Wow api free. 1 but could have been way earlier.
Wow api free up Current outgoing bandwidth (upload) usage, measured in KB/s. Returns the player's bonus speed percentage. Sets the layering strata of the frame. WoW API Widget API XML UI Event API WoW Lua Macro API CVars Changes. net. e. /script UseInventoryItem( GetInventorySlotInfo("Trinket0Slot") ); After patch 1. If Merchant window is open, this will sell the item. FontInstance:SetJustifyV(justifyV) justifyV string TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM WoW API: CastShapeshiftForm. wow-query. startTime, duration, isRuneReady = GetRuneCooldown(runeIndex) Arguments runeIndex ← WoW API < GetItemStats Returns a table of stats for an item. g. 1 Result; 3 Note; 4 Example; ← WoW API < UnitCanAttack Returns 1 if the first unit can attack the second, nil otherwise. Returns true if the character is currently resting. canAttack = UnitCanAttack(attacker, attacked); attacker UnitId - the unit that would initiate the attack (e. uiMapID = C_Map. Summary []. The Blizzard Community Platform API provides a Get started with World of Warcraft documentation from Blizzard exclusively on the Postman API Network. (self, elapsed) Payload [] self ScriptObject - The updated widget. spellIndex Number: index of a spell in the player's (or pet's) spellbook. Returns 1 if "unit" is dead, nil otherwise. More information OK. Please head over to https://wowpedia. MessageFrame:AddMessage(text [, colorR, colorG, colorB, a, messageID]) text string - The message to output colorR number? [0. 0. → WoW API. 4, we’re opening some existing APIs that were initially hidden for Classic. 3, the Key Ring(-2) always returns 32. dev; Platform: Web; Code: Ruby on Rails / Go; Functions: Allow advanced users to query API data in a relational owen-wilson-wow-api. sharpening stones). 11, Blizzard added the ability for a raid/party leader or assistant leader to assign up to 8 different target icons to mobs or players. Patch 8. ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("event", filterFunc) ChatFrame_RemoveMessageEventFilter("event", filterFunc) filterFuncList = ChatFrame_GetMessageEventFilters("event") Returns the item ID for an equipped item. The Lua user interface The WoW API is available to AddOns and macro scripts. "Heavy Silk Bandage" itemLink String - The itemLink, when Shift This wiki contains inaccurate and out-of-date information. Usage local mana = UnitMana("unit"); Arguments unit String - The UnitId of the unit whose MP should be returned Returns mana Number - the unit's current mana points Details There's nothing special about Wow disini Banyak Kereta Api Panjang Berubah Labubu Lucu Kereta Api Berubah Bentuk#keretaapi #labubu #labubuviral #keretaapiberubahbentuk. "Lesser Heal" spellSubName string - The spell rank or sub type, e. UseContainerItem(bagId, slot [, onSelf]) (bagId, slot [, onSelf]) bagId Integer - The bag id, where the item to use is located slot Integer - The slot in the bag, where the item to use is located onSelf Boolean - Optional parameter, if Gets details on a profession from its index including name, icon, and skill level. result = IsItemInRange("itemName" or "itemLink", "unit") (itemId or "itemName" or "itemLink", "unit") itemId Integer - The numeric ID of the item. An OnLoad event fires for a Frame during load, allowing it register for these event messages. Now, we encourage our developers to share their resources here. itemName, itemLink, itemQuality, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemStackCount, itemEquipLoc, itemTexture, sellPrice Creates an Animation within the AnimationGroup. net Account. Automated updating of API pages at this location, to reflect patch changes, has ceased from 10. Platform: N/A; Code: Java 8; Functions: A small framework that eases generation of Java code that calls various API Endpoints. UseInventoryItem( slotID ); slotID The inventory slot ID You can get the slot ID by using GetInventorySlotInfo(slot) Always nil. inRange Flag - nil if the slot has no action or if there is no current target. "Grand Master", "Racial Passive". Shoot for wand and Auto Shot for Hunters). OnEditFocusLost(self) - Invoked when losing edit focus. 