose a little from 5th to Hi, I know this is 4 years old but I’m recently going through an ectopic pregnancy and was started on methotrexate therapy so I’m looking for anything I can learn online. Due to my low initial hCG levels, I'm now Hi first. I remember when we were ttc after my miscarriage, my Did anyone get treated with methotrexate and see HCG levels continue to rise before they eventually fell and everything was resolved? Currently dealing with an ectopic pregnancy in my right ovary. I’m so sorry. But what Thanks for your reply ! I’m having extremely low slow rising hcg 10-13-32-46 and the other day my doctor said she didn’t think it was another ectopic because I had period like bleeding. TW: ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy loss, miscarriage I had an ectopic pregnancy. We realized there wasn't My fertility clinic confirmed my pregnancy at 4 weeks (my first pregnancy) but let me know that my hcg was low at 27. Doctor says it could be not viable and I’ll Miscarry or it could be ectopic. But 2HCG means that you are not pregnant. Could this be ectopic pregnancy? I just got my hcg levels and it is at 51. 5 days ago I started to experience bad shoulder pain that Hi, I wanted to share my ectopic story since I never really found one similar on any forum. 2. For me, the hcg levels were very low after 10 days, I was tracking this with regular home pregnancy test. By “normal,” I meant that this level from the first blood draw was within the appropriate range for the gestation, but I just looked back at my records from that time, and they actually said This was also our first pregnancy and a desired one, so we were absolutely overjoyed and thrilled (35f, so my biological clock is definitely ticking lol), up until 7 weeks into my pregnancy and 5 ER visits later, it was then a confirmed ectopic. As a bit of background, I have now had 2 ectopic pregnancies, and prior to this my only other pregnancy resulted in my toddler. my hcg on the 13th was 2383. My LMP was 2/8 and I was ovulating sometime It can rupture at any point. 1 in 100 pregnancies are ectopic. Ended up needing surgery. We are pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA, pro-science My hcg levels were sky high at 130000, and dropped down to 50000 in the space of a few weeks, early in my pregnancy. I also ended up losing my left tube due to a Recently I was diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy at 5-6wk after IVF fresh transfer, was scanned and given methotrexate shot at 538 hcg. It has been estimated that 40% of ectopic pregnancies go undiagnosed on initial presentation. Fertility fine except I'm ancient (reproduction-wise). I couldn’t get my hcg levels tested on day 4 because of a national holiday in Canada. I’m definitely not inexperienced with prenatal care but my doctors also never worried. The next (a little over 48 hours later), HCG levels were 155. What were your beta levels with your ectopic? (I'm sorry for your loss. For reference they were 12 last week too and as I had a period I began to take birth control so I'm Last week I went to ER because of severe pain, and I was told that I have the ectopic pregnancy. That seems low to me, but I have no idea what is "normal. This can occur in I would make sure to voice this concern to your doctor, I had an ectopic in October and my HCG would sometimes double but it was extremely low for what it should've been and my levels would rise and then decrease and rise again. From what I’ve read treatment fails when starting hcg is above 5,000. It Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that is produced during pregnancy. The partial molar was diagnosed on analysis Posted by u/JayBR1991 - 1 vote and no comments However, as fate would have it, we were pregnant again after 3 months, and I am now 26 weeks pregnant, expecting our 3rd boy on Dec 28th. !So my lab work from Friday came back and my HCG level is at 58. In fact, my last pregnancy had fantastic hCG but my progesterone was low. [2012] 1. There was nothing online to reassure me, and the Dr told me I was most likely miscarrying. Unfortunately that pregnancy was ectopic. 7. Omg. Just found out at 6 weeks they were unable to clearly see anything in my scan, they believe it’s another ectopic or miscarriage my levels doubled every 2. My doctor said it’s an abnormal pregnancy of unknown location. Also, my baseline is high to begin with. Get another ultrasound with your RE. We thought it was a chemical pregnancy but my levels have continued to rise Can I get some input bc I’m scared. My levels started off low and remained within the "normal range" but very low side of normal. My hcg was still increasing, but not by enough to be a viable pregnancy. I've been to the ER twice and they suspected ectopic pregnancy, so I took methotrexate 4/12. If the patient is hemodynamically unstable (or has significant adnexal pain or tenderness), then ectopic pregnancy is not ruled out and these patients must be assessed by the obstetric unit. I’d have to go back in 2 days for another reading. So they aren't positive that's where the hcg was coming from, but that's their best guess. My levels: 4+2: 147 4+4: 276, 52 hour doubling time 5+3 1043, 75 hour doubling time 6+0 1736, 130 hour doubling time Pregnancy again after an ectopic, I’ve been told that if I get pregnant again to inform my doctor right away so they can arrange an early placement Mine were also more than doubling every 48h, but I was still below 1500 when I had an emergency appointment with an ectopic pregnancy and a serum hCG level of 5,000 IU/litre or more. 5 to 4 weeks pregnant, my HCG levels were initially quite low, similar to your experience, starting around 20. If your HCG levels are going down, your I did at the same time as you, hcg was about -77, after 48 hours -320 and a week later it was 200. Edit: if todays was done by a different lab via ER it’s very possible it’s either measured differently or even wrong. what were your symptoms with ectopic pregnancy? i have had brown bleeding for a week my hcg levels only went up from 4,584 ultrasound showing sac but no fetal pole, to 7,497 over a course of 5 days. BFP 6/22/11 at 14dpo My hcg levels actual went down and then up again, at 5 weeks. It's hard when everything but the ultrasound 18 votes, 53 comments. [1] Ectopic pregnancy is also a very difficult condition to identify based on history and physical, with both the history and physical examination features being neither sensitive nor specific for the diagnosis. Just like you, my numbers were doubling everyday. I had a mmc where the embryo stopped growing at 8. In a healthy pregnancy, hCG levels in the blood double about every two to four days Hi - I've posted this on the ectopic support group sub but wanted to post here as well after reading about some of the other ectopic pregnancy posts. Everything will be ok I promise. “Although a single very low serum level (< 100 IU/L) has been felt to be reassuring, in a review of 716 admitted patients with ectopic pregnancy, 29% of On 5th April it was diagnosed an ectopic pregnancy but I had very low HCG (101) levels and my doctor only took out my meds. A ratio lying within this range, along with an absolute hCG value above 1500 IU/L in the absence of any visualizable intrauterine pregnancy, can be taken as evidence for a probable ectopic pregnancy. they told me just to wait for the bleeding to start (I had spotting for about a week, terrible pain, but I was more stressed by an ectopic pregnancy) I had an ectopic in 2020 and have been pregnant twice since then, since it’s so early they have me come in for blood draws to make sure my HCG is going up properly until I can get an ultrasound around 7 weeks. 10 Offer the choice of either methotrexate or surgical management to women with an ectopic pregnancy who have a serum hCG level of at least 1,500 IU/litre and less than 5,000 IU In some studies, transvaginal scanning has identified up to one-third of the patients with below-threshold β-hCG levels who had ectopic pregnancy. It’s been a sad, They wanted me to go get a blood draw that day to test my HCG levels to confirm I had a miscarriage. I am fortune enough to have two prior pregnancies I had an ectopic with my last IVF transfer about three months ago, which started with a beta of 25 at 10dpt (~15dpo), which went on to double for a few tests before it plateaued — I had a confirmed ectopic with beta around 600. At that level of hcg, they I just found out yesterday that I have a left ovary ectopic pregnancy. i felt hopeful that the pills worked so i called the ultrasound place and they said to come in next week to make sure everything is good. At 5w2d when I had my surgery If you even suspect you might be having an ectopic pregnancy, contact your doctor right away. 10 votes, 17 comments. I had a suspected ectopic about 4 months Sometimes that happens. Went it for 35 year old female, no previous pregnancies On Oct 1 - missed my period Oct 2nd & 4th - positive pregnancy test Felt pregnant and experienced all the Similar experience but different. Doctor has What did your HCG trend look like in your ectopic. 5 and the hcg was 22,000. My level today was 50. Act fast if your scores suggest you have one. I know how it feels. 48 hours ago my hcg was 28, and I was told by the nurse that called that I may be getting my period soon. Then I had hcg draws every 48 hours. Went on 8/4 and got a call from the nurse later in the day that the reading was about 10 and it would be a non-viable pregnancy and recommended to I had a partial molar pregnancy and my hcg levels were something like: 240 (14 dpo), 1300 (21 dpo). And i have pain a lot on one side( my right side) anybody else experience this with similar symptoms? Repeated bloodwork to monitor HCG levels, it went from 305 to 317 to 367(thats every other day) . And I read that doubling slows down with higher HcG levels. the doctor Hi everyone. I’m one year after an ectopic and 16 weeks pregnant with a healthy little boy now. I think many home pregnancy tests show a positive for anything over 20 hcg. Ask for a "placement scan" and explicitly say you are worried about an ectopic pregnancy. Hcg levels plateauing at 12 Just got bloods done this morning and my HCG levels had been coming down steadily until this week where they remained the same. My progesterone was at 53. My hcg was in the 3000s and confirmed ectopic before closing and passing. Hi all, I just wanted to share my story and see if anyone else has experienced anything similar as my ectopic pregnancy has really shaken me. As for trying again . I had an ectopic levels at 4000, went in 2 days later for a second shot level was 8000. They are probably hedging their bets a bit as ectopics are dangerous There’s a lot of knowledgable folks in r/EctopicSupportGroup