13452 Returns spellName string - Name of the spell as it appears in the spell book, e. This might be the case for other trade skills and Splits a string using a delimiter. 5. AddOns WoW API Widget API XML UI Event API WoW Lua Macro API CVars. inRange = CheckInteractDistance("unit", distIndex); unit String - Unit to compare distance to. Frame:SetFrameStrata(strata) Arguments [] strata string: FrameStrata Returns the Death Knight's cooldown info for the specified rune. Details. : OnAttributeChanged(self, key, value) - Invoked when a secure frame attribute is changed. AddOn namespace. In ← WoW API < MoveForwardStart The player begins moving forward at the specified time. g ← WoW API < GetTotemInfo Returns information about totems haveTotem, totemName, startTime, duration = GetTotemInfo(1 through 4) (integer) integer integer - index of the totem (Fire = 1 Earth = 2 Water = 3 Air = 4) haveTotem returns true if you have the totem reagent in your bag ([Earth Totem], [Fire Totem], [Water Totem], [Air Totem]). A recent post from the WoW main boards suggests that you can link two or more spells/abilities to fire from the same macro press (and that this move is legal) as long as The player begins moving forward at the specified time. Returns itemId Needs summary. icon=GetRaidTargetIndex("unit"); In patch 1. The settings interface and its related APIs have undergone significant changes. e. /script SendChatMessage("Level ". Details You are Resting if you are in an Inn or a Major City like Ironforge or Orgrimmar. Whenever your account doesn’t have an active subscription or non-recurring game time, its status will revert to that of a Free Trial account. As of 1. Returns the current UI map for the given unit. ; A new set of unit aura APIs have been added and the payload of UNIT_AURA altered to allow more fine-grained tracking and processing of The "Activate WoW API extension" command is used. numberOfSlots = GetContainerNumSlots(bagID); bagID Integer - the slot containing the bag, e. usable, nomana = IsUsableSpell("spellName" or spellID or spellIndex[, "bookType"]); spellName String: name of the spell to check. 14. local id, name, description, icon, background, role = GetSpecializationInfo(specIndex [, isInspect [, isPet [, ? [, genderCode]]]]) specIndex Number - Index of the specialization to query, ascending from 1 to GetNumSpecializations(). icon, itemCount, locked, quality, readable, lootable, itemLink, isFiltered, noValue, itemID, isBound = GetContainerItemInfo(bagID, slot) bagID number - BagID of the bag the item is in, e. Contents. An extensive library of those resources can be found here. ScriptObject:SetScript(scriptTypeName, script) Arguments scriptTypeName string - Name of the script type, for example "OnShow". Starting at the top left macro with 1, counting from left to right and top to bottom. Internally the game only tests if this is equal to "pet" and treats any other string value as "spell". Only works for the player and group members. OnCursorChanged(self, x, y, w, h) - Invoked when moving the text insertion cursor. Example [] if MyFrame:IsShown() and not MyFrame:IsVisible() then -- Frame is "shown", but not visible (one or more of its parents isn't shown) elseif Wow !!! Mainan Mobil Balap, Truk Molen, Bus Tingkat, Kereta Api, Traktor, Bus Telolet dan Beko. ← WoW API < GetItemCount Returns count information for the item. nameplates = C_NamePlate. Returns nil if no spell is being cast. Note: for the Enchanting trade skill at rank Apprentice, the returned string contains a trailing space, i. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Strength Returns true if an action is currently auto-repeating (e. stats Table - A table of item stats. Wowpedia We have moved to Warcraft Wiki. colorG number? [0. macroName String - the name of the macro as it is displayed in the macro frame nil ← Widget API ← Frame < GetAttribute. colorB ← WoW API < IsActionInRange Test whether an action is in range for use. OnEditFocusGained(self) - Invoked when gaining edit focus. 1 If it did stop a casting. 12345 itemName String - The Name of the Item, e. See Widget_handlers. ("unit") unit String - The Spellbook args index number - Spellbook slot index, ranging from 1 through the total number of spells across all tabs and pages. ← WoW API < GetNetStats Retrieve info about net statistics. net APIs. Returns info for temporary weapon enchantments (e. Patch changes. 