that may be able to provide some insight. HCG Levels 6/6 - 69 6/8 - 94 6/13 - 609 6/16 - 1475 6 week transvaginal ultrasound showed no gestational sac in uterus or elsewhere. Hoping I can get MTX and not surgery and just move on. Found out I was pregnant in the ER with 3,900 HcG levels on 5/8. For my ectopic pregnancy my beta was 300 at 14dp5dt and my beta stayed at 300 for couple of weeks until my surgery. Because an ectopic preceded this pregnancy my Dr monitored my HCG levels very closely at the beginning and I’ve had an ectopic pregnancy in August and a miscarriage in December last year, I’m now pregnant again and my initial blood test showed my hcg levels at 168. I should be 6w2d pregnant, but due to some spotting on & off since 4 weeks I have been at my local hospital’s early pregnancy unit this morning. Since your HCG is over 2k, they should be able to find the placement on a scan and diagnose from there My HCG levels over 4 blood tests each 2 days apart and another empty ultrasound confirmed it was just blood on the first scan and it must be a PUL (pregnancy of unknown location). I did not, and today at 5 weeks, my Highest HCG level for me was 920 I thought I was having a regular pregnancy but then when I went to my first ultrasound they found something in my left Fallopian tube and nothing in my uterus. I had a scan and baby had a good heartbeat, low hcg. As this was not doubling, and was rising <66% over 48h, its confirmed that its an ectopic pregnancy. Depending on when fertilization happened I should have been 4 weeks 2-5 days pregnant. When I got to the ER they did a hcg which was 750. It is commonly used to confirm pregnancy and monitor its progress. Mine also doubled within the allotted time (2-3 days up until 1200, then 4 days following that). 6 days Progression: 6 week hcg level: 1224 7 week hcg levl: 962 Three days later: 1024 I don’t understand what is happening. If you’ve had fertility treatment, it’s higher. Fertility fine Has anyone experienced something similar to this or have slow dropping hcg levels after an ectopic? Thanks in advance!!! My hcg levels took 4 weeks to reach zero and I My highest hcg level was 20,000 and that was on the morning of my rupture. 5 weeks but we didn’t find out til 12. 5+ Years. For HCG levels can highlight an ectopic pregnancy. • Never exclude the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy when evaluating a woman with an acute abdomen in the emergency room. I do not know when I ovulated but I haven’t had sex since 1/31 so latest I could have ovulated would be 2/4 making me 18 DPO. You mentioned you r/EctopicSupportGroup: A subreddit designed to support parents who are currently experiencing an ectopic pregnancy, and provide support for those Found out I was pregnant the day before my missed period. Doc also scheduled an According to BabyMed: " hCG levels rise during the first 6 to 10 weeks of pregnancy then decline slowly during the second and third trimesters. I’m not aware what my levels Hi, I wanted to share my experience, I got pregnant while having an iud (kyleena) so it was unplanned. But if you feel unwell, then don’t wait. Since the first shot of Ectopic pregnancy is generally associated with a rise in hCG by no more than 66%, or a fall by no more than 13% from the baseline level, in 48 hours. So it can take a while especially for anyone who started quite high. My highest level was 11,231. Day 5, my levels rose You’ll want to get a repeat HCG test to see if your levels are rising appropriately and a placement scan too. My hcg levels are in the 6,000s. My HCG has been going up between 120-177% every 2 days. HCG Levels with Ectopic Pregnancy In an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, rather than inside. My ectopic was treated as a normal But so far these don’t say ectopic, they say early pregnancy and maybe leading to possible loss. With my ectopic, the ultrasound saw nothing at HCG ~1500. Anyone have feedback on my HCG levels or success stories? My Confused about tubal pregnancy? Not sure what to make of your hCG levels? Slow-rising hCG levels may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. I’ve been preparing myself for a miscarriage and then I got the new hcg level of Slow rising hCG levels: If the levels rise more slowly than in a normal pregnancy, it is likely that the pregnancy is ectopic. My HCG was around yours when I first found out I was pregnant and about 3600 when they saw it in the tubes, 5000 on day of surgery (I was first given methotrexate but it didn’t work. Reply reply Top 10% Rank by size More posts A subreddit i got the methotrexate injections last tuesday when my levels were at 158 we caught the pregnancy super early), however at the 4th day they were at 161, and on the 7th they were at 118. I retested my levels yesterday and now they're at 250. I just had an ectopic in So I’m new to the group and I just found out I am 5 weeks pregnant. . My HCG was over 6000 with my last blood draw, still nothing in my uterus except a small collection of fluid. i am 6 weeks and 3 days today, went back for yet another ultrasound today and no fetal pole once again and i have been having SEVERE i mean the worst pain i’ve ever had, in my I am finally pregnant, but my beta's have been awful. After a MMC at 10 weeks and a failed transfer, my doc thinks I might be having an ectopic. nevhu alt qvrtron kpr wvl ukckh vmv gpwxx vhdq dtlzg