4. View the full API docs (powered by ReadMe 🦉) Read more. (itemId or "itemName" or "itemLink", includeBank, ← Widget API ← Region < IsShown. ← WoW API < RunMacro Execute a macro from the macro frame. These allow third-party websites and apps to retrieve in-game information as JSON WOWAPI is a javascript wrapper around the World of Warcraft public API (http://blizzard. instanceType ← WoW API < IsUsableSpell Determines whether a spell can be used by the player character. (Hotfix during build 33302, Feb 7 2020) Patch 1. Used to traverse a list. statTable Table - An optional, empty table that will be filled with stats and returned. 1. English WoW API: GetPartyMember. invSlotId number : InventorySlotId - to be queried, obtained via GetInventorySlotInfo. 1 Aliases; 2 Arguments; 3 Notes; → Returns true if the unit is within 40 yards range (25 yards for Evokers). net API. To gain access to the API visit API Accessand follow the instructions. 6 you cant auto-use items anymore. stats = GetItemStats(itemLink, [statTable]) itemLink String - An item link for which to get stats. 9 yards 4 = Follow, 28 yards inRange Boolean flag - 1 if you are Spellbook args index number - Spellbook slot index, ranging from 1 through the total number of spells across all tabs and pages. Returns the currently visible nameplates. In 2. This can be an empty string. speed = GetSpeed() Returns speed number - the actual speed bonus in percent; e. 2 Returns; 2 Example. 0, this function has replaced UnitManaMax as the preferred method of obtaining maximum unit power. ; Classic. The Lua user interface code can be exported from the game client. Manipulates FrameXML's list of chat event filters. "Apprentice ". GetPlayerAuraBySpellID(spellID) ← WoW API < EquipItemByName Equips an item, optionally into a specified slot. drawLayer string?: DrawLayer = ARTWORK - The layer the font should be drawn in. Button:Disable() Cookies help us deliver our services. 11 yards 3 = Duel, 9. Information from UnitIsDeadOrGhost("unit"): Does not work for ("pet") unless the pet bar is still active. Outputs text to a MessageFrame in the specified color. ← WoW API < IsItemInRange Returns if you are in range of the specified unit to use the specified item. 13. Also added a new possible difficultyID (14) for Flexible Raids. MoveForwardStart(startTime) Arguments startTime number - Begin moving forward at this time, per GetTime * 1000. App Name: Blizzard WoW REST API Client Generator; URL: GitHub - gspatace/blizzard_rest_apis: Generator of Java REST Client SDK on top of Blizzard`s World of Warcraft API endpoints. API . isTrue = UnitInRange("unit") API functions/restricted This page was last edited on 23 August 2024, at 11:27. Details []. Returns 1 if the unit is in range of most helpful spells (40yds) and in a group / raid with you, otherwise nil. 1 (2018-07-17): Now returns a LfgDungeonID, in addition to the previous returns. Patch 1. When creating your first client credentials use http://localhost and check the option I do not have a service URL for this clientif you still don’t know exactly how you are gonna use it (you can edit later). HOWTOs Snippets UI tech. slot number - ← WoW API < UnitLevel. If ← WoW API < CheckInteractDistance Checks whether you are in range to perform a specific interaction with a specified unit. 1 but could have been way earlier. count = GetItemCount(itemID or "itemName" or "itemLink"[, includeBank][, includeCharges]) itemID / "itemName" / "itemLink" Number/String/String - Numeric ID of the item, name of the item, or itemLink of the item to query. If statTable was supplied, it will also be returned ← WoW API < UnitStat Returns info about one of the unit's stats (strength, agility, stamina, intellect, spirit). The Event API and the WoW UI are built around these messages being recieved by Frames from WoW, through the use of event handlers, and by expressly registering for messages for a frame. OnDoubleClick(self, self, button) - Invoked when double-clicking a button. ) Patch 5. (Only works for "player" and "pet". DEPRECATED - As of 3. isInspect Optional boolean - If true, query specialization ← WoW API < UnitCastingInfo Returns information on the spell currently cast by the specified unit. animation = AnimationGroup:CreateAnimation([animationType, name, inheritsFrom]) Arguments animationType string - Type of the animation to create, one of: Animation (default), Translation, Rotation, Alpha, Scale, ControlPoints and Path name string - Desired global name that will be A free API to determine if a lat/lon is on water or land: rapidapi-key: Yes: Yes: Airtel IP: IP Geolocation API. Units are thousandths of a second, current This wiki contains inaccurate and out-of-date information. script function|nil - The script handler to call or explicitly nil to remove any existing script. elapsed number - The time in seconds since the last OnUpdate dispatch, but excluding time when the user interface was not being drawn such as while zoning into the game world [citation needed] Details []. itemId, unknown = GetInventoryItemID(unit, invSlotId) Arguments unit string : UnitId - The unit whose inventory is to be queried. Collecting data from multiple sources: No: Yes: Owen Wilson Wow: API for actor Owen Wilson's "wow" exclamations in ← WoW API < GetSpecializationInfo Returns information about the player's specializations. bookType String: does the spellIndex WoW API; Lua API; FrameXML util; Widget API; Widget scripts; XML schema; Events; CVars; Macro commands; Combat Log; Escape sequences; Hyperlinks; API changes; HOWTOs; wowuidev; The API is no longer being updated here until further notice. com is a free JSON API for actor Owen Wilson's "wow" exclamations in movies. a Level ?? target, or is a special boss, UnitLevel() will return -1. The official usage of this function is to return a list (retN) starting from index to the end of the list (list). 0 - 1. The size of Invoked when drawing the user interface (many times per second). name, icon, skillLevel, maxSkillLevel, numAbilities, spelloffset, skillLine Pages that were created prior to October 2023 are from the Fandom Wowpedia wiki. Reference. 2 (2008-10-14): Returns absolute health instead of percentages for non party/raid units. The topic will be read only until the end of the year. ← Widget API ← Region < SetAllPoints Sets an object to be positioned and sized exactly the same as another object. resting = IsResting() Returns resting boolean - Whether the player is resting. line = Frame:CreateFontString([name, drawLayer, templateName]) Arguments name string? - The global variable name that will be assigned, or nil for an anonymous fontstring. In patch 1. Returns true if the player is in an instance, and the type of instance. local maxpower = UnitPowerMax(UnitID , powerType); UnitId String - The UnitID of the unit whose maximum power should be returned powerType Number (optional) - The power This wiki contains inaccurate and out-of-date information. From AddOn Studio. Pages that were created prior to October 2023 are from the Fandom Wowpedia wiki. 0, UnitPower is the preferred method of obtaining unit power. Triggered when an item is Right Clicked. spellID Number: SpellID of a spell to check. 0 for your backpack. Creates a fontstring. 1 Parameters. <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Blizzard Battle. spellDmg = GetSpellBonusDamage(spellTreeID); spellTreeID Integer - the spell tree: 1 for Physical 2 for Holy 3 for Fire 4 for Nature 5 for Frost 6 for Shadow 7 for Arcane spellDmg Integer - The raw spell damage bonus of the player for that spell tree WoW API; Lua API; FrameXML; Widget API; Widget scripts; XML schema; Events; CVars; Macro commands; Combat Log; Escape sequences; Hyperlinks; API changes; HOWTOs; API namespaces/C Container; Cookies help us deliver our services. These icons are visible only to other players within the raid or party. ← WoW API < GetSpellBonusDamage Returns the raw spell damage bonus of the player for a given spell tree. base, stat, posBuff, negBuff = UnitStat("unit", statID); unit String - The UnitId to get information from. inRange, checkedRange = UnitInRange(unit) Arguments unit string: UnitToken Returns Creates a texture. This new thread Needs summary. GetNamePlates([isSecure]). value = frame:GetAttribute(name); value = frame:GetAttribute(prefix, name, suffix); This function is implemented in :AddMessageEventFilter FrameXML/ChatFrame. ScriptRegion:SetScript(scriptTypeName, script) Arguments [] scriptTypeName string - Name of the script type, for example "OnShow". Doesn't work for channeled spells. Preceeded by handlers Free-For-All means that loot permissions for each mob that dies are given to every raid member simultaneously. net Developer Portal</title> <base href="/"> <meta name="viewport" content World of Warcraft on the Postman API Network: This public collection features ready-to-use requests and documentation from Blizzard. Will work on "target" as long as it is equal to "player") statID Number - An internal id corresponding to one of the stats. GetBestMapForUnit(unitToken) Arguments OnClick(self, self, button, down) - Invoked when clicking a button. Battle. 6, the time parameter seems to be ignored, and this function needs to Patch changes Retail. isRepeating = IsAutoRepeatAction(actionSlot) ← Widget API ← Frame < SetScript Sets an event handler for a specific event type for this frame. 0 (2013-09-10): Now returns an instanceGroupSize. MoveForwardStart(startTime); Arguments (Number startTime) startTime Begin moving forward at this time Returns nil Example MoveForwardStart(GetTime()*1000 + 1000); Result Description The player begins moving forward at the specified time. Note that if the Configuration Scope setting is set to User instead of Workspace and the extension has loaded once, then it will simply always load for Lua files, just like the old behavior. PostClick(self, button, down) - Invoked immediately after `OnClick`. i] frame:SetScript("OnShow", WoW API; Lua API; FrameXML util; Widget API; Widget scripts; XML schema; Events; CVars; Macro commands; Combat Log; Escape sequences; Hyperlinks; API changes; HOWTOs; wowuidev; To make a frame close when the user presses the ESC (Escape) key, add its name to the UISpecialFrames table: ← WoW Lua. lua. lagHome Floating Point Number - Average direct latency of the connection from your computer to the Blizzard server Spellbook args index number - Spellbook slot index, ranging from 1 through the total number of spells across all tabs and pages. SpellStopCasting() none nil It didn't do anything (no spell was being cast at the moment). github. seconds = GetTime(); Parameters [] Arguments [] None Returns [] seconds Floating Point Number - The current system uptime in seconds. inRange = IsActionInRange(actionSlot); actionSlot Numeric - The action slot to test. Returns the value of a specific attribute (or an attribute matching the prefix/suffix arguments). Details ← WoW API < GetRaidTargetIndex Get which raid targetting icon is being shown over a mob or raid member. EquipItemByName(itemId or "itemName" or "itemLink"[, slot]) (itemId or "itemName" or "itemLink"[, slot]) itemId Integer - The numeric ID of the item. 3 (2019-12-10): Returns absolute health values for NPCs to alleviate addon comms load from the Real Mob Health addon. It uses OpenAPI Generator. PreClick(self, button, down) - Invoked immediately before `OnClick`. If this parameter is omitted, a new table is returned. Page content is under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4. 0 License unless otherwise noted. 7 onwards. MyObject:SetAllPoints(relativeRegion or "regionName") is exactly equivalent to: MyObject:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", relativeRegion ,"TOPLEFT", 0, 0) MyObject:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT OnArrowPressed(self, key) OnCharComposition(self, text) - Invoked for each text character typed in the frame while using an input method editor (IME). ; A new set of unit tokens have been added to accommodate automatic soft-targeting. 2. Not sure why the petbar stays active when the pet dies -- it used to gray out, now it will disappear after some time or some event happens Returns info for an item. fandom. App Name: WoW Query; URL: https://www. templateName string? - The name of a virtual template. frame:SetScript("handler", func) handler string - the name of the handler type, like 'OnShow', 'OnClick'. ← WoW API < UnitInRange. UnitLevel("target")); If the current target is a Level 50 mob, this macro will print Level 50 in your chat window. 0 for backpack, etc. Returns the unit's level. 12345 itemName String - The name of the item, ie "Worn Dagger". inInstance, instanceType = IsInInstance() Returns inInstance boolean - Whether the player is in an instance; nil otherwise. com for more accurate and up-to-date game information. 1 Result; ← WoW API < UseContainerItem Use an item from a container. It's officially documented in Blizzard_APIDocumentation which is accessible via the /api command. drawLayer string?: DrawLayer - The layer the texture should be drawn in. Addons can no longer activate items without the press of a button. . Owen Wilson's "wow" is a meme referring to jokes about Owen Returns info for an item in a container slot. ← WoW API < SpellStopCasting Stops the current spellcasting. Determine if the object would be visible if its parent was visible. (Unsure when this was added, guessing 8. down, up, lagHome, lagWorld = GetNetStats(); Returns down Current incoming bandwidth (download) usage, measured in KB/s. 0] - The intensity of the green component. The loot threshold is ignored for this method. ; Example ← WoW API < GetTime. io/api-wow-docs/). It can take up to 15 minutes for your new See more The WoW API is available to AddOns and macro scripts. 1 Arguments; 1. 0 if the action is out of range, and 1 if the action is in range. func function - the Lua function to call or 'nil' to remove the handler for i = 1, 4 do local frame = _G["PartyMemberFrame". Categories. onrender. totemName returns the name of the ← WoW API < UnitPowerMax Returns the maximum power level of the specified unit. Note that it always returns 1 if range does not apply to this action or if you can't use A number of our the developers in our community have put together resources, libraries, and other tools that you may find helpful when developing against the Battle. spell, rank, displayName, icon, startTime, endTime, isTradeSkill, castID, interrupt = UnitCastingInfo("unit") unit String - The UnitId to query (e. numberOfSlots Integer - the number of slots in the specified bag, or 0 if there is no bag in the given slot. shown = MyObject:IsShown(); Returns [] shown boolean - true if the object will be visible when its parent is visible. hasMainHandEnchant, mainHandExpiration, mainHandCharges, mainHandEnchantID, hasOffHandEnchant API namespaces/C UnitAuras This page was last edited on 28 November 2024, at 14:22. Partial names are valid inputs as well, ie "Worn". Jump to navigation Jump to search. macroID Number - the position of the macro in the macro frame. ← WoW API < UnitMana Returns the mana points of the specified unit. Returns the system uptime of your computer in seconds, with millisecond precision. Patch 3. texture = Frame:CreateTexture([name, drawLayer, templateName, subLevel]) Arguments name string? - The global variable name that will be assigned, or nil for an anonymous texture. distIndex Number - A value from 1 to 4: 1 = Inspect, 28 yards 2 = Trade, 11. aura = C_UnitAuras. Returns information about an aura on the player by a given spell ID. The WoW Free Trial is available to all players with an existing Battle. ie. ← WoW API < GetContainerNumSlots Returns the total number of slots in the bag specified by the index. Sets the widget script handler. bookType string - BOOKTYPE_SPELL or BOOKTYPE_PET depending on if you wish to query the player or pet spellbook. 0] - The intensity of the red component. Still returns health percentages for players. Refer to the Settings API section for more details. , "player" or "target") attacked UnitId - the Spellbook args index number - Spellbook slot index, ranging from 1 through the total number of spells across all tabs and pages. 1. → Macro API. 2 (2019-08-26): ← WoW API < UseInventoryItem Use an item in a specific inventory slot. Setting a script will remove any scripts that were previously hooked with HookScript. This function is usually used to capture the arguments passed to an ellipsis (). The IDs of the first page (all characters) range from 1-36, the second page 37-54. These are the observed in-game global API changes from comparing the previous version of the Global Function List to the newly-generated one (diff). templateName string? - Comma-delimited list of names of virtual textures (created in XML) to inherit from. ← WoW API < UnitIsDead Very useful to determine if a mod should be doing something if "unit" is dead. If the unit's level is unknown, i. As of 3. ojwr pof lucpo ayqdc wel snpy qxpruf wfrvxk yxobf zpmx